=== Rob235_ is now known as Rob235 === Schnabeltierchen is now known as Guest88503 === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [00:58] not able to connect to twitch.tv on firefox 55.0.2, anyone else having this problem? [00:59] or anyone else not having this problem? [00:59] causative, tried gnome-twitch yet [00:59] !info gnome-twitch | causative [00:59] causative: gnome-twitch (source: gnome-twitch): GNOME Twitch app for watching Twitch.tv streams without a browser or flash. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (zesty), package size 132 kB, installed size 722 kB [01:00] I can watch it on chromium but there's a convenience factor of not needing a separate program open [01:00] and I wonder if this is some issue with my system or if it is a problem everyone is having right now [01:03] are you able to access twitch using firefox? === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [01:07] actually I can't access it with chromium either, if I log in then it shows the same blank page firefox is showing [01:09] gnome-twitch does not allow login to a twitch account, someone else also commented they had this problem so gnome-twitch is not really ready [01:09] causative, so not tried what I suggested yet [01:11] apart from login gnome-twitch is just not working for me, I can't view a stream, it is stuck on "Loading stream" [01:13] twitch was working for me fine in firefox up until earlier today when it stopped working [01:13] something probably changed on the twitch site because nothing changed on my system that would explain it === obZen_ is now known as obZen [01:25] causative, maybe try another browser or make another profile in Firefox [01:32] Hi, I encounter an issue that, after I ssh on my remote machine , and ran a process and the process crashed, I found the ssh client never output linefeed.Continually pressing Enter output like follows: pxf@ubuntu-pxf:~/game/pub$ pxf@ubuntu-pxf:~/game/pub$ [01:32] without line-feed [01:36] try other terminal types, or edit the key [01:37] I get same problems from dolphin [01:39] And same result from xfce terminal [01:44] Siva_Machina, are you giving me that advice because you tried it yourself? I already tried chromium [01:48] I gave it to you because that is what I do when troubleshooting issues like that [01:52] Bashing-om: can you help me with the nomodeset again? my boot menu is different from what your previous instructions suggest; i tried following them and wound up with some text going across the screen followed by an indefinite black screen [01:53] Hey, guys. I am trying to disable using my discrete graphics card on my laptop (Inspiron 7559) and use only the integrated graphics to save battery. When I do "prime-select intel" and try to login, the screen freezes. I have a 6700HQ with a 960M. I am running Ubuntu 17.04 with GDM3 and GNOME. Any help is very appreciated! [01:53] i'm at the UNetbootin menu and my options are Default, Help, Try Lubuntu without installing, Install Lubunt, Check disc for defects, Test memory, Boot from first hard disk. Should I press F6 now or 'Try Lu... I guess I'll Try Lubuntu without installing and then try your instructions hoping another menu will appear corresponding to Lubuntu instead of UNetbootin [02:01] Is there any alternative to Plex for use with Roku if you are using linux? [02:01] demophobia, I use Etcher for putting isos on a usb [02:01] I saw the red text 'press tab to edit options' and now it's saying /ubnkern and a bunch of stuff; how do I proceed to set the nomodeset and get it to boot from the liveUSB instead of a black screen? [02:01] emma, why not cjeck the alternatives.to websire [02:01] site [02:02] okay I'll try that one. [02:02] kodi is pretty much the winner [02:03] Siva_Machina: Please change the lubuntu install guide so it doesn't recommend this UNetbootin if it works without this hassle === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [02:03] 'SD card burner app', Siva_Machina? [02:03] Why aren't you using just straight dd ? [02:04] I don't have control over Lubuntus install guide [02:04] https://sourceforge.net/p/unetbootin/wiki/howitworks/ is not helpful except to imply that UNetbootin interferes with the standard liveUSB boot menu -_-; [02:05] i have to go to bed -- another failure to actually boot from liveUSB ... [02:05] I am just giving help based off what I know works. [02:05] linux just seems too hard [02:05] following instructions from ubuntu's own site doesn't work. etcher, is this it? https://etcher.io [02:06] Yes [02:07] From previous experience. Etcher is super simple. [02:08] Plug usb in. Open up Etcher. Point it to the iso you downloaded and go. [02:08] I guess I'll try it tomorrow. To be honest, I'm wondering whether ubuntu is worth it if the community can't even supply functioning installation instructions: Please change this page to not recommend UNetbootin, since it apparently does not allow you to set nomodeset options for a graphics card that can't load ubuntu's boot menu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick [02:09] thanks. maybe i'll try re-burning the ISO to this SanDisk 16 GB drive now. [02:10] demophobia, sd card to a macbook? [02:10] thats hardly general use case [02:10] bazhang: no, macbook: lubutu ISO to USB -> USB to boot lubuntu 16 from Dell D620 [02:11] literally, following Ubuntu's own guide to getting ubuntu on a PC [02:11] and doing exactly what they said to do did not work. [02:11] demophobia, try etcher, keep the excessive complaints/commentary elsewhere [02:11] sorry -_- tahnks [02:14] I dl [02:14] Whoops [02:15] I do think the install to usb page needs to be updated. If a better program then unetbootin exsists [02:15] Well easier to use [02:16] i don't think unetbootin could get any easier tbh [02:16] what could be easeir than point and click? [02:16] Etcher proves that wrong. At least for me [02:17] the artist? [02:18] I still don't see how that is easier than dd if=blah.iso of=/dev/sdx [02:18] technically it isn't [02:18] but people like GUIs [02:18] Well there is disk writer.. [02:19] Don't even need to install anything [02:19] Etcher's result: "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." ... I verified the md5 of the iso, too ... [02:19] Is this SanDisk drive defective? [02:19] people want just ONE BUTTON [02:19] lol [02:19] It is one button [02:20] right click iso > open with disk image writer > start restoring [02:20] no no no ,.... one button that will download, mount , flash , AND INSTALL ALL AT ONCE! [02:20] yeah that's not one button! lol ;) [02:20] One button, didn't say one click =/ [02:21] whatever. ppl are lazy. that is the point. [02:21] true [02:21] should I erase the disk, format it as FAT32 (as it was) and try again with Etcher? [02:21] (erase and format using Disk Utility) [02:21] (on macOS) [02:21] * Siva_Machina is lazy [02:21] Any decent program will do that automatically for ya demophobia [02:21] open terminal in mac os [02:22] kenrin: yes, i thought Etcher would, but instead I got this 'drive unreadable' result from it [02:22] dd if=location of iso. of=mount point of usb stick [02:22] But also likes the terrminal [02:23] unholymachine: i don't know how to find the mount point of the USB [02:23] oh, wait [02:23] you know, you could just have a shitty usb stick. it's not unheard of. [02:24] yeah i dunno how to find the mount point. i tohught i could find it from Disk Utility [02:24] fdisk -l ? [02:24] in fact, i know that some of those cheapo chinese usb sticks will NOT be read correctly even if they show up on your OS [02:24] just says 'Devoice tree path: IODeviceTree:/' ... well, it's SanDisk, from Amazon Prime [02:25] JFGI [02:25] kenrin: illegal option for mac os apparently [02:26] https://superuser.com/questions/429058/how-can-i-get-the-mount-path-of-a-usb-device-on-osx [02:26] omg [02:26] Oh right, you got that diskutil thing [02:26] demophobia: I'm confused. Why are you asking for help with Mac OSX in #ubuntu? [02:26] leftyfb: trying to make a liveUSB that will work with this Dell D620 [02:26] (for lubuntu) [02:26] heh. [02:27] macs suck. may they all burn in hell. [02:27] i thought to myself, "it would be great to try linux again and turn a cheap computer into a great computer" [02:27] you have unix in your OSX [02:27] why not just use that [02:28] ... i've spent about $150 so far and can't even produce a liveUSB lol ... unholymachine: wanted a second computer for security (e.g. taking in public without worrying about it getting stolen or damaged) [02:29] you don't know how to dd on your mac bro? [02:29] how you gonna use linux? [02:29] if you can't dd??? [02:29] XD [02:29] ;) [02:29] j/k [02:29] no ... i thought it would be good to learn computers at the same time ... 