
Epx998nagios packages need an update, zesty still ships with nagios300:13
drabyeah, I keep compiling it from sources, altho I also keep trying to find an alternative, the web interface just drives me nuts01:35
draband the fact that after so long you still have to deal with a sucky json api isn't ideal (altho at least there's one finally)01:36
drabbut then it still seems to be the best of the pack... need to give icinga another shot01:36
BrazierCustomshttps://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/11    what is the reason I run into this? ubuntu 16.04, conjure-up 2.3-alpha103:16
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cpaelzernacc: they are in the done lane I'd think05:33
cpaelzernacc: arr pad, I promise I moved them 2 done one with comment being a merge still05:35
cpaelzerdoing again05:35
cpaelzergood mornign btw05:41
cpaelzernacc: I'm undecided and want some consensus on the question sync or merge05:53
cpaelzersince the merge is trivial I'll provide one, open a bug for discussion and will pass it to you in a few minutes05:53
cpaelzerlets discuss on that later today then with the Team05:54
cpaelzernacc: ok all sorted out - ready for review in https://trello.com/c/azsZdLmL06:17
cpaelzerTL;DR: a merge this cycle a sync next cycle as the change is now upstream06:17
lordievaderGood morning08:14
Slashmanhello, changing the value "/sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max" doesn't change the arc_size anymore on ubuntu xenial with zfs, how can I change the max arc_size?09:58
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smoserrbasak, i'm sure you've thought of this..13:46
smoserwith the git-ubuntu stuff.13:46
smoserwhen we have a delta, should we update the Vcs-Browser and Vcs-git fields in debian/control13:47
smoserthen 'debcheckout' will just work, which is quite nice.13:47
smoseri guess we could also then either13:47
smosera.) modify debcheckout to use 'git ubuntu clone'13:48
smoserb.) modify debcheckout to do a git ubuntu clone in the absense of a Vcs tag13:48
necrophcodrIs it possible to have a unprivileged container system on Ubuntu?14:51
necrophcodrOr rather just a chroot really14:51
necrophcodrsomething like proot, but working14:51
necrophcodrproot doesn't work very well for some situations, for some reason i haven't diagnosed yet14:51
tewardoops i broke my internet today xD15:23
dpb1teward: still available to chair the meeting this week?15:24
tewarddpb1: yeah15:25
dpb1teward: OK, I'll let you do it, and will move you to the front of the list15:25
dpb1teward: thanks. :)15:25
tewardfirst time charing heh15:25
tewardit's not hard though :p15:25
dpb1teward: we'll be there to help15:25
tewardnacc: is there a new update I missed?15:25
tewardnacc: 1.12.1-0ubuntu2 is already in Artful, that's latest stable + merges from Debian15:25
tewardso that's 'done'15:25
necrophcodrturns out that bubblewrap does what i want, i'll give it a few spins15:26
naccteward: debian has 1.13.3-115:26
tewardnacc: they're tracking Mainline15:26
tewardwe're tracking Stable15:26
naccteward: ok, i was going off rbasak's script15:26
tewarddo we *want* to track Mainline which is under active development?15:26
naccteward: which is just looking at what's different between ubuntu & debian15:26
tewardnacc: when B-series opens I'll switch to Mainline.15:26
naccteward: sounds good15:26
tewardbecause then right after B-series or right before B-series release we'll get in the updated Stable15:27
tewardlike we did for 16.0415:27
teward(1.14.x releases at about the same time we release B series)15:27
tewarddpb1: got a handy link to the previous meeting notes?15:27
tewardor did we update this already on the main agenda page15:27
dpb1teward: start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting15:27
tewardgot it, thanks15:28
dpb1teward: basically, we converted it to cut-and-paste, so it should be easier15:30
tewardeven better :D15:30
teward*yawns* I need coffee, back in a minute15:30
teward30minutes to go to the meeting right?15:30
naccteward: yep15:34
dpb1teward: the hardest part is the sending out of notes after, but it should all be in that page, and it's really just taking 5-10 minutes to follow it15:36
tewardnacc: FWIW and I should probably document this. I track NGINX Stable up until the opening of the next LTS for development.  Then I switch to Mainline, with the goal of a right-before-release or just-after-release update to the latest Stable which is pretty much a verion-string-only change update.15:36
tewardwe have precedent for this in 16.0415:36
naccteward: yep, that's fine -- i just wanted to "be sure" so i can take it off our list15:37
tewardnacc: yep, no problem.  Still sticking to the 'old school' methods for nginx, but it works for now so :P15:37
tewardmerges are hard when Debian tracks one version and we track another xD15:37
teward(Mainline also introduces evils like new features under active development, I'm not a fan of that so...)15:37
naccteward: +1 thanks15:38
teward(Mainline users can use the PPA if they want the latest stuff heh)15:38
tewardwell i didn't find coffee...15:38
tewardbut I found mountain dew.15:38
tewardjust as decent :P15:38
tewardnacc: better than the sludge that campus sells...15:39
