
hehehecentral box00:00
naccrbasak: enjoy the reviews, 4 MPs up, which should get our refactoring done. Will try and implement pristine-tar tmrw00:08
hehehenacc:  lol https://www.mylife.com/nishanth-aravamudan/nishanth-aravamudan00:11
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madLyfenacc: so i got the usb adapter working, sort of.01:30
madLyfeso is there a way to get the Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS iso to use 4.10 over 4.4?02:24
madLyfeand hwe02:24
sarnoldmadLyfe: probably apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-16.04   should do it02:27
sarnoldmadLyfe: I stole the package name from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack02:27
madLyfehow do you get that into the iso?02:27
sarnoldmadLyfe: based on http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/16.04.3/ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.list it looks like it -is- in the iso02:31
madLyfeis there a way to get it to use it over 4.4 as default?02:32
drabpin the pkg02:36
drabif I understood what you're asking02:36
sarnolddrab: I think madLyfe is looking for a way to get the server installer to install the hwe stack02:36
drabor specify it in the install command if it's in a script, you can use =version02:36
draboh, uhm02:36
sarnoldI understand it's an option but I ran the 16.04 lts server installer back before hwe stack was added..02:37
drabis preseed an option?02:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1663337 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "base-installer did not pick hwe kernel during automatic preseed" [Low,Opinion]02:38
drabhow about that?02:38
drabseems like the option can be passed on boot cmdline too02:38
drabmadLyfe: ^^02:39
drabbut I may still missing the point02:40
drabjust passing through heh, don't mind me02:40
* drab goes back trying to migrate koha to a container02:40
madLyfenot sure what all of that means. im just planning on not having ethernet so if i can get it on there during the install.02:43
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calcmandanhey folks. i've been researching different mail server suites out there. i've tested one which doesn't seem to match my personal requirements (citadel) and wondered if any other mail admins can recommend a good suite for me to test. i'm looking to replace gmail permanently and so. These are my requirement for a minimum: filtering, easy mail folder creation, good plugins for spam filtering.05:21
cpaelzercoreycb: I haven't seen this particular doc move05:29
cpaelzercoreycb: but others, yet since you are backporting from the package I have I wonder05:29
cpaelzercoreycb: the related change mostly is https://git.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/qemu/commit/?id=8134d313ca114d9ad15a44174066d645bf5fe0aa05:34
cpaelzerand the reason to change was https://git.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/qemu/commit/?id=ac06724a05:34
cpaelzerbut you are right05:34
cpaelzerthere is another one05:34
cpaelzerI'll queue up a fix for this (and one more I found on that) for the upcoming -rc4/release upload05:37
cpaelzerthanks for the ping coreycb05:37
cpaelzercoreycb: there are other fixes around migration in that then that I was driving with upstream05:38
lordievaderGood morning06:20
lordievadermadLyfe: If the kernel is on the iso as a package why not simply install the package into your current install?06:23
Kartagishow to allow a mail server behind barracuda to receive e-mails?10:11
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coreycbthanks cpaelzer12:40
coreycbcpaelzer: pike releases next week btw :)12:41
madLyfelordievader: have a bigger issue right now. if I turn off USB 2.0 in the BIOS I get the adapter to fully recognize but it's so slow. like can't do anything slow. turn USB 2.0 back on and back to where I started.13:01
lordievaderInteresting that it works in USB legacy mode.13:03
lordievaderHow does the dmesg output differ?13:03
madLyfenot sure if it will treat every hub like that or if it's just this one because USB flashdrives directly in are nice and speedy.13:03
madLyfeI only got to the lsusb command and it showed both the genesys hub and realtek network adapter13:05
madLyfebut it took over an hour to install server.13:06
lordievaderOfcourse, usb 1.1 is slow as heck.13:07
madLyfetyping in text commands was even slow13:07
madLyfeso I just figured it didn't really matter so I quit with it on USB 2.0 disabled.13:08
lordievaderFind out what it does differently, I suppose.13:09
madLyfetried a bunch of other little dip switches on the Mobo to see if I could get it to boot to the USB hub with 2.0 on and nothing.13:09
