[04:07] good morning to all [04:36] Good midnight [05:12] Good midnite . Already - \o . [08:14] Good morning [08:16] hi lordievader - all well? [08:31] Doing allright here, looking into a disk usage issue. [08:32] How are you? [08:33] all quiet here, soon heading out to help my neighbors in the yard [08:35] Good weather to help in the yard? [08:36] not too bad, clouded but not raining :) [08:54] That is important ;) [09:43] Howdy folks [09:45] \o [09:46] o/ [09:48] BluesKaj: you familiar with amdgpu-pro? do we get involved at all, or point them to amd? [09:50] not really , the amdgpu mostly works afaik, but I have no idea about the pro version [10:59] !q [12:20] gonna avoid these poor guys with the hybrid gpus for a while, it's a frustrating can of worms to say the least [12:24] Jup [12:24] They can be awful. [12:24] * lordievader has one nowadays. [13:48] hybrid gpu....? [13:51] nicomachus, yeah optimus systems, intel for the low power load, nvidia for the higher graphics loads [13:51] that sounds like a headache. [16:40] good evening to all [16:41] so I set up apache on my rpi at home and bought a cheap ($0.88) domain. I can use github to update it, right? and just do git pulls or pushes or whatever to add content? [16:43] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/08/ubuntu-budgie-hardware-coming-soon [16:43] nicomachus: ducasse might know rpi stuff [16:44] nicomachus: not sure why your rpi bit is relevant? [16:44] nicomachus: are you asking if you can use github to indirectly host your website? [16:47] no it's hosted on the rpi, I was just wondering if I could use git to host relevant files and update the git repo to update the page. just to familiarize myself with git a bit more. [16:47] nicomachus: afaict, nothing's stopping you :) [16:47] nicomachus: i mean, updating your git repo, won't magically update your rpi's local copy [16:47] nicomachus: git is distributed, intentionally [16:47] nicomachus: you could do somes scripting, or possibly some sort of gitfs-ish thing to just remote mount your repo and poll it [16:57] nacc: I'll dig into it. I still don't know what I want to do as an end-goal here, but just kind of want to play around. I've never done much web design or hosting or anything so I should learn a thing or tow. [16:57] two* [16:58] nicomachus: seems like fun :) [16:58] nicomachus: i think what you want to look at, in the 'new world' is a rapid deployment model [16:58] nicomachus: that can re-image your raspi with whateveryou want, running your website from github (e.g. a fresh clone) [17:04] hi lotuspsychje :) been working today? [17:04] hey ducasse no it was my day off :p [17:05] beach day? ;) [17:05] ducasse: chillday and grocerys :p [17:06] ducasse: 1 day work then 5 days off vacation to beach :p [17:06] hey Bashing-om [17:07] \o [17:08] ducasse: and maybe good news, i applied for a new kitchen job and can do a test [17:08] lotuspsychje: What ? One month on and then one week off ? Come on LotusComputers :) [17:08] Bashing-om: lol! [17:08] ducasse: Hey hey . How goes all ? [17:08] Bashing-om: ive been working my *** off, a little sunshine for me haha? [17:08] :) [17:08] hey pauljw [17:09] lotuspsychje, how's it going? [17:09] great pauljw and you? [17:09] great here, too [17:09] Hail hail the gang is all here -- awaiting daftykins :) [17:10] hi Bashing-om and everyone... [17:21] Bashing-om: how are you and tinker? :) [17:24] ducasse: I be just a bit bushed . Pushing a lawn mower this morning has got the better of me temporarily . Tinker, she does not seem to be concerned . On the back porch in her pet me position :) [17:36] hey [17:36] hey lotuspsychje [17:36] sup how's it going? [17:36] chilling before tv :p [17:37] we going to theather soon for dark tower EriC^^ [17:37] cool [17:41] lotuspsychje: i'm going tomorrow, so keep quiet when you come back! ;) [17:41] lol [17:42] im going to guys [17:42] have a nice evening! [17:50] * daftykins raises an eyebrow [17:50] was i too late :P [17:54] \o daftykins [17:55] i've been on a seriously tiring excursion with the bike to the south coast cliffs! pics incoming :) [17:57] :) [17:59] hate to mention the dark tower reviews weren't encouraging :/ [18:00] i know, but i never expected much at all, having read the books and loved them [18:01] just njoy the movie :) [18:02] i generally find that if the reviews suck, i'll probably like the movie.. :) [18:11] Gone to town . Back in some bit . [18:12] here we are - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTJrtLeHUto [18:18] nice, love your island... [18:18] http://imgur.com/a/5vciM [18:18] few stills :> [18:20] :) [18:22] ah i forgot the second one once i'd scaled the cliffs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucSBPSAo3Ug [18:22] that one contains me speaking! [18:23] very pretty :) === JanC is now known as Guest23196 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [18:35] very nice daftykins, having an issue with sound playing thru my vm. gets confused sometimes when i've been playing from the host. [18:36] d'aww [18:36] why youtube in a guest? :) [18:36] oh, i got it, i just downloaded and played in the host... [18:36] \o/ [18:37] because i live in the guest os most of the time. it does just fine 99.9% of the time using shared folders. [19:35] * Bashing-om Back on duty :P [19:36] pauljw: do you not do anything on the host, then? [19:38] ok i glued all the videos together - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGQqyyXpyGc [19:46] daftykins, sorry t-storm took out sat... yeah, i still use the host, but if i'm running a vm i do most everything in it. they perform almost as well as the host w/4 cores and 8GB ram. [19:46] :> [19:49] i do play music from the host and stream it to my living room stereo. [19:55] ooh fancy, what do they use to connect? UPnP? [19:59] heh i just use the TV as a monitor and my pc as a htpc which is also connected to the audio system with TV and pvr ...all in one so to speak [20:02] well, time to close up ...later , take care [20:03] daftykins, bluetooth [20:03] PC to stereo o0 very new idea to me :> [20:05] well, you most likely have killer gaming speakers on your desktop, but my laptop live in the living room where there already is a stereo, so i pickeup up a belkin stereo b/t receiver that plugs into the aux input jack and the wall for power and it works wonderfully. [20:06] ah i see [20:06] so an external bridge, hmm [20:06] eww a friends wife messaged me over facebook, i've gone years without logging in and now have to :( [20:07] eww... i would refuse. :D [22:09] nacc: I think it was " 'do-release-upgrade to the latest snapshot' is nonsense." [22:09] that's really the only thing I can think of [22:32] tgm4883: right, I suppose it might be [22:32] tgm4883: I still think it's nonsense -- it doesn't take you to a "snapshot" :)