tewardit's literally undrinkable that stuff15:40
tewardi'd rather not die from sludge-coffee thanks.15:40
geniimmm sludge-coffee15:40
naccteward: which school are you at again? and yeah, i'd be leave it, regardless of the school :)15:41
tewardnacc: Penn State Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA.15:41
tewardbut only for this one last semester15:41
tewardthen I graduate and have a full-time job lined up.15:41
tewardyay for employment15:41
naccteward: nice!15:41
teward15 minutes to meeting15:45
dpb15m " " "15:55
teward^ that15:56
tewardthanks dpb115:56
teward2 minutes.15:58
tewardthough i might give an extra minute for people to show up :p15:58
dpb1wise choice16:00
dpb1teward: if you need any help on post-meeting tasks, just ask16:38
naccrbasak: i'm tasking you with following up on https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/samba/+git/samba/+merge/32607316:38
naccrbasak: specifically what to do with an indepenently sponsored change16:39
dpb1nacc: what does "independently sponsored change" mean? (the term)16:40
naccdpb1: not using our git workflow16:41
naccdpb1: it was sponsored by debdiff outside of git16:41
naccdpb1: so it's already been uploaded16:41
naccdpb1: it goes down to the semantics of the upload tags16:41
dpb1so, the importer would just suck in a new one after it hits LP16:41
naccdo they represent the act of uploading/sponsoring? or do they represent any history any developer provides16:42
naccthe latter is risky because it means no hash stability16:42
naccwe're in an in-between state right now, though, where we haven't declared hash stability :)16:42
naccwell not 'no'16:42
dpb1til there is an mmm in channel16:42
naccjust less easily assured16:42
naccand i'd like rbasak to help remind me what we decided to do, because i can't recall16:43
* dpb1 nods16:43
nacceventually, we won't tag things like this16:43
naccbut i don't want to lose this particular history, if we decided to keep it16:43
naccbut i also don't want it in the active reviews, because .. it's not :)16:44
tewarddpb1: I think I'm good, just completed them while my computer finishes kernel updates :P16:47
tewardthanks though :)16:48
tewardand thank you guys for letting me chair :)16:48
dpb1teward: thx for being willing.  see you there in.... 2 months maybe? :)16:57
tewarddpb1: heh sounds good :P17:16
Epx998ps doesnt give a start in epoc for a proc does it18:02
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ahasenacknacc: question if you have a moment. libpam-ldap has been carrying a delta for about 10 years where it removed "etc/" from debian/libpam-ldap.dirs18:39
ahasenackwith no furhter explanation18:39
ahasenackI presume it's because that directory is always present on a system why it was removed18:40
ahasenackthat file is for dh_installdirs, right?18:41
fgintherHello, does anyone here know much about RDMA, specifically what one would look for on a system to know if it was available?18:52
sarnoldfginther: rdma over ethernet or infiniband?18:53
fginthersarnold, let's say infiniband18:54
fginthermight need to know both, but I'll start with infiniband18:54
sarnoldfginther: I believe what you're looking for is svcrdma -- https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfs-rdma.txt has some pointers18:55
fginthersarnold, thanks, I'll give that a read through18:57
sarnoldfginther: that may or may not be specific to rdma for nfs; I never found out if samba does the windows-compatible rdma with SMB or not..18:57
sarnoldthere's a chance VERBS-native applications don't need to do anything special; I never made it very far down that path18:57
ahasenackah, that's build time (wrt my .dirs question)18:57
fginthersarnold, I'll see where this gets me18:58
hehehefor some weird reason I can connect to github via port 44320:50
hehehefirewall does not block it20:50
hehehenothing in syslog20:50
hehehewhat can it be?20:50
* hehehe gets out a sleeping bag and a tent20:53
dpb1hehehe: why is it weird to connect to github20:56
* dpb1 is afraid to ask20:56
hehehesorry * cant20:56
hehehefor some reason it seems I cant connect to any sites on port 443 from the box20:56
heheheprobabaly firewall20:57
heheheoccam razor20:57
heheheI am acting too fast21:00
hehehefor my comprehension skills21:00
hehehewhat you been upto db1?21:01
heheheis there a channel where people talk about what kind of new open source projects could be done?21:02
dpb1interesting question, I'm not sure. :)21:03
dpb1sounds like reddit futurology21:03
dpb1I've been ok, how about you hehehe21:03
hehehehad wild chat21:04
heheheand eat pizza21:04
dpb1sounds like a complete day21:05
hehehenow I also plan to see what happen to my server21:11
heheheI think I better off loging my commands21:11
hehehesometimes when i am sleepy and in a rush21:11
heheheit can get messy21:11
hehehei set nginx to auto redirect all requests to http - however when installing new version of app - I get info will be sent over insecure connection and then I am stuck on step 121:14
hehehemaybe setup tries to reach http server and if there are none fails>21:14
BrazierCustomshttps://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/11    what is the reason I run into this? ubuntu 16.04, conjure-up 2.3-alpha1  I always feel like its my fault that I have missed something but I cant figure it out.21:18
