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Dwellr | query.. what does juju expose actually do from an lxc/lxd perspective ? | 12:00 |
rick_h | Dwellr: nothing, expose is meant to update firewall rules to enable ports the charm needs to open properly. On LXD and providers without a built in firewall setup (security groups or the like) there's nothing there to work against | 12:22 |
SimonKLB | is there any reason why the ceph charm does not implement the ceph-admin interface? | 13:01 |
SimonKLB | i would like to try out ceph with kubernetes with a minimal setup as a poc, not having to deploy ceph-mon x3 and ceph-osd x3 if possible | 13:03 |
rick_h | SimonKLB: not sure. Have to check in with the OS folks. Cool experiment to try out. | 13:04 |
SimonKLB | jamespage icey cholcombe ^ | 13:07 |
jamespage | SimonKLB: the ceph charm is officially deprecated; as such it does not always grow the same features as ceph-mon and ceph-osd do over time | 13:08 |
SimonKLB | jamespage: got it, is there any way to have a ceph deployment smaller than 6 machines? | 13:08 |
jamespage | only reason its still in the charm store is we've not found a satisfactory migration approach for existing ceph deployments. | 13:08 |
jamespage | SimonKLB: what provider are you using? | 13:09 |
SimonKLB | jamespage: aws | 13:09 |
jamespage | SimonKLB: hmm no not really | 13:09 |
SimonKLB | jamespage: alright, then ill go with that! | 13:09 |
jamespage | with MAAS you can of course place ceph-mon on LXD containers, and ceph-osd alongside k8s | 13:09 |
SimonKLB | ah, would that not work on aws though? | 13:10 |
SimonKLB | ceph-mon on 3 LXDs and ceph-osd on one worker each would be pretty neat | 13:11 |
SimonKLB | just to try it out | 13:11 |
icey | SimonKLB: AWS doesn't have the overlay networking required to get packets into the ceph-mon's in containers | 13:19 |
SimonKLB | icey: ah too bad! | 13:19 |
wpk | (that problem will be solved in 2.3) | 13:24 |
SimonKLB | wpk: im running 2.3-alpha1.1, that fix is not there yet? | 13:27 |
wpk | SimonKLB: no | 13:29 |
bdx | wpk: you are my hero | 14:19 |
bdx | great news | 14:20 |
tvanhove | does anybody know what is up with the bigtop repos? | 14:42 |
tvanhove | kafka charm is currently failing because of 403 forbidden | 14:42 |
tvanhove | http://bigtop-repos.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/1.2.0/ubuntu/16.04/x86_64 | 14:42 |
rick_h | kwmonroe: ^ | 14:50 |
kwmonroe | hm - not sure tvanhove, but i'll send a "wat?" to the dev list | 14:51 |
Dwellr | wondering if (after installing conjure-up kubernetes-core) I should be using iptables to route traffic to the node InternalIP .. or if I should be figuring out how to add an 'ExternalIP' to the node | 14:57 |
kwmonroe | tvanhove: not that you needed it, but i verified the 403 on a different arch as well. looks like something is afoul with all 1.2.0 repos: | 15:07 |
kwmonroe | E: Failed to fetch http://bigtop-repos.s3.amazonaws.com/releases/1.2.0/ubuntu/16.04/ppc64le/pool/contrib/k/kafka/kafka_0.10.1.1-1_all.deb 403 Forbidden | 15:07 |
tvanhove | yeah we were setting up for a demo next week and noticed the failure in our juju storm deployments with kafka | 15:13 |
kwmonroe | tvanhove: mail sent to dev@bigtop.apache.org. i'll keep you in the loop as soon as we figure out what's up. | 15:26 |
kwmonroe | tvanhove: until then, one possible workaround would be to manually set the repo on each affected unit to the CI builders. to do that, you'd edit your apt sources like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25445303/ | 15:27 |
kwmonroe | i've verified an apt-get update / install works from those repos. | 15:29 |
kwmonroe | buuuuut, that's upstream vs the official 1.2.0 release. so don't go to production with that ;) | 15:30 |
tvanhove | it's just for demos right now | 15:34 |
tvanhove | no production | 15:34 |
tvanhove | thanks :) | 15:34 |
kwmonroe | "it's just for demos" <-- that's what they all say ;) | 15:34 |
tvanhove | ;) | 15:34 |
stormmore | o/ juju world | 16:03 |
kwmonroe | \o stormmore | 16:07 |
kwmonroe | tvansteenburgh: do you recall if stub's "hookenv.principal_unit" fix was the only thing in ch-0.18.1 (vs 0.18.0)? wanna make sure i'm reading this right: https://code.launchpad.net/~charm-helpers/charm-helpers/devel | 16:13 |
stormmore | b 40 | 16:14 |
tvansteenburgh | kwmonroe: yeah it was just that one commit | 16:15 |
kwmonroe | ack, thx tvansteenburgh | 16:15 |
xarses | hml: is there a way to remove/stop the auto subnet scanning neutron subnets for network-space mapping? it keeps finding embarrassing duplicates and crashes the whole install | 17:56 |
hml | xarses: i’m not sure, let me see what I can find out. | 17:57 |
hml | rick_h: ^^^ any ideas? | 17:58 |
* rick_h erads backlog | 17:58 | |
xarses | https://gist.github.com/xarses/307a07d290fcc9f48008b3ae1d192f05#file-duplicate-neutron-subnets | 17:58 |