madLyfewell I don't think the OS can tell me anything? this is all pre OS13:11
lordievaderNow I am confused.13:11
lordievaderAre you running a live-usb?13:11
madLyfeI was running server and desktop live.13:12
lordievaderI have no idea what you are doing at this point.13:12
madLyfesorry if im being confusing13:16
lordievaderYou are trying to get the ethernet adapter working on your server, right?13:17
madLyfeif i turn usb 2.0 off n the bios, i can boot to usb keys(server or desktop live) and recognize the network port on it as well but its slow AF. if i leave it on, i cant boot anything from the usb hub and the network port doesnt work either.  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/f9fqHdCq/image.png13:18
madLyfei mean i need the usb hubs usb ports to work as well.13:19
madLyfeif i just plug a usb key directly into the port(no hub), no matter what i have on it(server or desktop live) it works flawlessly.13:20
madLyfeusb 2.0 hates the hub/ethernet adapter.13:20
lordievaderDidn't you have an install on the server (one on disk I mean)?13:22
madLyfenot sure what that means13:23
madLyfethere is only one USB port on the thing so it needs to be utilized for internet and OS.13:23
lordievadermadLyfe: On the server, you've had installed an os before, right?13:26
ahasenackI have a question, probably more policy-wise13:31
ahasenackthis user installed freeradius, but disabled the service via "systemctl disable freeradius.service"13:31
ahasenacknow he gets an error during freeradius package upgrades13:32
ahasenackfreeradius itself has, in postinst, an invoke-rc.d call for start or restart but suffixed with "|| true", so it won't fail13:32
ahasenackbut a subpackage, freeradius-ldap in this case, has a force-reload, without a "|| true"13:32
ahasenackthat one fails13:32
ahasenackshould we add a "|| true" to force-reload as well? Or invalidate the bug saying "if you don't want it running, uninstall it"?13:33
coreycbbeisner: hi we're ready to promote the current batch in pike-staging -> pike-proposed.13:33
ahasenackor handle the disabled case in some other way "if <disabled>; echo "service disabled, not reloading/restarting"13:33
madLyfelordievader: i have installed an os via usb stick yes.13:42
lordievadermadLyfe: Ok. Boot twice once with usb legacy and once with usb2.0 enabled. Compare the relevant dmesg output of both boots.13:45
lordievaderIt might point you to something of why it does work in legacy mode but not in 2.0 mode.13:45
madLyfewith just USB stick or the usb hub?13:45
lordievadermadLyfe: With only the ethernet adapter.13:54
madLyfewhat can the OS tell me if the bios(usb 2.0) doesnt like that adapter?13:58
lordievaderThe adapter is simply not detected when in 2.0 mode?14:01
madLyfeworks fine, but is impossibly slow with 2.0 off.14:02
madLyfeim talking pre OS.14:02
lordievaderHmm, but is was detected, before right?14:05
beisnercoreycb - ack re: pike proposed, on it.14:05
madLyfedetected before?14:05
lordievadermadLyfe: Yes, when you first came here with the issue. Udev detected it, as did the driver.14:08
madLyfeya, i cant remember the specific situation but i dont think i was booting from it. i think i had it on the front SUV/IO cable USB ports14:09
lordievaderI never said anything about booting from the hub. That is another issue.14:11
lordievaderCorrect me if I'm wrong, but the way I see it is that you have a machine with an os installed on disk. In which if the usb mode is set to 1.1 has a working ethernet adapter, and if set to 2.0 a not working ethernet adapter.14:12
lordievaderIn both cases the adapter is detected.14:13
madLyfei have to go back to the very beginning and test again as i dont remember how i had it setup.14:17
madLyfecuz i can either put the OS usb stick on the front I/O cables USB ports, and the adapter on the internal USB port or the other way around.14:19
madLyfethose are my two options if im not trying to boot with the OS usb stick on the adapter on the internal USB port.14:20
madLyfelordievader: also trying something else14:57
madLyfeinstalling OS to microSD card slot14:57
madLyfenot really sure what im trying to gain by doing that but its there14:57
madLyfedo you think upgrading the processor might help?15:00
lordievaderDoes the server have no harddrive?15:00
madLyfejust a bare blade with 1 usb port and front access IO port15:01
lordievaderWow, that is painful.15:01
madLyfeand an microSD port15:02
lordievaderIn all honesty, I'd start looking at a new server.15:03
madLyfenah. this is by design, actually.15:04
madLyfejust need to get it ethernet somehow15:04
madLyfewell, ethernet and an OS. at the same time.15:05
lordievaderI know, but it is clear you are not following this design.15:05
