
Bashing-omSmaug: I hunt us up a EFI boot tutorial . wait a few .00:01
Bashing-omSmaug: Ros Smith is some kind of sharp and HE wrote the book . http://www.rodsbooks.com/linux-uefi/#oops .00:03
dckx-mBen64: I did what you said. Script now looks like this:00:04
dckx-mxinput set-prop 11 276 200:04
dckx-mafter rebooting, mouse still has different mouse speed than specified. I am making the script run by going to gnome-session-properties, and adding it as an additional start-up program00:05
SmaugBashing-om: thanks for the link, are we sure that is relevant though?  I'm not dual booting with any other OS, windows or otherwise00:06
konradosHello. From time to time my wifi disconnects, and can't reconnect. It asks for a password, which I provide, then it 'thinks' and asks me again, without saying anything. There is only one way to make it working, which is... resetting the pc. Maybe re-plugging the usb wifi adapter would also work, IDK (although it is still there under lsusb). How do I start debugging it?00:06
konradosOh - I have a tp link TL-WN823N wifi adapter00:07
Bashing-omSmaug: Not enough info as of yet to be sure of anything . But if your machime is EFI . and you have installed in UEFI mode; then yes 100% relevant . thogh maybe more than you want to know presently .00:08
Bashing-omSmaug: On an UEFI system the boot process is generally UEFI boot manager > grub core.img (/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi) > ($root)/grub/x86_64-efi/normal.mod > ($root)/grub/grub.cfg > ($root)/vmlinuz-$VERSION + ($root)/initrd.img-$VERSION > Linux booting .00:10
dckx-mBen64: I was missing chmod +x00:12
dckx-mBen64: thanks for your help00:12
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SmaugBashing-om: thanks.  been trying things that have not been working.  taking a break now00:33
Bashing-omSmaug: Smaug I too continue to seek a simple guide to boot EFI from grub . Back to it .00:40
Jordan_USmaug: My guess is that you missed adding a root= kernel parameter. Try "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg" after setting $root to the device your kernel and initrd were found. When you're booted into your installed system, or when you want to just boot into an Ubuntu LiveUSB instead, please run boot info script: https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.00:49
Jordan_UYou'll need to "sudo apt install gawk" before boot info script will run properly.00:49
gadgetlo' all. Has anyone experienced firefox/rendom_app switching to the foreground when switching viewports/virtual_desktops? This happens and then when I switch back it's always the first focused app.00:51
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SmaugJordan_U: i tried the configfile thing01:20
Smaugstill got to intramfs01:20
demophobiaBashing-om: that thread has missing pictures01:25
demophobiaso i don't see how to follow the instructions in the section "How to enable kernel options on the livecd (before install)"01:26
* demophobia is reading https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313201:26
Bashing-omdemophobia: t the purple splash screen (stick figure keyboard emblems at bottom of screen) -> hit any key ->01:29
Bashing-omLanguage screen -> escape key to accept the default ->01:29
Bashing-omBooting options screen -> F6 key (other options) -> arrow down to the preset option(s) space or enter to accept and then the escape key to exit;01:29
The_Dv8orplease watch that forever01:33
The_Dv8orwhups, wrong window01:33
demophobiai'm worried that the USB drives aren't working on this dell d620 :(01:34
demophobiajust got it ~3 days ago from amazon01:34
Jordan_USmaug: Did configfile bring you to a grub menu, boot you immediately, or do something else?01:34
The_Dv8ordrives or drivers?01:35
fishcookerim on ubuntu 14 with this init script every time i do kill this core apps the platform service restarted this is the init script http://vpaste.net/HkipX01:35
Bashing-om!md5sum | demophobia01:35
ubottudemophobia: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM01:35
demophobiaah, was the damaged CD i was trying to rip into iTunes causing the autoplay window not to appear01:35
demophobiaBashing-om: did that already01:35
Smaugconcifgfile seemed to clear the grub prompt.  i was still at the same type of grub command line prompt01:35
SmaugJordan_U: ^01:35
demophobiagonna try your advice now to set nomodeset01:36
Smaugi tried both before and after sending linux and initrd commands01:36
fishcookerwhat's the diff between init and init.d ... afaik i used to use init.d rather than init01:36
Bashing-omdemophobia: Then next is to boot into the loveUSB to the boot menu and " check disk for defects " . => then boot with 'nomodeset' .01:36
Jordan_USmaug: OK, does "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg" print a whole bunch of text to the screen?01:36
Jordan_USmaug: What is the device name of your root partition?01:37
Smaugi wish i knew the device name of my root partition01:37
Smaughow would i figure that out?01:37
Smaugthe root files seem to be in (hd0,gpt2)01:37
Smaugthough I tried putting that in as the root= param and it didn't help01:37
Jordan_USmaug: Then it will probably be /dev/sda2, but could be /dev/sdb2 (or c2 or d2 depending on how many drives you have).01:38
Smaugyeah i did the cat command you just suggested and it's a bunch of text01:38
Bashing-omSmaug: You are now in good hands :)01:38
Smaugwhen I do ls (hd0,gpt2)/dev there are no sda*01:38
Jordan_USmaug: Try "root=/dev/sda2" (without the quotes) as a kernel parameter (by adding it after the file path to the kernel, on the same line).01:39
Jordan_USmaug: That's because grub names devices differently than linux does.01:39
SmaugJordan_U: tried it out, still boots into busybox initramfs01:41
Smaug(adding root=/dev/sda2 to the linux command01:41
Jordan_USmaug: Run "cat /proc/partitions" in the busybox shell. Hopefully you'll be able to tell by the partitions that are listed which drive contains Ubuntu, and you already know that the root partition is the second partition on that drive. /proc/partitions will list all of your drives and partitions, as linux names them.01:43
Smaugthere are 4 partitions.01:45
Smaugthe first and third are significantly larger in # of blocks01:45
Smaug(I apologize if I'm dense, I'm new to this boot stuff)01:46
Smaug(I really appreciate you taking the time to help me sort this out)01:46
Jordan_USmaug: What is the name of the one that ends in "2", like "sda2" or "nvme1p2"?01:47
Smaugnvme0n1p2 is the only one that ends in 201:47
Smaugof the /proc/partitions01:47
Jordan_USmaug: Then your root= kernel parameter should be "root=/dev/nvme0n1p2".01:48
andschwaIf anyone here knows snap, I need some help. I'm looking for the global configurations so I can change SNAP_DATA and SNAP_COMMON for all my snaps (so I can install them to a separate drive).01:48
andschwaBut my god, I've searched and searched. There's docs on what the environment variables are, but not how to set them for snapd.01:49
bazhangandschwa, #snappy for that01:49
andschwaah thank you, I tried #snap and #snapd :P01:49
SmaugJordan_U: it worked!  I'm in!  thank you so much01:52
Smaugany advice on how to prevent it from happening again? :)01:52
andschwa(realized I should probably stay here in case someone does know, since #snappy is eerily quiet)01:53
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Jordan_USmaug: Please pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg .02:04
SmaugJordan_U: pm'd02:09
nofacetimberI am currently running node on Ubuntu 16.04, and node is having trouble detecting ffmpeg on the server.  First node checks the environment variable process.env.FFMPEG_PATH to if it and the path exists, if not then it will check the $PATH for ffmpeg.  I thought I set the FFMPEG_PATH environment variable and add the ffmpeg location to $PATH however node still can't seem to detect or find ffmpeg.02:27
nofacetimberCan anyone help me troubleshoot this issue or ensure that my path or environment variable is properly set in a way that node can detect it?02:30
Jordan_USmaug: Odd. I don't see anything obviously wrong with it, but it seems it's not giving you a menu at boot.02:33
xzhi there, I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 with Dell U3011 display and GeForce M1000 graphics card. Display's native resolution is 2560x1600, however max I can set from Ubuntu is 1600x1200. I have nvidia-xxx driver. Any hints?02:35
Jordan_USmaug: If you reboot and run "source /boot/grub/grub.cfg" at the grub shell does it print any error messages? (Remember how to manually boot from the grub shell again as you'll need to).02:36
SmaugJordan_U: no error, but boundaries of the grub command prompt switch from center of the screen to fullscreen02:41
Jordan_USmaug: Try pressing the escape key exactly once. Hopefully it will take you to a grub menu.02:45
SmaugJordan_U: esc does nothing02:49
SmaugJordan_U: i have to go. if you give me more things to try, I will try them!  (just letting you know so when I don't respond you know why.  thank you so much for all of your help)02:52
