
gaurangt-hi, I've a requirement where I need to get the specific network IP address in the charm for further processing. I know we can get unit IP address using private-address or public-address but what happens if the unit has more IP addresses dedicated for specific purposes (for example, separate network for storage, management, external access etc)05:41
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
thumperwallyworld: ^^ you have dealt with this haven't you?06:03
wallyworldgaurangt-: the hook tool you want to use is network-get. that should give you a list of all the addresses on the machine hosting the unit. it also takes account of and space related endpoint bindings06:36
wallyworldunit-get is deprecated06:37
wallyworldit will just return the one "preferred" address. i'm not sure off hand how that address is determined06:37
wpkwallyworld: with unit-get the only thing guaranteed is that it will be the same address every time (unless network setup changes)06:48
gaurangt-wallyworld, thanks for the info. I think network-get is the way forward.06:50
gaurangt-wpk, but I guess we cannot control which ip unit-get picks up. It can be any one of the many that are available, right?06:51
wpkgaurangt-: exactly, that's why network-get is the way to go.06:52
gaurangt-wpk, yep, sounds good. Let me try that out.06:53
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
gaurangt-wallyworld, looks like there is no python interface to call network-get12:49
gaurangt-is it something to be run from cmdline only?12:49
wallyworldgaurangt-: network-get is the name of the hook tool. it calls the NetworkInfo() api on the uniter facade12:51
ryebotDoes deploying to a subnet work on AWS?13:35
ryebotDocs seem to indicate it might be MAAS-only, but I'm not 100% sure.13:36
rick_hryebot: should for bootstrap constraints and such.13:55
ryebotrick_h: excellent, thanks13:56
stormmoreo/ juju world15:42
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
ybaumyanyone at work is into nutanix?18:07
ybaumywould be interessted in hearing what this is about and how good it is18:08
ybaumyive seen some yt videos and they look very promising18:09
rick_hybaumy: not checked it out18:36
ybaumyrick_h: have you used hyperconverged systems yet? if not take a look at nutanix. i downloaded the community edition today and will take a good look at the hypervisor and so on18:44
rick_hybaumy: cool18:44
ybaumyrick_h: my boss got a presentation of it and is really hyped now. so i have to evaluate18:44
ybaumythe cool thing is that you have local storage on your nodes and not like ceph only network nodes and the compute is running somewhere else18:46
ybaumyanyways i think we get easily and appliance for testing. at least i hope so18:47
rick_hybaumy: cool, let me know how it works out.18:48
ybaumyrick_h: sure thing i will report back. i was testing opesntack for several month now. and openstack clearly has its trade offs. so im looking forward to a new cloud solution18:49
ybaumythat https://www.simplivity.com/ would be another solution which is interessing.18:51
ybaumybut personally i dont like HP18:51
ybaumybut HP bought simplivity so its not their product. which is good if you take 3PAR storage for example which was also aquired18:53
ybaumyand 3PAR storage is really nice18:53
ybaumywith ssd approaching 50TB and ethernet 100Gbit who need fibre channel and traditional storage anymore19:07
ybaumyand storage is the problem in our company not compute power so the future looks bright i guess19:09
ybaumywe are operating so 2010ish currently19:10
ybaumythat will kick ass for bigdata19:16
thnkpadrick_h ping19:29
rick_hthnkpad: pong19:29
thnkpadHiya Rick - did you message marco 'bout that discourse webpage update to Xenial, or nay ?19:30
thnkpadI have had puri.sm talking about it - that's really why Iam asking.19:33
rick_hthnkpad: not gotten a hold of yet. Working on it. Apologies, was out for a week last week so behind the 8-ball. My fault19:35
thnkpadrick_h, wait a second - wasn't there talk of setting up a Launchpad group to cover it while Marco's away ?19:36
rick_hthnkpad: sec, otp19:38
bdxare x-model relations supported on 2.2.2?23:07
rick_hbdx: no, it's a 2.3 thing23:07
bdxok, does x-controller come with that too?23:07
rick_hbdx: unsure, probably not.23:08
bdxrick_h: thx23:08
rick_hbdx: it'll probably be feature flagged in 2.3 as kinds get worked out across providers23:08
thumperwell kinda23:08
thumperI think the intent is to not have a feature flag for 2.323:08
thumperfor CMR23:08
bdxthumper: CMR will be included in the 2.3?23:09
bdxnot behind any flags23:09
thumperthat is my current understanding of intent23:09
thumperit won't be perfect23:09
thumperbut should be usable23:09
thumperwallyworld: is that your understanding too?23:10
* wallyworld reads23:10
* rick_h just wants to play safe in promises :) 23:10
thumperrick_h: sure23:11
wallyworldCMR is intended to be in 2.3 without a feature flag23:11
wallyworldworking to get data model and APIs stable23:11
wallyworldincludes cross controller. there may be some tooling missing and polish etc that will be done in a point release23:12
bdxoh man23:12
bdx:) :) :)23:12
wallyworldcross controller is usable now if you run the edge snap23:12
wallyworldthere's networking aspects that will require some charm changes23:13
bdxok, thats great news none the less23:14
bdxgoing to take it for a spin23:14
wallyworldso not all charms are guaranteed to work out of the box, but most should if they have been written crrectly23:14
bdxI have the perfect use case for x-controller23:14
wallyworldtry it out and let us know of any issues23:14
bdxI have fiber to us-west-2 from my datacenter23:14
wallyworldwhat charms were you looking to use?23:15
bdxand no xfer charge to and fro23:15
bdxwallyworld: my own23:15
bdxalongside postgresql, redis, elasticsearch23:15
bdxI wanted to also look at getting a beats/logstash stack going23:16
wallyworldok. make sure that you use either network-get or pick "ingress-address" from relation-get data to figure out the address to connect to on the otjer side of the x-model relation23:16
wallyworldif you use unit-get it won't work23:16
wallyworldand many older charms still use unit-get23:16
bdxok, that good to know23:17
wallyworldbut just ask if you try it and get stuck23:17
bdxI'll start looking around to see where I'm using that23:17
bdxwill do23:17
bdxwallyworld, rick_h, thumper: thx23:18
wallyworldnp, good luck with it23:18
bdxwallyworld: are there any prelim docs on creating and consuming offers?23:20
wallyworldbdx: there's been some blog posts, but doc is a little sparse right now as it's all wip. let me dig something up23:22
bdxok, thx23:22
wallyworldbdx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25428383/23:28
wallyworldthere may be some typos, i just splatted it out23:29
wallyworldbdx: also, http://mitechie.com/blog/2017/7/7/call-for-testing-shared-services-with-juju23:30
bdxthat is great23:31
bdxrick_h: nice blog post!23:31
rick_hbdx: :)23:32
bdxsuper exciting stuff23:32
bdxwallyworld: many thanks23:33
wallyworldmy pleasure23:34
wallyworldit's a wip23:34
wallyworldso nit fully cooked23:34
rick_hthe man's put in some major work there so <323:34
wallyworldrick_h: the latest is I have a PR where you can suspend/resume individual x-model relations23:35
wallyworldsuspend = run departed/broken hooks etc. resume = run joined/changed hooks23:35
wallyworlduseful if someone needs to be locked out temporarily23:36

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