'learn by doing'? >_> [02:29] well i just gave you the answer in a link [02:29] demophobia: is the usb plugged in now? [02:29] is lubuntu not a good lightweight linux distro for novices? [02:30] leftyfb: lol yes [02:30] demophobia: in a terminal, type dmesg [02:30] i prefer xubuntu [02:30] that should tell you the device location (not the mount point. You do not need/want the mount point) [02:30] * demophobia was reading http://www.linfo.org/dmesg.html [02:30] location and mount point are the same thing are they not? [02:31] i'm trying to learn what i'm doing >_> [02:31] demophobia: then sudo dd if=ubuntu-image.iso of=/dev/somepathtoyourdrive bs=1M [02:31] mounted to /dev/sdb2 [02:31] unholymachine: no it's not [02:31] meh, you say tomato i say potato [02:31] i will save this chat and try more later [02:31] unholymachine: /dev/sdb2 could be mounted to /mnt for instance [02:31] true [02:31] If anyone can help me, I'd be eternally grateful [02:31] * unholymachine shrugs [02:31] !ask | lafleurdubien [02:31] lafleurdubien: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [02:31] learned a few things already, thanks all [02:32] what did you learn? [02:32] leftyfb, what is your issue [02:32] kk4ewt: I don't have an issue [02:33] opps lafleurdubien [02:33] I have an issue with my laptop where the mouse/cursor just takes off to the far left and either: weird phantom right-clicking around - or - 'zooms-in' and makes webpages unreadable [02:34] sounds cool [02:34] maybe it's hardware related? [02:34] I've nuke & paved several times [02:34] and it persists [02:34] hardware [02:34] right, I'm thinking hardware too [02:34] replace hardware nao [02:34] lafleurdubien: sounds like your touchpad has an issue [02:34] laptop or desktop [02:34] kk4ewt: " I have an issue with my laptop where" [02:34] nm i see you siad lap [02:35] said [02:35] i could replace it for you . . . for a price [02:35] i do that shit on the daily [02:35] XD [02:35] unholymachine, thats not helpful, nore topical [02:35] but here's the thing - the issue occurs with just touchpad enabled AND still happens if touchpad is completely disabled [02:36] oh then it's definitely hardware [02:36] I can use a usb mouse w/ touchpad off, wireless mouse w/ touchpad off or just touchpad [02:36] still happens [02:36] I get that its likely hardware, but what piece of hardware is it? [02:37] the issue does not occur with windows 10 (yuck) or fedora [02:37] how do you "disable" your touchpad [02:38] function and a button right? [02:38] seems like the distro your using doesn't fully support that [02:38] gui settings menus in: ubutntu gnome, budgie, mate - i just click "disable touchpad" [02:39] your laptop doesn't have a hardware switch to disable tthe touchpad? [02:39] no, I wish it did [02:39] aha [02:39] so its def the touchpad? [02:39] or the synaptics driver [02:40] if its the touchpad I can try to figure out how to disable/not recognize the touchpad completely. its crap anyways. [02:40] the touchpad , usually, is attached to the motherboard w/ a ribbon cable [02:41] that , once removed from the connector, renders it useless [02:41] but , sometimes, the whole keyboard and touchpad are on the same ribbon cable [02:41] so you'd have to take y our laptop apart and see [02:41] you don't like fedora? [02:42] seems like fedora doesn't cause the issue . . . === [b0b] is now known as b0b [03:05] Etcher worked, thank you. [03:06] Unlike UNetbootin, it's taken me to the lubuntu boot menu and I can follow the instructions I was given [03:06] (it = the liveUSB created from it) [03:14] It booted! :) Why did it flash text but not give enough time to read it, though? (It also flashed a chaotic image for a second that you might see if you take a game cartridge out mid-play.) [03:27] is universalmediaserver in the ubuntu repo? [03:28] !info universal [03:28] Package universal does not exist in zesty [03:28] !info universalmediaserver [03:28] Package universalmediaserver does not exist in zesty [03:28] !info universal* [03:33] /me *smiles* [03:34] me *smiles* [03:34] sigh [03:35] anyone know how I can export user setting's and xfce settings for vlock and such, I have more than one user on this ubuntu install.....would like them all to have the same setup...export config or? [03:36] chull, try removing the asterisk's [03:40] hi Siva_Machina maybe thanks :) [03:41] /me smiles [03:41] nope [03:41] it needs say.. and then it's saying the command - is hexchat [03:41] i only want it to say *smiles* or smiles .. [03:45] * chull smiles [03:45] heh got it.. doesn't need say :) [03:46] * kk4ewt smiles [03:46] works here [03:47] hehe nice ! [03:48] my hubby is having a little problem with updates in Ubuntu 16.04 https://pastebin.com/spu1gf2A [03:54] Hello all I'm here again and I think I really screwed the pooch on this one. I have looked at many pages. [03:55] UGH! [03:55] WHen I try to install the target USB will not format. I am using Gparted and it just says something about this usb has GPT signatures... [03:56] * chalcedony shares some chocolate milkshake with Maynard [03:56] PS I am running UbuntuStudio 16.043 LTS amd 64 if that matters. Also I was attempting a fat32 format to have a bootable USB. [03:57] Shares non-existent whiskey bottle lol [03:57] is that good with chocolate? [03:58] Probably not.........blegch! [03:58] Maynard: in gparted, click on "device" then "create partition table". Then format to your liking [03:58] * chalcedony offers chocolate to helpers [03:59] should i have written this better? hubby is having a little problem with updates in Ubuntu 16.04 https://pastebin.com/spu1gf2A ? [04:00] chalcedony: your cairo-dock-team ppa repo is trying to use xenial but they haven't updated since vivid [04:04] try docky its in ubuntu repos [04:05] what is the prefered way to watch movies you have on your laptop on a tv with a roku> [04:05] chalcedony: http://ppa.launchpad.net/cairo-dock-team/ppa/ubuntu . No longer maintained . Disable that PPA . [04:05] emma: buy a chromecast [04:07] anyone got a promo code for digitalocean? [04:08] cryptic0: no. Not the place for such questions [04:09] Bashing-om, lovely to see you! [04:10] remind me how to do that in 16.04? [04:10] leftyfb: i don't think a chromecast let you control it from the tv [04:10] chalcedony: :) Same . You try and are easy to work with . [04:11] emma: neither does a roku [04:11] :) [04:11] chalcedony: I do not recall what DE you are working with . But in software sources GUI you can find and uncheck that PPA . [04:13] Bashing-om, my hubby is having trouble remembering [04:13] leftyfb: Roku comes with a remote control. The whole point of is is that you can switch the TV to roku and then control what you view from the Roku. [04:14] emma: ok? [04:14] lol am I the only one seeing this> [04:14] leftyfb: are you an ubuntu op? [04:14] emma: op? [04:16] emma: no, why? [04:18] chalcedony: Mess about in " software and updates" in the GUI, you will find it . [04:22] Bashing-om, okies ty very much :) You're always so kind [04:22] chalcedony: I try ... I try :) [04:29] My apt-get update is getting stuck on this entry everytime. Is this happening to you guys too? 0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8001::21)] [Connecting to dl.google.com (2607:f8b0:4004:80a::200e)] [04:30] arosen: disable ipv6 [04:31] arosen: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/disable-ipv6-on-ubuntu [04:32] leftyfb: cool that did the trick thx [04:33] leftyfb sorry I had unexpected company.... THat's what I'm saying is gparted won't format to fat32 for the bootsble usb. Any other ideas? [04:33] Maynard: in gparted, click on "device" then "create partition table". Then format to your liking [04:34] It blocks me from any thing whether I say yes or no to the presence of GPT [04:34] Guys I'm on the 17.10 daily build, I can't find an option to launch in Wayland, there's no gear next to my login button where I expect to see one normally to choose a session [04:35] NotDisliked: please see #ubuntu+1 for unreleased versions of ubuntu [04:35] COol what do I format to since the is no ext or fat at all ....msdos, gpt pc98 etc [04:35] sure thing! sorry for talking in the wrong place! [04:36] *there === iczero is now known as wlp1s1 [04:37] Maynard: The partition type != partition format. [04:37] Still around ? [04:37] Do any of you use a Roku and Ubuntu? [04:37] leftyfb [04:37] sorry [04:37] Maynard: msdos partition type (it's not a format) [04:37] only Ubuntu here [04:38] ROger. [04:38] /dev/sda contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table. However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should. Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables. Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an msdos partition table. Is this a GPT partition table? [04:38] That's what I get above. Yes or no are the options [04:39] SOrry for the long post [04:42] I get that error pretty much any way I try to touch it in gparted. [04:42] LVM? [04:44] how to dim the screen by cli [04:44] Can someone do a screenshot of the proper partitions for 1EFI 512 mb and I cannot seem to get the rest right. It's target is a 32Gb flash [04:45] roobi @the LVM === rkta_ is now known as rkta [04:49] fishcooker nice name (y) [04:52] I know it's EFI ext4 and ESP for the 3 partions What else am I missing? [04:56] thankyou Maynard [04:56] what's ESP [05:02] What is a media server that runs on Ubuntu that will work with Roku? === wlp1s1 is now known as orezic === orezic is now known as orezci [05:03] emma plex [05:05] fishcooker no idea.... on the ESP I mean. I always jus tdo the standard install, no updates, no extras and those are the partition types they make when just doing "Erase and install ubuntu" [05:07] OK solved that section.... got it to format fat32 through Partion>>new (aat the top) [05:08] Fingers crossed [05:09] ddellav: do you think Plex is the best thing available for this? [05:09] ddellav: i wish Plex was in the repo. [05:10] partition #1 os SCSI1 (0,0,0) sda as EFIboot partio#2 )same as above) as ext4 # (same as the first) as swap. [05:10] i use plex, it's the best i've come across, and there are deb's available to install [05:10] just go to plex.tv and grab them [05:10] dpkg -i plex.deb [05:10] that's what the installer chooses default [05:12] I'm installing but it always crashes on the grub2 install. If it does it again I'll be back with details. [05:16] Maynard: yeah but I found that Plex keeps changing year to year and makes you reinstall it and some shows that used to work now say they have no codec [05:16] it sucks [05:16] thats very strange [05:17] i've been using it for around 5 years or so without issues [05:17] its handled everything i've thrown at it [05:17] mkv, avi, mp4, etc etc [05:19] I find with Ubuntu I get better results using not the new shiny but a last release type thing as pretty much all the programs I want I can get and the older finished (not so buggy) works best. [05:20] But each to his/her own. [05:20] emma @ [05:20] thats a good philosophy for most things :) [05:24] Maynard: yeah but where can I get an older version of plex? Im not sure Plex even lets you do that. Keep in mind I have to use it with Roku [05:25] i use the latest version, it works with everything and plays on my roku an apple tv without issues [05:26] emme