xzok, so I'm using fairly common laptop HP Zbook with fairly common graphics card GeForce M1000M and I have fairly common DELL display with 2560x1600 native resolution. I can only get 1600x1200 from it. What's going on with Ubuntu?03:15
xzwhy isn't the GUI letting me to set higher resolution?03:15
xzI'm fucking around with xrandr too and no luck03:15
xzany ideas on how to force native display's resolution to work on that graphics card?03:15
xzit works with no problem on Windows over the same HDMI connector03:16
xzwith 2560x1600 (native) resolution03:16
kk4ewtyou may need the nvidia drivers to do that03:22
mmkumrI am trying to extract .iso.bz2 file with ubuntu archive manager but I am unable to extract the file.03:33
pankajDoes anybody know what a typesetter is?03:36
pankajI was studying about nroff and troff but could not understand their difference in their functionalities.03:37
al2o3-crmmkumr: bzip2 -cd foo.iso.bz203:40
madLyfeto be linux the only requirement is the kernel?03:41
rypervencheal2o3-cr: You do know that that will spam mmkumr's screen with output, yes?03:41
mmkumrNow I am tring command 'bzip2 -d -k -v  R2015a-glnxa64.iso.bz2'.03:43
al2o3-crrypervenche: is that a problem?03:44
rypervenchemmkumr: Are you trying to turn the iso.bz2 into an iso file?03:45
mmkumrrypervenche: yes03:45
rypervenchemmkumr: Then: bzip2 -d R2015a-glnxa64.iso.bz2 will work03:46
rypervencheIt will overwrite the .iso.bz2 file with an .iso file.03:46
rypervenchemmkumr: But what you wrote will work just fine too :)03:46
kk4ewtR2015a is ancient03:46
mmkumrrypervenche: I have used -k option for keep the original file.03:46
rypervenchemmkumr: Yes, and it was good of you to look up those options :)03:47
al2o3-crmmkumr: or just use bunzip2 R2015a-glnxa64.iso.bz2 (if you don't want spamming)03:47
* al2o3-cr yeesh03:47
mmkumral2o3-cr: ok. but now extracting process in going on.03:48
al2o3-crmmkumr: great!03:48
mmkumral2o3-cr: :)03:48
kk4ewtmmkumr, also look into octane as a matlab replacement03:48
al2o3-crxz: what did you try?03:50
xzal2o3-cr: I tried xrandr, I tried nvidia-settings03:51
mmkumrkk4ewt: NO, Actually I have downloaded it for institutional purpose and I don't want to use windows OS. So I have downloaded it for ubuntu for short time period.03:51
xzal2o3-cr: and I tried 'displays' in ubuntu settings03:51
xzal2o3-cr: I just started a thread on nvidia forum as well, https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1023278/linux/how-do-i-get-native-2560x1600-resolution-on-m1000m-ubuntu-16-04/03:51
kk4ewtmmkumr, matlab has linux ports and octane is linux03:51
kk4ewtand 2015a had some major bugs03:52
al2o3-crxz: have you tried setting a newmode with xrandr?03:52
mmkumrkk4ewt: ok. But both the software's UI is similar or not.03:53
al2o3-crxz: have you generated a modeline first?03:54
mmkumrThe .iso.bz2 file has extracted successfully03:54
kk4ewtyes your matlab files will run in octane03:54
mmkumrkk4ewt: Then fine I will try it.03:55
xzal2o3-cr: I think so, I used for example that tutorial: https://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution03:56
xzal2o3-cr: I tried multiple times xrandr with options --newmode and --addmode03:56
xzal2o3-cr: if you understand that a little bit more, I can do all that again and give you exactly error messages03:57
al2o3-crxz: you did choose the right monitor?03:57
xzal2o3-cr: I did, yes03:57
xzal2o3-cr: my external display is called DP-103:57
xzal2o3-cr: it's little funny as it is connected to HDMI port over HDMI->DVI cable03:58
xzal2o3-cr: and DP-1 suggests that linux recognizes that as DisplayPort03:58
xzal2o3-cr: no clue, however, it's correct display, at least the same on is reported in nvidia-settings03:58
al2o3-crwell, if you followed that tut i'm stumped as to why then03:59
kk4ewtxz which nvidia driver are you using04:00
kk4ewtgo to nvidia.com and make surre you are using the correct driver04:00
kk4ewtand it could be the cable04:00
xzkk4ewt: 384.69 - I believe it's the latest one04:01
xzkk4ewt: I checked Nvidia website and my GPU was listed for that driver, so I think that part is correct04:01
xzkk4ewt: the story is it works on Win 10, so from the hardware point of view I know *it can work*04:01
xzkk4ewt: however, 2560x1600 resolution wasn't listed by default under win10, I had to add it manually04:02
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mkquisthelp with partitions...   had a hardware problem and could boot only to ubuntu (dual boot), recovered windows (7) not dont see the ubuntu part in gparted on live cd...04:17
mkquist(now) not not*04:17
Bashing-ommkquist: pastebin ' sudo fisk -lu04:19
spider_xHello all, I am experiencing some very slow boot and shutdown, any idea how I could progress to diagnose the issues? Both in boot up and boot down no text is shown.04:39
mkquistpartition question..  dual boot win7/ubuntu and had hardware problem which required reboot, ubuntu worked but not win7, used recovery console to fixboot now dont see ubuntu part at all04:41
Bashing-ommkquist: Boot a liveUSB(DVD) and pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' . See if the ubuntu partitions are seen .04:46
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mkquist Bashing-om - will do, let me change machines and reboot this one....05:00
mkquiststupid me.. who was trying to help?05:12
mkquisthttps://pastebin.com/79t5ew2g either way..05:12
Bashing-ommkquist: Looking  .05:16
mkquist_whoever was trying to help, im sorry but was on web irc and dont remember the name....   partition problem with win7 and ubuntu..05:20
Bashing-ommkquist: Nope. linux partitions no longer exists . All that is on that sda drive is Windows :(05:21
mkquistoops.. thank you anway05:22
mkquistBashing-om: thank you anyway05:22
Bashing-om!recovery | mkquist05:23
ubottumkquist: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:23
Bashing-ommkquist: Opps . wrong one ^05:23
Bashing-ommkquist: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery if you are sure you had ubuntu on that sda drive .05:26
arunkumar413Does ubuntu recommend any laptop which runs Ubuntu smoothly06:57
arunkumar413My HP laptop come with propritery drivers and ubuntu isn't smooth. It's drains the battery quickly.06:58
ducassenot afaik. there is a certified hardware list, but not for laptops.06:59
arunkumar413Can u share the link to the certified hardware07:01
ducassejust google it?07:01
arunkumar413Why doesn't ubuntu work with laptop vendors to give a very good experience07:01
ducasseit's probably more the other way around.07:02
arunkumar413Hardly 2 percent of ppl use Linux and developers are wasting their entire life on building a OS which hardly any ppl use07:03
ducassedo you know how big a share of the server market linux has? and this is not a support issue.07:04
arunkumar413I'm talking about the desktop07:05
ducasseit's still not a support question, please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic07:05
arunkumar413I just made a comment not a support question07:07
arunkumar413My ubuntu now gone to sleep mode07:07
arunkumar413and is not waking up07:07
arunkumar413The screen is black but the power button is glowing07:08
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lesshastehow can I search for a manually installed .deb by name?07:33
ducassesynaptic can display locally installed packages, and you can use aptitude search terms as well to only search those packages.07:35
sbefhello guys. is it possible to change that awful super ugly ubuntu bootsplash? i tried with all tutorials i found, it didn't work.07:59
ducassesbef: easy to turn off, never tried switching it. the 'plymouth' package would be the thing to investigate there, afaik.08:04
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lesshasteducasse, thanks08:08
lesshasteducasse, aptitude search "~o" appears to be the magic command line08:08
ducasselesshaste: yes, i rarely use aptitude myself these days, but that seems right.08:10
lesshasteI never use it08:10
lesshastebut someone suggested this08:10
geirhaYeah, aptitude is usually the first package I install on a fresh ubuntu :)08:14
geirhathe manual page for aptitude is far from complete though. The full documentation is in /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README, which is where you'll find the "magical" ~o08:15
geirha«?obsolete     |~o            |Match installed packages that cannot be downloaded.»08:16
cloudbudhow to resolve this error :  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing:   E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:38
bielski@cloudbud try to get more specific info, this info from pkg installer but what is the real reason for that specific package?08:41
ducassecloudbud: also, crossposting is generally considered a bad thing08:41
cloudbudbielski : I am trying to install it using apt-get08:42
cloudbudgetting error in output08:42
cloudbudsubprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 getting this now08:43
bielski@cloudbud I don't remember know how to do it but google 'apt-get verbose logs' or sth similar08:44
bielski@cloudbud: to know exactly which step failed08:45
