
stormmoreok what I am missing, I am trying to creatte a classic snap. it builds but after I install it using --classic --dangerous and try and run the command it keeps getting unable to allocate memory errors after hanging for a while?01:42
mupPR snapd#3819 closed: hooks: do not error when hook handler is not registered (2.27) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3819>02:49
mupPR snapcraft#1515 opened:  tests: use a fake pip, instead of mocking everything <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1515>05:26
mvomwhudson: so I checked and it looks like x/crypto/ssh/terminal brings in x/sys/unix - for 2.28 I need to find a way to make this build again on powerpc. I will poke a bit to see what can be done05:51
mupPR snapd#3822 opened: vendor: use old golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal to build on powerpc again <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3822>06:48
zyga-susegood morning, sorry for a late start, had some woes with kids08:02
zyga-susemvo: I saw some concenring test failures again08:08
zyga-susemvo: I assumed it was caused by my branch but then it failed only partially,08:09
mvozyga-suse: what failures are those?08:10
zyga-susemvo: if you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3621 you will see that upgrade/basic failed with Run install hook of "core" snap if present (internal error: no registered handlers for hook "install")08:10
mupPR snapd#3621: cmd/snap-{confine,update-ns}: apply mount profiles using snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3621>08:10
zyga-susethe latest rebuild didn't fail this way08:10
zyga-susethe log is in https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/i386/s/snapd/20170828_165347_9cd1b@/log.gz08:10
zyga-suseI'm worried there's still a race somewhere that we don't handle08:11
zyga-suseI'll look at the code there and try to figure out what must happen for this to show up08:12
mvozyga-suse: it seems like 3816 has not landed yet, so seening this error seems to be ok still. or am i missing something?08:12
mvozyga-suse: but yeah, please do go ahead08:12
mvozyga-suse: and see if you can find out more08:12
zyga-susemvo: not sure if this is really related,08:13
zyga-susethat PR was to fix rollback/downgrades08:13
zyga-susehere we fail on upgrade08:13
zyga-suseso I suspect the mechanism of the failure is different08:13
Chipacawoo! go tyhicks08:22
zyga-susehey Chipaca :)08:23
zyga-susewhat is that about?08:23
Chipacazyga-suse: recent seccomp efforts coming together08:24
zyga-suseah, indeed08:24
pedroniszyga-suse: as far has me know that happend when changelog has the wrong version, so reexec doesn't work08:24
pedroniss/has me/as we/08:25
zyga-susepedronis: ah! perhaps that may explain it, I merged master later on08:25
zyga-susethank you!08:25
mvoChipaca: hey, good morning!08:31
mvoChipaca: would love to get your advice on 3815 - but ready when you are :)08:32
mupPR snapd#3816 closed: hooks: do not error out when hook is optional and no hook handler is registered <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3816>08:39
mupPR snapd#3750 closed:  snapstate: integration test for undoing a daemon restart on classic <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3750>08:41
mvomwhudson, pedronis: the powerpc build failure (because of the crypto update) should be fixed with 3822 - slightly ugly though08:42
Chipacamvo: so... on core, source complexion.sh from /etc/skel/.bashrc ?08:45
Chipacacompletion.sh i mean08:45
mvoChipaca: yeah, that might be an option, will not help with exiting installs, but otherwise nice and simple08:45
mvoChipaca: does the PR look otherwise ok? if it does I would love to see it merged as it blocks a lxd test08:46
pedronisChipaca: hi08:47
Chipacamvo: me, I would've done it differently, but it's fine as it is08:47
pstolowskimvo, hey, 3773 has a conflict08:47
Chipacamvo: I mean, I would've looked at having osutil.IsWritable(dirs.CompletersDir) or somesuch08:47
mvoChipaca: happy to do it differently, what would be your approach?08:47
mvoChipaca: aha, even better, yeah, let me do that08:48
Chipacamvo: but that is more work :-)08:48
mvopstolowski: thanks, checking08:48
mvoChipaca: thats fine if quality(more_work) > quality(less_work) :)08:48
Chipacamvo: but if that existed, then noCompletion := !osutil.IsWritable(dirs.CompletersDir) || !osutil.FileExists(dirs.CompleteSh)08:49
Chipacamvo: and the rest stays unchanged08:49
mvoChipaca: indeed, I will tweak08:49
mvoChipaca: do you think we should rename "complexion" to "test-snapd-complexion" or just ignore that for now?08:49
zyga-susehopefully back08:50
zyga-suseI learned that the new mac randomization thing doesn't love me08:50
Chipacamvo: if it goes to the store, it needs renaming08:50
mvozyga-suse: fwiw, I looked into the mount issue that lxd reported yesterday and it looks like real work (not just change two lines) :/08:50
