
axwstokachu hallyn: yep I agree, it's horrible (predates my involvement), but I couldn't see a way around it. the OVA is fetched locally, split into OVF & VMDK, then uploaded to vsphere. AFAICT there's no way to get vsphere to do that for you00:15
stokachuaxw: interesting00:17
stokachuaxw: and it happens prior to bootstrap so we couldnt cache it anyway00:18
axwstokachu: right. one thing we *can* do, which I replied to an email about the other day, is reuse the OVF/VMDK cached in the datastore after bootstrapping00:18
axwto avoid having hte controller download the OVA for each new machine00:19
axwthat bit's doable, but doesn't affect UX nearly as much00:19
stokachuaxw: ah ok00:19
stormmoreI wonder if I can get k8s to run on top of openstack on lxd01:20
=== skay is now known as Guest63699
Ting_Does some have use juju on aws with federated user (short-live uesr) ?07:53
=== tinwood_ is now known as tinwood
D4RKS1D3Hi someone knows why when I add a unit in a machine that the state is ready, this machine waste around 200 seconds to running up?10:34
D4RKS1D3If I execute more machines the time waiting between ready and deploying usually is more than 35 minutes10:34
magicaltroutinternet bandwidth?10:40
D4RKS1D3magicaltrout, this answer is for me?10:40
magicaltroutwell, its a guess for you10:43
magicaltrouti dunno, but of course when you spin up new nodes, they all download a bunch of stuff. juju, updates etc10:43
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
D4RKS1D3But I am not talking about preparing the node... I am talking about turn on the node11:19
=== Guest63699 is now known as skay
orfhey, is there any way to use the JuJu VSphere provider with a specificed Resource Pool?13:44
orfwe have a namespaced system and need to create everything within a 'Development' resource pool13:44
orfI had a browse of the source, and it seems to be able to: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/d28f92df4051a02602347b73335467a29f5e7327/provider/vsphere/internal/vsphereclient/createvm.go#L13913:44
orfthere just is no documentation as to how to configure that13:44
hallynthe docs are in createvm.go...  around line 140 iirc14:47
hallynyeah i'm hoping the vsphere controller gets some love14:47
=== primeribz is now known as rahworkx
orfI gave up hallyn15:24
orfCant work out how to define `ComputeResource.ResourcePool`15:24
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== mjs0 is now known as menn0

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