ducassecloudbud: pastebin the complete output, including the command08:47
cloudbudducasse :08:48
cloudbudducasse : https://pastebin.com/raw/T5v0FiMh08:51
ducassewhy are you censoring the packagename?08:51
ducassecloudbud: anyway, that's not a package from the repos, so contact whoever you're getting it from.08:56
cloudbudducasse : its a package developed by a developer08:56
ducassecloudbud: obviously08:57
Ben64then fix it by fixing it08:57
ducassecloudbud: nvm, fix this yourself.08:57
cloudbudnvm ?08:58
ducasse'never mind'08:58
lesshastehow do I tell which dns server my ubuntu machine is using?10:08
ddellavlesshaste cat /etc/resolv.conf10:16
hateballThat only works if you're not using network-manager, otherwise it lists the loopback interface10:16
lesshasteddellav, that gives nameserver
lesshastesearch config10:17
lesshastehateball, right... what can I do?10:17
hateballlesshaste: nmcli sh conn <tab your conn here> |grep domain_name10:18
ddellavoh whoops, thought this was ubuntu-server10:18
ddellavmy mistake10:18
lesshastenmcli device show  enp2s010:18
lesshastethat shows it10:18
lesshastenow how do I change it?10:19
BBMAskOn Ubuntu i see a one main issue that on Debian is not aper10:19
BBMAskUbuntu after couple of day work in10:19
BBMAskthe have strange unexpected behavior10:20
BBMAskThat situation  mainly aper on  after updates10:21
BBMAskEvent, in it's have default repository  set up10:22
BBMAskwhat is cos this kind of thinks in Ubuntu ? Lack of information flow between project Ubuntu is based of ?10:24
BBMAskThis kind of situation don't aper in Linux-mint10:25
BBMAskmost buggy it's Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS10:26
vlt!details | BBMAsk10:33
ubottuBBMAsk: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.10:33
BBMAskThe question was more glob scope - lack on stability in long run without re-install it after first error ( in not touching mainly configurations files of based apps)   -  apear on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS10:36
BBMAskif system run, but without update it's less secure but rock solid with stability in log term development on it an own project10:38
BluesKajHey folks11:02
anddamI'm trying to use a specific monitor layout in lightdm login screen itself, before login, I found this https://askubuntu.com/a/363992 that would be very convenient since copying monitors.xml is easier than writing the relevant xorg sections11:11
BBMAskWhy adding monitor in clone mode it's easy on Mac Os X, than on Ubuntu without configure Xorg server and with open source drivers based on mesa ?11:11
anddambut it doesn't work on xenial, I copied the file, reassigned it to lightdm:lightdm and chmod'ed it to 664, stopped and started lightdm again to no avail11:11
anddamjournalctl doesn't mention anything, any hint on what I could check?11:11
anddamBBMAsk: what?11:12
BBMAskI ask in constructive way - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Whys11:14
BBMAskWhat is cos that clone mode with 2 or more monitor in different Hz frequency, it's not so simple as in Mac Os X  ?11:16
BBMAskWhy software cant detect this automatically?11:17
BBMAskBased on open source drivers ?11:17
Ben64BBMAsk: this isn't really the place to complain11:19
BBMAskBetter mechanism will be allow to have all function  of video cards in system11:21
BBMAskLike so detect monitor automatic, and add in user space, blacklist files configuration.11:21
Ben64BBMAsk: ok cool. if you don't have a support question you're in the wrong channel though11:22
BBMAskThat disable eventually unwonted feature by program write in python and added control panel in display section11:22
BBMAskChanel are good :)11:22
BBMAskSorry thugs are good :)11:23
BBMAskChanel wrong :)11:24
BBMAskSo, good place will be developer channel ?11:25
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ducasseai101: stop that11:33
OnkelTemHI all12:00
OnkelTemHow to stop right-click from being detected as left click?12:01
antonmWhat kind of mouse are you using12:01
OnkelTem"Bloody V7"12:01
OnkelTemlet me find something more sensible12:03
adrian_1908OnkelTem: Have you checked in Ubuntu's mouse options? There might e.g. be a left/right-handed toggle that could be responsible for the reversal.12:08
OnkelTemadrian_1908: didn't found anything12:08
ducasseOnkelTem: does this also happen if you use another mouse?12:09
OnkelTemI haven't checked it :-/12:10
adrian_1908OnkelTem: and help articles gave no userful advice? I don't know if the latest Ubuntu still uses X or libinput, if the former I'm pretty sure there are many guides you can use to remap the buttons.12:10
ducasseOnkelTem: check that before hunting down software problems12:12
ai101oh hey12:12
ai101i have ubuntu issues12:13
adrian_1908ducasse: what's the use though, if his main mouse happens to do that? He'll want to fix it instead of using another, no?12:13
ai101the issue is when i deleted the ubuntu partition and i wanted to reinstall ubuntu... it said i already have it when i deleted the partition?12:14
ducasseadrian_1908: because we'll have more info to find out if it's a hardware or software problem. he'll need to know that to fix it, no?12:14
ai101You guys have an idea how to fix?12:15
ai101my issue?12:15
ai101it says like i already have this grub rescue bootloader thing12:15
ai101i dont know how to get rid of that12:15
adrian_1908ducasse: yeah, I wouldn't even assume this is anything but a hardware issue to be fixed by software adjustment :)12:15
ai101update mouse drivers12:15
ai101or get a new mouse12:15
ai101that may fix the issue12:16
ai101if you have a spare mouse test it with that12:16
ai101Any of you here?12:17
adrian_1908ai101: describe your problem again, I'm not sure I understand. You want to wipe Ubuntu and re-install over it?12:17
ai101i used computer management12:17
ai101to get rid of partition12:17
ai101gparted is better you get more control12:17
ai101but i didnt even know what gparted was at that time12:18
adrian_1908ai101: So it's a partition different than the one you're running gparted on, yes?12:18
ai101wait i wasnt running gparted12:18
ai101the Ubuntu installer that i was using automatticaly made a new partition for ubuntu12:19
ai101so i deleted that12:19
ai101and there is this "grub rescue loader" that is confusing the installer12:19
ai101i need to get rid of the grub thing12:20
ai101i even formatted my whole pc to fix the issue12:20
ai101and guess what..12:20
ai101it removed everything except the grub loader12:20
ai101so i am quite pissed off that i cant get ubuntu working12:21
ai101cuz i love that os12:21
ai101windows is fine but sometimes i wanna run linux distros12:21
ai101@adrian_1908 you still there?12:22
adrian_1908ai101: Yes, sorry – I'm not sure what to make of it. You have Windows and Ubuntu on the same Disk?12:22
ducasse!enter | ai10112:22
ubottuai101: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.12:22
ai101@ubottu ok12:22
ai101Yes but different partitions12:23
ai101same disk, different partitions..12:23
ai101one was a linux swap i think12:24
ai101and my windows partition was nfts12:24
ai101afk will say when im back12:24
adrian_1908ai101: Installing over it doesn't work? Did you do it manually like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU_dkeFprhY ?12:27
ai101lemme check the vid'12:27
ai101thx for the help, i really appreciate it.12:27
adrian_1908I never had such an issue, but I kept Windows and Linux on separate disks (and hence their bootloaders).12:28
ai101smart idea12:28
ai101i have another 1tb disk12:28
ai101but i dont wanna use it cuz it had other stuff on it12:28
ai101and plus my dad uses it all the time12:29
adrian_1908Yeah, keep that for data. Just saying that I might not have had the issue because mine didn't share the same disk.12:29
ai101i didnt use this "manual option" i used the "automatic option"12:30
ai101wait a sec the guy in that vid is using a....... virtual box client12:31
ai101oh i get it now.. wait i have to get the new install disc and my internet is sometimes 30kbps i am scared now12:32
adrian_1908Yes, but that shouldn't make a different in this case. I'd try to remove all non-Windows partitions, and just create a single ext4 (mount point "/") parititon to install Ubuntu on.12:32
adrian_1908(my reply is regarding your virtual box comment)12:32
ai101i thought it was linux swap o.o12:33
ai101k this is relly confusing meeeeeeeeee12:34
adrian_1908ai101: ext4 is what you'd install Ubuntu on. Swap isn't needed anymore in recent versions as Ubuntu moved to a swap file.12:34
ai101swap isnt needed?12:34
ai101in 16.04 lts?12:34
ai101is swap recommended?12:35
adrian_1908ai101: looks like 17.04 is the first: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/12/ubuntu-17-04-drops-swaps-swap-partitions-swap-files12:35
ai101i wanted an lts12:35
adrian_1908swap is recommended if you're short on Ram, otherwise not needed in my experience.12:36
ai101i am short on ram12:36
ai1014 gigs12:36
ai1013.8 usable12:36
adrian_1908Ok, then in your case do create a swap partition and use it :)12:36
ai101how big should it be12:36
akikai101: 4 gigs is plenty12:36