Chipacamvo: if it doesn't go to the store i don't care :-)08:50
mvoChipaca: I think I could tweak things so that it does not have to go through the store08:50
mvoChipaca: I have a look08:50
Chipacamvo: ah, i see it's already in the store?08:50
zyga-susemvo: I came to the same conclusion08:51
zyga-susemvo: I plan on working on that today08:51
mvoChipaca: yes, but we can unpublish it again08:51
Chipacamvo: if /tests/lib/snaps/complexion and test-snapd-complexion are the same thing, then yes let's rename the former08:51
mvoChipaca: they are - ok, that works for me, I will tweak the branch08:51
Chipacapedronis: i know my pr has a conflict, but i'm also slight blocked waiting for a store issue so i'm in no hurry to deconflict it right now08:52
Chipacaas if that landed some people might panic08:52
Chipacamaybe i should label it08:52
Chipacafirst coffee, then label08:52
* Chipaca goes08:52
mvozyga-suse: do you have a plan yet? it seems like we may need to get back and add a "WantedBy=local-fs-pre.target" with a special "snap-confine ensure-shared-mounts" (or snap-helper or somesuch). or what do you have in mind?08:54
zyga-suseno plans yet, I'm still hoping we can do this somehow from snap-confine alone08:54
zyga-suseeven if it requires more wokr08:54
mvozyga-suse: AIUI the problem is that systemd itself will load all the mount units at the same time (or before) it starts the daemons. so when snap-confine runs and fixes the /, /snap rshare thing stuff is already mounted there and that causes the havoc08:55
mvozyga-suse: so AFAICS we need to tweak the system boot ordering to make sure the remount happens earlier08:56
mvopstolowski: 3773 is de-conflicted08:57
zyga-susemvo: remember that snap-confine can remount anything inside its namespace so ... well, I need to look really08:57
pstolowskimvo, thx!08:57
mvozyga-suse: ok08:57
* zyga-suse fights his network plan09:03
pedronisChipaca: let's mark it blocked then09:04
* zyga-suse wonders if anyone wants to review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/362109:08
mupPR snapd#3621: cmd/snap-{confine,update-ns}: apply mount profiles using snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3621>09:08
zyga-susemvo: ^ that's my top priority for 2.28 feature09:08
zyga-susejust to see if it breaks people09:08
mvozyga-suse: I would prefer the https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/snapd-cant-remove-old-revisions-when-running-inside-lxd/452/3 fix first09:09
zyga-susemvo: sure but 3621 doesn't need any work from me anymore09:10
mvozyga-suse: aha, cool09:10
zyga-susemvo: as I said I'm working on that, I only meant that that review is my only one that counts for 2.28 so far09:10
mvozyga-suse: aha, I see. this is the thing you taged for 2.28, thats fine09:14
mupPR snapd#3818 closed: interfaces: fix network-manager plug <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3818>09:25
pedronis3621 needs a jdstrand review though09:26
mvozyga-suse: do you think we need input from jdstrand for 3818 ?09:27
zyga-susehmmm, sorry, perhaps yes09:29
zyga-suseI was closing my tabs and I saw 2+1's09:29
zyga-suseand since this affects all plugs, it's something we should still ask jamie about09:29
mvozyga-suse: no worries, lets just make sure we do not release before he had a chance to weight in :)09:29
* zyga-suse is fed up with the network, wants to call it quits and have a walk09:30
zyga-suseI was trying to git push/pull for the past ten minutes09:30
pedronismvo: what's the state of snapd#3625 ? at least one of the snapcraft PRs it mentions isn't merged yet09:30
mupPR snapd#3625: many: end-to-end support for the bare base snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3625>09:30
pedronisis it blocked?09:30
mvopedronis: yes, it is blocked right now :/09:31
zyga-susemvo: do we need any design for that09:31
zyga-susemvo: or just some coding?09:31
zyga-suseit would be great if 2.28 had _a_ level of base snap support09:31
pedronisyou are getting ambitious there09:33
pedronisChipaca: do you plan to still do something in snapd#3398 ?09:33
mupPR snapd#3398: env: set XDG_DATA_DIRS for wayland et.al <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3398>09:33
pedronisit seems unclear if it needs more work OTOH it has 2 +109:33
mvozyga-suse: with 3625 we would have basic support, the snapcraft stuff is only needed for specialized tests, I can make simpler tests09:34
zyga-susemvo: not sure if priority, just saying it would be nice09:34
mvozyga-suse: I think the two of us need to agree on how snap-confine should handle bases :) then this is good to go, I would love to have it for 2.28 as well and it seems like we are close09:34
zyga-suseok, let's try to discuss this in 2-3 hours09:34
mvozyga-suse: sounds good!09:34