lordievaderYou are trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, so to speak.15:06
madLyfegetting a usb port to work?15:06
madLyfeusb adapter*15:07
lordievaderIn a way, yes. I don't really think it is worth the trouble when you can swap it out for something which has a harddrive and nic build in.15:11
madLyfeit has nics but you need the full chassis and nic managers to use them. there are no ethernet ports.15:16
madLyfeinstalled to microSD card and on reboot after install i get this: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/QakJoRAR/irccloudcapture683196535.jpg15:18
madLyfeits a 16gb microSD card15:21
hallynrharper: dude.  lvm2 not depending on thin-provisiong-tools seems like a bug.  If you go through the basic steps as in https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Logical_Volume_Manager_Administration/thinly_provisioned_volume_creation.html  you end up with a corrupted VG.15:35
hallynrharper: would you agree?15:35
hallynI guess it's not really 'corrupt', after you install thin-provisioning-tools it's happy.15:37
hallynBut this feels very redhat-ish.15:37
hallyn(having to infer from error messages what other packages i need to install)15:38
hallyn(actually I'm not following that url, not sure why I pasted that;  just following the lvmthin.7 manpage examples)15:39
ndboostmorning all, whats the recommended way to add an internal CA certificate to my server?15:46
sdezielndboost: https://superuser.com/questions/437330/how-do-you-add-a-certificate-authority-ca-to-ubuntu explains how15:49
ndboostthx sdeziel i'm using puppet/foreman for my lab so i'll figure out how to place the files in that location and run update-ca-certificates15:50
ndboostlooks like https://forge.puppet.com/pcfens/ca_cert is what i want.15:51
rharperhallyn: is it not even a recommends?16:13
rharperSuggests: thin-provisioning-tools16:13
sdezielndboost: looks like a nice module, thanks for sharing :)16:28
ndboostthat solved my problem of deploying the internal ca, just need to figure out why puppet/foreman doesnt like it, still thinks its untrusteed.16:36
sdezielndboost: are you trying to use a custom CA to secure your Puppet/Foreman traffic?16:50
hallynrharper: hm, right you are.  It did suggest it, I didn't notice.17:15
hallynStill seems worth a Depends: to me, but I guess I'll just accept my licks :)17:16
rharperhallyn: it's a reasonable query; maybe more folks expect thin-p to be around if they install lvm2; there are plenty of non-thinp lvm use-cases but maybe thinp isn't so heavy that we wouldn't always want it around ?17:18
ahasenackI triaged a bug from IBM iirc once where this package was missing17:24
ahasenackmany hours were spent debugging that, both on our side and on the customer's17:25
ahasenackhallyn: rharper https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/165764617:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1657646 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "Missing thin-provisioning-tools prevents VG with thin pool LV from being (de)activated, but not its creation" [High,New]17:26
ahasenackI also filed a debian bug back then17:27
hallynRight, maybe if the creation was prevented (with a helpful message) that would make everyone happy17:34
hallynbut that woudl require source changes...  so no17:34
devster31is there a smart way to rename files that are currently in the form of 01a 01b 02a 02b 02c with incremental numbers?17:42
hallynsure, you can loop over `seq 1 3` etc,17:54
hallynand if the names get complicated enough use sed against basename/dirname etc.17:55
Solaris444Hi, what user do cgi scripts run as?18:06
Solaris444I'm trying to run backuppc and it runs fine except that two graphs that appear on the front page are not being generated.18:06
Solaris444Apparently this is because the cgi user needs read access to a file called pool.rrd18:07
devster31hallyn definitely complicated enough for sed, do you happen to have a oneliner available?18:07
j4g0i want to change caps to esc inside vim. On both my ubuntu desktop and my mint box au vimenter * !xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x42 = Escape' with an according vimleave command does the trick. I installed xmodmap via x11-xserver-utils package but now I get xmodmap: unable to open display ''. where would i need to configure this?18:07
sdezielSolaris444: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/161260018:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1612600 in backuppc (Ubuntu Xenial) "backuppc 3.3.1-2ubuntu3 breaks pool graphs on the Status page" [Medium,Fix committed]18:07
j4g0i should mention that i am trying to get it to run on ubuntu server :)18:07