sounds like ddellav might know more than me === capella is now known as capella|away [05:57] Can I install Ubuntu on a USB disk drive without booting from a flash drive? I am running Ubunutu now. I want to make another install. [05:58] hello [05:58] hey uhm ... i have this weird thing. i setup an ec2 micro instance with ubuntu. i installed 2 main things on it: a socks proxy dante, and openvpn [05:58] but now when i monitor the ingoing/outgoing connections ... this host xxx.members.linode.com keeps appearing in my ec2 list of network connections [05:59] see this screen shot -> http://cache.getlazarus.org/images/iftop-linode.gif [05:59] i installed dante from a wget to deb [06:00] HI, anyone in this channel has the Bose QC35? [06:00] MarkProffitt: Yes, of course. My favourite way is using debootstrap. [06:00] I have some problems with those headphones and ubu 16.04 [06:01] on this page, is it possible (likely) the author linked to a deb containing a trojan? http://www.binarytides.com/setup-dante-socks5-server-on-ubuntu/ [06:01] I have them connected to my laptop, but out of curiosity, as soon as I select the mic from the headphone as the default input device it automatically changes my audio profile back to HSP/HFP [06:01] http://ppa.launchpad.net/dajhorn/dante/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dante/dante-server_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb [06:04] sysRPL: I’d say possible. Likely, I can’t say. [06:07] Hey everyone, I wanted to ask a quick question and couldn't find an answer on google. The thing is I have an ubuntu 14.04 vps on DigitalOcean and I want to migrate to somewhere else, because DigitalOcean is way too expensive. How could I easily clone the server from DigitalOcean to another VPS with the same Ubuntu version? [06:08] vlt: from the blog in question, the author writes "The default Ubuntu repositories have the dante-server package but it is outdated. The version present is 1.1.19 which is quite old and also has some bugs. The authentication feature does not work properly." [06:08] vlt, then he posts some tests highlighted in a console, and then posts "wget dante blah" as a deb from launchpad === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [06:11] Tadassssss you can't clone it to another provider [06:11] however you could grab a list of the installed packages and then install those packages on a new server [06:11] and then copy manually system settings [06:11] sysRPL: I’m not exactly sure what you’re telling me. [06:12] ddellav, oh man that's so sad, so much work to be done now :((( well thanks a lot for your answer! [06:12] Tadassssss this is why people use containers for their applications [06:13] Tadassssss: You could also rsync the whole thing, preferably when your target isn’t running. [06:13] if you had containers migrating to a new server would be just a couple commands [06:13] ddellav, but that's too late now? vlt, ok googling that right now [06:13] Tadassssss yea, but you can learn for next time :) [06:14] okay... [06:14] and yes, rclone could work but that type of brute-force copy in my experience causes more issues than it's worth [06:14] vlt, i created a new ubuntu instance using amazon ec2. i installed 2 packages, one from apt the other from a deb. now when i check my connections, there is a connection from my amazon ec2 instance to a members server at linode [06:15] ddellav, okay, I think I will just reinstall everything and copy my django files to the other server :( [06:17] sysRPL: netstat has a -p flag that tells you which process uses that connection. [06:17] ty === capella|away is now known as capella [06:36] there it goes [06:36] uh hey can someone tell me how i can change the mirror for my system on commandline? [06:36] every time i try to look something up for ubuntu it gives me results for some version from 6 years ago that don't work anymore... [06:37] how can i get airline like blocks in dwm's topbar? [06:37] why i bother to google anymore when this channel exists.... [06:37] are you running a release that's no longer supported then? [06:37] not even sure of that yet... [06:38] Gallomimia: lsb_release -a [06:38] 14.04.1 [06:38] grossness :( [06:39] alright. tbh this is an odroid c1 and that stuff came preinstalled [06:39] that's supported, but you should get that upgraded to 14.04.5 [06:39] so. i'm open to suggestions. [06:39] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [06:39] i'd really like to change mirror 'fore i get into that [06:40] the speed difference will be worth it [06:40] tho maybe my favorite mirror doesn't have arm flavored packages eh? [06:41] Gallomimia: he'll need to install the hwe stack first, right? [06:41] geirha: ^^ [06:41] sorry [06:41] Gallomimia: we dont support external ppa's neither so perhaps disable before upgrade? [06:41] what the hell are you both talking about? [06:41] not sure if there's an easier way than modifying /etc/apt/sources.list manually [06:41] !hwe [06:41] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [06:41] Gallomimia: bad tab expand, not intended for you [06:42] k [06:42] thanks geirha [06:42] Gallomimia: keep your system updated at all times [06:43] lotuspsychje: thanks for the tip pal, but this is the first time i've booted this particular machine [06:43] guess what the first thing i wanted to do was? [06:44] not sure if i want to update it at all. maybe just flash with something new [06:44] meh [06:45] fussing with that is more crap than i care to put up with i guess.... [06:45] Gallomimia: easiest way to switch mirror is probably to use sed or search and replace in an editor [06:47] the easiest? [06:48] that's amazing really... [06:50] from cli, that is. in gui you have a menu in software and updates. === OneRED is now known as red-001 [07:03] slow in here === sammyg is now known as hakra [07:32] Gallomimia: It's important to realise that distribution upgrades tend to be well tested... But only from the latest packages from the previous release to the next. [07:42] Good Morning, I've got a question wrt. Landscape (standalone) and MAAS. My aim is to use autopilot to deploy OpenStack. In my initial MAAS node commisoned nodes, i only had single nics. Landscape/Autopilot complained, so I hooked up one more network, recommissioned that node. However, Landscape/Autopilot did not detect the change. So I then removed the node, and started it from scratch, and commissioned it.. MAAS detected the new network automatically, [07:52] hello [08:48] Hi all, I have a HiDPI laptop and just upgraded to ubuntu 17.10 in order to find out If fractional scaling issues have been removed and after successful upgrade, I can't see the scaling slider in the gnome tweak tool on "Windows" tab :( [08:48] Running GNOME Shell 3.24.3 - Can anyone help ? [08:59] anyone? [09:01] verumnoslibx: best way to get your issue solved is re-ask once in a while - all in one line with all details [09:05] Hey. I have idee - Make one place for all things tah in Ubuntu dob't work or WIP ? [09:05] that* [09:05] don't* [09:07] Site with all not working thing - catalog of links. [09:07] !contribute | NCPMOV [09:07] NCPMOV: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu [09:12] Last entry 2010... [09:12] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam [09:12] Good Morning, I've got a question wrt. Landscape (standalone) and MAAS. My aim is to use autopilot to deploy OpenStack. In my initial MAAS node commisoned nodes, i only had single nics. Landscape/Autopilot complained, so I hooked up one more network, recommissioned that node. However, Landscape/Autopilot did not detect the change. So I then removed the node, and started it from scratch, and commissioned it.. MAAS detected the new network automatically, [09:15] It here some one of Core team ? [09:15] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam [09:18] NCPMOV: whats your end goal exactly? [09:18] parlos: perhaps #ubuntu-server might be a good point to start, or more specific ubuntu channels [09:19] Thanks lotuspsychje [09:21] Practitioner in Xserver developing [09:27] Maintance code of monitor detect on OS driver [09:27] with serveral cards ( more tahn 2 [09:27] ) [09:32] comon [09:34] Ну что школота... готовы к первому сентября??? [09:38] yo [09:55] ну [09:56] hi namstdnsk1 [09:58] так [09:59] ben den eto danilla... a need help [10:14] I used Ubuntu Gnome, is there a nice tiling solution similar to Windows 7 where I can push windows into the corners (quartered) using the NumPad with double-presses to push them onto my second monitor? [10:18] hello [10:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25437773/ [10:19] I cannot login to my ubuntu 14.04 and this(http://paste.ubuntu.com/25437773/) is the error message i get === ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom [11:02] hello guys. what's the next Ubuntu release to support OpenSSL 1.1 series? [11:04] Exterminador: bug 1706690 [11:04] bug 1706690 in openssl (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] Please sync openssl from debian stretch" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1706690 [11:09] does ubuntu support only lts boxes for vagrant? i do not see zesty nor yakkety in the vagrant catalog, only xenial [11:26] Hello. Which vnc server is a good choice? The criteria is relatively painless installation and handling [11:34] Good morning everyone. [11:35] Anyone around that knows a little about VMWare and sharing? Windows (host) Ubuntu (guest) === rumble is now known as grumble [12:02] Is there a non-torrent download for Ubuntu 16.04.3 somewhere? The main download page doesn't have one (https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop), but there appears to be a torrent for it: (https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads) [12:06] Flaghacker, http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/ [12:07] Hey all. (How) Can I add a 6-in-4 tunnel to the Network Manager? [12:07] ioria, thanks! What does Xenial mean here? [12:07] Flaghacker: that page does in fact have