
AncientOfDaysIs there a PPC version of Lubuntu?00:30
lamduhis there a way to restore lxterminal to its defaults? I just uninstalled zsh and want to get back to how I was01:42
=== CompuDesktop is now known as Compu
Student1Hi. New to Lubuntu. Need help!15:28
LuMintStudent1: hello15:29
LuMintStudent1: what is it?15:29
Student1Trying to install Libreoffice using Terminal and I keep getting error messages.15:29
Student1Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)15:30
Student1dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.15:30
LuMintdid you?15:31
LuMinthad u used sudo?15:31
Student1I am using commands from the Lubuntu forum but it isn't working. I keep rebooting and trying different versions of sudo apt and apt get type commands to no avail15:31
LuMintexecute these15:33
Student1It was working before. I think initially the issue was I only did the first command sudo apt get update and then just typed a bunch of commands afterward15:33
LuMintclose terminal window15:33
LuMintevery instance you have, close it15:33
LuMintnow open it and type15:33
LuMintsudo apt update15:34
LuMintand hit enter15:34
Student11 package can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see it.15:34
LuMintsudo apt install libreoffice15:35
Student1I went ahead and ran the upgrade command15:36
LuMintsure, why not15:36
Student1ttf-mscorefonts-installer/zesty 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 all [upgradable from: 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2] N: There is 1 additional version. Please use the '-a' switch to see it15:36
LuMintwhy are you telling us this? are we installing libreoffice or what?15:37
Student1The blue and gray box from Microsoft asking me to give permission kept coming up and I thought that may be the error.15:37
Student1I'll type it in yes now thanks15:37
LuMintdon't interrupt the upgrade process15:37
LuMintif it's not finished yet15:37
LuMintit's a bad idea to interrupt it15:38
Student1It was a static screen.15:38
Student1It didn't seem to be doing anything. It seemed to be asking for my response but I hit enter, etc...and nothing happened15:38
Student1The command seems to be installing Libreoffice now15:39
LuMintyes, because you executed it with sufficient permissions15:39
Student1I typed sudo each time before I'm pretty sure.15:40
Student1Here it is again15:40
LuMintwhat, could not open /var/lib ?15:40
LuMintthis message?15:40
Student1The package configuration ttf fonts installer15:41
LuMintwhat about it?15:41
Student1Is it done? It says <Ok>15:41
LuMintprobably is15:41
LuMintinput lowriter in terminal and hit enter15:41
LuMintthat's the quieckest way of making sure its ok15:42
Student1I can't input anything in this terminal window15:42
Student1It seems like it is waiting for my response but no response is acknowledged.15:42
LuMintplease copy paste the latest line15:43
LuMintwhat does it say15:43
LuMintmaybe it wants you to input y or n15:43
Student1I had to use the arrow key below. Figured it out.15:43
LuMintyou can also use ctrl+l15:43
LuMintto clear the screen15:43
LuMintdoew lowriter command work?15:43
Student1Just input, 'lowriter'?15:44
Student1It's unpacking a bunch now15:44
LuMintdid it15:44
LuMintfinish intalling libreoffice or not?15:44
LuMintoris it in process?15:45
Student1It did. I typed lowriter and there's a ton of all caps yellow font WARNING15:46
LuMintdo you see libreoffice writerwindow?15:47
Student1A screen showing Libreoffice popped up then went away and I see it's been added under office in the start menu15:48
LuMintStudent1: tell me it works15:49
Student1Yes it works15:50
Student1Thank you15:50
LuMintthere should be any warnings though.15:50
LuMinton 14.0415:50
LuMintbut you're on 16.0415:50
LuMintand, secondly, warnings are normal when launching programms from terminal15:51
LuMintin linux world15:51
Student1Oh ok15:51
Student1How do I delete abiword?15:51
LuMintyou should launch it from terminal to see what's wrong with it15:51
LuMintsudo apt purge abiword15:51
LuMintand maybe15:51
LuMintsudo apt-get --autoremove afterwards15:52
Student1What does that last command do?15:52
LuMintremoves leftovers15:52
LuMintusually apt tells you if there are some15:52
LuMintand suggests you execute this command15:52
Student1Is it all one line?15:52
LuMintif it doesn't15:52
LuMintdon't run it if it doesn't, because why bother15:52
LuMintu can make it one line yes15:53
LuMintuse ;15:53
LuMintor better yet15:53
LuMintlike when ur installing something15:53
LuMintsudo apt update && sudo apt install -y programmname15:53
LuMint-y stands for YES to every prompt made during installation15:53
LuMintyou want to add yes if you are lazy15:54
LuMintusually, i dont15:54
Student1I typed in lowriter again15:54
LuMintjust start it the normal way15:54
LuMintalt+f2 or winkey+r15:54
Student1It started to run then stopped and says a bunch of stuff15:54
LuMintclose terminal window15:55
LuMintand open it the regular way15:55
LuMinteither from start menu15:55
LuMintalt+f2 or winkey+r15:55
LuMintand lowriter typed into15:55
Student1It isn't fully running that way15:56
