=== es1__ is now known as es1 === es1_ is now known as es1 [10:16] How to format USB in Xubuntu? [10:16] open gparted [10:17] i dont have GParted app [10:17] install it [10:18] i cant install it now [10:18] Updates is installing [10:18] later then [10:20] How to login to freenode? (Create account) [10:20] !register [10:20] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [10:24] WOW! I created my own server :) #GeniekServer [10:25] I think I know you [10:26] diogenes_, My server is now registered [10:26] That's a channel, not a server. Not really of any concern for this channel either. [10:29] Unit193, You're right. This is a channel [10:30] pls join [10:30] No, and please don't advertise. [10:31] Unit193, Okay. [10:31] Thanks. [10:33] Unit193, !register not work, /msg NickServ register works. [10:34] That's a factoid to give you a link with instructions. [10:34] LOL [10:38] How to format USB without GParted? [10:42] Best channel support in the world (I hate this support) [10:43] iPhone 5C in 2017 is the good idea? [10:44] !exit [10:45] !kick pavlushka [10:46] geniek, whats the problem [10:47] this is xubuntu support only not chatter [10:47] !ban works? [10:47] geniek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:47] no [10:48] :( [10:48] geniek, do you have am actual xubuntu support issue [10:48] !ban bazhang [10:48] geniek, stop that [10:48] NOT WORK :( [10:48] take the chatter elsewhere [10:49] jofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjh [10:49] nfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhj [10:49] vfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfb [10:49] ljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljbvhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvnjofbnlhhvfbljhfjnfhjhnfjhhcbvljb [10:49] vhfbfrvuhjvfjhuvnhvn I NOW BANNED? [10:49] LOL! NO! [10:49] please take the chatter somewhere else [11:03] LOL [11:03] IT WORK! [11:22] oh snapz, there was a seizure attack to some user === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [19:36] Hi there [19:37] Can someone help me please im having troubles with the resolution, im installing xubuntu on my old parents computer desktop but the resolution is stuck on 640x420 cant put more [19:38] xubuntu75d, run in terminal: xrandr [19:39] and tell me what's the highest resolution you see there [19:39] it gives me an erro [19:39] failed gamma size [19:39] is it a fresh install? [19:40] but if i install the xubuntu 14 it gives me lots of resolutions, yes it is a fresh install [19:41] what version on xubuntu you have installed now? [19:41] 16.04.3 [19:42] do you still have the installation media? (usb/dvd) [19:42] yes [19:42] try to boot the installation media in live session and see if you get the correct resolution [19:43] only on all recent distros this happens [19:44] ive done somuch searching and i cant find a solution to my problem [19:44] its stuck on 640x420 resolution [19:44] why don't you wanna use 14? [19:45] because i wanna stay updated [19:45] newest versions don't support older hardware [19:46] there most bee a way [19:46] try in terminal: sudo ubuntu-drivers list [19:46] and see what you get [19:48] it just appears intel- microcode [19:49] install it by: sudo apt install intel-microcod [19:50] will that solve the problem? [19:50] not sure, but worth trying [19:51] done [19:51] going to reboot it [19:51] reboot [19:51] w8 for it to start [19:53] dint work [19:53] aff [19:53] im going to install the 14 [19:53] this is driving me ccrazy [19:53] thanks anyway man [19:53] ok [19:53] 14 is cool anyways [19:57] join ##test [22:40] I keep having issues typing. everytime i try to type a new post into facebook the box automatically disappears and for some reason my cursor keeps jumping around the screen and messing up what i'm trying to type. any ideas? [22:40] i'm going to go for a drive. so if anyone is there to help, please pm me [22:43] it only happens when i'm trying to make a new post. not when i'm commenting or talking to friends. but for some reason when i'm using the messenger part it keeps erasing what i type if i get over somewhere around 20 words in the window === IdleOne is now known as Guest10773