
ubports_botProject daily-hammerhead build #306: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/306/00:25
ubports_botProject ota-push build #936: SUCCESS in 1 min 39 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/936/00:27
tgBot<Richard> @Ruben, Love your profile pic 🤣05:54
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #111: SUCCESS in 1 hr 30 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/111/05:57
ubports_botProject ota-push build #937: SUCCESS in 7 min 18 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/937/06:04
=== ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh
tgBot<Ruben> @Richard, one of my favorite shows :P07:22
tgBot<Chris B> @DanChapman is there a place to report issues with Dekko? I know the current version (15.04) is unsupported, but e.g for the upcoming version07:45
tgBot<DanChapman> @Chris B, https://gitlab.com/dekkoproject/dekko 😊07:47
ubports_botProject daily-fp2 build #324: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/324/08:23
tgBot<JavierPuche> @DanChapman, 👏👏08:23
ubports_botProject ota-push build #938: SUCCESS in 1 min 4 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/938/08:24
tgBot<JavierPuche> Another newbie question: I saw your messages about Firefox and Chromium for ARM. I do not see them neither in Ubuntu Store nor in Open Store, how can I download them for my UB Ports?   I remember reading time ago that one must first install/activate support for X11 apps in Mir/Ubuntu Touch, any guide on how to do this?  Thanks again...  I am ok with Ubuntu Browser but I miss a lot Firefox Sync ...08:25
tgBot<JBBgameich> Ubuntu Browser uses the Chromium engine, just with a new GUI. That's what the messages yesterday were about.08:36
tgBot<JavierPuche> @JBBgameich, Ok, thanks for the clarification ...😊08:39
tgBot<Milan Korecky> Hi, just some feedback regarding my problems installing cpt tool on my notebook with 16.04 LTS09:33
tgBot<Sconio> hi09:36
tgBot<Sconio> there is a VM or container system in UBports, to secure the use09:36
tgBot<Milan Korecky> I tried wit terminal and dpkg command, first try did not work but than after pushing command: sudo apt-get install -f, the installation with dpkg succeded09:37
tgBot<DanChapman> @Sconio, ?09:37
tgBot<Sconio> 64/5000 … I try to use several software in VM or container09:39
tgBot<DanChapman> i'm lost... 😐09:40
tgBot<DanChapman> what are your trying to run in a container?09:41
tgBot<Sconio> Isolate each use09:41
tgBot<DanChapman> right.....09:41
tgBot<DanChapman> aww shucks. calls to `qjsEngine` seem to only be available for qt 5.5+. Hopefully i can just grab the jswrapper off the QQmlData09:44
tgBot<DanChapman> ooops wrong channel09:45
tgBot<Sconio> ^^09:45
tgBot<Mohannes> Does anyone here have vectorimages of the UBports logo and Yumi the robot?10:09
tgBot<Mohannes> Need it for printing UBUCON shirts 😄10:09
tgBot<Flohack> @Sconio, you mean isolate Apps?10:27
tgBot<TronFourtyTwo> (Sticker, 512x384) https://irc.ubports.com/c20GkzEn/file_329.webp10:29
tgBot<Jakob> (Sticker, 512x384) https://irc.ubports.com/jyJBILRN/file_329.webp10:31
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> 😝11:23
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> @Mohannes I'll be glad to buy some of those11:23
tgBot<Eranuzan> Hey  anybody  tryed to change theme  on an app with bottom edge?11:25
tgBot<Eranuzan> because  i`m trying to implement  themeing in clock app and the bottom edge doesn't like it too much...11:26
tgBotJackNapier was added by: JackNapier11:28
tgBot<JackNapier> hi!11:28
tgBot<vanyasem> Welcome Jack11:38
tgBot<DanChapman> @Eranuzan, Are you using the UITK theme engine to change it or just going through the app changing the colours?11:40
tgBot<Eranuzan> I`m updateing the theme property of the MainView11:41
tgBot<DanChapman> Are you trying to change it to "Ubuntu.Components.Themes.SuruDark"?11:43
tgBot<Eranuzan> yes11:43
tgBot<DanChapman> Got an example of how your trying to change it? As BottomEdge inherits StyledItem so it should technically work11:45
tgBot<Eranuzan> It works  but  i`ll get an empty  page if i changed the theme  after i revealed it  with another theme.11:47
tgBot<Eranuzan> revealing and hidding it  and then revealing again fixes the issue11:47
tgBot<gurucubano> to Mohannes: I'd like to order one shirt with the robot in XXL; thanks11:49
tgBot<DanChapman> @Eranuzan, ah that's probably because the bottomedge can preload and cache the page in the bottomedge so there isn't a loading delay when you pull the edge up. There's a property on the BottomEdge to turn that off IIRC11:53
tgBot<DanChapman> @Eranuzan does it do it every time your restart the app with the surudark theme already set?11:56
tgBot<Eranuzan> no only  on theme change within the app *after* the bottoem edge  was revealed in the past11:57
