=== pedro is now known as Guest76672 === thnkpad is now known as borgiur === borgiur is now known as CoderEurope === alexander is now known as Guest98371 === kubuntu is now known as Guest76073 === Guest76073 is now known as BADMAN [09:33] what are the exact system requierments [09:35] what are the exact system requirements [12:10] Hiyas all === sysadmin is now known as Vlad12 === Vlad12 is now known as VLanX === vlad__ is now known as DranikProgrammer === stormt is now known as Butterblume === Butterblume is now known as Butterblumen === Butterblumen is now known as ircnubz [18:55] Hi all [18:56] So ssh-agent doesn't work on 16.04? [18:56] Because I had it working like charm on 14.04 [18:56] And now I have to type my key password everytime I use the key [19:07] How do you guys configure ssh-add/ssh-agent on your systems? [19:08] On clean 16.04 this workflow just doesn't work [19:08] I really pissed off that I have to configure such a basic trivial low-level things [19:09] which have to work just from the beginning [19:14] What channel would I go to for support/assistance? [19:17] Jarnevon: try #ubuntu, cuz this one is not very active === thomas is now known as Guest28234 [22:13] 17.04 will get libreoofice 5.4 and better support for kabylake gpu? === Guest28234 is now known as thp01 === goi is now known as mechanist [23:24] does Kube Mail have a snap?