stokachuBrazierCustoms: usually indicates there are some issues with the networking setup in openstack21:19
BrazierCustoms@stokachu I noticed the ntp service says waiting in juju status21:20
stokachubehind a firewall?21:21
BrazierCustomson the physical machine?21:22
BrazierCustomsall the virtual is conjure-up default. localhost install21:23
stokachuBrazierCustoms: so you can `juju ssh nova-cloud-controller/0` and `source novarc` and start looking around the neutron items21:25
stokachuBrazierCustoms: you can double check things like `neutron net-show ext-net`21:25
stokachuor `neutron subnet-show ext-subnet` make sure all that lines up with your network setup21:25
stokachuBrazierCustoms: there is a potential problem where the second network bridge doesn't line up with `neutron subnet-show ubuntu-subnet`21:26
BrazierCustoms@stokachu ok, i'll look into it. I gotta run right now but I will leave this running. anything that helps, I so want to get this running but I keep hitting problems :(21:27
BrazierCustomsill be bACK in a few hours21:27
stokachuBrazierCustoms: i should be online tonight, just ping me21:27
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ahasenack  * Update Build-Depends to use libssl1.0-dev and21:37
ahasenack    default-libmysqlclient-dev.  (Closes: #846569, #836312)21:37
ahasenackdo we have a default-libmysqlclient-dev package? I can't seem to find it21:38
heheheahasenack: any idea about my issue .. lol21:38
hehehehere is a relevant code https://github.com/opencart/opencart/blob/
heheheseems like it should work over https21:38
ahasenackhehehe: sorry, no php foo lives in me21:39
hehehewhich language do you use?21:40
nacc!info default-libmysqlclient-dev artful21:41
ubottudefault-libmysqlclient-dev (source: mysql-defaults): MySQL database development files (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 3 kB, installed size 9 kB21:41
naccahasenack: --^21:41
naccahasenack: how did you search for it? i see it in apt (on artful) and rmadison21:41
ahasenacknacc: apt-cache, but on xenial21:41
naccahasenack: right, only exists in 17.04 and on21:42
ahasenacknacc: I found this construct in another package that build-depends on mysql:21:42
ahasenack               default-libmysqlclient-dev | libmysqlclient-dev,21:42
naccahasenack: you have chdist set up?21:42
naccahasenack: right, presumably for backwards-compatibility21:42
ahasenackok, we don't need a delta for this then21:42
ahasenackI'll look chdist up21:42
ahasenackrmadison would have been my follow-up attempt21:42
naccahasenack: it's a way to have multiple apt repos setup by distro/pocket21:42
heheheahasenack:  thing is it worked before lol21:43
hehehedifferent version of an app21:43
rbasaknacc: I think there's always going to be a race between upload tags and getting the importer to adopt them. Until we can supersede dput.22:11
rbasaknacc: so I think it's an acceptable state of affairs for an upload tag to be present even if the importer missed it.22:11
rbasaknacc: to get hash stability, we need the original publications, plus a yay/nay against every upload tag as to whether it was originally included. I think that's OK.22:11
naccrbasak: right, but i don't think we had decided how to implement that part22:32
naccthe yay/nay per upload tag22:32
naccrbasak: so i still leave it up to you to deal with that MP :)22:32
rbasaknacc: ack22:58
naccrbasak: presumably with a choice of tag it or not, and then a bug filed for how to deal with the yay/nay for 1.0 :)23:00
BrazierCustoms@stokachu are you're in NC? think I saw that somewhere..  I am. Winston-Salem..23:26
stokachuBrazierCustoms: yea im in nc23:26
BrazierCustomswhat area?23:27
stokachuim in rolesville23:27
BrazierCustomsoh ok. near raliegh. bout 2.25 hours from me.23:29
stokachuyea, not to far :)23:29
BrazierCustoms@stokachu ubuntu@juju-80a452-12:~$ neutron net-show ext-net23:33
BrazierCustomsAn auth plugin is required to fetch a token23:33
stokachuBrazierCustoms: did you `source novarc` first?23:33
BrazierCustoms@stokachu sorry, missed that one23:34
naccrbasak: whew, i think i finally have the code in a place that is functionally equivalent to master :)23:36
BrazierCustoms@stokachu sorry I'm also on vacation at myrtle beach and things are slow here23:40
BrazierCustoms@stokachu neutron net-show ext-net | pastebinit23:42
BrazierCustoms@stokachu  neutron subnet-show ubuntu-subnet | pastebinit23:43
stokachuBrazierCustoms: whats lxc network list on the host show?23:47
stokachuwhere you ran conjure-up23:47
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BrazierCustomsstokachu error: unknown command: network23:48
stokachuah right23:49
stokachuconjure-up.lxc network list23:49
BrazierCustomsi was about to ask lol23:49
stokachuactually fixing that this week23:49
BrazierCustomsgood :)23:49
stokachuit's caused more harm than good23:49
stokachubrb about 10 minutes23:50
BrazierCustomswell I understood that. I'm having probs with everything else :P23:50
=== hehehe is now known as princeking
BrazierCustomsconjure-up.lxc network list | pastebinit23:51
BrazierCustomsstokachu ^^23:52

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