tgBot<DanChapman> Try setting the `preloadContent` property to false on the BottomEdge and see how that goes … https://docs.ubuntu.com/phone/en/apps/api-qml-current/Ubuntu.Components.BottomEdge#preloadContent-prop11:58
tgBot<Eranuzan> @DanChapman Hmm  didn't fixed it but i`ll add anyway no need to load the bottomedge if it`s not  visible12:03
tgBot<Eranuzan> Hehe found an hacky  solution around the issue i programticall commit it and then collapse it  :)12:04
tgBot<DanChapman> heh 😁12:05
tgBot<nfsprodriver> We are on oxide 1.22 now? I can save images from browser!12:18
tgBot<nfsprodriver> Oh no, but there are optimizations...12:19
tgBot<nfsprodriver> Blobs still not working.12:20
ubports_botProject daily-mako build #99: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/99/12:55
ubports_botProject ota-push build #939: SUCCESS in 48 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/939/12:56
tgBot<Milan Korecky> Hi, when you visit: https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/tag/5 ,you will find there is missing UBports Audiocast 006, can someone verify and add it?13:45
tgBot<neothethird> @Milan Korecky, pinging @exar_kun and @wayneoutthere13:59
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Milan Korecky, investigating....14:14
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Milan Korecky, fixed?14:18
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @wayneoutthere, Yes, perfect14:36
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Milan Korecky, thanks for finding that.  big learning curve in the back end of this thing and thanks for noting that.14:37
tgBotDieGNU was added by: DieGNU14:45
tgBot<DieGNU> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/h80FiNKR/file_330.webp14:45
tgBot<wayneoutthere> and who is this @neothethird guy?  Your agent?  It seemed to work though eh?  Jan says 'Jump!" and Wayne says 'How high?"14:45
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @DieGNU, Welcome Diego.14:45
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @wayneoutthere, I can imagine, but thanks to this errors we know we are humans and not bots ! Looking forward for new Audiocasts.14:45
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Milan Korecky, thanks for the feedback!14:45
tgBot<neothethird> @wayneoutthere, lol14:47
tgBot<DieGNU> Hey guys, There are any port yo Huawei? I've a g6-l11😭14:48
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tgBotOLlVE was added by: OLlVE15:09
=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
tgBot<Vijay> @Milan Korecky, We have official human bot too for ubports!16:17
tgBot<Vijay> @OLlVE, Welcome16:17
tgBot<Flohack> thx marketing, we start to give signs of life regularly: https://twitter.com/UBports/status/90322967029608038718:27
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
tgBot<geminis65> When it closes the ubuntu store will be able to install applications of uappexplorer?. At present if you want to install some it directs to that application.19:04
tgBot<neothethird> for applications that are available in both, uappexplorer redirects you to the openstore. once the ubuntu store closes, apps that are only available there will no longer be available19:07
tgBot<geminis65> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/L06jRdRx/file_331.webp19:09
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Flohack, 👍19:28
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Flohack, I"m thinking this is @Mohannes ... it's hard enough just to spew my opinions and record them and upload them!19:28
tgBot<Big ET> Is make now running with halium+ut? I have a spare nexus4 and willing to test.20:01
tgBot<vanyasem> @Flohack, do you have a mastodon profile?20:07
tgBot<wayneoutthere> we do have mastadon. can you do please do me a favour and go to ubports.com and tell me where you would expect to find such info? Thanks20:08
tgBot<jhiery> (Sticker, 512x384) https://irc.ubports.com/uIiQe0GT/file_329.webp20:11
tgBot<vanyasem> 1) Main Page — Found two links to this chat … 2) Contact — About us — Too many words, but I found a link to this chat … 3) Contact — Contact us — I found a link this chat20:20
tgBot<vanyasem> so if it's there I couldn't find it, but I described pages I was looking at20:20
tgBot<vanyasem> I'm in this chat for a while and I didn't know there is a mastodon profile xd20:23
ubports_botProject daily-bacon build #255: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/255/21:02
ubports_botProject ota-push build #940: SUCCESS in 58 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/940/21:03
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @vanyasem, perfect. thanks for this. I just wnted to double check what I think too.  We'll take a look at this topic and do our best to improve it soon.  thanks for being my guinea pig21:54
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
tgBot<jackmi95> Is there any documention how to port ubports to new devices?22:34

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