marcus__ | hello | 00:03 |
marcus__ | anyone | 00:03 |
marcus__ | i need help | 00:03 |
marcus__ | my linix is acting up | 00:04 |
clivejo | marcus__: ask the question and if someone can answer it, they will | 00:14 |
=== jemand is now known as Jemand | ||
rpw | I had some trouble installing kde. I set nouveau.modeset=0 in grub command. After install and reboot I went to terminal. service sddm stop. init 3. installed nvidida drivers. blacklisted nouveau. init 5. Log in screen comes up properly but no mouse or keyboard input available. Cursor is just frozen in password input box. Restarted a number of times, same thing each time. I can go to a shell with ctrl alt f1. | 02:47 |
=== daniel is now known as Guest54538 | ||
mvhv | Can someone point me in the right direction for calibrating display colours in KDE? I thought I'd be able to set an ICC profile with the command line, but "colormgr get-devices" returns nothing at all. | 06:34 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:12 |
darkzek | Would it be ok to ask about a problem on my KDE Neon install? | 07:56 |
darkzek | Here | 07:56 |
lordievader | darkzek: You can better ask in #kdeneon | 07:57 |
darkzek | Ok :) | 07:57 |
lordievader | Err, that is #kde-neon | 07:59 |
darkzek | lordievader: Yess! Thankyou every other channel was just directing me towards #kdeneon with only one other person online, was freaking out a bit thanks again haha | 08:01 |
lordievader | Yes, I was thinking. Wait I am in that channel, why is it empty? | 08:02 |
=== david_ is now known as Eightynine | ||
Eightynine | In OpenSUSE you can change vendor for package when installing/removing it. Is there such option in Kubuntu? In OpenSUSE package manager does this automatically. | 11:09 |
=== david_ is now known as Eightynine | ||
Eightynine | What should I use kmix or plasma-pa? | 11:25 |
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=== vlad__ is now known as DranikProgrammer | ||
=== dv__ is now known as dv_ | ||
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 16:47 |
Bernn | vaya locura de sistema | 17:11 |
Bernn | todo en ingles | 17:12 |
Bernn | no hay forma intuitiva de instalar nada descargado | 17:12 |
Bernn | esto se esta pareciendo cada vez mas a una enorme mierda | 17:12 |
Bernn | hay alguien ahí | 17:12 |
Bernn | toda la vida en windows y cuando doy el salto, hala | 17:12 |
Bernn | me borra el acceso a windows y a joderse tocan | 17:13 |
mparillo | Ies | 17:50 |
mparillo | !es | 17:50 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:50 |
delphin | how to get headphones working in kubuntu 17.04? | 18:10 |
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=== juboxi is now known as jubo2 | ||
=== ]Relic[ is now known as [Relic] | ||
=== Fritz is now known as Guest18832 | ||
marcus__ | any one | 20:55 |
marcus__ | kay | 20:55 |
proctrap | hi, I can't select an encryption key in KMail for pgp encryption, I could select my sign key, but for encryption the "ok" button doesn't want to get enabled | 21:02 |
proctrap | (trying restart had an update) | 21:02 |
proctrap | nah, doesn't fix anything | 21:06 |
proctrap | "ERR 67108983 Kein Karten-Daemon" | 21:07 |
proctrap | so the basic kubuntu installation lacks scdaemon ? | 21:08 |
valorie | proctrap: that sounds like a bug for sure | 21:43 |
valorie | please use `ubuntu-bug kmail` in teh commandline to file that | 21:44 |
proctrap | valorie: I've already submitted a bug just now | 21:48 |
proctrap | because the gnupg log viewer window won't reopen after closing | 21:48 |
proctrap | valorie: but it spammed the log with ERR 100663404 Card-Error | 21:49 |
proctrap | so: I can encrypt a file with leopatra & sign it, but I can't encrypt a kmail mail | 21:49 |
proctrap | note: I can decrypt mails | 21:53 |
=== don is now known as Guest91394 | ||
=== Guest91394 is now known as DrJed |
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