
Luonghi all02:13
Luonganyone available?02:14
bluesabreI always worry about those that are in that much of a hurry02:19
flocculantbluesabre: love to be able to say I can launch players more than once ... but I can't ;)06:37
flocculantobviously using 17.10 and a bunch of ppa's here :)06:41
flocculantalso a bit confused as to version number - doesn't appear to have changed http://i.imgur.com/B9wuzYa.png06:44
Unit193Restarted panel after compiling?06:48
flocculantrebooted actually06:48
flocculantI assumed I was grabbing that ^^ and not Sean's fork version06:49
bluesabreflocculant: using the new location? https://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/07:06
bluesabrethe fork has been merged07:06
flocculantbluesabre: yea - the one you linked at silly o'clock :)07:07
bluesabreflocculant: and if you go to the plugin settings, there's a "Media Players" section there as well now (just to confirm) https://i.imgur.com/8E5dN3I.png07:08
flocculantnot sure what's going on now - I uninstalled - removed from panel - apparently all that locate could find was git folder and some .po's - but I could still add it to the panel07:08
flocculantnope - not seeing that 07:09
flocculantwhich is good - means it's just me broken :D07:09
flocculantagain ...07:09
bluesabre./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr07:10
flocculantnope 07:12
flocculantnot too much of a bother though 07:12
flocculantyea 07:13
flocculantbut I've all manner of random xfce git things installed - with whatever you and Unit193 have chucked at ppa's here ;)07:13
bluesabreanyhoo, back to bed for me... I'll respond to the b1 mail when I wake back up, I think it'd be good for us to participate07:14
flocculantbluesabre: while we're both here at the same time - I'll not be about much for that 07:14
flocculantsleep well07:14
bluesabreflocculant: that's fine, I can make myself available07:14
flocculantok cheers07:14
Unit193flocculant: Nooooo, I don't usually push git snapshots! (Just xfwm4...)  And heh, was going to ask what he's doing up.07:17
akxwi-daveMorning guys...   sorry t'interweb has been down all weekend.. a drunk driver decided to crash into the telecoms cabinet on our street..    my thoughts are same as bluesabre  for beta 1.. Downloading as we speak to start  testing..08:02
ochosibluesabre: could you add a check whether volumed is running in the config dialog of pa-plugin and tell the user that there are two "conflicting" services?11:06
flexiondotorgbluesabre flocculant As you have seen the release team added Xubuntu to the 17.10 Beta 1 testing tracker.11:13
flocculantflexiondotorg: ta - new name akxwi-dave is also xubuntu qa 11:15
flexiondotorgflocculant Thanks.11:15
flexiondotorgHello akxwi-dave :-)11:15
akxwi-davehi flexiondotorg  and flocculant 11:16
akxwi-daveCritical bug for i38611:16
akxwi-davebug 171370111:16
ubottubug 1713701 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Gnome Software fails to run on Xubuntu 17.10 Beta 1 i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171370111:16
flocculantditch that \o/11:17
akxwi-davelol knew you would say that... :-)11:17
flocculantbluesabre: well I'm lost - cleared all the plugin out - checked and no pa-plugin stuff anywhere, grabbed it from  git://git.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin11:18
flocculant and it still gives me old stuff11:19
flocculantflexiondotorg: we both kind of do all the stuffs but I'm more Xfce/Xubuntu and Dave is more Xubuntu/Xfce11:20
flexiondotorgThanks for the background.11:21
flocculantthough I tend to be more about on irc - noisy me :D11:21
akxwi-davei'm there, but by time i go to say anything flocculant  has beat me to it..  ;-)11:22
flocculantakxwi-dave: looks like bug is a dupe on 32bit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/171334411:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1713344 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "gnome-software core dump" [Undecided,New]11:23
akxwi-dave damn that ubuntu-bug tool, it really should find these dupes before they are made11:26
flocculanthaving to cli these damn vm's11:29
akxwi-daveouch... still not found out whats wrong?11:32
flocculantnope 11:32
flocculantpointed jbicha at the 32bit seg fault11:32
flocculantneed to try and work out how to better resolution from cli - but at least I can install on it11:33
flexiondotorgakxwi-dave Where will the Xubuntu 17.10 Beta 1 release notes be published?14:27
akxwi-daveflexiondotorg:  Hi you are better asking knome about that.. he usually deal with that sode of thing.. usually on the website or mailing list..14:32
flexiondotorgakxwi-dave ack14:40
flocculanthah - in what reality is that then :p15:48
flocculantflexiondotorg: it will be at https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/17.10/release-notes15:48
flocculantwe've not been differentiating lately on release notes - that will eventually not be a draft release note15:49
flexiondotorgflocculant Thanks.15:49
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
bluesabreevening all22:55
Unit193Heya, bluesabre.22:58
bluesabreHi Unit19322:58
Unit193bluesabre: sn-plug still in NEW, x-d-s still un-uploaded.23:49
Unit193I'm sure you saw gtk+3.0 fixed the regression in Ubuntu and Debian, so end of status update.23:53
Unit193GNOME 786029 was fixed upstream too! \o/23:55
ubottuGnome bug 786029 in Widget: Other "clicking on gtk-slider makes the parent disappear" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78602923:56

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