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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:23
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:23
mwhudsondoes ubottu support messaging people on join?11:24
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128does anyone has a standard/right way to get the multiarch dir from a standard install set (e.g no dpkg-architecture from dpkg-dev)?14:23
seb128bdmurray, hey, do you know if anyone is looking at bug #1697381 (update-notifier not working under wayland)14:38
ubottubug 1697381 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_lookup_node" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169738114:38
bdmurrayseb128: I'm not aware of anybody working on it.14:52
bdmurrayseb128: Do you know a better way of fixing bug 1637180 than comment #18?14:52
ubottubug 1637180 in update-manager (Ubuntu Artful) ""The computer needs to restart" dialog constantly eats CPU" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163718014:52
seb128bdmurray, could you maybe review the patch on that update-notifier bug? it seems hackish but i'm unsure what would be the right way and it would give us update-notifier back into our default session14:53
seb128without it apport doesn't trigger on problem and such14:53
seb128bdmurray, oh, I saw your ping on friday but it was eow here, let me have a look now14:53
ubottubdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, infinity, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping.15:00
=== BrAsS_mOnKeY is now known as g2
seb128bdmurray, that comment is not a fix but a workaround, if that code was added I guess it's useful (it's probably to avoid the geometry to change when e.g installing packages since the package name/strings length change and gtk would adapt to the label if not forced15:31
seb128bdmurray, that requires some debugging to not avoid the refresh loop, seems like a good bug to put on the backlog for later in the cycle, but too minor to be at the top of my todo at the moment15:31
bdmurrayseb128: okay, thanks for looking15:34
seb128bdmurray, k, I think I understand the issue, I commented on the bug with how to fix it15:47
seb128bdmurray, I can have a look to fix it myself after the post-ff backlog if nobody resolved it by then15:48
bjfi just dist-upgraded with the changes since last friday and hidpi appears to now be broken ... what do i file a bug against?17:51
jbichabjf: are you using GNOME? that's probably gnome-settings-daemon 3.25.9117:53
jbichawe're having trouble with gjs and mozjs52/armhf which is delaying mutter/gnome-shell 3.25.9017:53
bjfjbicha, yes, this is default artful desktop17:54
bjfjbicha, should i file a bug or you are already fully aware of this problem?17:54
jbichayou can file a bug if you like; I think we're generally aware of the problem17:55
bjfjbicha, ack17:56
smosercyphermox, ifupdown was *not* in artful image for a few days last week, right?19:06
smoserslangasek, ^ ?19:08
smoseror did i make that up.19:08
smoser it seems back in19:08
sarnoldthat sounds familiar19:10
cyphermoxsmoser: ifupdown should not be in artful images, so it's quite possible yeah19:19
cyphermoxsmoser: but more to the point, what is the issue you're having, exactly?19:19
smoserwell, it *was* gone. but now its back.19:20
cyphermoxwell, something must be pulling it back in19:20
smoserso that is a problem.19:20
smoserapt-get --purge doesnt complain about anything19:20
smoserthen, the other thing is19:20
cyphermoxbut if you don't have config for ifupdown, ifupdown wouldn't do anything for you19:20
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-iscsi/+bug/171353719:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1713537 in open-iscsi (Ubuntu) "iscsi-targets don't quit session on shutdown" [Undecided,New]19:20
smoser"config for ifupdown"?  cloud-init sees that ifupdown is there and renders network config for it19:21
smoser(and that works fine)19:21
cyphermoxjust like that, I don't know why it's showing up again, if it ever finally migrated off19:28
cyphermoxthere's a couple of places that need checking.19:29
cyphermoxsmoser: I see nothing to indicate that it ever migrated off.19:31
cyphermoxoh, actually, maybe I'm wrong on that19:31
cyphermoxyou're looking at your desktop install?19:32
cyphermoxsmoser: ^19:33
smosercyphermox, cloud image. and .. i'm 90% certain it did disappear.19:33
smoseractually. yeah, i'm pretty sure it hasnt gone away.19:35
smoserlooking at that url with 201708{*}19:36
smoserthat said, why is it not gone now ?19:36
cyphermoxthe thing is, this was blocked for a while on resolvconf, which xnox was working on19:36
cyphermoxlooking quickly, it appears as though it's resolved19:37
cyphermox(ie. resolvconf isn't a blocker anymore) but there's a couple of small knobs to tweak to get ifupdown off the image19:37
cyphermoxsmoser: I'm going to upload changes to ifupdown and resolvconf to fix this, so next image after they migrate to -release should be good19:51
smosercyphermox, so resolvconf will be dropped also ?19:54
cyphermoxI don't need to change it after all. that said, yeah, ideally resolvconf would go too19:57
smoserso why did you think it was resolved ?19:57
smosersomething was changed in the last 2 day s?19:57
smoseras the 20170826 image has it19:58
cyphermoxyou showed me 19 earlier, not 2619:58
smoseryes, but 26 is the same.20:01
smoseras i said, i had thought it went away and came back.20:01
cyphermoxlet's take it one step at a time, I'll tweak ifupdown like should have been done already, and we'll see20:01
cyphermoxI need to look at resolvconf harder to understand why it's showing up, but I think it's because of ifupdown20:02
cyphermoxsmoser: are you concerned that if there's not resolvconf, things won't work?20:04
smosercyphermox, yes. i'm concerned that if there is no resolvconf things wont work.20:14
smosercyphermox, is there a designed plan for migrating previous users of resolvconf to systemd-resolvd integration ?20:18
smoseri know open-iscsi for one used resolvconf20:18
cyphermoxI don't know, xnox was working on the DNS side, and he's off for now20:19
cyphermoxslangasek: ^20:19
cyphermoxI'm a little surprised though, resolvconf is basically just glorified symlinking.20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1713537 in open-iscsi (Ubuntu) "iscsi-targets don't quit session on shutdown" [Undecided,New]20:20
cyphermoxthat doesn't mean it's resolvconf.20:21
slangaseksmoser: yes, the plan is that systemd migrates the symlink on upgrade; this should have already landed in -2ubuntu9; is this not what you're seeing?20:23
slangasekotoh the changelog doesn't say that this has landed, so maybe this isn't done yet20:24
slangasekcyphermox, smoser: ^^ this isn't landed in systemd -2ubuntu9; xnox and I have discussed what needs to happen but apparently it's not done yet, so we need a systemd upload that migrates /etc/resolv.conf on upgrade (and breaks or conflicts resolvconf or something)20:25
smoserwell, *something* will have to take the dns results from the dhcp in the initramfs and make systemd-resolvd aware of them.20:29
smoseror systems like maas's ephemeral root will not have dns configured.20:29
ahasenackhi, could someone please accept my xenial and zesty nominations for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+bug/1712998 ? Thanks!20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1712998 in bind9 (Ubuntu) "regression: dig compiled without -DDIG_SIGCHASE!" [Medium,Triaged]20:42
ahasenackit's fixed in artful20:42
smoserahasenack, buttons clicked20:45
dpb1anyone running artful with FDE notice the text entry is very dim?21:02
dpb1(on the FDE password prompt)21:02
mwhudsoncpaelzer: congrats!21:13
Unit193mwhudson: No, ubottu doesn't have something like that.23:00
Unit193cpaelzer: Oh, and congrats!23:19

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