
fishcookeri've used to used gmrun to execute some commandS on the path... now i've just switch to lxqt-runner but i can't execute the file on the $PATH this is my conf and the PATH http://vpaste.net/9CdLd01:17
musician_pro<musician_pro> hi everyone. I have a big problem with my Lubuntu LVM encrypted system... I try to boot but after I put my passphrase correct it go to Recovery Mode with command line...I try to encrypt my user folder but it say that folder isn't encrypted correctly (or something similar)..now I try to connect in another computer with Lubuntu to, and I find my hd encrypted..when it say me to put passphrase to decrypt10:50
musician_proI put the same10:50
musician_pro<musician_pro> passphrase I put in the boot but it say this10:50
musician_pro<musician_pro> Error unlocking /dev/sdb5: Error spawning command-line `cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/sdb5" "luks-3f02f2bf-1cd0-4b1a-8576-9b68bbcb22de" ': Failed to execute child process "cryptsetup" (No such file or directory) (g-exec-error-quark, 8)10:50
musician_pro<musician_pro> it is impossible I wrong password because in the boot it say that pass is correct and it decrypt the hd...10:50
musician_pro<musician_pro> maybe the problem is that I encrypt user home folders to?10:50
musician_pro<musician_pro> also I was trying to boot my hd with VirtualBox but I missed somethings...It is possible to do it?10:50

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