[00:07] bluesabre: It's really not much, but someone was interested in taking up the hamster plugins in Debian so I asked about the xfce plugin. He wasn't didn't know about it so I linked the git repo in case he wanted it (and since I'm the only one to commit, gave full permission to remove me/change license and everything.) [00:08] Alrighty, that seems reasonable to me [00:10] I know we're not interested in it, but hey it's Xfce! [00:10] Seems no movement on sn-plugin though, which is quite sad. [00:11] At the same time, I haven't poked anyone since a newer version may be coming which would be quite a bit better. [00:13] Yeah [00:18] Unit193: better in memory leakages! [00:18] I still don't understand why doest it leak [00:19] ninetls: That, the ctrl+click thing, and most important: no 1x1 px icons. :P [04:21] hello? [04:24] Howdy. [04:25] How's it going? this is my first time here. I was thinking about contributing to Xubuntu, this was the first thing the docs hit :) [04:27] Yeah we're pretty IRC centric, though you won't generally find too many of us around at this hour. Great! Where are you interested in contributing? [04:32] gotcha. Well I've been doing web development mostly & I notice you guys have some tickets for the website, so I was thinking about that. But I've been trying to kind of branch out my development skills more, so maybe some of the bug tickets? [04:34] This would be my first contribution to an open source project, so I'm kind of new to this. [04:35] (I got my CS degree a few years ago, went straight into web development. Kind of looking for "non-web" type of things if that's available.) [04:45] Aha, OK! So yes a lot of what makes Xubuntu itself are Xfce packages, which we pull from upstream. As far as our own packages, we basically have mugshot, catfish, menulibre, lightdm-gtk-greeter(-settings), and maybe some other(s) that I'm not remembering. [04:45] We have blueprints linked off of the dev site, but so far this has been a pretty relaxed cycle. [04:51] Ok, sounds cool :) I'm currently reading through the Contributor Documentation, so I will check out those packages & blueprints once I finish reading that :) [04:52] I need to go to bed soon, so I may not finish reading the contributor docs til the next few days. [04:52] Also, while most of us idle here, you may need to wait quite a while for answers sometimes (people work, sleep, etc.) :) [04:52] OK, sounds fair. [04:54] ok that's totally fine, I have all those things as well so I understand 100% :) [04:56] Some people see a chat window and seem to think someone will respond within 5 minutes, just making sure. And the blueprints are all linked under https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-a-roadmap [04:59] cool, bookmarked :) [05:00] I should probably hop off & get to bed now though. But thanks for the info, I really appreciate it! :) [05:01] Sure thing, g'night! [05:01] night! :) [05:02] http://appstream.ubuntu.com/artful/universe/issues/index.html#Xubuntu_Developers_%3Cxubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com%3E that's why it's useful to set the maintainer as Xubuntu Devs. :3 [06:22] Unit193: ack [06:26] Won't yet though, bindings aren't there. [06:26] :) [09:29] bluesabre: ...Miiight work better if we sub ubuntu-sponsors. :P [09:31] Unit193: was pretty sure I had [09:31] (Still) not showing up on the sponsoring page. [09:32] Yeah, they're definitely not subbed now [09:33] Subbed [09:33] (probably again) [09:33] :/ [09:54] onboard stuff still pending in x-d-s, but don't think that counts as FF, more UIF. [10:24] oh yeah [10:25] Feel free to upload [18:31] Hello guys. I have 2 lenovo Thinkpad laptops, and the Power Settings, more exactly dimming/turning off the display after a certain amount of time does not work. Any idea on how to debug this ? [23:37] Are there any specific Xfce updates we want to get in? [23:42] depends on whether the new pulseaudio plugin will be ready [23:42] or the statusnotifier plugin [23:43] pa-plug isn't merged to master, sn-plug we're trying but not seen much movement. Only other one might be garcon. [23:43] as a test to replace the indicator-plugin [23:44] garcon has an issue with icon sizes where there is a patch, but so far eric_the_idiot hasn't merged it [23:44] (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1709733) [23:44] Launchpad bug 1709733 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin" [Wishlist,New] [23:48] * ninetls is keeping sn-plugin launched via valgrind trying to find memory leaks