a direct download [12:07] Hey. How to deep reset by dconf Unity Desktop ? [12:07] Flaghacker, xenial xerus is the codename of 16.04 [12:08] Unity on Xenial Xerus 16.04.3 [12:08] Flaghacker: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#Releases [12:08] Flaghacker: See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_version_history [12:09] That's from 2016 already? [12:10] Is thet the version I actually want if it's for someone with very little ubuntu/linux experience (me)? [12:10] Flaghacker: every even year the 04 is Long-Term-Support [12:10] Flaghacker: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.3/ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso [12:10] I have the python gobject introspection module but "./configure" fails when trying to do "from gi.repository import Gtk" with error ""checking gobject introspection module Gtk... no [12:10] Flaghacker: 16.04 is more stable [12:10] this is for python2 I have "python-gtk" and "python-gobject" installed [12:11] I do not know what I am missing [12:11] * "python-gtk2" [12:11] How about in Ubuntu 20.04 Thicket Tinamou make python default shell - replamacment Bash shell [12:11] ? [12:11] python as a default shell ? [12:11] CCCNMOP: you joker *sheesh* ;) [12:11] Thanks everyone for your help! [12:12] Yep :D [12:12] re write an script [12:12] CCCNMOP: Maybe make "fish" shell default [12:12] * Lachezar does more often than not open a terminal two type "python" and use the interactive mode. [12:12] How about making "fortune" the default shell :) [12:12] Lachezar: yes python interactive mode is extremely useful I use it as a calculator :P [12:13] aiena: Ayee! [12:13] Lachezar: we alrad have "GNOME" to steal the "fortune" so maybe not a good idea [12:13] aiena: Bash $(()) is quite limited [12:13] *already [12:14] Lachezar: I embed it in bash like this $("python -c (expr)") [12:14] anyway do you know in which page the python gobject instrospection module "gtk" is in ? [12:14] *package [12:15] Re-write system script - that way Ubuntu 20.04 Thicket Tinamou will be more modern system - and python thanks to ctyp and ability tu run *.shared library *.so make Ubuntu way more than another Linux distro [12:15] aiena: In python interactive do a 'from gi.repository import Gtk' and see the error message [12:15] "ImportError: cannot import name gtk" [12:15] aiena: For me it's in '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0/Gtk-3.0.typelib' [12:15] aiena: Ay.Missing. [12:16] aiena: gir1.2-gtk-3.0:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0/Gtk-3.0.typelib [12:16] !info python-gi [12:16] python-gi (source: pygobject): Python 2.x bindings for gobject-introspection libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 3.22.0-2 (zesty), package size 201 kB, installed size 698 kB [12:16] That way we have more power in system [12:16] !info gir1.2-gtk-3.0 [12:16] gir1.2-gtk-3.0 (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library -- gir bindings. In component main, is optional. Version 3.22.11-0ubuntu3 (zesty), package size 188 kB, installed size 995 kB [12:16] and fater prototyping [12:17] This will be huge :D [12:17] faster* [12:17] aiena, you need python-gtk2 and python-gtk2-dev too, if you want use gtk on python [12:17] CCCNMOP: The shell *should* not require programming background. That's why tcsh did not get the traction it deserved (IMVHO) [12:18] I have both those installed [12:18] the gi module is not in those [12:18] Yes, but we can define def NewFeture: [12:18] Is there any modern replacement for 'aptitude why "package"'? [12:18] aiena, python-gi is installed ? [12:18] yes [12:18] otherwise import gi would not work [12:18] that works [12:19] and run from python [12:19] aiena, python-gi-dev ? [12:19] no lets try that [12:19] This will be Huge improwmnet :D [12:20] improvement * [12:20] CCCNMOP: ubuntu should make something like zypper [12:20] too many apt commands [12:21] All system depend on python 2 no old bash quirks [12:21] ioria: makes no difference [12:21] or python 3 [12:21] python 2 will never be bash [12:22] That can be better - python 3 of course :) [12:22] bash will bash python together with other apps for profit and glory [12:22] aiena, can you paste the source file ? [12:22] ioria: these are the cmake lines https://mail.gnome.org/archives/commits-list/2014-July/msg04872.html [12:22] aiena: Did you try installing gir1.2-gtk-3.0 [12:22] Python 3 would be something like power shell to Windows [12:23] Lachezar: no but is there a gtk2 binding [12:23] aiena: Ahh... Good question, didn't see that earlier. [12:23] Python 3 would be for Ubuntu 20.04 Thicket Tinamou something like power shell to Windows [12:24] aiena: gir1.2-gtk-2.0 ? [12:24] !info gir1.2-gtk-2.0 [12:24] gir1.2-gtk-2.0 (source: gtk+2.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library -- gir bindings. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.31-1ubuntu1.1 (zesty), package size 167 kB, installed size 873 kB [12:24] For example the command can be defined [12:25] scripted rewrite [12:25] and all can be work [12:25] "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" [12:25] Ubuntu 20.04 Thicket Tinamou Python (3) powerade TM [12:27] (How) Can I add a 6-in-4 tunnel to the Network Manager? [12:27] Ubuntu 20.04 Thicket Tinamou ® [12:27] Ubuntu 20.04 Thicket Tinamou Python (3) powerade ® [12:28] Lachezar: that did it for gtk now I get a "gobject introspection module GooCanvas... no" error [12:28] I have python-goocanvas installed [12:28] I am guessing the gi module here oalso must be in some obscure package [12:28] *also [12:29] must be gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 [12:29] !info gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 [12:29] gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 (source: goocanvas-2.0): GObject introspection data for GooCanvas - gir bindings. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2 (zesty), package size 13 kB, installed size 71 kB [12:31] Are script from /etc/init/ launched on startup? [12:32] aiena: I suspect you'll need lots of these gir* packages. Weird though. [12:32] aiena: I have many of those installed. [12:33] yeah seems like they are the data packages [12:33] but they should have auto installed too [12:33] aiena: More like overly-modular [12:33] only these 2 were needed thanks for the gir1.2 idea [12:33] unusual place to look [12:34] Hi folks [12:39] hi all [12:39] A quick "sudo"-question ... if I want to read the password for sudo from stdin and run a command with multiple parameter, how is this accomplished ? [12:39] Lachezar: yeah over modularity can be an issue too [12:39] i.e. -> echo -e "password" | sudo -S [12:39] coraxx: or temporarily store it in a var used by your bash script and process it [12:40] or use sudo -i [12:40] coraxx: sudo does not read password from STDIN, but from the Terminal (AFAIK), that is you can not pipe the password to sudo. [12:41] coraxx: otherwise: "sudo command arg1 arg2 arg3" [12:41] coraxx: you never want to type your password on the command line [12:41] and other user on the same box can know your password with ps ax [12:41] coraxx: example: "sudo ls -al /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/" [12:42] corentin: true [12:42] coraxx: other than that, sudo is already reading your pass from stdin and allows you specify multiple parameters [12:42] +to [12:43] at max store it in a variable for the lifetime of a script but even that is bad better to use "sudo -i" and then remaining commands if there are multiple [12:43] *run remaining [12:43] coraxx: or better yet, use keychain + ssh for your privleged commands [12:43] for me scripts that should run as root or need modification are never chmod +x'd [12:43] best of both world [12:44] coraxx: If you need to run a command with sudo form a script, might I suggest that you add a specific rule to /etc/sudoers for the case === jamie_2 is now known as jamie_1 [12:44] Lachezar: it doesn't seem very safe, what if the user has write permission on the script? [12:44] I need some help with x11vnc. Is anyone familiar with it? [12:44] I think it's better to just call sudo from your script and let it do it's job [12:45] corentin: Not really relevant, as you put the command in /etc/sudoers, not the script itself. [12:45] Lachezar: what if the user has write access to the script itself? [12:46] corentin: He can change the script, but sudo will not run a different command that is not in /etc/sudoers [12:46] if I do this, it works --> echo -e "password" | sudo -S /myscripts/script.sh [12:46] * Lachezar gasps at coraxx [12:46] Really? [12:47] Lachezar: oh you meant to add sudo rules only for specific commands which needs sudo inside the script? If yes, then I agree [12:47] corentin: Precisely! [12:47] Lachezar: ok then! just a small misunderstanding but we seem to be on the same page in the end! [12:47] corentin: Yep. [12:47] ...however this fails --> echo -e "password" | sudo -S chmod 777 somefile.txt [12:48] I thought you meant to allow the script as root in sudoers [12:48] coraxx: what error message do you get? [12:48] how does it fail? [12:49] I would try it on my box if I didn't have to type my password on the command line ^^ [12:50] corentin: I get --> sudo: 'chmod 777 file.txt': command not found [12:50] corentin: yup its a very isecure approach to IT :-) [12:50] coraxx: try sudo sh -c 'chmod 777 file.txt' [12:50] *insecure [12:51] corentin: tried it ...doesn't work [12:51] coraxx: then you're doing something wrong, or echo blah | sudo is doing something weird [12:51] corentin: no wait ...didn't do the sh ...hang on [12:51] ok let's create a dummy account on my box to try it [12:52] corentin: thanx :-) ... your command is missing the -S parameter ...where does that fit in ? [12:53] coraxx: I guess you can do this: sudo -S sh -c "chmod ..." [12:54] coraxx: btw on my box it works without -S [12:54] for example: $ echo 12345678 | sudo touch /tmp/blah [12:54] file /tmp/blah is successfully created [12:55] but you should not need the