
cmaloneyGood morning14:05
jrwrenGood Morning14:23
jrwrenrick_h: now i'm leaning toward Olympus OM-D E-M1015:26
jrwrenrick_h: but didn't you say you didn't like your olympus?15:27
rick_hjrwren: good camera. I had the em5 mark ii15:27
rick_hjrwren: I've got some m4/3 lenses still if you want them15:27
jrwrenrick_h: haha, awesome. I might!15:27
rick_hjrwren: it's good, but I feel I outgrew it after a while. It's just tough in low light (traveling to cities at night)15:28
rick_hbut I've got some prints on the walls from images I took with it15:28
jrwrenrick_h: ah, ok, that is good to know. I have a buddy who loves his, and thewirecutter recommends it, and it seems to have everything I think I want, so I'm about to do it.15:28
rick_hall of these are with the em5 and some rented lenses: https://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/albums/7215765390874719015:29
rick_hjrwren: definitely, it's a good entry level. The big thing is that when you do outgrow it you've got to get new lenses and such. That's the thing I've been doing the last year+ in my migration to sony. but I ran micro 4/3 for some 5yrs?15:30
rick_hand really could do a lot with it and helped me learn a ton about photography15:30
jrwrenyeah, sounds perfect for what we want. Might never outgrow. Who knows?15:30
jrwrenand local camera store has it same price as amazon, so I may as well support local. I htink I'll go there now.15:33
jrwrenerr, oops, local camera store isn't open on Sunday. LOL15:34
greg-ghah, impulse buys harder :)18:13
cmaloneyI think the problem with Olympus cameras traditionally was that their lenses only fit Olympus bodies19:14
cmaloneynot sure if that's still the case or if they're all special now19:14
rick_hm4/3 fits oly and panasonic bodies19:32

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