ai101my pc gets laggy when you use 1 gig12:37
adrian_1908Half of your physical ram, i.e. 2GB? that sound reasonable to me. It's mostly for emergencies when a process takes more than your system can handle.12:37
ai101i tried installing mac on vbox it worked but it was lagging my pc like hell12:38
adrian_1908Anyway, try reinstalling Ubuntu manually and see if that fixes the Grub issue. The problem might just get "overwritten" if you're lucky.12:38
ai101cuz it was using so much ram]12:38
ai101well i doubt that12:38
ai101i think canonical needs to make their installers a bit more basic for nubs like me12:39
akikai101: if you reinstall ubuntu, it'll take care of the boot sector or uefi settings12:39
ai101but my pc has secure boooot12:39
akikai101: secure boot is handled by ubuntu12:40
ai101i had to go into windows 10 bios to load ubuntu12:40
ai101akik: cause i want it double boot when i start my pc12:41
ai101can ubuntu manage that?12:42
ai101btw make an ubuntu discord12:43
ai101still there12:44
CarolinaRubeany chance for sensible high dpi display support sometime?  i'm running open source apps in windows 10 so I can see them.12:45
akikai101: point the ubuntu installer to your efi system partition12:46
akikai101: when selecting where to put grub12:46
ai101where do i do that in the installer12:46
akikai101: it's on the page where you create the partitions12:47
ducasseCarolinaRube: file bugs on the problems you find with the hidpi support, so they can be fixed12:47
ai101cuz there are already unessesary instances of grub in my system12:47
ai101hmm ill see12:47
CarolinaRubeducasse: thx, i will12:48
RonWhoCaresHow do I change this to search subdirectories recursively   ls ./*[!x]odt12:49
adrian_1908RonWhoCares: ls -R … maybe?12:50
akikai101: on my laptop i have to select the efi boot file in the laptop's bios screen (EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)12:50
tsgloveHello... running into a problem.  I am trying to change the hostname of a small virtual machine.  I do it both with   #sudo hostname new_name         or by modifying   sudo /etc/hostname          and then restart.             The hostname is in fact changed, yet sudo no longer works.      What am I missing?12:51
adrian_1908akik: yes, that's how I remember to too. There's a drop-down where you select where to write the efi information to. In my case there were to choices (different disks).12:51
adrian_1908*remember it too12:52
ai101i have phoenix bios12:52
PiciRonWhoCares: ls doesn't really do that well, something like:  find . -regex '.*[^x]odt'   should work12:52
ai101can you do it in that bios12:52
RonWhoCaresls: cannot access ./*[!x]odt: No such file or directory12:52
akikai101: you'd have to check it yourself12:52
ai101hmm what bios u have12:52
ducasse!hostname | tsglove12:52
ubottutsglove: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.12:52
akikai101: it doesn't matter which bios i have12:53
adrian_1908ai101: Dude, just do it. It seems you're here to strike endless conversations instead of fixing your problem.12:53
tsgloveducasse, huh... thank you. Trying that out now.12:53
ai101k gosh12:54
tsgloveducasse, excellent. I was reading up, yet didn´t quit understand the full of it.   ubottu´s message was concise.  Thank you!12:57
ducassetsglove: no problem13:00
vimeshello! Tryin to set up a webserver for use  when learning php on my own, but I fail with the permissions on /var/www after installing apache. see https://hastebin.com/apasixisag.rb I feel Like I've tried the entire two first pages of google, but nothing helps.13:03
vimesany ideas? The hastebin is the ls -al output of the folder13:03
nchamberssudo chmod +w /var/www/html ?13:04
vimesbut is that safe?13:04
vimesI want to do it by being a member of www-data. which I am13:04
foca_Hey guys...Today when I started my computer I just took a look in software center and I saw some duplicated applications installed, those that were duplicated is write below "source: www.ubuntu.com.br". Should I worrry about it ? thanks13:04
akikvimes: did you login again after adding yourself to www-data group?13:05
vimesI tried to restart the computer akik13:06
akikvimes: tried and succeeded?13:06
vimesyes :)13:07
ducassefoca_: can you pastebin the output of 'ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d'?13:07
tsgloveHey guys, how come this works (from link)??   sudo apt install lamp-server^   .  I do apt-cache search lamp    and see no packages listed for lamp-server                ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP13:07
foca_ducasse: gerardpuig-ubuntu-ppa-zesty.list google-chrome.list google-chrome.list.save graphics-drivers-ubuntu-ppa-zesty.list graphics-drivers-ubuntu-ppa-zesty.list.save opera-stable.list opera-stable.list.save plushuang-tw-ubuntu-uget-stable-zesty.list plushuang-tw-ubuntu-uget-stable-zesty.list.save skype-stable.list skype-stable.list.save13:08
vimesthe weird things is that I did this on linux mint, should be exactly the same? (giving myself permissions on war/www(13:09
adrian_1908vimes: yeah, the permissions issue makes no sense from my point of view, odd.13:10
akikvimes: do you see www-data if you run "id" ?13:10
ducassefoca_: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list itself13:10
vimesyes akik13:10
vimesakik, https://hastebin.com/olakahuxak.rb13:10
adrian_1908chmod is 7xx for the dir?13:12
akikadrian_1908: looks to be 277513:12
vimesyou talking about me?13:13
vimesI tried setting this up inn a vm now, and it worked! I have no clue what I've done wrong. this is a clean new ubuntu 16.04 install13:13
ducassetsglove: it's not a package, it's a tasksel task13:14
tsglovetasksel task... searching for that now.  Thanks ducasse !13:15
ducassetsglove: run 'tasksel'13:15
foca_ducasse: I don't understand you answer13:15
ducassefoca_: can you pastebin that file?13:16
tsgloveducasse, TIL!  Quite interesting!13:16
foca_ducasse: http://pasted.co/bfa091be13:26
corentinI'm having trouble installing unity-teak-tool, any clue how to solve this issue? https://pastebin.com/DJeE1Efh13:30
corentinbasically it seems like apt is not pulling dependencies correctly for this program13:31
corentintried to add this ppa: ppa:freyja-dev/unity-tweak-tool-daily13:31
corentinbut same problem13:31
ducassecorentin: you are using at least one ppa that is causing this problem, i suggest you start purging them.13:33
ducassefoca_: no, read again. i need the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list13:33
corentinducasse: I already removed all ppa13:33
corentinsee apt-get update at beginning of pastebin13:34
ducassecorentin: did you use ppa-purge?13:34
corentinmmmmm no13:34
corentinguess I'll look into it13:34
ducassecorentin: then the packages from them are still installed.13:34
corentinI see, thanks!13:34
ducasse!ppa-purge | corentin13:35
ubottucorentin: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:35
corentinducasse: should I reinstalled the ppa before ppa-purge can purge them?13:36
ducassecorentin: yes.13:36
corentinmmm looks like ppa-purge can't find the package list for the repo, so it's doing nothing :/13:46
ducassecorentin: did you run apt update?13:48
corentinducasse: yes13:49
corentinam I doing something wrong? https://pastebin.com/k8Mj2BJ713:49
corentin$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skypeforlinux.list => deb [arch=amd64] https://repo.skype.com/deb stable main13:49
corentinsame for virtualbox13:50
ducassecorentin: you can only use that syntax on launchpad ppas, on third-party repos you need to use the options in the man page13:50
ducassecorentin: i'm heading out now, but someone else can help you with that13:51
corentinthx, see you13:52
foca_ducasse: http://pasted.co/906236bf13:53
corentinok correct syntax was: sudo ppa-purge -s repo.skype.com -o deb -p dists13:54
pankaj_How can I check that whether my linux is using which bootloader grub legacy or grub2?13:54
corentinpankaj_: grub-install --version13:57
corentinalso you could check /boot/grub13:57
corentinfiles are different in there whether it is grub1 or grub213:57
corentinsometimes the folder is called /boot/grub2 but not always13:58
pankaj_corentin: Thanks very much.13:58
corentinpankaj_: wait, have you installed both and just want to validate which one is installed in the MBR?13:59
pankaj_corentin: I just wanted to know which grub version was my OS using.14:00
corentinpankaj_: then it's ok14:00
pankaj_corentin: I was reading about grub-legacy in a book.14:01
pankaj_corentin: So, to later to understand about the grub2 and to make same differences.14:01
=== JanC is now known as Guest96910
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
corentincool everything's working now!14:17
corentinthank you ducasse14:17
holgerdanskeHow would I utilize a Java based backend to an API? I realize this is probably a remedial question but it's something I've never had to tangle with til just now.14:18
pankajcorentin: Can I work with grub interface inside m terminal emulator. I want to check some commands14:24
linuxloveheu guys14:26
linuxlovei need to download https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/7.0.4/tor-browser-linux64-7.0.4_en-US.tar.xz14:26