mvopedronis: yeah, I will sort it out, if zyga and I can agree on snap-confine I will just write simpler tests for now until snapcraft is ready09:35
mvozyga-suse: welcome back09:35
mvozyga-suse: in 2-3h sounds good09:35
=== JoshStrobl|Work is now known as JoshStrobl
zyga-susemvo: it will likely be an IRC/telgram audio call09:35
mvozyga-suse: sure09:36
pedroniswhat should happen with snapd#3617 ?09:36
mupPR snapd#3617: interfaces/builtin: use udev tagging more broadly <Created by adglkh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3617>09:36
pedronisit's marked for 2.2809:36
mvozyga-suse: I know your bandwidth is limited currently, we can just discuss by typing09:37
mvopedronis: wasn't it just one extra change that needed backing out, otherwise it was ok? if so, I guess I could do that09:37
pedronisI don't know, I suppose zyga knows09:40
pedronisit says to remove the opengl stuff09:41
zyga-susehmm? opengl stuff09:46
zyga-suseI see09:47
zyga-suselet me look at what needs doing on that PR09:47
zyga-suseit is a major change and bugfix for CE09:47
pedronisanyway lots of PRs needing jdstranda afaict09:51
pedronisChipaca: did you see my question?09:53
Chipacai did not09:53
pedronis Chipaca: do you plan to still do something in snapd#3398 ?09:53
mupPR snapd#3398: env: set XDG_DATA_DIRS for wayland et.al <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3398>09:53
Chipacapedronis: working on it right now09:53
pedronisah ok09:54
Chipacai'm going to need zyga and morphis' help to test this, at least09:54
Chipacabut it should work :-)09:54
* Chipaca shoves it at linode10:08
pedronismvo: I'm going to tentatively merge snapd#369710:09
mupPR snapd#3697: docs: add PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3697>10:09
mvopedronis: ta!10:10
mupPR snapd#3697 closed: docs: add PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3697>10:11
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
mupPR snapd#3823 opened: tests: rename complexion to test-snapd-complexion <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3823>10:23
mupPR snapcraft#1516 opened: lxd: LXD not installed when using remote <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1516>10:23
mvoChipaca: 3815 is ready for you10:24
mvoChipaca: but no rush, its lunchtime here I think10:24
* Chipaca ~> break & lunch10:46
* zyga-suse_ considers taking today off10:59
mvozyga-suse_, pedronis: I updated/de-conflicted 3617, this should be ready to do in now (waiting for tests still). but it has two +1 and looks sensible overall11:05
zyga-susemvo: I'm going to call it quits today11:08
zyga-suseI'm just frustrated11:08
zyga-susetrying to fix my network11:08
zyga-suseneed to put my mind at ease11:08
mupPR snapd#3824 opened: Do not match any file or directory in or under /sys/bus/pci/devices/ <Created by adglkh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3824>11:16
mupPR core#55 opened: Create mount points for use in exposing host system fontconfig <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/55>11:18
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Chipacamvo: install-store seems really unhappy in snapd#381512:29
mupPR snapd#3815: wrappers: ensure bash completion snaps install on core <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3815>12:29
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
Chipacamvo, morphis_, zyga-*, would appreciate your input on snapd#339812:50
mupPR snapd#3398: env: set XDG_DATA_DIRS for wayland et.al <Blocked> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3398>12:50
jdstrandmvo: re nmcli: trunk has 'socket AF_NETLINK - -', so does release/2.2712:55
jdstrandmvo: if this is on 2.27, then something isn't regenerating the policy12:56
pedronisjdstrand: there's a branch for you to look at12:59
pedronisjdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/381812:59
mupPR snapd#3818: interfaces: fix network-manager plug <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3818>12:59
jdstrandpedronis: ok12:59
pedronisit was merged a bit too quickly but as far I understood mvo is waiting on your feedback there13:00
jdstrandmvo: so, it looks like snap.network-manager.networkmanager.src has 'socket AF_NETLINK - -', but snap.network-manager.nmcli.src does not13:00
jdstrandmvo: let me check the plugs, hold on13:01
jdstrandmvo: ah, yes, only the networkManagerPermanentSlotSecComp has 'socket AF_NETLINK - -'13:01
jdstrandmvo: nmcli may need an AF_NETLINK rule13:02
jdstrand(weird, people tested that)13:02
jdstrandmvo: I'll look into it and send something up13:02
jdstrandoh, you sent it up13:03
jdstrandKOBJECT_UEVENT, yeah, that's fine13:03
* jdstrand comments13:03
jdstrandpedronis, mvo: +1d13:04
jdstrandmvo: thanks for looking into that13:04
pedronisChipaca: mvo:  snapd#3815 needs a master merge now ?13:32
mupPR snapd#3815: wrappers: ensure bash completion snaps install on core <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3815>13:32
