
drkokandyi want to stab my quasselcore 20:34
Unit193Hah, I thought you were on ZNC.  Why's that?20:54
dzhoall software sucks20:58
drkokandyi'm on both22:26
drkokandyI have Quassel core running in a docker container, and I couldn't access the container. I tried restarting the container, then destroyingg & rebuilding the container, then restarting docker, and finally restarting the host system, finally the last step made it work22:28
Unit193Sounds like fun!  I tried Quassel for a little, not as something to switch to but to get a feel for it.  Not the best client, but once you add the client/core aspect it certainly gets a few points.  I actually have ZNC setup, but again not for me, for someone else.  I've never actually used ZNC though, I'm quite happy with Irssi.22:34
drkokandyI tried Wechat, irssi, and ZNC each alone but in the end I missed some of the Quassel features so I decided to go back to what I had back then, except in a container22:40
Unit193Scripts, aliases, it being a terminal application, etc are selling points.  I'd hate to be an op with Quassel. :322:42

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