linuxlovecan someone put it in one place and give me a download link ?14:26
ducasselinuxlove: why can't you just download it from there?14:29
linuxlovei dont have access in my country14:29
linuxloveducasse, can you do it?14:30
ducasselinuxlove: that's not what this channel is for, try #ubuntu-offtopic or something14:30
holgerdanskeUhhhh yeah that's definatly not a cool thing to be asking for on here.14:30
ducasselinuxlove: i doubt any #ubuntu* channel will help you14:32
linuxloveducasse, whats should i do then ?14:33
foca_ducasse: did you see my pastebin ?14:33
CarlFKI am sshed into a box.  i am trying to run xrandr to see what res the video card can do, and set it to something other than the 1024 that it defaulted to.  I get: juser@gator:~$ xrandr  ... Can't open display14:33
ducasselinuxlove: it's not our problem  or policy to help you circumvent local laws and regulations14:33
ducassefoca_: i was out, hang on14:34
linuxlovei just need it to use from my eclipse as socks proxy to get my repository14:34
ducassefoca_: that looks good. i don't use the software app, so i don't know what that message means, but it doesn't seem as if you have any suspicious sources.14:36
xfceoneno sound ubuntu 16.04 after HDMI cable14:36
CarlFKxfceone: hdmi supports sound. that is where your sound is going.  Settings, Sound, change the "play sound though" to ... the other choice - hopefully it is that simple14:38
xfceoneI can`t hear sound from headphones after change my videocard14:38
xfceoneany solution?14:40
Bashing-omxfceone: What was the old card , what is the new card, and what driver is now loaded for the graphic's card ?14:41
V7OnkelTem: I'm not bloody ...14:41
xfceoneNvidia Quadro 290 256 mb the old card14:42
xfceoneNvidia Geforce 210 1 gb the new14:42
thanzexhi there! i can't seem to get bluetooth to work, i'm on ubuntu 17.04 on a dell xps 15 9550, the device seems to be working but doesn't detect any devices, tell me if you need anything14:43
Bashing-omxfceone: Old card . what driver is loaded ? Pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .14:44
pankajcorentin: Can I work with grub interface inside m terminal emulator. I want to check some commands14:45
corentinpankaj: I'm not sure, I think you have to go trough the boot menu14:45
pankajcorentin: When I type 'grub' in terminal it says that I can install it by typing 'sudo apt-get ------'. So, what does it mean?14:46
thanzexsystemctl status bluetooth gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/25417922/14:46
corentinpankaj: what if you type grub2?14:46
thanzexand bluetoothd gives "D-Bus setup failed: Name already in use"14:47
corentinpankaj: sorry it doesn't exists also14:47
pankajcorentin: It gives error that no command for it has found.14:47
corentinpankaj: try this: dpkg -l 'grub*'14:47
corentinyou're interested in the lines starting with 'ii'14:47
corentinthose are the installed packages14:48
xfceoneBashing-om : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25417926/14:48
pankajcorentin: Yes14:49
ducassepankaj: afaik, no, you can't do that14:49
Nothing4Youwhere does ubuntu manage networking on a fresh installed desktop machine?14:49
pankajducasse: Surely ?14:49
ducasseNothing4You: network manager14:49
Nothing4Youdo you know which files?14:49
ducassepankaj: hmm?14:49
Bashing-omxfceone: Nope, wring friver, you want the 340 version for the Geforce 210 : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/114719/en-us .14:50
pankajducasse: I was just puzzled that when I typed 'grub' it said that I can install it. Now, what if I installed or what will it do?14:50
corentinpankaj: it will probably install grub-legacy (grub 1)14:51
ducasseNothing4You: /etc/NetworkManager - but you are expected to use the tools to manage it aiui14:51
corentinbut not sure14:51
corentinpankaj: what are you trying to acomplish?14:51
xfceoneBashing-om I have 32 bit system14:51
Bashing-omxfceone: K; lemme see if 32 bit makes a difference .14:51
pankajcorentin: Just for knowledge. But, sorry in some books it had been stated that grub1 and grub2 are both under the grub and not in grub-legacy.14:52
xfceonegive me the 32 bit link please14:52
ducassepankaj: when i type 'grub' here i get no such message, which release is this?14:52
pankajcorentin: OK. Now I know.14:52
Bashing-omxfceone: dame - 340 : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/114718/en-us . Install that driver from our repo !14:53
xfceoneI can hear sound if put headphones in my motherboard?14:53
Nothing4Youducasse: i see14:53
diamjdkanyone having positive experience with opensuse? I have to use it instead of ubuntu14:53
Bashing-om!sound | xfceone14:53
ubottuxfceone: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:53
thanzexno one knows about bluetooth?14:54
ducasseNothing4You: gui - use the app, cli - use nmcli or nmtui14:54
ducassediamjdk: offtopic here14:54
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:54
Nothing4Youducasse: i guess i'll just look at how to disable nm14:55
Nothing4Youso i can manage it via /etc/network/interfaces14:55
thebigjFrom the experience of Yesterday, I have decided to prepare blog post for it.14:55
thebigjI was unexpectedlly formatted my boot partition.14:56
ducasseNothing4You: just configure the interface there and nm will not manage it14:56
thebigjHere is the blogpost. https://github.com/ultimatecoder/Blog/pull/2014:56
ducasseNothing4You: (unless you explicitly tell it to)14:56
thebigjI am writing first time on GRUB. I don't have much experience on this topic.14:56
ObiWanKanI am trying to set wallpaper through a cron job but get the following error : failed to commit changes to dconf: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY14:57
thebigjI will help verymuch if anyone from here can proofread the post.14:57
thebigjducasse: https://github.com/ultimatecoder/Blog/pull/2014:57
thebigjioria: https://github.com/ultimatecoder/Blog/pull/2014:57
ducassethebigj: you might want to edit the description, now it sounds like you spoonfed us how to do it ;)14:58
ObiWanKanSetting through commandline works fine.. but cronjob fails14:58
diamjdkObiWanKan, i think there are configuration on update-alternative14:59
ducasseObiWanKan: cronjobs don't run in your user environment, so don't have access to your x display14:59
diamjdkObiWanKan: desktop-background i think14:59
ioriaObiWanKan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto#GUI_Applications15:00
thebigjducasse: Description of the PR?15:00
ioriathebigj, good job15:00
ducassethebigj: yes, i don't have time to look  at it fully now15:00
ioriaObiWanKan, you need to set DISPLAY15:01
thebigjducasse: OKay. If you can suggest anyone I can take their advice then it will be verymuch helpful.15:01
thebigjioria: Thanks!15:01
ObiWanKan ioria, lemme try this.. debugging cronjobs is a pain :'(15:07
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chrismlhow can i increase `net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max` permanently?15:38
ducassechrisml: which release?15:38
chrismlducasse trusty15:39
leftyfbchrisml: http://antmeetspenguin.blogspot.com/2011/01/high-performance-linux-router.html (first result on google for "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max perm" )15:39
chrismlleftyfb thanks15:40
ducassechrisml: add a file to /etc/sysctl.d, i assume15:40
leftyfbAnyone know how to make do-release-upgrade completely non-interactive? I've tried "Dpkg::Options { "--force-confdef"; "--force-confnew"; }" in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local and /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg as well as setting DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive.15:41
MajesticFudgieAnyone able to point me in the right direction in setting up two NICs on OVH? I have to mess with their stupid routing and I dont seem to be able to make any sense of it all. The routing commands I use are "route blah blah" yet some sites say "ip route" and tell me to edit /etc/iproute2/rt_tables15:43
soeehi all, any idea how to fix this snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks ?15:44
leftyfbMajesticFudgie: shouldn't OVH support be able to help you with this?15:44
MajesticFudgieWell, I'd assume it's basic routing though?15:45
frostschutzMajesticFudgie, route is old, ip route is new. no idea about ovh's setup, don't they have wiki/docs or maybe a customer forum?15:45
naccsoee: in what context? sounds like snaps --> #snappy15:45
MajesticFudgieI just have to statically set an address and route through a gateway15:45
soeenacc: when trying to run an app installed via snap15:45
naccsoee: yeah, ask in #snappy15:45
soeenacc: sure, thanks15:46
MajesticFudgieLike so, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25418165/15:46
frostschutzMajesticFudgie, give details and output of ip link, ip route15:46
MajesticFudgieI just need to get two routes on two nics to play ball, as soon as I add a 2nd nic Ubuntu suddenly decides that all the other nic's don't matter and only uses that one. Apache etc ends up only listening on that nic15:46
MajesticFudgieOk, one sec15:47