Chipacapedronis: yeah, that's what we said in the standup i think13:39
Chipacaniemeyer: may I be curious and ask how you generate the review sprint page?13:40
niemeyerChipaca: Go application that talks to both APIs13:41
Chipacaniemeyer: sounds very credential-y13:42
Chipacaniemeyer: i might have formatting suggestions, but i'll create them by hand before suggesting we code them13:43
niemeyerChipaca: Not too much.. luckily both ends have simplified versions of the full fledged auth that just requires a token13:43
Chipacaalso, not now, now -> reviews13:43
niemeyerChipaca: That's generally what I do too13:43
niemeyerChipaca: (looking at them by hand first)13:43
Chipacaniemeyer: snapd#3398 is the pr i mentioned in the standup, btw13:44
mupPR snapd#3398: env: set XDG_DATA_DIRS for wayland et.al <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3398>13:44
Chipacait _has_ two greens, but the conversation in the pr prompted the extra work13:44
niemeyerChipaca: Thanks13:44
mvopedronis: I do the master merge now13:47
mvojdstrand: thanks a bunch13:47
mvojdstrand: I will backport that to 2.27 now13:47
ogra_popey, hmm ... didnt oyu once have a xonotic ansp (or do i mis-remember)13:52
ogra_snap find doesnt reveal one13:52
popeynot in the store, because it was too huge13:52
popeyI didn't optimise the assets iirc13:53
popeynot looked at it for a few months though., i think flexiondotorg has looked at it more recently than me, and had other issues13:53
ogra_ah, is size an issue ?13:54
ogra_(apart from taking long for uploads)13:54
* popey pokes flexiondotorg 13:54
* flexiondotorg feels a poke in ribs.13:54
popeyI was going for a headshot, but okay13:55
flexiondotorgYep, I did start a Xonotic snap.13:55
flexiondotorgHaven't tested it recently. BUt last time I did there was no audio.13:55
popeyoh that was it13:55
flexiondotorgCould well be fixed now, I've not tested in ages.13:59
ogra_well, i was just curious, thanks13:59
* popey kicks off a build to see14:00
ogra_(i was pondering to package stage9 ... but it is 1.9G big so collecting some info about possible probs in advance)14:00
mvoChipaca: 3398 looks great14:12
Chipacamvo: just saw your comments; replying14:13
mvoa review for 3822 would be nice14:15
mvoChipaca: my comments are mostly nitpick, I think this can go in14:15
Chipacawhoops, something is buggy in 339814:17
Chipacatests failures look scary-real14:17
niemeyerChipaca: Btw, on #3398, if there's extra work, the easiest way to make that clear is to just send another review saying Request Changes14:20
niemeyerChipaca: This would put both GH and the board in the right state14:20
niemeyermvo: Looking14:20
niemeyerBtw, just updated the board icons style.. seems much better now..14:21
niemeyerMuch easier to see the work14:21
Chipacahmm, liked the grey blank box more than the questionmark, but otherwise it does seem clearer, yes14:22
Chipacamvo: who groks the 14.04 delta?14:26
mvoChipaca: nobody, code duplication == pain :/14:26
Chipacamvo: asking because I'd like to go over the diffs in rules and etc and make sure they're ok14:27
mupPR snapcraft#1513 closed: lifecycle: outdated step should raise SnapcraftError <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1513>14:30
Chipacamvo: e.g. there's a block that re-sets VENDOR_ARGS in 14.04, that seems suspicious14:32
Chipacain fact it looks like a whole block is dupe'd14:32
Chipacamvo: i'll figure it out :-)14:33
mvoChipaca: thank you, much appreciated14:33
Chipacajust a SMOP, and tea14:33
mupPR snapd#3822 closed: vendor: use old golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal to build on powerpc again <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3822>14:35
mupPR snapcraft#1505 closed: errors: introduce ContainerError <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1505>14:42
mthaddonhi folks - would this be the right place to ask about getting https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1699768 backported to xenial? It's a dependency for some k8s charm work15:01
mupBug #1699768: "snap set" causes snapd crash <snapd:Fix Released by stolowski> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <snapd (Ubuntu Xenial):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1699768>15:01
=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
mupPR snapd#3815 closed: wrappers: ensure bash completion snaps install on core <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3815>15:11
Chipacamthaddon: xenial is what we ship to, so i'd assume it's getting backported15:14
Chipacamthaddon: mvo might know more15:15
Chipacamthaddon: also, hi :-)15:15
mthaddonChipaca: o/15:15
ChipacaRiddell: woo :-)15:15
Chipacamvo: do you know if 14.04 needs/doesn't need --enable-static-libapparmor --enable-static-libseccomp?15:15
niemeyerpedronis: snapd#3616 has one review15:22
