
floridagram-bot7<SivaMachina> It seemed Tobe loser to Davie00:05
floridagram-bot7<SivaMachina> to be*00:05
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> It was all around me00:05
floridagram-bot7<SivaMachina> I had to take a bus on it00:10
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> so i just applied for the google it residency program00:53
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> What's that?00:54
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> https://careers.google.com/jobs#!t=jo&jid=/google/information-technology-residency-program-2300-traverwood-dr-ann-arbor-mi-usa-7360010&00:54
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Interesting00:55
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> i probably won't even get an interview, though00:57
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> Good luck @Ivoriesablaze00:57
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> thanks00:58
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> @Ivoriesablaze, Meh, that was my thinking before I got hired on at my current location00:58
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Keep your chin up. :)00:58
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> yeah, but it's freaking google00:58
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> It's only Google, you mean. :)01:00
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Idk, sounds like an open ended thing01:00
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> 'Do all'01:00
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Learn IT the hard way01:00
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Lol01:00
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> lol01:02
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> @kmyers It is so cool to have a box on the net that I did even the OS installation on. You rock X)13:51
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> For @everyone I'll be (slowly) working on http://5ht.xyz13:51
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> Seriously? Man if I had only a few bitcoins..13:53
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> I wish I pumped a few thousand dollars into it last year13:53
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> No kidding, I have a bunch of dogecoin somewhere13:54
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> The value of dogecoin did spike a few months ago and the value is about 12x more than it was in January. The problem is that it is a low value coin. 100 XDG = about 17 cents at this moment. It was 100 XDG = 02 cents back in January13:58
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> xD13:58
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> 1 XDG is about 0.0018189 USD14:00
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> That coin symbol looks like a trolling smileyface to me now14:01
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> @KMyers did you read my messages from yesterday?14:04
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, I will be honest, I fell asleep very early yesterday. Let be read through the backlog14:04
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Dont doubt yourself like that. Do remember however that Google only accepts a pitifully tiny percent of applicants so even if you dont get an interview, dont take it personally and do something irrational... like get an iPhone14:06
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> xD14:06
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> It's not doubt, I'm qualified for it... But so are thousands of others who are applying14:09
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, I wish I can offer some advice but Google is very secretive in their hiring process.14:17
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> I honestly hope you dont get the job. We cant have you moving so far away14:18
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHXK9glwFBg14:43
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> @KMyers @Ivoriesablaze14:43
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> Even if it would mean free Google swag?15:20
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, I think I got enough of that 😁15:20
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> No such thing15:35
maxolasersquadDoes the current version of Nextcloud still leave all of those . files for syncing in synced directories?18:11
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> @maxolasersquad, Yes18:16
maxolasersquadI'm seriously considering moving from Seafile to NextCloud. Seafile has proven to be easier to sysadmin, and has given me much better performance all-around. However they explicitly state that it is just for cloud storage. They have no interest in being a generic cloud provider with apps.19:12
maxolasersquadI really dislike the curft *Cloud leaves in directories.19:12
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> I have been using NextCloud for some time now and like it. The app support is nice19:13
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> And I like that it supports WebDAV on machines that dont have a NextCloud client or CLI19:14
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> I also like that it has MFA support19:15
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> Mm no factory images for Pixel c19:23
maxolasersquadSeafile has webdav support too, which is crucial for things like Kodi.19:30
maxolasersquadI ran Owncloud for a while, just before the split.19:30
maxolasersquadMoved just before the split.19:31
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> @KMyers you get the autism Speaks email?20:47
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> I dont recall seeing one today. When was it sent?20:47
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> Today, lol20:49
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> One moment, will double check20:49
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Nope. whats up?20:52
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> I just got the one you sent me. March 8th it is20:55
floridagram-bot7<Ivoriesablaze> 4th21:32
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> I am updating now.  Who's jealous?22:15
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> :D22:15
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> Not I22:15
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> :P.  Here I am, feeling like the luckiest kid on the block and +Keith I Myers comes along and takes my lunch money.22:16
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> I don't have O yet22:17
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> Still on DP4 lol22:17
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> <whips out my pixel c and says mine is bigger than yours?22:17
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> Did you ota Keith?22:17
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> Or fastboot?22:17
floridagram-bot7<KMyers> OTA but I had it enrolled in the beta22:18
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> I'm betting if I take myself out of the beta I'll get N again22:18
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> I did on my Nexus.  I have dp4.  I wonder if it's going to get final soon.22:18
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> HRM.  It would force an ota.22:19
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> My Pixel was not beta.  My Nexus 5x (blue) is.22:20
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> IDK it's kinda annoying but I don't feel like messing with a wipe22:20
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> That notification is annoying22:39
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> Yep22:41
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> Someone say something.  I want to see a notification dot.22:43
floridagram-bot7<ahoneybun> Pickle juice22:44
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> Coooooooooo22:45
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> L22:45
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> You did an OTA?23:13
floridagram-bot7<AdamOutler> Yes23:16
floridagram-bot7<RazPi> https://wukix.com/mocl23:29
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Fav O change is the settings button in drop down menu is now reachable with my thumb.23:41
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> @RazPi, Lissssp23:42
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> You into mobile?23:42
floridagram-bot7<Abrerr> Development**23:42

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