
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:08
brian__hi any experts on ufi booting?16:03
zmoylan-piwell samsung have an 8 so apple must retort...16:11
brian__i have a archos 140 cesium laptop with windows 10 installed on on internal 32G ssd16:25
brian__i am trying to boot to a usb/sd card so I can use Linux ubuntu16:26
brian__can get into the bios and change the boot order to usb by disabling windows16:26
brian__but when i reboot i get a ufi scrip on the screen cannot seem to boot inro a ufi unbutu distro 14:0416:28
brian__any ideas what to do?16:28
brian__i have a usb memory with ubuntu installed16:29
brian__and on my desktop it boots ok16:29
diddledanpopey: can I get you to test https://github.com/snapcrafters/corebird/pull/4 please?17:05
diddledanit's a superset of https://github.com/snapcrafters/corebird/pull/3 in that it is corebird 1.6.0 the same as that pr but I've also reduced the snap size drastically17:07
diddledandown to 12 Megger Nuts!17:07
popeySho thang17:11
diddledanit's working for me, I've got it running right now. and I didn't break at least one video17:13
diddledanway to go spidey! https://twitter.com/SheHatesJacoby/status/90330069598969856117:17
klystroncan anyone help with a ufi booting problem?18:14
popeydiddledan: https://twitter.com/popey/status/903321031535980545  :)18:20
klystronanyone help re booting issue?18:21
popeyklystron: probably better off asking in #ubuntu18:29
popeydiddledan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25439934/18:29
popeyoh, hang on, I'm running wayland18:29
popeylemme logout/in again to x18:29
diddledanhmm. how do I add wayland support, one wonders18:30
popey-> forum18:31
popey(I dont think we have an interface yet)18:31
popeyok, logged back into x, started it and got my pin, put that in and it core dumped18:31
popeyworked sewcond time18:32
popeyworking nice and stable now though18:37
popeynice work :D18:37
popeyblimey, this is faster than tweetdeck18:39

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