mupPR snapd#3616: cmd/snap-repair: check signatures of repairs from Next <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3616>15:22
niemeyerAnyone up for a second one?15:22
stormmoreok back to figuring out why my hello world snap works fine until I change it to a classic snap!15:29
ogra_boo, classic snaps :P15:30
naccstormmore: what happens as a classic snap?15:31
stormmorenacc: I keep getting a unable to allocate memory type error15:31
naccstormmore: can you pastebin the full output?15:32
naccstormmore: and/or maybe strace it?15:32
pedronisniemeyer: thanks15:33
niemeyerstormmore: Logs might also help in some cases15:33
niemeyerstormmore: Ping jdstrand if you think it's something that the application is being blocked on15:33
stormmorenacc: give me a few to make sure I wasn't "imagining things" yesterday but sure... I started using the hello expample from the docs and the only thing I changed was the containment to classic15:33
niemeyerpedronis: np15:33
niemeyerLunch, biab for more15:33
stormmoreniemeyer: nacc: I suspect just a simple AppArmor problem but didn't get that far in troubleshooting15:34
mvoChipaca: 14.04 does not need these static builds, we only need it for 16.04 and for the core snap15:38
mvomthaddon: if you switch core to "candidate" this should work, we plan to release 2.27 on Monday15:38
Chipacamvo: but 14.04 does need the static builds because of dependencies15:38
mvoChipaca: oh, does it? in this case, ok15:38
Chipacamvo: of libpcap15:38
Chipacamvo: not of the other things15:38
mthaddonmvo: cool, thx15:39
Chipacamvo: but, my question is, would you rather it weren't static?15:39
mvoChipaca: either way is fine15:39
Chipacamvo: that is: is it worth making the diff between the rules bigger?15:39
mvoChipaca: I would like to keep the diff as small as possible :)15:39
Chipacame too15:39
Chipacamvo: i'd also like to know if we really need the override_dh_systemd_ blocks15:40
mvoChipaca: yes, was wondering about that myself. wasn't it you who added it a *long* time ago :) ?15:40
Chipacamvo: lies!15:41
* Chipaca runs away15:41
Chipacamvo: i'll test that separately15:41
Chipacatoo many changes would be baad15:42
mvoChipaca: +115:43
pedronisChipaca: you are working on the real failures in #339815:57
Chipacapedronis: yes16:01
stormmorenacc: niemeyer: actually got a different error this time /smh - https://pastebin.canonical.com/197040/ is the output from the commands from snap creation to running hello16:03
=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25424909/16:04
naccstormmore: reading16:04
cachiomvo, I am trying to understand why this test is making the snapd service gives that error when it is stopped16:05
cachiomvo, any idea?16:05
naccstormmore: my initial guess is a conflict between the go in your snap and the go on your system16:05
naccstormmore: i'm not entirely sure how go works16:06
mupPR snapd#3825 opened: tests: add nmcli regression test <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3825>16:06
Chipacadpkg-architecture: error: DEB_TARGET_ARCH is not a supported variable name16:08
naccstormmore: although if you didn't use cleanbuild, i'm not sure, i guess it just uses the host to build16:08
naccChipaca: manpage says since 1.17.14 :)16:08
Chipacamvo: how do you spell “dpkg-architecture -qDEB_TARGET_ARCH” in Ye Olde Trvsty?16:09
Chipacanacc: maybe you know then ^ :-)16:09
stormmorenacc: not to mention the app is just the gnu-hello C package16:09
naccstormmore: err, right :) but the backtrace is go something something :)16:11
naccChipaca: looking, i'm not sure off the top of my head16:11
ogra_you dont happen to have a go "hello" in your path, do you ? :)16:11
ogra_(overriding the snap)16:12
naccChipaca: still looking (spinning up a trusty env to see)16:15
Chipacanacc: that's very kind of you, thanks!16:15
Chipacamaybe on trusty DEB_TARGET_ARCH would always be DEB_BUILD_ARCH?16:16
mvoChipaca: -qDEB_HOST_ARCH probably but its not quite the same but should be close enough16:17
mvoChipaca: let me know, I need to get dinner now but will read backlog16:17
mvothe lxd-test branch (3372) is GREEN for the first time evar I think :)16:18
* mvo happy and &16:18
naccChipaca: yeah HOST_ARCH is the closest thing that's documented, at least16:18
naccChipaca: it seems like TARGET_ARCH wsa introduced for exactly this problem :)16:18
stormmorenacc: ok strace hello showed an error about not being root! (running it as sudo strace hello right now filled my terminal backscroll so don't have the specifics right now)16:18
Chipacai'm not sure target_arch is the one we wanted anyway16:19
naccstormmore: ah yes, strace might need to be root16:19
Chipacait says target is for when building cross-toolchain16:19
naccstormmore: the strace would only have helped see what was giving back ENOMEM, but if you're not seeing that anymore, it's not likely to help16:19
