
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:43
davmor2Morning all08:06
brobostigonmorning davmor208:09
popeymorning all08:17
brobostigonmorning popey08:21
zmoylan-pi:-) https://i.imgur.com/iph0NkH.jpg09:20
davmor2zmoylan-pi: nice09:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
diddledanI question unicode, too :-p12:18
diddledanhow do right-to-left languages affect source code?12:19
diddledane.g. I've got a query where someone tried customising something I wrote by replacing some text with right-to-left text but the sourcecode looks all mangled12:19
penguin42is that the editor you're using?  I think r2l have a unicode character that switches the direction12:21
diddledanI'm not using an editor, I'm viewing their support request on the web (WordPress.org) and the quotes around their translation appear to both be at the start of the string when viewing the source of the page, but the display shows correctly12:22
penguin42(that was inserting a r-2-l mark)12:23
zmoylan-pijust code makes you yoda, no?12:23
diddledanthis post the comment by "mahdiar" near the bottom: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/filter-posts-via-category-using-shortcode/12:24
diddledansee that the quotes surround the translated text, but view-source: shows both quotes at the beginning of the text and not surrounding it. I'm assuming the user screwed up when writing their PHP12:25
penguin42view selection-source on that looks the same to me12:27
diddledanthis is what chrome says:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/frXJA9LH/12:28
zmoylan-pimaybe isolate the particular language and find a few wordpress pages in that language?12:28
diddledancopying the text and pasting it in here: (an electron app): return 'اآ,ب,پ,ت,ث,ج,چ,ح,خ,د,ذ,ر,ز,ژ,س,ش,ص,ض,ط,ظ,ع,غ,ف,ق,ک,گ,ل,م,ن,و,ه,ی ي';12:29
penguin42diddledan: ff http://i.imgur.com/G8n2Qvj.png12:30
diddledanyeah, you've hacked the code into your own view-source which isn't the source on the actual page12:31
penguin42diddledan: That was just highlighting the area and right click view-selection12:32
diddledanthis is what firefox shows here:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Q7dDISXG/12:32
diddledanas I said, the source is screwed12:34
diddledanif two browsers can't agree on the order of text than how is PHP supposed to execute it as code?12:35
* penguin42 is assuming it's the way the browsers are rendering it rather than the way it's stored in the file12:35
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledanboy is it hot today13:06
zmoylan-piyou need *dun* *dun* *dun* japanese non melting ice cream...13:07
diddledanwait, is that a real thing?13:07
zmoylan-piscience gone mad i tells you... https://www.cnet.com/news/we-try-out-japans-non-melting-ice-cream-to-see-if-its-for-real/13:08
penguin42a lot of icecream has so much gum in that it only vaguely melts13:08
diddledanlooks somewhat like mousse13:09
penguin42thought it looked more like a bear13:18
zleapok server working now :),  mysql/mariadb server also working,  as is a assault cube server20:39
daftykins\o/ no idea what that last one is, but i bet some cubes are gonna get assaulted20:42
ali1234i need to get a non-technical windows user to send me the SMART data from their drive. what software should i tell them to download?20:43
daftykinsali1234: crystaldiskinfo20:45
ali1234daftykins: is there one that doesnt have anime girls on it?21:15
daftykinsthat one doesn't if you get the standard edition o021:22
ali1234yeah but the homepage...21:22
daftykinshmm my adblocker must hide that, how about just linking the file direct...21:22
ali1234user is going to be like "why did you tell me to go to a porn site"21:22
ali1234yeah i think that's what i'll do. download the file and rehost it myself21:23
daftykinsoh there's one character in a banner21:23
daftykinsalso to make the values readable in a screenshot you'd need to either edit and zip up, or tell them to do: Function menu -> Advanced Feature -> Raw Values -> 10 [DEC]21:24
ali1234nah they can just press control-c and then paste it into an email21:24
ali1234that has all the info needed (i just checked this on an actual windows machine)21:25
ali1234besides, i can read hex :)21:25
ali1234i just really want to know if reallocated sector count is zero, or not21:25
daftykinslots more besides that one21:26
ali1234yeah but all the interesting ones are either zero or the dri ve is broken :)21:26
daftykinsnot quite sure how that sentence added much21:27
ali1234the machine is freezing for extended periods, its not slow at all, and everything stops completely during the freeze21:28
ali1234so my guess is the ssd is failing and the sata driver is blocking the whole system while it tries to recover21:28
ali1234possibly because its hanging a page file operation21:29
daftykinsnice theory21:30
ali1234i dont know what else it could be. its not overheating and there's plenty of free space on the drive21:31
daftykinsoften you don't even see a remap on an SSD until a secure erase is performed21:32
ali1234thats naughty21:32
ali1234anyway can't hurt to look at the values21:33
daftykinsnewp certainly is step #121:33
ali1234would be nice if windows had a built in tool for this stuff21:40
ali1234even if it was just something in powershell21:40
daftykinsfor which feature specifically?21:41
ali1234getting the smart counters21:41
daftykinssure would be handy21:43
zmoylan-picould it be some cheap piece of crap plugged into a usb port stalling the system... had that happen on more than one occasion...21:56
ali1234its' possible. i'm going to visit the user and check for this stuff, but if it needs a new drive then i'd like to get it ordered before i get on a train to the other end of the country21:57
zmoylan-piand make sure you bring cables as well in case it might be the current cables been dodgy... #beenThereDoneThat21:58
daftykinsit's not a Crucial MX100 under Windows 10 is it?21:59
daftykinsspecific as that is ;D21:59
ali1234i think its a sandisk21:59
daftykinsah cheapty cheap21:59
ali1234it would have been crucial if i'd picked it21:59
zmoylan-pido the stalls last the same amount of time or happen at regular intervals?22:00
daftykinsi used to like them but they drop drives rather than fix the buggy firmware now, saw it with the MX100 :(22:00
ali1234i had a MX100 die and they sent me a MX30022:00
daftykinsyeah, they won't admit the issue with the 10022:01
daftykinsthey behave if you can turn hotplug on on the controller port they're in though, but not all systems will have that22:01
daftykinsHIPM/DIPM bug where the drives disappear from Windows22:01
zmoylan-pinow THATS secure :-P22:02
ali1234hotplug is part of AHCI isn't it?22:06
ali1234as i understand it, they only disappear when your SATA ports are in legacy mode22:06
ali1234zmoylan-pi: the freezes last approximately 2 minutes. they are not at fixed intervals, but happen every 15 minutes to 4 hours22:07
daftykinsfeature of but not mandatory, mmm22:08
ali1234there's no warning before hand and no visible effects afterwards, it just completely stops and then starts again like nothing happened22:08
daftykinseventviewer'd have some evidence probably, but yeah don't fancy that challenge via a user22:08
ali1234also got to take all this with a grain of salt as its just what the user told me22:09
zmoylan-piyeah... the pc not turning on turns out that the pc is missing... fun times...22:10
ali1234oh yeah and its windows 722:11
* zmoylan-pi casts ward evil22:13
daftykinsthankfully expunged 7 from my main clients systems now22:15

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