Student1It starts then stops and the message saying it quit unexpectedly15:56
LuMintany more detail?15:57
LuMintstart it from terminal and copy paste the output, warnings, errors15:57
LuMintpastebin it15:57
Student1(soffice:7183): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:23:18: not a number  (soffice:7183): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:23:18: Expected a string.  (soffice:7183): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:815:10: not a number  (soffice:7183): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:815:24: Using Pango syntax for the font: style property is deprecated; please use CSS sy15:58
Student1And yes it seems it still isn't working...15:59
Student1It opens and immediately closes15:59
LuMintidk, i don't see anything serious16:02
Student1It doesn't work though16:02
LuMintidk you could try reconfiguring loffice16:03
LuMintthose warnings of yours don't look serious to me16:03
Student1The 1st link you sent suggests I update because it could be a kernel issue. How do I do that?16:04
LuMintsudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:05
LuMintand of course you may purge libreoffice and try installing it again. for all I know you may have interrupted the installation process so it hasn't finished correctlyor whatever16:07
LuMinti can't rule that out completely16:07
Student1I did the command you just stated and it finished. It no longer says my computer name, just shows, ">".16:08
LuMintscreenshot please16:09
LuMintif you can16:09
LuMintor try hittign ctrl+l16:09
LuMintdoes it change?16:09
Student1ubottu > ubuntulog > Unit193 > venzen > xMopxShell > yofel >16:10
ubottuStudent1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:10
Student1I don't know how to screenshot.16:11
Student1That's the text shown. I tried another sudo apt command to get vlc and it shows only, >16:11
LuMintwhat did you execute?16:12
LuMintwhere did you do it?16:12
LuMintStudent1: xfce-screenshoter16:12
Student1I closed that window and reopened terminal and now it shows as normal.16:12
LuMintsudo apt install xfce4-screenshooter16:13
Student1Ok. I have that program now.16:16
Student1What do I do to get Libreoffice working though?16:16
LuMintso you can screenshot whatever you want16:16
LuMintsudo apt update16:17
Student1Now yes thanks to you16:17
LuMintsudo apt update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:17
LuMintif something fails make a screenshot16:17
LuMintthen if that doesn't help you can purge libreoffice and then install it again to see if it works16:18
Student1It didn't fail16:18
LuMintfor more help ask around here or visit #ubuntu16:18
LuMinti got to go16:18
Student1Ok thanks a lot I appreciate that!16:18
LuMinton #ubuntu there are more people and this problem of yours is by no means LXDE specific16:18
LuMintthat is, it's not lubuntu specific16:18
LuMintStudent1: sorry it hasn't worked out well enough yet...16:19
Student1It put me in unregged16:21
Joana_Ribeirohello there16:22
LuMintStudent1: /say /join #freenode16:22
LuMintand register a nickname16:22
LuMintif you cant post there16:22
Joana_Ribeiroi've chosen a nickname already, before joining this chat...16:24
Joana_Ribeiroi just wanted to ask a question16:24
Joana_Ribeiroor get some guidance16:24
Joana_Ribeiroi need to upgrade my version of lubuntu from 14.04 LTS to 17.04 LTS, but i can't figure how16:24
Unit19317.04 isn't an LTS, 16.04 is.16:25
LuMintJoana_Ribeiro: something with release-upgrade16:25
LuMintit'll upgrade you to 16.0416:26
LuMintsudo apt update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; sudo do-release-upgrade16:27
LuMintdo these and you'll have the latest LTS, that is 16.0416:27
LuMintif has relatively new software and its stable enough for most users.16:27
LuMintto change to 17.04 youd only have to change the base repos.16:27
LuMintthen run apt update and apt upgrade and pray nothing breaks16:28
Joana_Ribeiroand where can i find the rigth repository to get 17.04 ?16:28
Unit193No, it's the same process you just have to change /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:28
LuMintUnit193: one can also do it my way. just saying.16:29
LuMintyours is better, though16:29
Unit193I'm aware it works, I've had to do it the Debian Way™ when the other broke once.16:29
Joana_Ribeiroso, i have to upgrade 2 times to get the 17.04 version?16:30
LuMinti'd do it gradually if I were you.16:31
LuMintfirst 16.04 then 17.04 if everything is okay.16:31
Joana_Ribeirook, i'll try this, thanks16:31
LuMintgood luck16:33
Student1I purged libreoffice then reinstalled it and it still doesn't work. Same warning errors.16:51
Student1How do I post a screenshot16:54
tsimonq2Student1: Go to imgur and put it there :)16:55
Student1I don't know what that means16:56
tsimonq2Student1: http://imgur.com/16:57
tsimonq2Student1: Click "New Post" at the top16:57
tsimonq2And follow the instructions :)16:57
tsimonq2Then, give me the URL of the site it redirects you to.16:58
Student1I need an account to post an image? There's no other way to do it directly on here?16:58
tsimonq2And you don't need an account?16:59