Chipacaie building something for running on A to build things for B16:19
Chipacamvo: so, i'm going to change it to DEB_HOST_ARCH16:20
stormmorenacc: I forget that as I don't use it as much as I probably should ;-)16:20
naccChipaca: yeah, techincally you have 3 build, host and target16:20
Chipacamvo: as trusty has that, and it's what we want16:20
Chipacanacc: yup16:20
naccChipaca: agreed you shouldn't need target unelss you're building the cross-toolchain itself16:20
Chipacaas our thing is not a compiler, host == target anyway16:20
naccChipaca: yep16:20
pedronisI pushed review feedback to snapd#3616 which needs a 2nd review16:26
mupPR snapd#3616: cmd/snap-repair: check signatures of repairs from Next <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3616>16:26
* Chipaca shakes his fist at GNU coreutils16:30
cachioChipaca, any idea why this tests could be causing this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/25424909/16:36
Chipacacachio: I don't understand what I'm looking at, there16:37
cachioChipaca, first is the test, then is the error that it is produced16:38
Chipacacachio: but that error isn't in that code16:38
Chipacacachio: that's in the prepare somewhere16:38
cachiothe error is in the reset.sh16:38
cachiowhen it stops the service16:38
cachioon ubuntu 1416:39
stormmorenacc: I am back at the original error with the sudo strace hello /smh - http://paste.ubuntu.com/25425936/ is a "chunk" of the strace inc the end16:39
cachioit is so sporadic16:39
cachioChipaca, I can't reproduce it from local, I made a research on travis executions and there is a relation between the test regression/lp-1599891 and that failure16:40
cachioChipaca, but I can't understand what it causing this16:40
Chipacacachio: digging16:42
Chipacacachio: question: can you look at the timers when this happens?16:44
cachioChipaca, well, is is almost impossible to reproduce it for me16:44
Chipacacachio: the thing that's returning an error is the 'systemctl stop', yes?16:45
cachioChipaca, yes16:45
Chipacacachio: the "job" that was canceled is the request to stop16:45
Chipacacachio: this might be a consequence of the previous daemon-reload16:45
Chipacaor not16:46
Chipacai don't know16:46
cachioChipaca, it could be16:46
Chipacabut, basically, you'd need to harden the code against this failure16:46
cachioit is really weird, it is just happening on trusty16:46
Chipacanot terribly surprised16:47
Chipacacachio: how many times do you need to loop to reproduce one of these?16:47
cachioabout 200016:47
cachiobut in travis is happening more frecuently16:47
Chipacacachio: how long does that take?16:47
cachioChipaca, 2000 running from my local16:48
cachioChipaca, I have a test made for that16:48
cachioit takes like 2 hours16:48
Chipacacachio: one thing you _could_ try is to add a sleep between those two16:48
cachioperhaps more16:48
Chipacaon the other hand16:48
Chipacawhy even do the daemon-reload if you're going to stop it16:48
Chipacamaybe do them in the other order: stop, then daemon-reload?16:48
Chipacain fact16:49
Chipacastop snapd16:49
Chipaca_then_ reset_classic16:49
Chipaca_then_ daemon-reload16:49
Chipaca… unless reset_classic uses snapd?16:49
Chipacadunno :-)16:49
cachioChipaca, ok, I'll try changing the order and see what happens16:51
Chipacacachio: plan B would be to check for the error and try again16:51
cachioyes, in parallel I am doing that16:51
Chipacacachio: it could be as easy as: while ! systemctl stop snapd\*; do sleep .1; done16:52
cachioChipaca, i have an infinite look for this16:52
Chipacaor less hang-friendly, for i in {1..10}; do systemctl stop snapd\* && break; done16:52
Chipaca+ a sleep in there somewhere16:52
naccstormmore: oh a seccomp failure16:53
cachioChipaca, running again16:54
cachiowith a loop trying to force the errror16:54
stormmorenacc: yeah that is why I think I am doing something silly, trying a cleanbuild now and might even try upgrading my snap core to candidate16:59
Chipacacachio, niemeyer, please don't forget to revisit snapd#348417:11
mupPR snapd#3484: tests: add autopilot-introspection interface test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3484>17:11
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
cachioChipaca, sure17:12
Chipacamvo: snapd#3502 looks good, but I see there are changes requested by jdstrand that you claim to have implemented by i don't see (a newline, but also a long comment)17:14
mupPR snapd#3502: snap-seccomp: add more tests  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3502>17:14
niemeyerChipaca: Thanks, commented17:16
Chipacamvo: does 14.04 have snapd-xdg-open?17:25
Chipacalooks like no17:26
Chipacamvo: what's gbp.conf?17:29
pedronisChipaca: where is that?17:37
mvoChipaca: iirc we have no snapd-xdg-open in 14.04, we said 14.04 would be server side support17:46
mvoChipaca: gbp.conf is git-build-package17:46
Chipacamvo: i left those things alone for noe17:51
