[11:05] hello. i am trying xubuntu daily build. tap to click is not working for me. should i report a bug on launchpad or are there a few steps before it [11:06] for elantech touchpad [11:27] hello [11:31] I've heard that Ubuntu 17.04 now creates swap file and does not require swap partition. Does this apply to Xubuntu 16.04? [11:39] senpos: no it doesn't - also if when you install there is an existing swap partition that will get used instead of a swap file being created [11:41] flocculant: thanks for answer [11:42] Another thing i'd like to know: is it possible to install xfce4-xbk-plugin with ability to set "System" font? I've seen this on my friend's laptop with Arch [12:06] hello [12:07] essi kanena mesa [14:57] Hi mates [14:58] hi [14:59] I try to find a way to enable mouse in vim - xfce terminal. I do need to cut sometimes a lot of line of text and holding BACKSPACE for a few minutes is not so cool :-) [14:59] Hi diogenes_ [15:00] vimart, to delete a whole line in vim you double press d [15:13] diogenes_: thats fine but what about higlighting text to copy etc. [15:14] Long time ago (over 15years) I had configured terminal and was able to operate on vim with mouse. [15:14] vimart, to highlight and copy you press down v and right arrow [15:15] and besides, it's not a xubuntu question, you should have read vim manuals [15:15] run in terminal: man vim [15:17] egh, nah why bother with reading when you can ask ;-) [15:17] Thanks for advice however you did not understand the question. [15:18] Diogenes I want to use mouse not a keyboard [15:19] BTW its very related with Xubuntu because it's relevant with xfce Terminal in Xubuntu GNU/Linux [15:21] vimart, it's really a vim question though [15:22] vimart, with your rationale, xubuntu users could ask for legal advice because they are lawyers and run xubuntu... [15:23] Knome: IMHO you don't know the answer that why you say so [15:24] It'd be rather fine if you said: sorry pal, we don't know etc [15:24] maybe you could find out if there was a vim channel or sth? [15:25] xfce terminal should handle mouse input as much as terminal emulator usually do [15:25] If somebody asked you about any other software problem that you know the answer, sollution you'd give the advice without blinking and saying to go to another channel [15:26] why waste your time arguing? :) [15:26] i'm trying to be helpful, but you also need to remember everybody on this channel is a volunteer [15:27] knome: it's not arguing, its chatting. I don't know how long your on IRC but simply you can ignore it if you do not wish a part. [15:27] knome: cool mate I'm not excpecting you to know everything :-) [15:27] i've been on IRC for 17 years and i'm a channel operator for this channel, so please stop arguing... :P [15:28] wow mate, you must be the king in your suburb. 17-years on IRC and operator for this channel :-) [15:29] BTW let me say it: when XUBUNTU was relased? [15:29] vimart, I think that command line text editors is not for a person who doesn't want to learn and looks for ready-made answers only, I think you should be using something like: gksu leafpad [15:29] Mate Im using linux since early 90's [15:29] vimart, please see my PM [15:30] and for the non-support question chatter, please use #xubuntu-offtopic [15:30] vimart, but you look like a noob [15:30] It's not about using the command lines :-) [15:30] diogenes_, please do not put fire into flames [15:30] I've got just problem with not working mouse in terminal [15:30] mostly need the mouse in VIM [15:31] the command line I knowe very well [15:31] knome, I'm not tolerating people who don't tplerate others [15:32] goodbye to all [15:32] Anyway, found a problem. Hell knows why I've disabled the mouse [15:33] bye diogenes_ Have a nice day ;-) [15:50] see ya pals [16:52] Hello. What is the preferred mechanism for bug reports? [16:52] I switched to xubuntu yesterday and I'm digging it, but I have two bugs. [16:52] !bugs | dannyman [16:52] dannyman: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [17:01] Thanks! [20:07] hi, is there a german channel for xubuntu? [20:08] !de | kikiki [20:08] kikiki: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [20:08] thx [20:12] so what windows compatible app should I run to create a live usb of a linux distro? [20:16] kikiki: unetbootin should be sufficient. there are probably others that are more preferred but i've lost track [20:16] good, [20:16] I always thought LiveLinuxUSB creator was very good at what it did. [20:17] (https://www.linuxliveusb.com/) [20:17] I am now on a library and have a notebook, empty, and no working live usb. every computer I can use requires admin privileges to install unetbooting or rufus. Is there any way of making a live usb without requiring admin privileges? [20:19] kikiki: https://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/unetbootin-portable perhaps? not used it so can't say for sure [20:20] heart beating faster now... [20:22] crap, unetbooting alse requires admin privileges on public computers... [21:12] Hi [21:46] hi everyone === me is now known as Guest85273