Solaris444Oh damn. Thanks sedziel.18:08
Solaris444So in other words just be patient as a fix is coming?18:08
sdezielSolaris444: yes, should hit xenial-updates shortly :)18:09
Solaris444You guys are awesome. :D18:09
sdezielthanks should go to those involved in fixing the bug but I'm glad I could help18:10
madLyfelordievader: you there?18:12
lordievaderNot really, that is afk.18:13
Solaris444sdeziel: absolutely, you've saved me significant time. Now I know all I need to do is wait for the fix to come through.18:13
madLyfelol so i think i got it working18:13
Solaris444but yes, thanks to those up the chain too.18:14
madLyfethe usb hub/adapter is shown as not plugged in when plugged in fully. if i pull it halfway out of the usb port it makes connection.18:14
sarnoldno wonder nothing made sense18:14
madLyfeand why it worked one time then couldnt get it working again.18:15
hallyndevster31: not really...  not clear on what exactly you want to do.  you have 01a 01b 02a 02b 02c, what do you want to turn each into?18:28
hallyndrop the leading 0?18:28
devster31no, just incremental numbers 1,2,3,4,518:28
hallyn"jsut incremental numbers" describes the files.  IT doesn't tell me how you want to rename them.18:29
naccdevster31: sort the current files, then enumerate the sorted list?18:29
naccdevster31: it's not a sed case, because the output string is not int he input string18:30
naccdevster31: i guess you could use a variable, but at that point, just do it in bash?18:30
hallynoh, so if you have amaratto bouncing charlie defcon as filenames, you want to rename those 01a 02b 03c 04d, or something like that?18:31
hallynin which case maybe something like count=0; /bin/ls | sort | while read line; do mv $line 0$counta; count=$((count+1)); done18:33
hallynI'm certain that's not exactly what you want, but mabye it gives you an idea18:33
madLyfesarnold: desktop was able to connect perfectly to ethernet and internet connection. server still doesnt detect it though.18:33
nacchallyn: my reading was they are current in 01a 01b 02a 02b ... and they want it end up as 1 2 3 418:34
nacchallyn: which your method would also achive, afaict, presuming stable sorting of the input files18:34
devster31I'll try with count, it seems to be what I want. I currently have files named cache01a cache01b cache02a cache02b cache02c and I'd like cache01 cache02 cache03 cache04 cache05, count seems sensible, maybe with a regex after that18:34
sarnoldprobably for f in * ; do mv "$f" $count ; ... is better. parsing ls output is miserable :(18:35
naccsarnold: +118:35
naccdevster31: also why do you care about the file names? the sort result is the same and they lexically make sense still18:36
devster31because they aren't really cache files, it's pieces of a document which got renamed by accident for some reason18:37
madLyfekind of thought server would just detect the ethernet adapter18:37
sarnoldmadLyfe: did you add proper /etc/network/interfaces files? or hand-issuing ip commands?18:38
sarnolddevster31: wait if the goal is to remove the 'cache' bit of the names there's probably better tools. 'rename' or 'rename.pl' fo rexample would let you provide a perl expression to rename things, so something like rename 's/cache/document/' cache*  would do the trick18:39
madLyfenothing yet. just going by what the installer said it couldnt detect network adapter.18:39
naccdevster31: but .. you're still prefixing them with cache18:40
naccdevster31: so i have no idea what you're trying to do now :)18:40
devster31sarnold thanks, I did try rename but the script installed by my OS doesn't seem to have a counter, so first I'd rename them with numbers then swap the name18:40
madLyfesarnold: its showing in the lsusb as well, both the hub and network chip18:46
madLyfehey nacc, if Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS iso comes with 4.10 hwe, how does one make that the default or use that w/o ethernet?18:49
naccmadLyfe: i thought we decided server *doesn't* come with 4.10 :)18:51
sdezielhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Server says "Server installations will default to the GA kernel and provide the enablement kernel as optional."18:52
madLyfe" <lordievader> madLyfe: If the kernel is on the iso as a package why not simply install the package into your current install?"18:52
madLyfei have no idea18:52
sdezielI don't know how to opt-in that HWE kernel though18:52
powersjThe HWE kernel install is an option on boot18:52
sarnoldnacc: drab found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/1663337/comments/218:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1663337 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "base-installer did not pick hwe kernel during automatic preseed" [Low,Opinion]18:52
