
=== sm0rux_ is now known as sm0rux
Unit193bluesabre: New policy: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/dbnpolicy/policy.git/tree/policy/upgrading-checklist.rst#n4221:39
Unit193ochosi: Have you ever looked at GNOME's bugzilla without js?22:34
ochosino, should i..?22:34
Unit193Not if you want to read it at all.22:35
knomeprobably not22:35
Unit193https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/08/msg00007.html might be a better link for Sean.22:37
knomeeven if Unit193 is nagging about it, the xfce bugzilla is better :P22:37
Unit193Correct, it's weird but at least readable.22:37
Unit193knome: Think I only commented once?22:37
Unit193ochosi: Thanks again for monitoring and trying to get the GTK fix!22:38
knomeyour voice is nagging in my head :P22:38
Unit193knome: https://i.imgur.com/9Hlyftu.png22:38
knomei know22:39
knomealso not fun when logged in either22:39
Unit193Log in?  Nono, then people expect you to file bugs.22:39
knomeor create products22:40
Unit193...But actually, my success rate in Xfce bugs has been pretty amazing, actually.  I still like to discuss with someone first though, as per the norm.22:40
ochosiUnit193: no problem. i'm chatting with some of them at times anyway, so i'll try to get the fix in no matter what22:41
bluesabreEvening all23:11
bluesabreUnit193: thanks for the links23:12
Unit193He's alive!23:20
Unit193bluesabre: What's up?23:36
bluesabreUnit193: not much currently23:36
Unit193flocculant: BTW, if you want the desktop terminal back, you might be able to with development thunar.  I won't be picking that up soon because little faith in major thunar changes. :323:39

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