
willdeberryalmost feels like to me that the quilt process with this package is jacked00:13
Unit193Can you tar it?  I'll take a look.00:15
willdeberryUnit193: https://storage.sudoservers.com/index.php/s/C7nmAWb6L4jnknP00:24
willdeberrythat currently builds using merge-buildpackage but doesn't carry forth the ubuntu delta from previous release00:24
Unit193patch -R -p1 -i debian/patches/01_add-GCC-hardening.patch and you get: http://paste.openstack.org/show/uY8iTCqdkgL4WbHWHFZA/ - http://paste.openstack.org/show/0vmGthMUKYfS6IIUfBUd/00:33
Unit193If you wanted a log from a passing test: http://paste.openstack.org/show/QZzPzi0FRpkI3guThtlR/ - http://paste.openstack.org/show/KT8F2lHispvb6SKz6e6300:38
Unit193willdeberry: I should likely ping you so you see this. :P00:40
willdeberryi see it, just processing and recreating along side :)00:41
willdeberryso now i just need to add another quilt patch and all should be fine now00:42
Unit193I cheated by disabling --as-needed to fix that ftbfs.00:42
willdeberryso then, is it something I or grab-merge is doing that would require to run the reverse patch command to make this work?00:43
Unit193It's already applied the patch, thus it doesn't add and remove it.00:44
willdeberrywoot, finally got the debdiff that I was aiming for!00:58
willdeberrythanks Unit19300:58
Unit193Sure thing!00:58
willdeberryfinally got that one done :D01:05
Unit193Rhonda: You there?05:05
RhondaUnit193: sort of07:58
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