powersjfirst menu will be "Install server" and then below that "HWE" something or another18:52
sdezielas in press F6?18:52
sarnoldnacc: the trouble is no one knows how to drive preseed18:52
powersj^ yeah18:53
lordievadermadLyfe (IRC): not sure if that is going to work. Random thought I had.18:53
madLyfeah ok18:53
hallynsarnold: yeah i started with 'for f in ???' actually...  just wasn't sure about the origin18:54
hallynlooks like it's under control, \o :)18:54
sarnoldhallyn: woot18:54
madLyfelordievader: you see what i figured out? desktop detects it fine and has internet but server still doesnt during install. if i lsusb, it shows both the usb hub and net chip. not sure whats up with that.18:54
madLyfesarnold: so im SOL with the 4.10 kernel/hwe?18:55
sarnoldmadLyfe: dunno, this f6 thing at boot sounds promising :)18:55
lordievadermadLyfe (IRC): it is not a usb 3 adapter by any chance?18:55
naccsarnold: heh18:55
madLyfei dont remember seeing a prompt for key entry at boot.18:56
naccmadLyfe: well the problem you wil have is the server *installer* will still be on the old kerenl18:56
naccmadLyfe: and if you presuambly need internet in the installer to install, then it won't matter18:56
naccpowersj: --^ can you confirm? i understand hwe is installable in the server iso, but it isn't the kernel used by the server iso (this is different from desktop, afaict)18:58
powersjnacc: if he chooses the HWE kernel on the boot screen the installer will choose 4.1018:58
powersjas in the install kernel will be 4.1018:58
naccpowersj: oh at boot time?18:58
naccpowersj: sorry, i thought you meant a menu in the installer18:58
powersjno worries I wasn't clear18:58
naccmadLyfe: --^ so that's what you need to do, you need to boot to that version of the installer18:58
naccpresumably a grub choice?18:58
naccpowersj: that menu must be grub? because if not, you're already in a kernel and i can't imagine we trust to kexec to a new kernel :)19:01
naccpowersj: just a pretty grub overlay?19:01
powersjnacc: right grub, then boots kernel19:01
naccpowersj: ack, thanks19:01
naccmadLyfe: so yeah --^ boot that usb, and pick that option19:01
madLyfesorry had a phone call19:02
naccmadLyfe: unacceptable :)19:02
madLyfeso i need to reinstall the whole deal or will that just add to my current install?19:02
naccmadLyfe: oh you want to just install the hwe kernel on your current system?19:03
naccmadLyfe: i thought you didn't have internet? :)19:03
madLyfemaybe i should just deal with the internet thing first19:04
naccmadLyfe: i mean, they are one and the same, no?19:04
naccmadLyfe: you need the hwe kernel to use the internet on this machine?19:04
naccmadLyfe: so you can either use the desktop image and pare it down or reinstall using the server and pick the hwe option19:05
madLyfei wanted it in case it would give me the support for my usb network adapter19:05
naccmadLyfe: what is "it"?19:05
madLyfeyou can see it here in the lsusb output: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/C6UOHOiP/irccloudcapture2054839625.jpg19:06
madLyfethe usb hub, and then the realtek chip for ethernet19:06
naccmadLyfe: yes, i just meant in your sentence19:06
madLyfebut it wasnt detected during install19:06
naccmadLyfe: i don't know if it is the server iso, your usb stick, etc.19:06
madLyfethe newer kernel19:06
naccmadLyfe: since you technically "want" all those things19:06
madLyfethis is server iso on usb stick19:06
madLyfeusb stick install to usb stick for OS life.19:07
naccmadLyfe: and what does uname -r say?19:07
naccmadLyfe: then you didn't pick the hwe option?19:07
naccmadLyfe: from the boot menu image that powersj showed a bit ago19:07
madLyfei know i havent tried to reinstall it yet19:08
madLyfei said maybe i should figure out the internet first19:08
madLyfei mean i only wanted the newer kernel to see if that would make my internet work19:08
sdezielmadLyfe: you could try to boot with the HWE option and see if the installer finds your usb ethernet nic and then decide if you reinstall with that HWE kernel or not19:09
sdezielmadLyfe: would tell you if the HWE kernel supports your NIC out of the box19:09
madLyfelike a live boot of the server with HWE?19:10
sdezielmadLyfe: yes, boot off of the usb key and see how far it goes with the HWE option19:11
naccyeah, boot the installer, drop to a shell immediately19:11
madLyfei didnt see the live boot or live boot with HWE as an option is what im getting at.19:11
sdezielmadLyfe: is it the "live boot" thing that bugs you?19:12
naccmadLyfe: well it won't be "live" there is no "live" on server19:12
naccmadLyfe: we are saying 'fake live' by starting the install, but don't install it19:12
