
=== jesse__ is now known as mvhv
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eee-admini dont know anything about Kubuntu08:49
eee-adminwhere do i start08:50
lordievadereee-admin_: I'd suggest you first find a goal.08:52
lordievadereee-admin_: Please fix your connection.08:55
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EightynineIs Kate a good text editor or there is something better?10:31
user|83105Hi All, I have recently installed Kubuntu 17.10 and have a weird font issue, the are horribly blurred unless the mouse is hovering over them10:40
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lordievaderEightynine: Kate is a decent editor. Better is always a matter of preference.11:00
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BluesKajHi folks12:33
zorin-osdoes anyone know what color code this is? (top half) http://imgur.com/a/IPSPK  cus it isnt 36, 96, 34, or 9412:56
john85hi :)13:17
john85quick question,  trying to install restricted extras for Kubuntu,  i have go to the point where it comes up with the blue license agreement,  but cant figure out how to "OK" it13:20
john85anyone there?13:30
BluesKajjohn85, enter13:34
john85hi BluesKaj,  done that,  does nothing13:35
BluesKajjohn85, ok paste a sceeenshot13:36
john85where to?13:36
BluesKajthen post the resultanr URL here13:37
john85not the greatest im afraid....https://imagebin.ca/v/3YmQz1LK6tKS13:39
geniitab key and enter key13:40
john85thanks :)13:40
john85BluesKaj,  this is my last resort to getting Amarok to work13:41
BluesKajodd I haven't seen that come in yrs13:41
BluesKajcome up13:42
john85VLC is ok,  but it messed up with my library13:43
BluesKajhaven't installed restricted extras since I don't seem to need them13:43
john85i have a lot of albums by various artists,  and VLC just put them all together,  its a nightmare trying to find what i want13:44
BluesKajlike I said before I don't trust players to organize my libraray anymore , nothing but trouble13:44
john85dont usually cause me any trouble..but each MP obviously deals with music libraries differently, and VLC is just one which doesnt do it for me13:46
john85ok,  we are done,  time to try Amarok again13:47
john85Oh you have no idea how happy i am at the moment :)13:47
john85by we are ddone i meant installation is done13:48
john85ok cool,  so now i have muon and Amarok up and running im happy and back to where i was with 16.04 more or less13:49
BluesKajodd that amarok doesn't contain the mp3 plugin by default and needs the restricted extras to provide it13:54
john85it feels almost as if i have to relearn everything i spent years teaching myself about computers13:55
BluesKajjohn85, it's not computers that are at fault it's the the distribution of software that's mucked up13:55
john85i know it has something to do with micensing,  but if VLC has em,  why not Amarok?13:56
john85ye,  its just a pity microsoft got there first13:56
BluesKajdon't think MS has much to do with mp3 inclusion in amarok13:57
john85it was a general comment13:57
john85i meant its a pity linux didnt make it as an OS13:58
john85leeme rephrase that13:58
john85its a pity linux didnt make it as the mainstream OS for everyone13:59
BluesKajit did with me, I don't need MS for anything, of course I'm not a gamer, but my attitude is buy an xbox if you want games14:00
john85the first computer my parents got was a windows PC, so my first introduction to computers after the spectrun was MS14:03
john85sorry I have to go,  need to test some electricals for the shop before I go home :)14:05
BluesKajwell i used MSdos , W3.1, W95 and W98 on the job before I retired, so I'm an old windows guy, but to me it's gone over the edge with W8 to W10 with that silly desktop14:06
john85speak again soon,  hopefully it will be about something other than an issue with my laptop14:06
BluesKajok, later14:07
john85yet win 8 sucked,  first thing i installed when i got this laptop was start 8 to bring back the old desktop14:07
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emmaHow can I tell which edition of kubuntu I'm using?17:38
EightynineCan I find easy to read changelog at KDE site?17:46
geniiemma: search for About System off the button and run it, will tell you various information17:53
EightynineIs that possible to remove older kernels?18:29
marco-parilloI tend to sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade.18:35
marco-parilloWhen you do, apt will tell you of you have older packages that can safely be removed. Generally they are kernels.18:36
marco-parillos/you of you/you if you/18:36
marco-parilloIf so, you can sudo apt autoremove18:37
EightynineShould I add KDE Neon repository for updated Plasma or just wait for update to come in Ubuntu?18:39
marco-parilloIf you have already installed Kubuntu, and want to add the KDE Neon repos, it should work. However, it is unsupported, and I would never try that on a machine where downtime would be a problem or you have un-backed-up data.18:40
EightynineIt wants to update hwe kernels and some other packages. It will leave kernel 4.8 too.18:41
EightynineThank you Marco. I will leave Plasma 5.518:42
marco-parilloWhich version of Kubuntu do you have now?18:42
Eightynine16.04 LTS18:43
marco-parilloHave you considered adding the Backports PPA? Look at the second half of this news item: https://kubuntu.org/news/latest-round-of-backports-ppa-updates-include-plasma-5-10-2-for-zesty-17-04/18:44
marco-parilloAfter you are done, you should have Plasma 5.8.7. See the list of packages here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports/+index?field.series_filter=xenial18:46
EightynineSory, I've been a bit busy. No, I haven't considered. Didn't knew about that. I'll check.18:55
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renn0xtk9trying to install kubunut inside a virtualbox19:16
renn0xtk9the installer fails19:16
renn0xtk9is there any particular settings to apply to virtualbox19:16
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @renn0xtk9, Hi, have you checked the iso's sha256 sum?19:36
renn0xtk9IrcsomBot DGUERRERO yes and it matches19:47
EightynineHow to make Konsole to look better and make less eye strain?19:49
renn0xtk9Eightynine Settings/Edit Current Profile/Appearance?19:54
renn0xtk9I use Green on Black19:54
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @renn0xtk9, In which step is failing? 9r it's failing after reboot?20:43
valorierenn0xtk9: check the amount of memory you have allocated to that VM20:45
valoriefor me, when I don't give it what I consider a huge amount, it just fails with no useful error message20:45
valorieno idea why -- it doesn't use all the memory space I give it20:46
renn0xtk9valorie 16GB should be enough20:52
renn0xtk9it is dynamically allocated but still20:53
valoriewell, it's been awhile since I set one up20:54
valoriebut I was shocked to see how much it wanted20:55
valorieas you say, in the end no difference, since I don't leave them running anyway20:55
menaceperhaps the live installer is still broken?21:04
valoriemenace: in the beta1 at least, all the testers passed it21:08
valoriein 386 and amd64 both21:08
menacerenn9xtk9 did not say which version he tried :D21:10
valoriehe didn't, and then left21:12
valoriehard to help such a person21:12
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clivejohow do I create a bootable USB disc?22:39
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:48
valoriepersistant is what you want, I think?22:48
clivejovalorie: I have a KDE USB stick I picked up at akamedy, but I can't get the darn thing to boot22:49
valorieprobably flawed write22:50
valorielast time I tried to clean a USB I had to use parted22:50
marcus__hi im new but my linix is acting thats why i came and pc valorie22:50
clivejoI haven't used it22:50
marcus__anyone my linix is acting up23:05
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