rick_h | hml: xarses is that in the neutron charm itself? Or in juju trying to figure out what's up? | 17:59 |
hml | rick_h: i think it’s juju investigating subnets | 17:59 |
xarses | juju bootsrap on a openstack cloud fails with a duplicate subnet in neutron | 17:59 |
rick_h | yea, gotcha | 17:59 |
hml | xarses: oh, try bootstrapping with the network uuid instead? | 18:00 |
rick_h | normally that's the bootstrap path ^ | 18:00 |
hml | xarses: i thought it was a different issue | 18:00 |
xarses | no, its scanning networks in the output of `openstack subnet list` | 18:00 |
xarses | the network to boot the instance selector is not the problem here | 18:01 |
xarses | it's found 2 duplicates on me so far, and I'm guessing I have another 4 based on what happened here | 18:01 |
hml | xarses: sounds like bootstrap is failing when discovering subnets for juju - where juju list-subnets etc would be used | 18:02 |
xarses | but the bootstrap haults on reading the duplicate | 18:02 |
hml | xarses: while we look for a workaround on this… can you file a bug on this please? | 18:08 |
xarses | sure, on lp? | 18:08 |
hml | xarses: yes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju | 18:09 |
hml | xarses: I have an idea, but not sure if it’ll work - let me test out first | 18:09 |
xarses | cool | 18:10 |
xarses | yay, it only took 3 days, but I finally have a controller installed | 18:13 |
hml | xarses: w00t! sorry it took so long. openstack is one of the harder to bootstrap unforunately. | 18:13 |
kwmonroe | tvanhove: bad news! see the [IMPORTANT] thread here: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/bigtop-user/201708.mbox/browser. tl;dr, kafka was removed from the repos due to licensing. | 18:13 |
xarses | hml: dont worry about the work around, I was more easily than expected able to remove the duplicates | 18:13 |
hml | xarses: good news - | 18:14 |
xarses | ya, I wish it wasn't so stubborn, the main issue where with the image and tools metadata process being overly weird to the uninitiated | 18:17 |
hml | xarses: usually the tools aren’t an issue - the images are, because they are specific to your openstack. we can’t just download the info - it’s not an issue with other clouds. :-/ | 18:19 |
hml | xarses: that said, we’re looking to improve the docuementation on this | 18:19 |
xarses | it was the offlining that I had to do for the tools to get them through whatever was wrong with the network that was causing them to time out | 18:19 |
xarses | The network guys still haven't come back to me on that | 18:20 |
zeestrat | xarses: Somewhat related is this bug (though that is concerning the generic subnet that is created for HA routers): https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1710848 | 18:20 |
mup | Bug #1710848: Bootstrapping Juju 2.2.x fails on a Openstack cloud with Neutron running in HA. <network> <openstack-provider> <juju:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1710848> | 18:20 |
xarses | oh, well that is about what I was to report | 18:21 |
xarses | close enough anyway | 18:22 |
xarses | I wacked it back to new, while confirmed might be just as valid, its not my project | 18:27 |
xarses | so it doesn't languish in some incomplete filter | 18:28 |
zeestrat | xarses: Great. Feel free to hit the "affects me too" button too. | 18:28 |
zeestrat | Duplicate subnets is a pretty common scenario in OpenStack so Juju will need to handle that anyway | 18:28 |
xarses | yep | 18:33 |
hml | xarses: good thing the subnets were easy to remove - my idea didn’t work. :-( | 18:39 |
xarses | happens | 18:50 |
xarses | thanks for your help hml, wouldn't have gotten throug this w/out it | 20:53 |
hml | xarses: glad I could help! | 20:53 |
xarses | now I can continue with the getting started videos | 20:54 |
xarses | =) | 20:54 |
hml | :-) | 20:54 |
hml | there’s a juju show on youtube also with different topics - maybe that’s what you’ve found? | 20:54 |
xarses | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovsBVZsQqtg | 20:56 |
xarses | for 1.25 | 20:56 |
xarses | which means a bunch of these commands aren't around anymore | 20:56 |
hml | 1.25 is a bit different than 2.0 | 20:56 |
hml | the concepts have changed too | 20:56 |
xarses | ya, finding useful videos is is hard | 20:56 |
xarses | most are a billion years old | 20:57 |
xarses | I've ran into a few that appear to be 0.x | 20:57 |
hml | here’s one of the bi-weekly juju show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoZsP7TDyZI | 20:58 |
hml | let me look for me | 20:58 |
hml | more | 20:58 |
xarses | ya, I've watched most of that and felt lacking from it | 21:00 |
hml | ah | 21:01 |
hml | that’s more on-going juju news rather than getting started | 21:03 |
xarses | ya | 21:07 |
xarses | zeestrat: hmm, a possible work around is to hide the duplicate networks from the user bootstraping the controller | 21:58 |
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