sh -c "" trick [12:55] sudo should work with multiple parameters [12:56] corentin: u sure it isn't because you are withhin the timeframe where you have already provided the sudo password once ? [12:56] let me check [12:56] corentin: I get this --> [sudo] password for user: chmod: missing operand after ‘777’ [12:57] coraxx: what are you trying to do? [12:59] coraxx: ok was doing something wrong, but this is working on my box: $ echo 12345678 | sudo -S touch /tmp/w00t [12:59] and the password was not already typed before [12:59] EriC^^: I'm trying to "quick fix" a script permission problem, by running a regular "sudo"-command the would give the file I specify the correct permission WITHOUT prompting the user for a password. [13:00] anyone know how I can export user setting's and xfce settings for vlock and such, I have more than one user on this ubuntu install.....would like them all to have the same setup...export config or? [13:00] coraxx: so you added chmod to sudoers for all those users? [13:00] corentin: but you "touch" command only uses a single parameter ..try multiple ... like "chmod 775 filename.txt" [13:00] How do I copy user information like xfce4 compoisite setting and font sizes and the like from one user to another? [13:00] coraxx: one sec [13:01] coraxx: also works [13:01] corentin: fantastic ... what did you write ? [13:02] echo 12345678 | sudo -S chmod 777 /tmp/blah [13:02] coraxx: add it to the sudoers file as ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/script [13:02] coraxx: obviously make sure nobody can delete the script or edit it in any way, else they have a nice root shell [13:03] EriC^^: I'd rather not ..as it is only for today ... an regulary a password should be entered :-) [13:04] corentin: IT WORKED!!! thanx !!! [13:05] coraxx: you could write a tiny C prog that takes no parameters to do the execve("chmod", "/static/path.txt") for you, then make this prog suid root [13:06] coraxx: now I'm wondering how this could happen: 14:47:56 < coraxx> ...however this fails --> echo -e "password" | sudo -S chmod 777 somefile.txt [13:06] hello [13:06] guess you add quotes around your chmod command [13:07] corentin: I'm currently running a "prototype" of some software that is running in "user mode" ...but the finished software will run on a server in root-mode, where the creation of files and their permissions is no problem to do. [13:07] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25438382/ i get this error when i try booting on ubuntu 14.04 [13:08] coraxx: sounds very dangerous [13:08] corentin: only this week, because it is in use by some unexperienced users who as terminal-access via ssh, I need a "quickfix" [13:08] *as=has [13:09] coraxx: I meant the final solution with software running as root etc [13:10] corentin: ...ok well...it will not run as root ..but the point is, that it will run with the rights to change file permissions. [13:11] coraxx: i fail to see how this is better, unless i misunderstood what you want, this way you're giving users the password for full root instead of just giving them permissions to run some command as root [13:12] corentin: the software is a CR2 (Canon Raw Photo File) image web -publisher ...that converts the files to jpeg and copies them to the web ... and then creates a script that renames the files locally, that is run by a user. [13:13] coraxx: seems fun to pentest ^^ [13:14] EriC^^: everything the users a running, is run in user-mode ..except this one little script-creator software that needs to spit out a file, that has execute-permission [13:15] coraxx: sure, so why dont you add the user to sudoers as user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /the/command/you/need/as/root [13:16] that way they can only run that specific command, and you dont need to have the password in plaintext too [13:16] then just remove it once you dont want it from sudoers again, pretty simple [13:17] hey all, having issues with my cronjobs not running and not sure why [13:17] Ryanar: try sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog to see if it ran first [13:18] EriC^^: OIC what you mean ... I like the solution I have now as I can control it from my git repository ... when I change the script back or finish the software, the file with the unsafe password disappears automatically from the test computer ....your is a good solution... [13:19] EriC^^: ...however I would have to remember to log on to this PC and change it back <-- which I know I will forget ;-) [13:19] EriC^^ yeah they are showing up there, so maybe they are running, im just not seeing their output do anything [13:19] Ryanar: what's the command you're running? [13:20] coraxx: alright, as you see fit :) === ianychoi__ is now known as ianychoi [13:20] EriC^^: (but thank you for the tip) [13:20] 22 9 * * * echo IWASHERE > /tmp/IWASHERE [13:20] coraxx: sure, anytime [13:21] in the syslog it looks like they are running on my timezone [13:21] so 22 9 should run 2 minutes from now [13:21] when I finished editing with crontab -e it said crontab: installing new crontab [13:21] but I won't see that cron job show up in the syslog [13:21] Ryanar: if you try "echo IWASHERE > /tmp/IWASHERE2" in a command prompt as your user does it work? [13:22] no output / file made in /tmp/ [13:22] ok let me route it to my /home/user/ [13:23] did anything show up in syslog about the 9 22 job? [13:24] no, but its weird the latest logs are showing as Aug 31 13:17:01 [13:24] and it is not 1pm yet in my timezone [13:24] so maybe I need to make the cronjob +5 hours to be in UTC? [13:24] aha taht must be the issue [13:25] Ryanar: i think you should fix the clock so it shows correctly i guess [13:25] try pressing "alt+sysrq+s" and see sudo tail /var/log/syslog to see if it gave output [13:25] hi guys, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 3.13 and a 1920x1080 LCD monitor with xorg radeon drivers. Whenever I install a newer kernel (4+) the sides of the screen got cut off, effectively diminishing what I see to less than 1680x1050px, even though 1920x1080 is still recognized in xrandr as normal resolution. To even see the start menu and task panel below I have to set the resolution to 1680x1050. What could be the reason? [13:26] I have 2 questions, whats the easiest way to use a webpage as a screensaver and have it refresh once and a while (in ubuntu gnome), or how do i set up that i would have a few rss feeds as a screensaver? [13:26] also in ubuntu gnome [13:26] er, what is sysrq? [13:26] sysrq key? [13:26] or sysrq in general? [13:26] Ryanar: [13:26] msev-: there's an addon for firefox that lets you set the autorefresh rate of a page [13:26] yeah what is sysrq key [13:26] Ryanar: it's the prntscrn button usually [13:27] ^ [13:27] LuMint: make your monitor auto scale by hand [13:27] ok ill google what it is on a mac [13:27] SimonNL: you mean "auto-adjust"? [13:27] I did that. [13:27] to no avail. [13:27] could be. scaling is a part of that maybe [13:28] hi trying to boot a mac book pro core2duo with 2 gig of ram from the lubuntu cd from a usb drive, doesnt seem to want to boot flashing cursor in top left corner...anyone know what I have to do to get it to boot (oh new hard drive in it, old one was badly damaged) no OSX discs except an old 10.4 10.3 [13:28] I've also changed the default monitor setting form "auto" to "wide". The result was that the monitor stretched the 1650x1000 part of the picture to 1920x1080 [13:28] not showing the rest [13:28] yeah [13:28] so, it didn't help either [13:28] so the issue is just that I need to set the cronjobs in UTC time [13:28] ill just do that [13:28] SimonNL: thing is, it only happens with kernels newer than 3.16 or 3.18, that is, with any 4 kernel [13:30] LuMint: auto scaling was only thing coming up for me. [13:30] SimonNL: it shouldn't depend on the kernel. [13:30] why, it couldn't *possibly* depend on the kernel [13:31] thanks EriC^^ [13:31] LuMint: you need someone with more knowledge then I have [13:32] SimonNL: thanks for your willing to help anyway [13:33] LuMint: did you try #radeon as I see was suggested [13:33] :) [13:33] yep, their silent. [13:33] figured I should also ask here while waiting for an answer [13:46] LuMint: whats your monitor brand and type ? [13:47] LuMint: and about you trying to find help here. I don't think your nick works in your favor [13:52] it's a Samsung, SimonNL [13:53] SimonNL: not when you can quickly google the content of lsb_release ;) Besides, I do run a Ubuntu === zanshin_ is now known as zanshin [13:58] LuMint: what is the exact kernel you have the issue with? [14:00] leftyfb: supported 4.