frostschutzMajesticFudgie, the listen ip is another problem, you have to set that in the apache cfg. as long as you can ping these IPs you set you should be good, routing wise15:48
MajesticFudgieIdeally I'd be listening on all interfaces via
MajesticFudgiefrostschutz http://paste.ubuntu.com/25418178/15:50
frostschutzMajesticFudgie, what you posted first was ens160, your route has ens192 and ens224... your default route says dev ens192, so which one is it now?15:56
MajesticFudgieOh sorry, I took ens160 as an example15:56
MajesticFudgieens160 is my LAN, ens192 and ens224 are both my outgoing NIC's15:57
MajesticFudgieboth are setup the same15:57
MajesticFudgiejust different addresses15:57
foca_ducasse: Good to read that... I did the command apt-get autoremove then all those duplicate applications now gone but that looked really weird for me16:13
cjohnsonHow can I specify the password that is supplied to dpkg for the mysql root password from the command line?16:15
cjohnsonMy server standup script is mostly automated but right now you have to enter the password 4 times and hope you got it right all 4 times16:16
cjohnsonSorry, the context is "when installing mysql-server"16:16
cjohnsonapt-get install mysql-server will spawn an interactive dpkg16:16
cjohnsonThanks rubber duck: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7739645/install-mysql-on-ubuntu-without-password-prompt16:17
chrismlwhat's the best way to download 100gb+ of files from one server to another?16:42
soeewget ? rsync ?16:42
_BIGSHOT_wow 100GB+++!!! chrisml what is it? movies?16:43
chrismlsoee looks like wget -b does it16:44
_BIGSHOT_chrisml, what is 100GB>16:44
_BIGSHOT_chrisml, all the pawn fiel?16:44
chrisml_BIGSHOT_ pics of your mom16:44
_BIGSHOT_chrisml, no look carefully they are your sisters!16:45
chrismlyeah probs gonna use rsync16:45
_BIGSHOT_chrisml, seriously what are you doing with all those Large files? i also want it for time pass16:46
chrisml_BIGSHOT_ user avatars16:47
_BIGSHOT_you run a forum?16:47
EriC^^_to disable automatic updates completely all i need to do is have this is /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic ? http://termbin.com/k4f216:53
EriC^^_do i also need to set APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1"; to 0? thanks16:54
=== WarKitteh is now known as jemoeder
_BIGSHOT_jemoeder, yo bud how's it hanging16:58
jemoederCrippling depression16:58
_BIGSHOT_dang why16:58
jemoederNah just kidding16:58
_BIGSHOT_howdoyou pass your time jemoeder16:59
jemoeder(I know, not something to joke about)16:59
jemoederBut Reddit karma tho16:59
_BIGSHOT_howdoyou pass your time jemoeder16:59
_BIGSHOT_WarKitteh, are you girl?17:00
WarKittehI´m kinda new to IRC stuff17:00
WarKittehAny interesting channels?17:00
WarKittehNo, I´m a guy17:00
_BIGSHOT_foff then17:00
WarKittehWell ok17:01
_BIGSHOT_what are your interests?17:01
WarKittehProgramming (obviously), reading, rowing17:01
WarKittehBut do you know any interesting channels I can join?17:02
WarKittehI´m kinda bored17:02
_BIGSHOT_>>  /msg alis LIST *searchterm*17:02
_BIGSHOT_WarKitteh, i am bored too17:02
_BIGSHOT_WarKitteh, what do you do when you get bored?17:02
ducasseplease take the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic17:02
_BIGSHOT_man ducasse you made that poor guy quit17:03
pankajWhat is the difference between halt and shutdown?17:11
ikoniashutdown shuts down the OS, halt halts the whole system17:14
ikoniaon a modern PC shutdown will also "halt" too17:15
ikoniahence shutdown -h17:15
pankajikonia: So, what does halt does? I read in a book that halt runs before shutdown so I though it would be another daemon and performs job like logging but could not understand fully.17:16
ikonianeither are daemons17:16
OnkelTemV7: :)17:17
pankajikonia: I think halt means to pause?17:18
OnkelTemV7: I imagine someone with "Hi" nick. Well, this guy wouldn't make use of hilights!17:19
pankajikonia: Please explain.17:19
ikoniaI just did17:19
V7OnkelTem: True )17:20
pankajikonia: Hello17:22
malwar3hun73ri have an issue where my drive is full and i cannot update/upgrade - i also cannot autoremove but apt seems to have gotten stuck during a header install17:50
malwar3hun73rbut = because17:50
malwar3hun73revery command is met with a  "Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)"17:51
malwar3hun73rwhich, if i run that i just get "No space left on device"17:51
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: clean up your drive17:53
malwar3hun73ri'm trying, but there's not really much to clean up since it's just the OS (all data is on a separate drive)17:54
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: how big is the drive/root partition? Is /boot a separate partition? Is that the partition that's filled?17:54
malwar3hun73rit's not the boot partition that's full17:57
leftyfbmalwar3hun73r: and the answers to the other questions?17:58
malwar3hun73rone sec...18:00
de-factomalwar3hun73r, you can try locate the biggest files like in a root terminal like "du -ax / | sort -rn | head -100"18:01
leftyfbsudo !!18:01
de-factothe  "/" being the path to the starting directory18:01
malwar3hun73rdrive is 7 GB18:03
malwar3hun73rthe largest files are almost all kernels18:03
malwar3hun73ri've been dpgk --purge on older ones, i guess i can continue down that path18:03
naccmalwar3hun73r: you just said /boot isn't full, but then that the largest files are kernels? do you mean kernel headers?18:07
malwar3hun73rthings like:/lib/modules/4.4.0-92-generic18:08
naccmalwar3hun73r: those are the kernel's modules. If you remove the kernel (did you try `sudo apt autoremove` ?), it should remove the modules. If you don't need that kernel, that is18:08
de-factomalwar3hun73r, you also can try to clean out old cached files from apt like "sudo apt-get clean"18:09
malwar3hun73rcorrect, i've been following this and it seems to be helping http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/remove-old-kernels-ubuntu-16-04/18:09
malwar3hun73rat least removing a couple so i can then do an autoremove18:09
linux_userI wrote a udev rule and only part of it (Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop) is executing18:12
linux_userhere is the rule:18:12
linux_userACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:0c:29:ba:dd:ad", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 04:99:00:00:00:01", NAME="eth0"18:12
linux_userit changes the device name to eth018:12
linux_userbut the mac address does not change18:12
linux_userIt does work when the %k is replaced with eth0 though!18:14
nacclinux_user: i think you want $name18:17
nacclinux_user: not %k18:17
nacclinux_user: since you are changing name18:17
linux_userwhats the difference between %k and $name?18:18
nacclinux_user: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man7/udev.7.html\18:18
linux_userI'll try it right now18:18
nacclinux_user: %k is the kernel name, while $name is the name of the device from the rule (including side effects of the rule)18:18
linux_userI clicked that link and no page came to my browser by the way18:19
nacclinux_user: the distinction is in the latter case. generally they are the same, but if you are renaming in a rule, then you want ot use $name18:19
nacclinux_user: sorry, trailing \18:19
nacclinux_user: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man7/udev.7.html18:19
linux_userwhat if I wanted to print out the value of %k how could I do that in a udev rule and pipe it to a file or that so I know what it is?18:21
nacclinux_user: i think you can just add another RUN+="/bin/echo %k > /path/to/file" ?18:22
nacclinux_user: i'm not sure18:22
nacclinux_user: you might be able to echo directly, but i can't recall if that gets logged to syslog or not18:23
vookhow can I prevent modules in kernel/zfs from being loaded and instead force modules in extra/zfs to be loaded?18:23
vookin a way that persists across kernel upgrades, etc.18:23
linux_userwell your modification did work!18:24
linux_usermazel tov!18:24
naccvook: what version of ubuntu? at least in latest, there is no extra/zfs from ubuntu packages (that i can see)18:25
nacclinux_user: yw18:25
vooknacc: It's xenial, these are custom built modules from zfsonlinux18:26
ducassevook: are you building yourself? would the zol ppa be a solution?18:28
vookno, those don't support native zfs encryption - was just merged recently18:28
vookI can just remove /lib/modules/version/kernel/zfs, but that's not going to persist across kernel upgrades18:29
naccvook: why are you not using the ones provided by ubuntu?18:29
naccvook: ah i see18:29
naccvook: well, that seems like a question the zfs folks would be able to answer quickest. I don't know how to tell modprobe to use specific paths by default, sorry18:29
ducassevook: set them up with dkms?18:30
vookI'm following this guide: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Custom-Packages, and it only supports kmod for debian/ubuntu.18:31
vookI've tried unsuccessfully to adapt dkms configs from zol 0.6.5 to 0.7.118:31
ducasseok, what about the daily ppa, then? :)18:36
vookdoesn't support zfs native encryption18:36