tsimonq2You just need somewhere to put the pic, Student116:59
tsimonq2That's just an example16:59
tsimonq2Student1: Those are just warning messages17:08
tsimonq2LibreOffice doesn't start at all?17:08
Student1It says Libreoffice across the screen as though it is starting and then nothing happens.17:09
LuMinttsimonq2: actually it's a built in function of xfce-screenshooter18:00
LuMintupload to imgur18:00
tsimonq2LuMint: That too :P18:01
LuMinttsimonq2: any idea what could be wrong w/ his install?18:01
LuMintI feel sorry about libreoffice not working :( it's something that should work ootb18:01
tsimonq2LuMint: I'm not sure :(18:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:04
tsimonq2I don't know the answer18:04
tsimonq2So I'm not replying :P18:04
LuMintme neither18:05
LuMinti fail to see how these gtk warnings could lead to lowriter not starting18:05
LuMintdoesn't make sense18:05
LuMintwhat does makes sense is his using 17.0418:05
LuMintan unstable release18:05
tsimonq2LuMint: That's a stable release18:06
helppleasehaving issues with software update on 17.04. keeps saying no internet connection18:07
LuMinttsimonq2: turns out it's not exactly stable, is it?18:07
Student1LuMint, you're saying I should use a different version then of Lubuntu?18:07
LuMintStudent1: if you have a new install, I'd go for 16.0418:08
LuMintStudent1: have you approached the guys on #ubuntu yet?18:08
LuMintthere's much more people there18:09
LuMintStudent1: I take it purging and reinstalling didn't solve the problem, am I right?18:09
Student1I can change it. The ubuntu chat put me in unregulated or something because of there being so many spammers18:09
LuMintyou should go to #freenode and register a nickname18:09
* n-iCe dances18:09
LuMintit's simple and fast18:09
Student1I purged and reinstalled 5+ times...18:10
helppleaseany known issues with software updater lubuntu 17.04?18:10
LuMint/join #freenode18:10
LuMintthat's what you have to enter in your IRC client18:10
Student1I really don't know what any of that is18:10
LuMintand tell them you want to have your nickname registered18:11
LuMintthere's an internet messaging protocol, called IRC18:11
LuMintit's a centralized protocol in that there are servers and clients connecting to them18:11
LuMintthe server(actually it's a network of servers, but anyways) we are currently using is  called Freenode18:12
LuMintyou are (presumably) using Hexchat client18:12
LuMintnow Freenode has support channel called #freenode18:12
LuMintto join it you either have to use graphical user interface18:12
LuMintor simply enter /join #freenode (you can do it right here!) and hit enter18:13
LuMintStudent1: has it worked for you?18:16
Student1This worked. https://askubuntu.com/questions/927859/libreoffice-writer-crashes-on-start. Tools - Options - Advanced - Deselect Java Environment and now it works!18:19
LuMintit's been 2 hrs since i posted it ;)18:20
LuMintStudent1: you'll learn pretty quick and it's not going to take you that long should you (God forbid) have problems with your OS again18:21
LuMintStudent1: great to hear it works :)18:22
MmossiHi... just installed lubuntu 17.04 and having trouble connecting wifi. OK connecting to ether net. I don't know how to configure wifi. Can some one help?18:27
n-iCeMmossi: sure, is your card detected?18:27
MmossiMaybe not. I don't know how to tell.18:28
n-iCeok, go to a terminal, and use the command 'dmesg'18:28
n-iCedo you see errors about your wifi card?18:28
n-iCeor driver wifi card18:28
MmossiGive me a sec18:29
n-iCeor use, sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit18:30
n-iCeand paste in here the url at the end18:30
MmossiI ran the desegregation command. I see an entry that says b43/ucode15.fw not found.18:38
MmossiGo to wireless.kernel.organization to get the correct firmware.18:38
n-iCeyou using lubuntu?18:39
n-iCesudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source18:40
n-iCesudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree18:40
n-iCesudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree18:40
n-iCesudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer18:40
MmossiI type those commands?18:40
n-iCesudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b4318:40
n-iCesudo reboot18:40
n-iCeof course.18:40
MmossiOK. Hold on.18:41
MmossiIt is installing b4318:45
MmossiI am rebooting18:46
MmossiAfter rebooting should I run dmesg?18:47
n-iCeafter reboot try your wifi, if does not work, check dmesg and come back here18:48
MmossiThe wifi is there. I wil. Try it.18:48
MmossiIt connected. Thank you very much.18:50
n-iCeno problem18:51
MmossiHi, do you know if there is a version of Google Chrome that I can run on lubuntu?20:06
LuMinti can't start multiple x sessions for some reason20:51
LuMinton Linux Mint I could go to tty2 and startx from there20:51
LuMintas a result, the second X session would be nested on tty8 or tty9, don't recall exactly20:51
LuMintactually, on tty820:51
LuMintin Lubuntu, when I go to tty2 and startx, I simply can't switch to this xsession I've just started20:52
LuMinthow do I fix that?20:52

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