mvoChipaca: sounds good, thank you17:52
Chipacamvo: but, “diff -urN ubuntu-14.04/ ubuntu-16.04/” FTW17:52
Chipacalots of questions17:52
Chipacamvo: e.g. the differing maintscripts17:52
Chipacathe breaks/replaces in 14.04 seem to have lagged (i bumped those -- let me know if it was wrong)17:53
Chipacaalso the postrm script probably needs syncing again17:53
mvoI think 3617 is ready for merging, if someone wants to have a final look (maybe jdstrand?) thats welcome otherwise I will merge it later or in my morning17:53
mvoChipaca: woah, thanks a lot. I can have a look at the diff/PR in my morning, really appreciated17:54
mupIssue snapcraft#1477 opened: multi-arch build packages <design-required> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1477>17:54
Chipacamvo: with the upcoming debian-unstable work, keeping these things sane (and non-obvious differences documented) is going to be a must17:55
mvoChipaca: indeed, I would love to brainstorm a bit if we can somehow merge/symlink way more of the common things, its a DRY desaster right now17:58
mvoChipaca: anyway, your PR helps a lot already, thanks again17:58
mvoChipaca: 3398 looks like a real winner, once tests are green, I would love to see it going in and we can further optimize the packaing in followup branches17:59
mvolooks like 3805 just needs a second review and can go in18:00
jdstrandmvo: commented. LGTM18:06
mupPR snapd#3826 opened: devices/iio: add read/write for missing sysfs entries <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3826>18:27
stormmorenacc: niemeyer: I think I have figured it out and it is pretty silly... I changed the command to use bin/hello in the snapcraft.yaml and it is working18:29
niemeyerHmm.. the new lxd test in spread takes 2 to 3 minutes to run..18:33
mupPR snapd#3372 closed: tests: add basic lxd test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3372>18:36
* ikey grasses up onlyoffice https://twitter.com/only_office/status/90244773902336819218:38
niemeyerikey: Fingers crossed :)18:42
ikeyYeah I'm not good with the whole subtlety thingy18:42
Chipacajdstrand: 3805 has a weird MockFindGid that isn't a mock and isn't in export_test.go, but other than that (and a couple of nits) it's good to go18:44
jdstrandChipaca: thanks. I was havig some trouble using findGid from the _test.go file and based this on something else in the tree18:45
Chipacajdstrand: usually you'd have an export_test.go18:46
Chipacajdstrand: and that would be in the main package, not in the _test package18:46
Chipacajdstrand: but as it's called _test it only gets built for tests18:46
Chipacajdstrand: so in there you'd do, simply, “var FindGid = findGid”18:46
Chipacajdstrand: and then in that package's tests thepackage.FindGid(...) and it'd DWYW18:47
niemeyercachio: Are you taking over snapd#3484 from fgimenez, or do we expect him to be on that tomorrow?18:49
mupPR snapd#3484: tests: add autopilot-introspection interface test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3484>18:49
cachioniemeyer, he said he was going to finish this one tomorrow18:50
cachiootherwise, I'll take it18:50
cachioniemeyer, federico is working until the 31st18:51
niemeyercachio: Sounds great, thanks18:53
cachioniemeyer, I'll sync with him tomorrow again18:54
jdstrandChipaca: ok, let me play with that. thanks!18:56
Chipacajdstrand: you can look at release/export_test.go's ReadOSRelease as an example18:58
Chipacaniemeyer: getting html back from linode again18:58
Chipacaniemeyer: more like <o/>19:02
Chipacait seems to have fixed itself though19:03
jdstrandChipaca: huh, that was easy. I thought I tried this and it didn't work...19:06
* jdstrand shrugs19:06
jdstrandChipaca: thanks!19:06
mupPR snapd#3617 closed: interfaces/builtin: use udev tagging more broadly <Created by adglkh> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3617>19:12
mvoChipaca: the issue with 3398 is that snapd.install needs a directory as the second argument, there is a file there right now. check man dh_install  and sorry that I have not spoted that earlier :/19:15
mvoChipaca: at the end of the man-page there is a suggestion about renames though19:17
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you give me the output of https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/dev/snaps/8252/rev/12/ ?19:34
jdstrandroadmr: it says unexpected output19:34
jdstrand(in the store)19:34
roadmrjdstrand: sure!19:34
roadmrjdstrand: found it will just be a sec19:40
roadmrjdstrand: https://pastebin.canonical.com/197058/19:41
jdstrandhmm, that's curious19:42
jdstrandroadmr: thanks19:42
jdstrandroadmr: do you happen to know when that review started and when it completed?19:44
roadmrjdstrand: completed at     15:33:12.75619:45
roadmrtrying to get the start timestamp19:46
jdstrandkenvandine: can you press the 'request manual review' button here: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/dev/snaps/8252/rev/12/19:46