* kernels [14:00] like 4.3, 4.4 [14:00] LuMint: what is the exact kernel you have the issue with? [14:02] LuMint: give me the exact kernel number/version of a kernel you're having the issue with [14:06] leftyfb: it's linux_4.4.0-63.84/ [14:06] Just did do-release-upgrade on my server to bring to 16.04.03. Process seems to have failed. I cannot get to GUI. Did dpkg --configure -a and started working then "Processing was halted because there were too many errors." What do I do now? [14:08] LuMint: sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-4.4.0-63-generic, then reboot and try it [14:08] leftyfb: okay === JanC is now known as Guest85497 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [14:09] An run command it's simple - assing to varible define function - the python interpreter replacing bash it's fine idee in Ubuntu 20.04 [14:10] CCCNMOP: can we help you with something? [14:10] Why monitor on 2 card wont work in clone mode on open source driver automatic ? [14:11] I mean 2 - second :D [14:11] CCCNMOP: talk to the open source driver developers [14:11] You mean guys of MESA ? [14:12] CCCNMOP: Why are you using MESA? [14:13] Guys of xserver-xorg-video-radeon-lts-xenial ? [14:13] this 2 cards are radeon. [14:13] CCCNMOP: then you're using radeon, not MESA [14:14] CCCNMOP: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver [14:16] The code of detecting monitor relay on radeon driver? [14:17] Anyone help with botched 14.04->16.04 upgrade? [14:17] Or is provide ? [14:17] CCCNMOP: yes, displaying is dependent on display drivers [14:18] So basically Monitor is detected by this driver ? [14:18] The second monitor on second card ? [14:18] sure [14:18] JuJUBee, bet you forgot to update and upgrade your 14.04 packages before upgrading to 16.04 [14:19] BluesKaj, nope [14:19] How it's is exacly work in driver side ? [14:19] llvm [14:19] it's use to compile ? [14:19] c/c++ [14:19] or c [14:19] ? [14:20] CCCNMOP: are you looking to get your monitors working or are you looking to discuss the inner workings of display drivers? [14:21] I love to by practitioner - but looking for somebody who guide me by code in details [14:22] CCCNMOP: then try #radeon [14:22] LOL :D [14:22] appreciate thank you :D [14:22] JuJUBee, you can give some details if you want help with your issues, maybe someone will have an answer [14:23] What detail should I provide? output from apt -f install? dpkg --configure -a? [14:24] or something else? [14:24] JuJUBee: were you using any ppas before you upgraded? [14:26] I cannot, for the life of me, get libreoffice to uninstall [14:27] i checked online, all of the sudo apt-get -f remove libreoffice* doesn't work. I get a message saying python3-uno has unmet dependencies for libreoffice-core [14:30] Guest18037: try sudo apt-get -f remove libreoffice* python3-uno [14:31] yea, no luck. [14:33] Guest18037, did you try purging [14:33] brainwash, this finally worked in getting a functional package manager -- https://askubuntu.com/a/901351 [14:34] Output from apt -f install https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438713/ output from dpkg --configure -a https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438731/ [14:35] any help recovering from botched upgrade is appreciated [14:37] hello, I have a little problem with my preseed file, and uefi, It dont take my partition configuration, my configuration looks like this https://pastebin.com/ELCLVZKG [14:37] and I got this message https://pastebin.com/k2pAkHBY , If I choose continue it has create and swap with 128GB and my / 1.5TB [14:40] JuJUBee: again, were you using any ppas before you upgraded? [14:42] ducasse: sorry, my network connection died and I did not see your question. I don't see any in sources.list [14:42] JuJuBee: what about /etc/apt/sources.list.d? [14:43] Looks like there are a few google-chrome ubuntu-mate and webupd8team [14:44] JuJuBee: that's probably the root of your proble, you should have purged those first. [14:45] ducasse: what can I do now that I did not purge them? [14:45] gettign some systemd-logind: Failed to enable subscription: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25438765/ [14:46] JuJuBee: backup your data or reinstall, if nobody wants to sort out this mess. [14:46] Hi there :-) [14:46] ducasse: was trying to avoiud complete reinstall, but that may be my only option [14:47] I'm looking for a script that would test StackClash vuln' on Ubuntu, I already found the one for RHEL [14:47] hi! I have a macbook pro core 2 duo which I just installed ubuntu on. Not sure if its the laptop or a keyboard type problem with ubuntu but its messing up small capitals and not typing some numbers. anyone? thanks in advance [14:50] Hi. Could any of you please help me make nautilus list a system-wide mounted drive? [14:51] Got it mounted via /etc/fstab, and it is fully functional. But nautilus won't show it as a drive. [14:52] Neepu: you'll need to navigate to it's mount point [14:52] can you explain further? [14:53] Neepu: where do you have it mounted? [14:53] /mnt/files [14:53] ok, then go to /mnt/files in nautilus [14:53] JuJuBee, looks like thos 2 pkgs, are the problem (at least, for now) ; so i'd try to check /etc/shadows for duplicates and remove squid [14:53] sorry, what i mean is that i want it to be listed in the sidebar of nautilus [14:54] hei RoyK_Heime [14:54] JuJuBee, libuuid1:amd64 and squid, i mean [14:54] any idea why I can't get into this channel with my usual nick, RoyK? Banned? [14:54] Neepu, mount it in /media/yourusername , simple [14:54] Neepu: you can also drag it's mount point over to the left under favorites to have it easily accessible. Go to /mnt, drag the "files" directory over to the bottom left area of nautilus, maybe above where it says "Connect to Server" [14:54] Malinux: hi, dear :) [14:54] aight' so i'll have to bookmark it for system wide mounts [14:55] but session wide (at /mount) are listed fine? [14:55] Neepu: you can add the mount option 'comment=x-gvfs-show' in the fstab ebtry [14:55] *entry [14:55] ioria there are 2 libuuid entries in shadow, which do I remove? [14:56] JuJuBee, run pwck [14:57] ioria should I add the users that are missing in shadow? [14:57] ducasse, tried it and mount -a. however no effect in nautilus, so may have to restart additional processes? [14:57] JuJuBee, can you paste the output ? [14:57] tried restarting nautilis gui [14:59] ioria https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438869/ [14:59] rebooting pc, might help [15:00] JuJuBee, sudo grpck [15:01] ioria https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438876/ [15:02] Hello Dethsesh ! [15:02] JuJuBee, can you remove squid3 from the system ? [15:03] ioria no, get dependencies errors [15:04] ducasse, it had no effect after reboot. [15:04] /etc/fstab content: "UUID=ebada07d-3d00-401a-83c5-c3ab9ab93eac /mnt/files ext4 defaults,comment=x-gvfs-show 0 0" [15:05] Hey! I'm trying to get minecraft to show up on the launcher search function, but I can't get it to work. I have a file /usr/share/applications/minecraft.desktop that works when I launch it manually, but it doesn't show up in the search. What went wrong? [15:06] JuJuBee, can you paste it ? [15:06] Neepu: the docs i find are a little unclear on whether 'comment=' should be there, i find both in examples [15:07] ioria https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438898/ === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [15:11] JuJuBee, try to purge cacti [15:11] ioria: same problem [15:12] I am having been facing a serious problem with "apt-get update" for few weeks now and I am unsure what to do. I have manually changed mirrors through /etc/apt/sources.list but that didn't work either [15:13] the error I keep getting is this: [15:13] E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/main/binary-i386/by-hash/SHA256/89bed31125251162e3ca8862c8a539dd87e2482e9f9ea3e4750d24428c49abb6 Hash Sum mismatch [15:13] can someone please give me a healthy and a workable solution [15:14] Change a mirrors [15:14] StreetTrees: i already did that through /etc/apt/sources.list as i just said now [15:16] any other way? [15:16] Kanov: Do you have any proxies at the place? This link is proper [15:16] Lachezar: i don't think so [15:16] Lachezar: what do you mean this link is not proper? [15:16] Kanov: do a command line: curl --silent 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/main/binary-i386/by-hash/SHA256/89bed31125251162e3ca8862c8a539dd87e2482e9f9ea3e4750d24428c49abb6' | sha256sum [15:17] Lachezar, the output is "89bed31125251162e3ca8862c8a539dd87e2482e9f9ea3e4750d24428c49abb6 -" [15:17] Kanov: the link *is* proper, I can download it, and it matches the SHA256 sum [15:17] strange. [15:17] Kanov: This looks fine. Maybe some caching issues. [15:17] is there not a way to get rid of this error? [15:18] Kanov: sudo apt clean then sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/ then sudo apt update [15:19] Kanov: what pavlos says should help [15:20] yeah that worked [15:20] thank you very much, pavlos! [15:20] and you too, Lachezar [15:20] finally my headache is gone [15:20] ioria: any other suggestions? [15:20] Kanov: glad to hear that ... [15:22] JuJuBee, cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main. [15:22] leftyfb: it would't boot :( [15:22] JuJuBee, sy, cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log [15:23] leftyfb: actually, it did boot and I have seen the Ubuntu booting screen (with its sides cut off), but then it told me "alert! /dev/disk/ something does not exist" Dropping to shell" [15:24] ioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438961/ [15:26] JuJuBee, sudo apt update [15:27] ioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25438973/ [15:27] JuJuBee, sudo apt full-upgrade [15:27] Same dependencies errors [15:28] Hello peops, I have a USB install of the ISO file for Ubuntu Server. I intend to put a pre-seed file on here. Is there a 'correct' way of inserting it. IE should it be done to the ISO itself or rather inserted into the USB stick after it has been created? [15:29] JuJuBee, about libuuid1:amd64 and squid ? [15:29] ioria: there are a few users at the bottom of my passwd/shadow file (systemd-timesync, systemd-network, systemd-resolve, sustemd-bus-proxy and _apt) should I remove them? [15:29] ioria: what about those? [15:30] JuJuBee, if you run sudo pwck and sudo grpck they will prompt you if you want to correct ... say 'yes ' [15:30] ioria, to all the errors? [15:30] JuJuBee, yes [15:31] JuJuBee, to be honest, a fresh install would be quicker [15:31] i'm starting to think that... [15:32] :( [15:32] JuJuBee: You might be able to do a 'Recover' using a live cd/usb [15:33] In bash, what command runs when you type a command that isn't found? I somehow screwed up my settings, and every time I type a command it seems to be running some command through python3 which then crashes because all my user installed pip libraries are for python 2 [15:33] aegray: command-not-found [15:33] I have a dual screen setup and the scaling on my external display is all messed up. I can't seem to fix it, following any guides I've seen online. Can anyone help me out? [15:34] foist: Is the external screen the same resolution as the built-in? [15:34] foist: you can tell xorg to ignore dpi which in turn fixes it [15:35] foist: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/6w98zw/heres_my_fine_laptop_current_am_16_proud_of_this/dm7883z/ [15:35] No, they are different resolutions. [15:37] foist: Then you'll need to disable the 'Screen Mirror' option first. [15:37] Screen mirror? It's not mirrored, it's extended. [15:38] foist: Also: what flavour of Ubuntu? (Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.)