vookstrangly it still claims to be part of trusty as wel18:36
=== Guest6953 is now known as EriC^^
vookfound it, it's /etc/depmod.d18:42
SirCmpwnI have a script that installs some packages, and I need it to answer "n" (keep your currently-installed version) to the modified config files prompt18:44
SirCmpwnwhat's the best way of accomplishing this?18:44
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ducasseSirCmpwn: apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install ...18:49
nettlejamI'm seeing problems with mounting volumes specified in fstab on boot on 16.04. Fstab entries look like this '/dev/xvdm /var/data ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2'. Most of the time they mount fine on reboot, but sometimes, randomly, i get failure messages from fsck and then mount saying the device is busy... at boot18:50
nettlejamThis is on EC2 with EBS volumes, BTW. Multiple servers, having the same issue with the same config18:50
nettlejamNever happened with 14.04 so I'm wondering if it's related to how systemd is now handling mounts18:51
leftyfbSirCmpwn: --force-confold18:51
leftyfboops, already answered18:51
linux_userdoes anyone know of a way to determine what the values of $name or %k would be in the udev rules? how can I print them or log them or capture them?18:53
linux_userwhat other variables are there too?18:53
foca_Failed to query NVIDIA devices. Please ensure that the NVIDIA device files (/dev/nvidia*) exist, and that user 122 has read and write permissions for those files.18:54
foca_Anyone could help here with that erro ?18:54
ducasselinux_user: see 'man udev' for that last question18:55
SirCmpwnducasse: leftyfb: thanks18:58
ducassefoca_: where did you get that message?19:00
foca_ducasse: from Applications\utilities\logs19:01
ducassefoca_: _which_ log?19:01
linux_userducasse, ok19:02
dkfadf2884Any idea why I'm getting Error: Unable to locate package -- for any/all packages? My sources.list file is correct.19:03
EriC^^dkfadf2884: did you try sudo apt-get update ?19:03
dkfadf2884Updates fine19:03
dkfadf2884xubuntu 16.04-- sources.list is fine, deleted everything in /var/apt/lists, and ran apt-get update19:04
linux_userducasse: I saw what the variables mean in the man page, but the man page did not speak to how to print their current value (which is what I was trying to ask, if I was unclear). Did I miss something in the man page??19:04
EriC^^dkfadf2884: try "ls -l /var/lib/apt/lists"19:05
ducassefoca_: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/934350/linux/nvidia-persistenced-failed-to-query-nvidia-devices-/19:05
dkfadf2884Eric^^: It shows files19:06
ducasselinux_user: i said it was an answer for your last question, not your first one :) didn't you get an answer for that earlier?19:06
EriC^^dkfadf2884: is there a file /var/lib/dpkg/available ?19:06
foca_ducasse: I saw that forum already but a did not understand what they're suggesting to do19:07
dkfadf2884EriC^^: Yes19:08
dkfadf2884Should I rebuild it?19:08
EriC^^dkfadf2884: what happens if you type "apt-cache policy irssi" ?19:09
dkfadf2884Strange 500 error on http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Pacakges19:11
dkfadf2884Installed (none)19:12
dkfadf2884W/ a version table of 0.8.19-1ubuntu1 50019:12
EriC^^dkfadf2884: which package were you trying to install that it said didnt exist?19:12
dkfadf2884Any package19:12
dkfadf2884libvirt / vim19:13
dkfadf2884All fail19:13
dkfadf2884Virtualbox/vagrant/docker.io/ansible all fail19:15
leftyfbdkfadf2884: try a different repo. http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu for instance19:19
dkfadf2884Same problem....it's like it doesn't read my sources.list19:20
dkfadf2884However I know it is because apt-get update shows the pull19:20
dkfadf2884I'll try that repo tho19:20
dkfadf2884So just using deb http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu xenial main, apt-get update works, and installing still fails-- error to locate packages19:22
pankajI just deleted some important file by typing 'rm *' by mistake. How can I recover them?19:22
leftyfbpankaj: restore from backup will be your easiest way19:24
pankajleftyfb: If I had one I would surely have. Now I understood the importance of backup. From today my first aim is to create backup. After reading several blocks I am confirmed that my important files are gone. Thanks19:25
religionoMy cpu is consuming too much.19:26
religionoit's like 50% all the time or more. how do i find out the cause19:26
religionoit's over heating the cpu19:26
ducassepankaj: look into extundelete if this is ext4, and you just might be able to recover them.19:27
pankajducasse: How do I do that?19:28
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ducassepankaj: you should probably run it from a live usb/cd. there are a few guides online on how to use it, if the man page isn't enough.19:30
pankajducasse: I installed it and trying to use it.19:30
dkfadf2884well a fresh install worked so w/e19:31
dkfadf2884Still donno how that's possible19:31
ducassepankaj: were the files on your root filesystem?19:31
pankajducasse: No. In my home directory19:32
ducassepankaj: yes, but is that a separate filesystem?19:32
pankajducasse: I think No19:33
ducassepankaj: then you shouldn't have done that, but used a live usb. now you've written to that fs and might have overwritten what was left of the files.19:34
pankajducasse: I knew that I could not recover (sadly)19:35
ducassepankaj: try to google 'extundelete tutorial19:36
ducassepankaj: try to google 'extundelete tutorial' and try it from a live session.19:36
ducassepankaj: you might be lucky.19:36
pankajducasse: I hope I do not waste the time rather then recraeting those files that I lost.19:36
ducassepankaj: up to you.19:37
pankajducasse: Thanks19:37
linux_userducasse: I didn't see a response, but, I am trying to determine what the value of %k or other things are, or have a way to determine what their real values are. I did come with a solution for now to making the rule work, but, I'd like to be able to know how to display the variable so I can debug it myself next time, you know?19:39
linux_userI found a few notes on google about using echo but they did not work19:40
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:41
royal_screwup21I'm on ubuntu 16.04 and I have a "hybrid graphics system", with one intel core i7 and a radeon graphic  card. I'm currently using the icore7 but I want to switch over to the graphic card. Here's what I get when I type in lspci -nn | grep -E 'VGA|Display' https://thepasteb.in/p/vghOzqGky1Nc3 How do I accomplish that?19:48
ducasseroyal_screwup21: i think you need to select the card as primary in the bios19:51
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ducasseroyal_screwup21: and for the future, please don't crosspost. it's rude and not necessary.20:15
royal_screwup21understood, sorry about that20:16
daddesioHi all, I'm looking for a clean way to do shell substitution in a file, e.g. all occurrences of $(echo $HOME) (or similar) in input.txt will be replaced with the output of that command. output the result to output.txt. You can do it with GNU m4 (using the esyscmd macro). I think you can also do it with vim?20:20
daddesioI want to preserve whitespace, so "echo $(cat input.txt) > output.txt" is not a nice solution.20:23
reisioI don't see why that wouldn't preserve whitespace, but...20:24
daddesioecho a     b -> outputs "a b"20:24
reisiocan I ask why you want to replace variables with constants?20:24
daddesioWell I created a command "print-exact-float" which uses MPFR to print the exact decimal representation of a float, and I created a C file containing data like "{123, 456, 789, float32(0x3cdc0000)},"20:25
oerheksecho "$(cat input.txt)" gives the proper format, without removing \n20:25
reisiodaddesio: already this explanation is too long :p20:26
reisiobut it sounds like there's a better way to do what you want, by going one or more steps back20:26
daddesiojust want to replace all occurrences of float32(0x3cdc0000) with 0.026855469f, etc.20:26
de-factoeval is evil?20:27
reisioev-a-l, not evil20:27
reisiopostprocessing is a good way to waste your time20:27
de-factoprobably also something like "cat > output <<EOF   filecontent over multiple lines    EOF" with last EOF on single line in a #!/bin/sh script would interpret $(stuff) inside filecontent i guess (unless using 'EOF' after the cat cmd)20:32
daddesioI'll stick to GNU m4, since I got it working. maybe one day I'll add a "macro substitution" mode to my print-exact-float program (or just create more m4 scripts, yay!)20:34
daddesiothis is a one-off job; I'm not putting this evil code on the internet20:34
reisiooh good :)20:35
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egelorhi i upgrade my server form 12.04 to 14.04 and after restarts crashes with the command fsboot need a path21:06
egelorcan you help me?21:07
reisioegelor: "fsboot"?21:08
dckx_join #ros21:09
reisioegelor: the internet has never heard of the combination of strings "fsboot" and "need a path"; please be more specific21:09