kenvandinejdstrand, sure19:47
kenvandinejdstrand, button pushed :)19:47
jdstrandkenvandine: thanks19:49
roadmrjdstrand: the scan started at 15:33:11.78519:50
jdstrandroadmr: that is weird and likely unrelated to the reaping code19:51
jdstrandroadmr: have you seen any other 'unexpected output' since r922 went out?19:51
roadmrjdstrand: what's weird?19:51
mupPR snapcraft#1509 closed: project_loader: process stage package grammar <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1509>19:51
jdstrandroadmr: that snap has that file. the fact that it is gone made me think something came along and removed the review directory19:52
roadmrjdstrand: hm... indeed19:52
jdstrandroadmr: (ie, lingering reaping bug), but i don't think so based on the timestamps. I'll re-review that code to be sure19:52
roadmrjdstrand: the last instance of "os.rmdir(dirPath) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:19:53
jdstrandroadmr: there aren't any fs errors on that machine, are there?19:53
roadmrjdstrand: was from Aug 23rd, and no "unexpected output" until this one just now19:53
roadmrjdstrand: I could have it looked at, I haven't seen anything in any logs or alerts19:53
roadmrjdstrand: I want to think we have alerts for misbehaving disks :)19:53
jdstrandif the last rmdir was from the 23rd, then it really shouldn't be that code, since this review would've triggered that19:54
jdstrandroadmr: ok, let me review the code. unless I say something, I'll just keep an eye on this19:54
roadmrok, let me know if you need more info19:55
Chipacaok, time for a dog to stretch its legs19:55
jdstrandroadmr: actually, do you have any 'Could not remove ...' in syslog?19:55
Chipaca7k steps worth of dogwalking coming up -- should be back just after spread finishes :-D19:56
roadmrhm... let's see19:56
roadmrChipaca: so do you walk 3.5k steps one way, then turn back?19:56
roadmr(and come back the same way, I guess)19:56
kenvandinejdstrand, thx for the review19:58
roadmrjdstrand: hm, no "Could not remove" in the logs. I only have application logs, no real access to syslog :( but, I can have it checked by someone with access19:59
jdstrandroadmr: ok, that's alright. it was just the one. let's keep with me reviewing and keeping an eye on it20:02
jdstrandkenvandine: np20:02
roadmrok jdstrand let me know20:03
niemeyerpedronis: Around still?20:14
pedronis niemeyer: yes20:15
niemeyerpedronis: I'm a bit confused on 3573.. I can just add the notes on the review, or we can quickly talk if you want to be unblocked early tomorrow20:15
mupPR snapd#3573: overlord: always try to get a serial, lazily on classic <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3573>20:15
pedronisniemeyer: we can talk quickly20:16
niemeyerpedronis: The main thing is about how "generic" apparently have two different keys20:16
pedronisone is for staging20:17
niemeyerAnd generic is named models as a side effect.. is that a test-only thing or is that an actual plan?20:17
pedronisah, in that sense20:17
pedronisthere are two keys, yes20:17
pedronisone for models , one for serials20:17
pedronison is an offline key, the other in an online key20:18
pedroniscanonical has the same btw20:18
niemeyerAh, models is a key name, not an account name, sorry, I was confused indeed20:18
pedronisit just a label20:19
pedronisgeneric has models and serials20:19
pedroniscanonical for example has root,  store and models or something like that20:19
niemeyerpedronis: Alright, thanks.. that was the only hanging point.. will review the rest20:19
cachiopedronis, is it ok if I submit a fix to make the fedora tests pass again?20:33
pedroniscachio: I have a PR open to reenabled them,  snapd#375520:34
mupPR snapd#3755: try to reenable fedora spread tests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3755>20:34
pedronisyou mean to push something there?20:34
pedronisyes, it's fine20:35
cachioI mean to push some fixes for tests that are currently failing20:35
cachiothere are 2 tests failinf20:36
pedroniscachio: yes, you can push to that PR of mine20:36
pedronisI created it because I was the one turning them off20:36
cachiopedronis, great, tx20:36
tpatelHas anyone have issue with socket options SO_BINDTODEVICE not receiving data?20:52
stormmoreI am really starting to enjoy creating a snap21:35
nacci've got a classic snap that just updated (i own the snap) and after the update a script in the snap is for some reason not seeing a new python dependency (i've got a script in the snap that calls another program in the snap, which is failing from that script). Calling that program directly, though, is succeeding. I'm not entirely sure how to debug at this point23:11
naccoh i wonder if it's a symlink issue with the snaps23:17
naccwell, that wasn't it23:54

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