? [15:38] Ubuntu 16.04, using Gnome DE [15:38] nacc: thank you! [15:39] Hey, I'm looking for a script that would test StackClash vuln' on Ubuntu, I already found the one for RHEL, does one exist for Ubuntu too ? [15:40] aegray: yw [15:41] foist: Do you use this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DisplayConfigGTK [15:42] So, I've been running Ubuntu 17.10 for a couple months now and its been working splendidly. However, it just rebooted and the launcher is no longer auto-hiding, and I cannot access the 'Appearances' section of system settings to change it - it is simply not there. [15:43] Lachezar: not that I'm aware of. [15:44] rebooting brb [15:45] gonyere: /join #ubuntu+1 for 17.10 [15:45] k [15:49] Lachezar: should I be using that DisplayConfigGTK thing? [15:49] foist: did you try that xorg config snippet? [15:49] akik: when I added that file and rebooted, my DE would fail to start. [15:50] :( [15:51] bah. why'd i leave this open? [15:52] so, i've really missed out on some things. ubuntu-mate is now.... ubuntu? [15:52] Gallomimia: ubuntu will use gnome 3.x, not mate as default. there'll still be ubuntu mate [15:53] If I launch chrome with `GDK_SCALE=1 google-chrome`, it looks okay on my external, but tiny on the laptop. [15:53] oh. uh... mate is that gnome 2+ ? [15:53] see i'm way out of touch :( [15:53] Gallomimia: mate has the old gnome 2.x codebase [15:53] right right... and updates from there [15:56] Any other ideas with my scaling issues? [16:02] I think the issue is that my internal display is hidpi while the external is not. [16:03] foist: try debugging the config file. it worked for me [16:03] foist: i noticed that the path of it wrong (not that it matters), but own configs should be put in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d (which doesn't exist by default) [16:04] akik: is `` supposed to be replaced with a real identifier? [16:04] foist: nope [16:05] I'm not too familiar with these matters. How would I debug something like this? [16:06] foist: I'm not using GE (using Xfce), so I don't know the UI. [16:06] s/GE/Gnome/ [16:06] foist: when xorg starts, it'll write the log file in /var/log/Xorg.0.log [16:10] akik: oh, you need more than just that in your xorg file? [16:10] foist: nope [16:10] http://dpaste.com/2C738HF [16:10] foist: just that snippet [16:11] foist: do you have it as Identifier "" [16:12] akik: pure copy/paste [16:12] foist: starts with Section, ends with EndSection ? [16:12] Yes, I can try again... maybe I messed up? [16:13] foist: paste the file now [16:15] brb rebooting [16:17] Anyone tried changing default path for Download, Photos dir etc? [16:17] I've tried changing ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs but it keeps getting reset at boot [16:17] Would appreciate suggestions [16:18] akik: http://dpaste.com/1T7YPFM rebooted with that. It doesn't appear to do anything at all. [16:18] foist: what's the file name? [16:18] foist: sorry... [16:18] akik: it's.. [16:18] foist: you need to mkdir xorg.conf.d [16:19] foist: then put that file as 60-force-edid.conf [16:19] And what should the file be called? [16:19] got it, brb [16:20] foist: you can play with the dpi value to see which value works best for you [16:22] akik: doesn't appear to do anything at all [16:26] foist: sorry i'm baffled [16:26] akik: What is it supposed to do? [16:26] How does Ubuntu release cycle work? I'm on 17.04/Daily update and I have (I believe) this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1623856 [16:26] Launchpad bug 1623856 in update-manager (Ubuntu Zesty) "Scrolled Windows in update-manager are too small to read" [Low,Fix released] [16:26] The status on the bug fix says it's been "released" :-/ [16:27] foist: it'll ignore the dpi value that the monitor is telling your graphics card and ignore it, thus giving you the choice to choose your own dpi value [16:27] why is pip included in ubuntu if you aren't suppose to use it? [16:30] JonelethIrenicus: You *can* use pip, but *should* *not* do so, especially for stuff that is available as .deb packages. [16:30] man the way python packages are managed is a mess [16:31] foist: are you running gnome? [16:33] JonelethIrenicus: Lachezar: alternatively, don't use any packaged stuff, just use pip. I think the primary issue for most users is mixing them [16:33] akik: yes [16:33] JonelethIrenicus: you absolutely can use pip, you just need to know what you're doing :) [16:33] nacc: ya i understand that but the way the distributions and python works is stupid [16:34] foist: have you played with the monitor options? there should be something called scale there [16:34] then creating an entirely new package to solve a problem that should of been done different to begin with [16:34] such as snaps [16:34] akik: there is resolution, but not scale. [16:34] i mean sandboxing is good, but what the hell [16:35] foist: if you run "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" what does it say? [16:36] people, is there a way to search an FTP server? [16:37] akik: resolution: 96x96 dots per inch [16:37] JonelethIrenicus: you are welcome to try and solve these problems yourself. [16:37] foist: ok that's what i feared. i heard (not certain) that gnome hard codes it [16:46] * Lachezar hates the mixup between density and resolution [16:50] nacc: i would but i dont have that much time to work on the problem .. gotta make a living === Pinkamena_D is now known as Rboreal_Frippery [17:03] hey [17:04] i've done a samba share with ubuntu, which i suppose is read only for guests and write for certain group [17:04] not perhaps a question for the right guys, but how can i make windows ask for the credentials? [17:06] I j ust installed gcc-4.7 but gcc -v [17:06] give nothing [17:07] Hi all. I'm trying to disable an html button for 10 seconds, but I'm not sure how to do it. It's all really confusing. Can someone take a quick peek at some code and help at all please? [17:07] Peyam: -v is verbose, you want --version, i think [17:08] nacc, I installed gcc-4.7 [17:08] nacc, I installed gcc-4.7. update-alternatives --query gcc doesnt show it [17:08] heller_: doesn't it ask for your credentials at all? [17:09] Peyam: does /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 work? [17:09] heller_: i've noticed if you add the user in samba with smbpasswd and the username and password match what you have on windows, it'll just work(tm) [17:09] nacc gcc-4.7: fatal error: no input files [17:09] compilation terminated. [17:10] Peyam: so it's installed, i'm not sure on the alternatives part [17:10] Peyam: you probably need to install gcc for there to be an alternative to gcc [17:10] how can I choose as default [17:10] nacc, done that too [17:10] Peyam: if gcc is isntall `gcc -v` shouldn't be silent [17:12] akik: no [17:12] nacc, no :( [17:12] it does not ask [17:17] akik: any ideas? [17:19] heller_: have you used smbpasswd to define the samba users? [17:19] yes [17:19] one [17:19] heller_: and you only get an error when you try to connect? [17:19] i can open the folder, but cant write to it [17:20] Peyam: won't setting CC=gcc-4.7 suffice? [17:20] i want a folder which i can write if logged in and have access [17:20] but so guests can READ from ti [17:21] heller_: when i use samba the first time with map network drive, i get a username/password prompt [17:22] heller_: that's why i don't understand why it doesn't ask you. which guide did you follow? [17:23] akik: kind of many [17:23] :I [17:23] https://pastebin.com/fb23wMN4 share config [17:23] changed guest ok = no - and it asks for login [17:24] heller_: you're missing the [global] config [17:24] hold on [17:25] https://pastebin.com/8k25AC0v [17:25] hmm [17:25] testparm does not see the end of that share? [17:25] heller_: i can share my config too [17:26] heller_: https://pastebin.com/raw/yCp64Xnb [17:30] mmm [17:30] how can i get a share which is read only if you're not logging in [17:32] heller_: sorry i don't know. i just paste that config in place and go :) [17:32] ok :) [17:33] heller_: samba shares files -- does not distinguish if you're logged in [17:33] Hiyas, How do I change my DNS setting to allow for google server to perform this task ? [17:33] pavlos: any ideas how to make it ask for login if i try to write? [17:33] *** IN CLI [17:34] CoderEurope: what task [17:34] heller_: nope ... the writable = yes|no is not conditional [17:34] Ben64 at the moment, I am using my ISP's dns server to look-up stuff - I want google servers to-do that. [17:35] heller_: unless you define 2 shares, one for read, one for write [17:35] CoderEurope: open up your network manager and set dns servers [17:35] hmm [17:35] any way i could speed up the file transfer? [17:35] heller_: /plex/libary is read only to anyone in your network [17:37] heller_: check this ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/88108/samba-share-read-only-for-guests-read-write-for-authenticated-users [17:38] it does not work [17:38] read only has to be boolean [17:38] ah lower.. [17:39] okay cheers. [17:40] pavlushka: thanks. i didn't know that you could set read only = yes and still have write access [17:40] pavlos: ^- [17:40] akik: some comments read, it does not work. [17:40] How can I tell which version of Ubuntu I'm running [17:41] emma: lsb_release -a [17:41] thanks [17:41] akik: I thought read only is a boolean, yes|no [17:42] Im running 16.04 is that okay? [17:43] pavlos: ill try it thanks [17:43] emma: sure, the description might say 16.04.3 LTS [17:43] pavlos: yeah it says 16.04.1 LTS actually. [17:44] pavlos: is it a good version> [17:44] emma: yes, LTS is long term support, then next LTS will be 18.04 [17:44] emma: you are probably a little out of date, then [17:45] emma: does `sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade` indicate there are packages to install (or using the UI for software)? [17:45] nacc: im doing a sudo apt-get update right now. [17:48] hi [17:48] Im going to try installing emby has anyone used that? [17:49] !anyone [17:50] !you [17:51] 13:50 Sorry, I don't know anything about you [17:51] emma: basically, this is a support channel -- such general questions don't belong here [17:51] emma: brainwash was probably trying to see if there was a FAQ for such questions [17:52] nacc: right. this one was deleted :/ [17:52] brainwash: yep, i think so [17:52] !