reisioyou using NFS with your server?21:10
egelori can only use the grub terminal21:11
reisiosounds like it isn't receiving a path21:12
reisiowhat do you use NFS for?21:12
egelorto access over a computer network21:13
reisioto access what?21:13
egelorlocal storage21:14
reisiofor the OS, or for something extraneous to the core OS?21:14
egelornow give me the ip of my router and need path21:14
egelorcan i boot over 14.04 somehow?21:15
reisioyou appear to be getting a pretty straightforward error message about something not being able to get a path from input it's expecting21:22
reisioif you need that to boot your OS, figure it out; if you don't, turn it off21:22
dos000mayday mayday .. i hosed my system :(((21:23
dos000how do i go back to a pristine ubuntu install ?21:23
dos000i dont want to reformat everything ..21:24
dos000my machine is still working21:24
tgm4883dos000: well let's start from the beginning, what did you hose21:24
dos000but something i installed made it bork for zoom which i use for work21:24
tgm4883because "i hosed my system" != "my machine is still working"21:24
reisiodos000: what're you using, plain Ubuntu with Unity?21:25
dos000reisio: tgm4883 https://paste.ubuntu.com/25420202/21:27
dos000reisio: ubuntu 17.1021:27
tgm4883!ubuntu+1 | dos00021:28
ubottudos000: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+121:28
dos000this was working alright before i rebooted ... i mostlikely installed something  that hosed zoom21:28
reisioso uninstall it21:28
dos000my question is how do you get back to a standard install ? lets say i wanted to go back to a simple unbuntu desktop install21:29
dos000reisio: i always use tar based install for that app .. something i installed is not happy with it21:29
reisiodos000: so go into /var/log/ and find what you've installed recently21:30
tgm4883This is the wrong place for dev support21:30
dos000reisio: do you mean /var/log/apt ?21:31
reisiosounds good21:31
jerichowasahoaxIs there an fcron package for 16.04? I need to set MAILFROM and the default cron daemon doesn't support it, as best as I can tell.21:32
tgm4883!info fcron xenial21:33
ubottuPackage fcron does not exist in xenial21:33
jerichowasahoaxdoes that also search PPAs? because i'm not allergic to those21:34
reisio!info fcron 16.0421:34
ubottu'16.04' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakke21:34
* reisio rolls eyes21:34
tgm4883jerichowasahoax: no21:34
chokihello, i've some issues with 17.04. when i watch videos (flash) the sound is gone after a few minutes/seconds21:44
chokii don't know why21:44
reisiochoki: in Firefox?21:46
chokireisio: in google-chrome, don't know if it is an issue with firefox21:46
reisioyou right click and it says it's flash?21:47
reisioyou tried chromium?21:48
chokireisio: it is always different, sometimes after 2 minutes, sometimes after 32 seconds.21:48
chokii try with firefox now21:48
chokireisio: do you think it depends on the browser?21:48
jerichowasahoaxdidn't google roll their own flash player21:49
reisiojerichowasahoax: bundled, yeah21:49
chokii don't know, i've heard flash will no longer get any updates21:49
reisiochoki: I think so, yeah21:49
jerichowasahoaxchoki: adobe's player won't21:49
reisioyeah in about a year or something, IIRC21:49
chokiit is good but still many sites use it21:50
reisioyeah it's no big deal, plenty of open source implementations21:50
jerichowasahoaxchoki: those sites are heathens21:50
chokii wish there is an inbuild way to just watch videos with mpv all the time21:50
jerichowasahoaxi think mplayer used to have an NPAPI plugin21:50
chokijerichowasahoax: wht does it do?21:50
jerichowasahoaxchoki: what it *did* was embed mplayer into your browser as a video player21:51
jerichowasahoaxchoki: past tense for a reason: the API it depended on has been retired21:51
chokijerichowasahoax: oh, on the same position?21:51
chokireisio: thank you it works fine now!21:52
reisiochoki: what does?21:55
chokireisio: watching videos without sound issues :)21:56
reisiowhat, chromium?21:58
chokireisio: firefox nightly :)22:00
reisiok, gj22:02
reisioprobably chromium would work22:02
reisioit's hard to predict what closed source binary blobs like google chrome will do22:02
boblamontI just installed lubuntu 16.04 onto a usb stick on an Acer Aspire 9500 laptop... I have a different usb stick with an older version of lubuntu on it that boots into grub fine, but the new one brings up an error "symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found" and takes me to a rescue prompt... I've tried boot-repair a few times, but no luck (though it says it repaired it)22:04
chokireisio: are you working for resilio? your name looks like22:04
virmahaHello..I've a soft link /build/bin pointing to /home/build/bin (/build/bin -> /home/build/bin) . How can I remove this link?22:06
naccvirmaha: unlink /build/bin ?22:08
naccvirmaha: might need sudo depending on permissions of /build/bin22:08
reisiochoki: never heard of it22:09
reisiovirmaha: rm without trailing slash22:09
reisioAKA rm without additional parameters22:09
virmahanacc: wohoo thanks! Now how can i create the link properly? I want /build/bin/myfile to be looked up as /home/build/bin/myfile22:09
naccvirmaha: is that the only file you want linked?22:10
virmahaln -s /home/build/bin/ /build/bin/ created a symbolic link at /build/bin/bin -> /home/build/bin/22:10
virmahano entire directory22:10
naccvirmaha: read the manpage, trailing slashes affect behavior22:10
naccvirmaha: well, really, it's a general shell thing i suppose22:11
naccvirmaha: if you want /build/bin -> /home/build/bin, then do: `ln -s /build/bin /home/build/bin`22:11
boblamontWhen I run boot-repair, it asks if the usb stick is a removable drive, I check yes, since it is... would saying no cause any harm? could that possibly help? I don't remember boot-repair ever asking that before, so it's one difference with the earlier (working) setup22:12
virmahanacc: i think the arguments have to be swapped22:12
naccvirmaha: err, yes, sorry22:12
naccvirmaha: `ln -s /home/build/bin /build/bin`22:13
virmahanacc: err..that does /build/bin/bin -> /home/build/bin :S22:14
virmahanacc: so I've to do unlink /build/bin/bin22:15
virmahaokay i already had bin dir so22:16
virmahadeleted it and works fine..thanks nacc :)22:16
naccvirmaha: yw22:18
previewhi, could anyone help me getting usb-snd-caiaq working in Kubuntu 17.04?22:27
boblamontwell, it worked... redid boot-repair, said it wasn't removable and boom: grub menu... so apparently lying is justified in this case22:29
duryhi there all23:13
duryhi :-)23:15
Sven_vBhi :) what kind of pipe is this showing up in my ls output? /proc/30220/fd/63 -> pipe:[27583640]23:18
Sven_vBI'm experimenting with spawning child processes from node.js, and when I ask node to establish a "pipe", instead of that "pipe:[…]" I get /proc/30220/fd/12 -> socket:[27583831], so there seem to be several types of pipes.23:21
naccSven_vB: the latter is a fd to a socket23:27
naccSven_vB: the former is a fd to a pipe23:27
Sven_vBnacc, so a socket isn't any kind of pipe?23:28
Sven_vBactually, I meant: is node just wrong (as in, bug) to call that a "pipe"?23:29
naccSven_vB: to call what a pipe?23:30
Sven_vBnacc, to call the socket a pipe23:30
naccSven_vB: the above is ls showing your information about the file, as told by the kernel23:30
naccSven_vB: where is it calling a socket a pipe?23:30
naccSven_vB: the two pastes you've provided so far are for different file descriptors23:30
Sven_vBwhen I ask node.js to create a child process and establish a "pipe" to it, the child gets a file descriptor that links to socket:[27583831]23:31
Sven_vByeah that pipe fd is from bash, not node.js.23:32
naccSven_vB: seems like a question for a node.js channel23:32
Sven_vBnacc, the "how to get a real pipe" part, yes. however, the "is there any excuse to call a socket a pipe" seems more of a general linux question to me. :)23:33
Sven_vBwhat function would I use in C++ to create a pipe that I can share with a child process?23:34
Sven_vBaka which manpage should I read for the "create a pipe" command/function?23:35
Sven_vB(No manual entry for mkpipe)23:35
Sven_vBoh, there's actually one for just "pipe".23:35
naccSven_vB: and a genearl linux question would belong in #linux :)23:35
naccSven_vB: in c, it's pipe()23:36
Sven_vBcould a function that creates a unix domain socket gonna help me create a pipe, or is that yet another mechanism?23:42
naccSven_vB: do you understand the difference between sockets and pipes23:43
naccSven_vB: they are not the same thing23:43
Sven_vByeah sounds more like a special type of socket. so would a UDS yield a fd that shows socket:[number]?23:45
Sven_vBhi :)23:46
odigemSven_vB: what is it:     `23:47
Sven_vBodigem, I see the character U+0060 grave accent23:48
Sven_vBalso called "backtick"23:48
odigemSven_vB: you bot?23:53
Sven_vBodigem, nope :)23:54
odigemyou are human?23:54
odigembut humans not see character U+0060 grave accent :D23:55
odigemhumans see strange oblique shit!23:55
Sven_vBI'm glad my IRC client displays just characters, no shit.23:56

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