
wallyworldhml: standup?00:32
hmlwallyworld: I’m somewhere… did the link change?00:32
wallyworldnot that i know of00:32
wallyworldit's different on friday00:32
mupBug #1709791 changed: juju deployed lxd falls back to lxdbr0 bridge when binding is specified <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709791>01:07
mupBug #1709791 opened: juju deployed lxd falls back to lxdbr0 bridge when binding is specified <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709791>01:13
mupBug #1709791 changed: juju deployed lxd falls back to lxdbr0 bridge when binding is specified <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709791>01:16
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
anastasiamacaxw: jam: last PR in store saga - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/780606:19
anastasiamacit's fairly straighforward, most pain is in tests changes - they had outdated, inconsitent data that was not separated api vs store06:20
anastasiamacactually not the very last PR, the next (and last one, i promise!) will get model count from store rather than controller details... working on it now...06:27
axwanastasiamac: looking07:07
mupBug #1709520 changed: juju-db spams syslog, fills disk <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709520>07:08
iceyany chance on an update about https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1684325 ?07:20
mupBug #1684325: customize-failure-domain has no effect when ceph-mon is deployed in a container <availability-zones> <bitesize> <containers> <cpec> <OpenStack ceph-mon charm:New> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684325>07:20
rogpeppeaxw, wallyworld, anastasiamac: i'm after a couple of juju-related reviews if you have a moment. https://github.com/go-goose/goose/pull/55 and https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/779307:28
anastasiamacrogpeppe: o/ m at dinner and family, but I'll try to cycle back in 3-4hrs.. sorry for delays!07:39
rogpeppeanastasiamac: np07:39
axwrogpeppe: done08:19
rogpeppeaxw: tyvm08:20
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
bdxany good tricks out there for getting stuck applications out of a model?20:04
bdxI've always felt a '--force' arg would just be the perfect accommodation for removing applications ... I'm sure there is a reason why it doesn't exist20:06
rick_hbdx: you can --force the machine number but not the application as it can't promise to be clean (hulk smashed, etc)20:33
bdxgot it20:34
* rick_h has done a bunch of juju remove-machine --force X today20:34
bdxrick_h: lol those meds getting to you?20:34
bdxmaking you destroy all the machines?20:34
rick_hbdx: working on a charm :)20:35
rick_hbdx: so whenever I bork it and it hangs in hook error land just blow it away and start another lxd container wheeee20:35
bdxyeah .. that a great dev hammer you have there20:36
bdxmy workflow for removing stuck applications is to20:37
bdx1) ssh into the machine and `sudo systemctl stop jujud-unit-mystuckapplication-<#>`, 2) `sudo rm -rf /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-myapplication-<#>` 3) `sudo systemctl restart jujud-machine-<#>`20:38
bdxoooh step 3 should be20:38
bdxrm /etc/systemd/system/jujud-unit-mystuckapplication.service20:38
bdxthen step 4 is to restart the machine agent20:39
bdxyeah ... works though20:41
rick_hfair enough20:42
bdxrick_h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25427233/20:42
rick_hbdx: double ;(20:45
rick_hbdx: oh, did you try to reolved --no-retry?20:46
rick_hbdx: I find that gets me into trouble sometimes and using --no-retry will let a resovled actually work20:47
bdxoooh I didn't know about --no-retry20:51
bdxthats huge20:51
wallyworldthumper: you coming back?21:52
rick_hwallyworld: you passing thumper along when you're done?22:04
wallyworldhe's coming now22:05

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