naccmadLyfe: drop to a shell instead and see if your device works19:12
madLyfedrop to a shell?19:12
sdezielmadLyfe: start the install as normal but by making sure to pick the HWE option19:13
naccmadLyfe: i believe that's an option in the server install if you cancel at hte first prompt and go back up to the top menu19:13
madLyfei pulled the OS usb key and put the installer usb key in to see19:13
naccmadLyfe: i think powersj was saying there should be a menu before htat19:16
naccmadLyfe: you're already in the installer at that pointn19:16
madLyfethats the first thing that comes up19:16
naccmadLyfe: it might go by quickly19:16
powersjclick english then the next menu will have the HWE option19:16
powersjor whatever your language of choice is...19:16
naccpowersj: oh ok19:16
RoyKexport LC_ALL=C19:16
RoyKthen run hatever command19:16
naccRoyK: ?19:17
naccmadLyfe: right, try the second option19:17
powersjmadLyfe: ok 2nd option to get the HWE kernel19:17
madLyfei knew that much but you want me to go to shell or something?19:17
naccmadLyfe: yeah, you do that from in the installer19:17
madLyfenow its failing to detect and mount cd-rom, never seen this before, even though i dont have a cd-rom19:18
madLyfehmm i must have wiggled the hub a bit too much19:19
madLyfenope https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xUiKG4pW/irccloudcapture113522201.jpg19:21
powersjthen hwe isn't going to help you get networking19:21
madLyfethat is from the HWE install19:21
madLyfeis there a way i can just dump all of the network drivers from desktop to the server iso and have it magically work? :P19:22
naccmadLyfe: they are the same kernel(s)19:22
naccmadLyfe: that's why it doesn't make sense19:23
naccmadLyfe: you consistently get network in the desktop installer?19:23
naccpowersj: i guess the installer initrds coudl be differnt?19:23
nacci mean, usb network device is relatively (I'd think) uncommon on server19:23
madLyfei thought someone said server iso has way less drivers for things or something? but in server i can still see the network chip and usb hub. im installing from the usb hub right now.19:24
sarnoldwhat kernel module does the NIC work for you in the desktop installer? could you hit that 'go back' button and load that specific module again in the server installer?19:24
naccmadLyfe: reading the device is unrelated (generally) to being able to use the device19:24
powersjI actually don't know re: initrds19:24
naccsarnold: good idea19:24
geniinacc: We use some USB-USB adapters between two servers on the same rack sometimes, to ssh into one from outside then an isolated connection to the other to ssh into that one19:25
naccmadLyfe: yeah, sorry, it's possible the installer envs differe -- the packages they install are the same, but if you need something present on the server iso that's not by default (let's say) or not laoded by default, then it might lead to different beahvior19:25
naccgenii: interesting19:25
naccgenii: i'd still say it's relatively uncommon :)19:25
sarnoldgenii: oh neat :)19:26
madLyfesarnold: im not sure what that means.19:26
sdezielmadLyfe: from yesterday, I seem to recall that you were using the r8152 driver, isn't it?19:26
sarnoldmadLyfe: compare 'lsmod' output on the non-working instance with lsmod on the working instance; chances are good ther's going to be a kernel module loaded in the working instance that isn't loaded in the non-working instance19:26
madLyfei think thats what was working19:26
sarnoldmadLyfe: so try to load whateer that module is at the "go back" screen19:27
sdezielthis driver comes from the -extra package here on Xenial so maybe the HWE kernel doesn't have this package on the ISO?19:27
naccmadLyfe: drop to a shell (execute a shell)19:28
naccmadLyfe: and run `modprobe r8152`19:28
naccsee if it's even found19:28
madLyfeso how do you drop to a shell from where i am at in the installer?19:28
naccmadLyfe: what i just said19:29
naccmadLyfe: hit down 15 times?19:29
naccmadLyfe: and choose "execute a shell"19:29
madLyfei see it now19:29
naccmadLyfe: yep19:30
naccmadLyfe: so ... it's not hwe that's the problem, it would appear to be the server image19:31
sarnoldyou could use the desktop installer and then go nuts with apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop and so on19:32
madLyfeso run the desktop installer and do what?19:34
sdezieleven on the HWE kernel, this comes from the -extra package (https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/amd64/linux-image-extra-4.10.0-28-generic/filelist)19:34
naccsdeziel: yeah, i wonder how it worked on the desktop installer19:34
naccsdeziel: unless extra is available on desktop?19:34
