[11:22] https://plus.google.com/+Itsfoss/posts/Lg3QBrdoGRC?_utm_source=1-2-2 [12:55] https://9to5mac.com/2017/08/24/otterbox-print-your-own-accessories/ [13:53] @Ivoriesablaze, make config … make … make install … mv cake > /home/kmyers/mouth [15:40] I'm waffling again [15:40] I thought I was all set to learn clojure and target it as a language [15:41] But the JVM just isn't sexy. [15:41] It's only useful on desktop and server, but you can barely cram it onto a pi [16:25] Jvm works on pi. You can play Minecraft for days. [16:34] http://wsvn.com/news/us-world/starbucks-to-add-sushi-burrito-to-their-menu/ … Sushi burrito from Starshmucks [16:43] @AdamOutler Pi Zero? [17:41] @RazPi I don't see why not. If you keep the code to a single class, you can use gcj to compile a native executable. Otherwise the pi zero is basically the same as the full pi, with less overhead and ram. Minecraft pi edition ran on the pi. [17:42] Pi zero == pi 1 [20:34] https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/a33j5a/a-redditor-archived-nearly-2-million-gigabytes-of-porn-to-test-amazons-unlimited-cloud-storage [21:03] @RazPi http://connect-watch.com/