
chesedomorning all08:11
nlsthznGoeie môre Suid Afrika :)10:10
nlsthznhttp://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2017-08-22-18-30-05.html very uhm... productive meeting?13:11
nlsthznseems that the aardvark and the new gnome changes is as good a time as any to re-vitalize the Loco and to go big no?13:12
nlsthznbut then again that's just me... and I don't even Ubuntu any longer or SA for that matter :(13:13
chesedointeresting story -> https://hackernoon.com/how-my-10-year-old-learned-javascript-d8782b586db714:21
chesedonlsthzn: yea, we rarely do much these days it seems14:22
paddatrappernlsthzn: chesedo: yeah, I find time is the big issue16:31
chesedopaddatrapper: same here16:52
nlsthznan issue for all I fear17:21
* nlsthzn goes sleepy now... zzzz17:21
inetprogood evening18:55

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