naccmadLyfe: can you do `apt policy linux-image-extra` ?19:34
sdezielnacc: looks like it but I'm just guessing19:35
naccsdeziel: yep, me too :)19:35
sdeziel`dpkg -l| grep linux-image-extra` should work19:35
madLyfesays 'bin/sh: apt: not found'19:36
naccsdeziel: err, yes, sorry, you're right :)19:36
naccmadLyfe: what sdeziel said :)19:36
madLyfesame https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/HSKOFuXK/irccloudcapture756594906.jpg19:36
sdezielit's been days that madLyfe has been fighting with this ... I want to see this come to a (happy) conclusion19:37
madLyfehas it really been days? fak19:37
sdezielwell, didn't you start like 2 days ago?19:37
sarnoldyeah you shold clear the stuff off the bed and get some sleep eventually :D19:37
madLyfeya youre correct19:38
naccoh we're really early in the installer19:38
sdezielmaybe it's simpler to let the installer do it's thing and eventually it may succeed in finding the NIC19:38
madLyferestart the pc?19:39
madLyfesorry, sever.19:40
sdezielmadLyfe: type 'exit' to get back to the installer19:41
sdezielhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.list includes the package linux-image-extra-4.10.0-28-generic so maybe this will just work19:46
madLyfefully install this then?19:48
sdezielI'd resume the installation and it should detect the NICs before trying to touch the storage/disk/microSD19:50
sdezielso you'll know if you are good with the HWE kernel before touching your storage19:50
madLyfewhen will i know?19:51
madLyfeim at the partition disks19:51
sdezieland what happened in the Detect network hardware/Configure the network sections?19:52
madLyfesame as before and just hit continue.19:53
sdezielI don't know what was "before"19:54
madLyfebut it did 'detect network' thing popped up again and didnt give an error so i dunno if its working or not.19:54
madLyfebefore = https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xUiKG4pW/irccloudcapture113522201.jpg19:55
madLyfei pulled the OS usb key so i cant install to anything anyways. only running from the installer usb key.19:55
sdezielso you're install from USB to USB? No microSD?19:56
sdezielOK, then why did you pull the key you want to install to? If there is nothing valuable on it, I'd try to install again19:57
madLyfejust because they have the same name and it can get confusing19:58
madLyfeinstalling now19:58
madLyfecopying data to disk19:59
madLyfeinstalling the system..19:59
sdezieltry to check if you see the linux-image-extra-* package name pass by20:00
madLyfei think it may have but not 100% sure20:00
madLyfethere it is20:01
sdezielgood, maybe on reboot your NIC will be detected (or on modprobe away)20:02
madLyfeso after it boots into server, restart it right away?20:02
madLyfeoh, nvm, it reboots after install20:04
madLyfesdeziel: does modprobe need sudo?20:13
sdezielmadLyfe: yes20:13
madLyfenot output on sudo modprobe r815220:13
naccmadLyfe: i beleive success is silent20:13
madLyfejust returns new line20:13
sarnoldthe unix way :)20:14
madLyfebut ping google.com is 'unkown host google.com'20:14
naccmadLyfe: maybe bad DNS?20:14
naccmadLyfe: ping isn't a means for checking network connectivity :)20:14
naccmadLyfe: see if the link is up, etc.20:14
sdezielmadLyfe: ip link20:14
sdezielthis should show you if your NIC was detected20:15
nacclooks like it see some device20:16
sarnoldyay :D congratulations20:16
sdeziellooking at the horrible nic name it seems like a USB nic :)20:17
madLyfeway to check?20:17
madLyfetry to ssh in?20:17
sarnoldconfigure it first20:17
naccmadLyfe: it's still 'down', meaning unconfigured20:17
sdeziellike in /etc/network/interfaces20:17
madLyfeusing nano?20:17
madLyfeit doesnt give it a regular config like other nics?20:18
sdezielI think for a quick and dirty test, you could do "sudo dhclient enx..."20:18
sdezielI think that dhclient will take care of up'ing the device but I'm not 100% sure20:19
madLyfe'cannot find device"enx..."20:20
naccmadLyfe: substitute enx... for your devices' name20:20
madLyfeoh lel20:20
naccmadLyfe: or other way around, you get what i mean :)20:21
madLyfestill says cannot find device20:21
sdezielmadLyfe: check for typos20:21
sdezieland yes, dhclient does up the link20:22
madLyfeimage was blurry20:23
madLyfereturn new line20:23
sdezielip -4 a20:23
naccmadLyfe: try `sudo ip link set enx00e04c6850d7 up; sudo dhclient enx00e04c6850d7` ?20:23
sdezielthen: ip -4 ro20:23
sdezielthen take a pic and share :)20:23
sdezielnow would be a good time to put up a working /etc/network/interfaces file20:25
madLyfesorry, didnt get the ip -4 ro in there20:25
sdezielso that you get network connectivity on the next reboot20:25
sdezielmadLyfe: nvm the ip -4 ro part20:25
