
donofrioanyone know how I can export user setting's and xfce settings for vlock and such, I have more than one user on this ubuntu install.....would like them all to have the same setup...export config or?03:47
leftyfbdonofrio: please keep support questions in #ubuntu03:58
lotuspsychjegood morning guys04:01
Bashing-omI be done , headed off to bed now . g nite all \o05:03
ducassemorning all06:15
ducassehi lotuspsychje06:15
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:34
ducassework day?06:34
lotuspsychjeducasse: day off06:34
lotuspsychjeducasse: and 4 weeks end of contract :p06:34
ducasseah, sweet. any plans, or will you be hanging around here?06:35
ducasseyes, i read that. congrats! :)06:35
lotuspsychjeducasse: i found new kitchen work, with better terms06:35
lotuspsychjeducasse: so more time off for personal life (irc also)06:35
ducassethat will be good :)06:36
lotuspsychjeyeah :p06:36
lotuspsychjeducasse: how can one check if its running xorg or wayland?06:37
ducassegood question, i guess inspect the environment.06:39
lordievaderGood morning06:39
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Search for the running process06:39
lotuspsychjemorning lordievader06:39
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:40
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:40
lotuspsychjegreat here06:40
ducassehi lordievader, working hard?06:44
lordievaderYesterday my graduation. But I still have a paper deadline the 5th, so yes ;)06:45
lotuspsychjegonna install artful on my biz desktop07:22
lotuspsychjeburning iso07:24
ducasselotuspsychje: are you running artful on all your machines now?07:26
lotuspsychjeducasse: no, notebook still got xenial07:26
lotuspsychjeducasse: i had a test laptop for artful07:26
lotuspsychjeducasse: as its solid already, gonna move my desktop too07:27
lotuspsychjeand gonna help test towards 18.0407:27
lotuspsychjecurious how it wil go on my 'older' hardware :p07:27
ducasseit seems to be working pretty well for me as well, haven't had any major issues.07:28
lotuspsychjegoing mush better then gnome-shell xenial for sure07:29
lotuspsychjewish me luck ducasse iso done07:30
ducasseno idea about that, last time i tried gnome was probably trusty :)07:30
ducassehave fun! :)07:30
lotuspsychjedone :p07:52
lotuspsychjelordievader, seems like xorg still shows in processes07:53
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Then you are probably still running X ;)07:54
lotuspsychjelordievader, sidebar(left) has come as default now looking good07:58
lotuspsychjeand size of dock settings are in display options08:00
lotuspsychjeplacement options not there yet08:00
lordievaderIn what? Ubuntu gnome?08:01
lotuspsychjeyeah 17.1008:03
lotuspsychjeinstalled it on my desktop for business now lordievader08:03
lordievaderA development release on production?08:05
lotuspsychjeits not like its a server or something :p08:06
lotuspsychjeand got good backups08:06
lordievaderStill you don't want things to break randomly because of an update.08:18
lotuspsychjelordievader, im helping bug out aswell, so if it breaks ill report :p08:19
lotuspsychjegnome software is bit laggy08:32
lotuspsychjelordievader: lotuspsychje@ArtfullBOX:~$ ps -e | grep wayland09:04
lotuspsychje 1857 tty1     00:00:00 gdm-wayland-ses09:04
lotuspsychje 1881 tty1     00:00:00 Xwayland09:04
lordievaderAh, Xwayland.09:04
lordievaderWayland on top of X.09:04
lotuspsychjeat gdm there's ubuntu as default login and choosable gnome(wayland)09:05
lotuspsychjesorry gnome5XORG)09:05
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@ArtfullBOX:~$ ps -e | grep X09:06
lotuspsychje 1881 tty1     00:00:00 Xwayland09:06
lotuspsychje 2278 tty2     00:01:02 Xorg09:06
lotuspsychjegrocerys bbl guys11:07
lotuspsychjeand hey EriC^^ :p11:07
BluesKajHi folks12:34
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
BluesKajhey ducasse, think you may have hit the nail on the head there with JuJubee...he's famous fro mucking up and compalining as if he didn't make any mistakes14:31
ducasseyes, he disappeared right after i asked, so...14:33
BluesKajyeah, exactly :-)14:34
leftyfbthough to be fair, do-release-upgrade removes ppa's14:34
ducassebut not the packages from them14:35
ducasseit just comments them out14:35
BluesKajwell, he might have done a clean install to / and set the mountpoint for /home14:38
BluesKajwhy else would he have a messed up installation14:39
ducassesomething is odd here, or i don't think it would be this borked14:40
BluesKajsquid and unity probs14:42
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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