
axwthumper: I'm back01:05
axwwallyworld: there appears to be an intermittent failure in TestRemoteRelationRequirerRoleConsumingSide, timing out. see http://ci.jujucharms.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/github-check-merge-juju-pl/detail/PR-7779/1/pipeline01:09
wallyworldthanks, will look01:10
thumperaxw: got 5 minutes?02:35
axwthumper: yup02:36
thumperaxw: 1:1?02:36
axwmenn0: you've got compile errors in cmd/juju/application/bundle_test.go, in your annotations branch03:23
menn0axw: ok thanks03:24
wallyworldaxw: i've pushed changes to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7760 if you get a chance whenever03:32
axwwallyworld: done03:46
wallyworldaxw: thanks, i'll adjust the versioning. belinda is feeling quite ill again so i'll likely be afk for a bit04:14
axwwallyworld: :( ok04:50
wallyworldaxw: yeah, back to the hospital, showing same signs as last time. ttyl05:15
babbageclunkwallyworld: bugger. Hope she's doing ok.05:29
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