-anyone [17:53] brainwash, nacc it was probably deleted because it was a snarky comment. [17:54] emma: not especially -- i don't know the history. But in any case, "anyone" style questions are not good for this channel. Just like polls, etc. [17:54] emma: have you installed it in the meantime? [17:54] brainwash: im working on updating/upgrading before I install it but Im planning to! [17:54] good luck then :) [17:57] brainwash: thank you! [18:00] brainwash: you know what the problem is with Ubuntu over the years -- if you don't really have very complicated needs it pretty much works well enough that you don't necessarily learn a lot about Linux. [18:00] emma: look for the ubuntu 16.04 section ... https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/emby-media-server-on-linux/ [18:01] emma: I guess that's ture [18:01] true [18:09] I have an external display with my laptop running Ubuntu 16.04 Gnome DE. I can't seem to get the scaling right between the two. Can anyone help? [18:09] My frustration is near a maximum at this point :( [18:14] foist: this may help ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/846279/scale-application-differently-on-different-monitors-ubuntu-16-04 [18:53] hnnngh [18:53] plex goes almost dead when im uploading to server via samba [19:17] hi all, i am having a problem install ubuntu 17.04 from a dvd it freezes on the install [19:20] singlemale35, when does it freeze exactly ? [19:22] on the preapring to install part in the desktop [19:23] singlemale35, your specs ? cpu ? ram ? [19:23] msi ge60 2qd apache , intel i7 4500 , 16gb memory , gtx 950m [19:24] singlemale35, and why dvd ? and how did you make it ? [19:25] i burn the iso off in windows 10 with image burn and i only have a dvd drive as lost my usb sticks [19:28] i downloaded the iso off the ubuntu torrent [19:30] singlemale35, can you please md5sum the iso ? [19:32] im on windows [19:32] singlemale35, my win is a bit hybrid, but that cmd is available [19:34] singlemale35, nvm , it was in openssh for win === orezci is now known as iczero [19:36] singlemale35, at the main menu, choose ' verify disk integrity' or such [19:42] i read its a bug, so going to try a daily build [19:43] singlemale35, a bug about what component ? [19:44] the installer freezing on 17.04 [19:46] ioria, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1637899 [19:46] Launchpad bug 1637985 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1637899 zesty install fails - "An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the CD failed."" [Critical,Fix released] [19:49] anyone alive in here? [19:49] I have something showing up in a netstat that I have no clue how to get rid of [19:49] Jrod696, no [19:50] Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode PID/Program nam [19:50] udp 0 0 flirt-and-sex.co:domain *:* root 716961 22528/dnsmasq [19:50] I dont know what it is or if its bad or how to get rid of it [19:50] flirt-and-sec.co [19:51] aii you dirty bastard [19:51] sorry [19:51] c [19:52] singlemale35, i suggest you to start the media in 'try ubuntu without installing' [19:53] that works fine ioria its when i try and install it freezes [19:53] i am going to try a daily build from yesterday [19:53] :o) [19:53] singlemale35, as you wish [19:54] I am stuck with a kernel that is partially installed and will not remove [19:54] Ubuntu-Mate 16.04 [19:56] http://termbin.com/r5p5 is the error I see [19:56] How can a kernel be partially installed ? [19:57] partially uninstalled [20:05] kenrin, lol [20:05] ben_nabiy, when are you getting that [20:06] at boot ? [20:06] when installing packages [20:06] or removing etc [20:06] The kernel got snaffued when trying to upgrade the zfsonlinux version [20:07] but you can use your client [20:07] that means it got a kernel [20:07] Why don't you remove that kernel it is throwing errors for [20:07] ben_nabiy: can you remove it with sudo dpkg --purge ? [20:07] pavlos, dpkg does not show it as installed [20:08] you tried upgrading ur kernel? [20:09] fr0tzed: I tried to upgrade the ZoL, but it required manually patching the .ko into the kernel, and then I tried to remove the kernel, but that package would not remove [20:09] I am booted to a different kernel [20:10] ok, hmm interesting [20:10] ben_nabiy: does this .91 kernel appear in /boot? can you manually rm those entries [20:10] pavlos: when I give your command, it gives the same error [20:10] you get the same error everytime you execute a command ? [20:11] anything regarding apt [20:11] pavlos: that kernel does not exist in /boot [20:11] hmm [20:11] pavlos: it is just the -extra package which is stuck [20:11] I think the /lib/udev/zvol etc is put there from ZoL [20:12] ben_nabiy: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-extra-4.4.0-91 [20:12] what are you running, G? [20:13] pavlos: tried that... will do again though [20:14] ben_nabiy: does sudo apt-get install -f fix things? [20:15] http://termbin.com/kdef reinstall [20:15] ben_nabiy: Disk space ? ' df -h ; df -i ' show you have the assetts free ? [20:16] Bashing-om: plenty [20:16] 138G free for /boot [20:21] ben_nabiy: can you pastebin, sudo dpkg -l | grep linux-image [20:23] pavlos: http://termbin.com/7eft [20:24] !suggest Serverless and Officeless [20:24] b-yeezi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:24] Hello. I was wondering, I got a new SSD and I want to move my ubuntu set up to the new drive. If I use the back up app in ubuntu 16.4.3 can I only restore that backup with 16.4.3 or can I install the latest LTS and still restore it? [20:28] <[n0mad]> 16.04 is the latest LTS [20:29] ben_nabiy: sudo dpkg --configure -a [20:29] more broadly, Deja Dup (a.k.a Backups) has no problem restoring to different versions of ubuntu [20:30] If all you are moving is user data, this is fine. If you want to move the entire install, It's better to use something like dd [20:31] pavlos: http://termbin.com/6cuo [20:31] or clonezilla [20:32] ben_nabiy: seems 91 and 93 are half installed/configured. Any chance you can reboot to another kernel and then remove them? [20:33] pavlos: this is from another kernel, and this is what we have [20:42] ben_nabiy: sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq [20:45] http://termbin.com/sjyh [20:47] sucks to not be regged today [20:47] ben_nabiy: I don't know about those 2 errors in the last pastebin, I'll search [20:48] hi i just upgraded from ubunt 16.04 to 17.10 (daily build) and now on boot i get the error uknown file system [20:49] singlemale35: why did you upgrade from a stable OS to 3 versions ahead to an unreleased/unsupported version? [20:49] singlemale35: for support with unreleased versions of ubuntu still under development, /join #ubuntu+1 [20:56] pavlos: I think they are related to the initramfs hooks for ZFS [21:09] ben_nabiy: is there a diff in the status and status-old files in /var/lib/dpkg/ [21:10] no diff [21:16] ben_nabiy: look in /var/lib/dpkg/status and find the package linux-image-4.4.0-91 ? What does the next line (status) say? [21:18] linux-image-extra... deinstall ok half-installed [21:18] and just linux-image... deinstall ok half-configured [21:28] ben_nabiy: one suggestion ... 1. copy that status file to a backup. Edit the status file as root and remove those lines for package 4.4.0-91 (and -extra) make sure you dont add more linefeedss. Then, try an apt update [21:30] remove which lines, the whole entry for 4.4.0-91? [21:30] or just status line? [21:35] ben_nabiy: the whole entry, from Package: to Package: Mine has about 26 lines (7302-7326). [21:35] pavlos, fixing the zfs issues, see if that will work [21:35] ben_nabiy: ok ... Im not sure if fixing the status file will make dpkg happy [21:37] manually patched in the missing udev rules and such, seems to make dpkg happy [21:37] * ben_nabiy sighs [21:37] ben_nabiy: phew ... [21:44] now, clearing out the old kernels [21:45] I wish launchpad was not so slow... [21:45] * ben_nabiy sighs again. [21:48] What do I need to install for ansible modules to work on 16 [21:50] do the hwe kernels contain the zfs modules? [21:51] nevermind I found it. python-minimal not python2.7 [22:12] why can't I trigger --help and --version in the echo program? It just outputs it! I'm on Ubuntu 17.04. [22:13] man page says it should exist, GNU coreutils does check for it [22:14] because you are using bash when you do that [22:14] not the GNU [22:14] /bin/echo --version works fine [22:14] oh! [22:23] kenrin: do you know how programs like youtube-dl support piping? Do they first check somehow whether they should write to stdout and if not they write to a file? [22:26] I could check the source to find out but I'm not that curious =o [22:37] Hello. When I run `cat file1 file2 | pv ...`, where does pv know the percentage and ETA? [22:39] Actually it’s `cat file1 file2 | pv > /some/block/device`. So maybe it uses the size of the *target* block device to estimate? === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [22:49] Hi all! I want to change 802.1x properties for my ethernet adapter but the problem is that I have server version this time. Any suggestions for doing that? [22:54] tremblerz: I’m not sure what 802.1x properties are but maybe ethtool could help. [23:03] sorry, I meant protected eap [23:03] vlt [23:16] tremblerz: somewhere in here I'm guessing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Network802.1xAuthentication