[12:45] Hello world [12:59] Bonjour, [13:55] Bonjour! https://medium.com/@taitems/how-i-replicated-an-86-million-project-in-57-lines-of-code-277031330ee9 [14:08] En fait il existe des outils d'analyse d'image open source, j'en utilise dans un projet! Les projets officiels sont souvent a des prix exorbitant! Escroqurie et incompétence! [20:30] elacheche: could be useful to Tunisia if only the Ministry of Homeland Security would dare give it interest [20:30] Minister [20:37] Bader: If they just publish a web service to check cars using registration number it can be a local project ;) [20:38] you just need to connect to their API [20:38] Bader: btw, are you aware of any place where I can find ALL links to OpenGov & OpenData plateforms (if there is any public APIs too, but I don't think that will be available x) ) [20:38] it does exist, still it's not open... [20:39] ALL links, a bit tough [20:39] public API mwhahahahhah [20:39] Bader: If there is a web app we can scrap & use a headless browser to submit requests ;) [20:40] now, a Centre won't share its data with another institution or Minister, sometimes for very good reason (privacy of citizen's data aka Chawki Gaddes) [20:40] OK, then, here is a project idea to whoever will read this, → Centrelizing ALL tn openGov / openData links in one document.. Then someone will find a way to use multiple plateforms to get good info about something :) [20:41] webapp, my dear if we manage to expose API within the State we'll celebrate [20:41] I care very much about privacy, but that's not an excuse, they can publish data without personnal ones [20:41] elacheche: actually we have a project to enable this... [20:41] Cool x)