madLyfeok, umm, is there a way to get this to work from the installer?20:25
madLyfebecause im going to have to do this again a few times.20:25
sdezielyou could set /etc/network/interfaces then clone the USB key, one per blade20:26
sdezielbut then the dynamic NIC name would get in the way20:26
sdeziel(how I love those)20:26
sdezielmadLyfe: if you want to do the USB key clone, I guess you could tell the kernel to always name the NIC eth0 and be done with it20:27
madLyfethat is all thats in my interfaces20:27
sdezielmadLyfe: you OK or not with the USB cloning trick to avoid jumping through those hoops for each of your blades?20:28
madLyfewell i just mean have the installer recognize the nic when it should so it properly sets up everything. i dont mind going into the interfaces file because i have to set them to a static ip anyways.20:28
madLyfeim going to get a different hub and ethernet adapter anyways because this one i have to have setting just right for it to detect and thats no bueno.20:30
sdezielOK, then put that in your /etc/network/interfaces file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25391633/20:31
madLyfeafter whats already in there?20:31
sdezielat the bottom, yes20:31
sdezielmadLyfe: you may want to also add "  dns-nameserver" after the gateway line20:33
sdezielreplace by your local DNS resolver if any20:33
madLyfelike so: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25391652/20:34
madLyfeya i replace it with my router so i only have to change one place20:35
sdezielyes, like that. I always indent the stuff after the iface line but I don't know if that's required20:35
madLyfeso basically i just want to make the installer set shit up like normal. and maybe i just need to come back to this because i will be getting a different usb hub/ethernet adapter. not sure if that one will just work.20:36
madLyfei dont think it was on my other SM servers when i set static ip20:36
madLyfethanks for the help sdeziel, nacc, lordievader, sarnold, powersj!!!20:42
madLyfehopefully i didnt forget anyone lol20:42
naccmadLyfe: yw20:42
madLyfenow i just need to find a usb hub and ethernet adapter thats not going to give me so much trouble20:43
sdezielhappy mining20:43
sarnoldmadLyfe: wooooot :D20:44
madLyfei still need to setup a better power system and transfer over different hardware before she is up and going.20:45
hehehesarnold: since when you started learning PHP? that article beauty of PHP by sarnold wtf :P20:53
sarnoldhehehe: this one? https://eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/20:55
hehehesarnold: join #php and see what they say20:57
hehehewould be fun20:57
sarnoldphp 7 is finally getting around to fixing some of the mistakes of the language but app authors still target 5.3 or something stupid.20:57
hehehei use 720:57
heheheand I asked modules writes if they use defined statements which they said they do20:58
heheheand code is escaped well20:58
heheheso should work really20:58
madLyfehehehe: i think you were apart of the panacea. ty too21:00
madLyfeso any usb hub should just work, correct? especially usb 2.0 hubs? on server.21:14
madLyfelooking at this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/301426463598?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l264921:15
madLyfeand this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/122100079521?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l264921:15
sarnoldmadLyfe: in my experience with usb things it's almost always best to go with the cheapest more boring thing you can find21:55
sarnoldit'll usually work because they don't have the budget to make it not work21:55
sarnoldand if it doesn't work, well, what do you expect, you bought the cheapest one21:55
madLyfelol good points21:59
madLyfethat's what I thought about this current one. little did I know it was the connector that's bad.22:00
heheheis systemd a gmo of linux?22:26
madLyfeodd that im now seeing an package updates when i log into this server install. you'd think there would be some since the iso doesnt have them all.22:30
madLyfenow = not22:31
madLyfemakes me wonder if its not functioning properly?22:33
sarnold"10 packages can be upgraded"22:34
sarnoldsudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade if you want to install the updates22:34
madLyfewell i mean the fact that it said there were 0.22:36
madLyfei used sudo apt upgrade -y22:36
sarnoldthat motd is updated something like twice a day, and maybe even less often than that22:37
sarnoldand since the unattended-updates package will install a bunch ofthings overnight anyway..22:37
madLyfei think i selected no auto updates on install22:38

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