[05:05] good morning to all [05:06] \0 lotuspsychje . S L O W . [05:06] hey Bashing-om time for a coffee then :p [05:07] Bashing-om: installed artful on my desktop yesterday [05:07] as its rock solid already [05:08] Testers say they have had nothing to do . Does not break . :) [05:12] lol [05:12] Bashing-om: the world stands still at your timezone i think [05:13] Bashing-om: meaning its time for a new ubuntu release :p [05:13] to get the channel crowdy again [05:14] Naw . 'buntu has become so solid and user friendly that a new release no longer is a big deal in support :( [05:14] also true! [05:15] The last big fu-fer-all I recall was the 12.04 release . [05:17] i think 17.10 will be the bomb [05:17] so many gnome changes lately [05:20] Yeah .. 17.10 will be " somerging else" .. I look forward to what 18.04 is to be . === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [05:29] lotuspsychje: Me think me soon " just not detected at all " . [06:22] morning all [07:12] Good morning === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [07:27] hi lordievader [07:27] all well? [07:28] Hi ducasse, doing allright here. [07:28] Ordered a new keyboard yesterday \o/ [07:28] How are you doing? [07:30] oh, what model? i'm fine, thanks - trying to wake up :) [07:30] A Ducky One TKL with blue leds and MX Browns :D [07:31] Wanted a smaller mechanical keyboard for easier traveling. [07:31] My fullsize keyboard does not fit in my backpack :( [07:31] nice :) i've got a das keyboard pro 4 with mx blue - totally love it. [07:32] 'tkl' = 'tenkeyless'? [07:32] The one I have at home is also a DAS keyboard. One with blank keycaps and mx browns as well. [07:32] Yes. Without the numpad. [07:34] how much was the ducky? [07:35] 90 euros. But I had a gift card. [07:35] Originally it was a 114. [07:36] The one without the leds at the cheapest place was the same price. [07:36] you need blue leds, though ;) [07:36] Hahaha, honestly I don't know XD [07:37] There is also an RGB version, but that one is about 20-30 euros more expensive. [07:38] proper mechanical keyboards are hard to find here, almost everything you find are these cheesy backlit gaming things. [07:39] i used to have a razer, but their switches are nowhere near as nice as cherry's. [07:42] I had the same feeling when hunting for one. [07:43] On the one hand I had the idea that other switches might be okay, but on the other hand, of MX switches I know they are nice. [07:46] there are other nice switches, but generally not on gaming keyboards that i've tried. i'm sticking with cherry until i find something i'm certain i like better. [07:47] Yes, if you can try them first it is a different story, but spending ~100 euros on something you are not sure about.... [07:50] exactly. i'm now looking for a good trackball, to take the load off my hands and wrists. not much to choose from, unfortunately, and almost never on display on shops. [07:52] No, you rarely see those things. I happen to know our secretary uses one. [07:54] i have to wear this support thing for my right wrist, and keep hearing that trackballs can help... [15:35] !eol [15:35] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [15:36] :D [15:38] that wiki page is SO OUT OF DATE [15:38] like every other. [15:38] "specific examples" at the bottom only goes up to 11.04 > 12.04 upgrade [15:38] hahaha :D [15:39] trying to help some kid on reddit that is stuck on 16.10 and is getting errors from do-release-upgrade... it'd be nice to have specific instructions. but ok. [15:39] you might have to go Lt. Ripley on them [15:40] Lt. Ripley? [15:40] god, this page still shows apt-get instructions too. bah. [15:41] https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/6xdl7r/cant_upgrade_ubuntu/ [15:41] ^ that's the thread [15:43] I've never seen that output as an error message before, but I've also never seen `update-manager -c` before [15:44] yeah Alien, "nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" [15:45] oh [15:45] well, I did recommend - in bold - that he should backup and do a fresh install. but then I also included the EOLUpgrades instructions. [15:52] when is 17.04 EOL? January? [15:52] I forget. [15:52] !17.04 [15:52] Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at https://ubottu.com/y/zesty [15:55] Also, this thread is great: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6xf6uj/if_people_spoke_to_car_mechanics_like_it/ [15:56] U: For some reason my seat got moved. Does that have anything to do with that Volkswagen diesel scam thing? [15:56] M: Sir, your car is a Toyota [15:57] :> [15:57] i replied to a client about a slow PC with the price of an SSD, not heard anything since [16:00] he actually just wanted an oil change. :P [16:00] "it keeps leaking out!" [17:31] daftykins: your client probably thought "he's just trying to sell me unnecessary stuff", thinking it would make no difference at all. he would have been surprised :D [17:32] :> [17:32] could be === JanC is now known as Guest2554 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [19:19] welp. tried to run a script to remove some duplicates from a VERY large spreadsheet in librecalc. RAM immediately filled to max. Everything froze. No response for over 10 mins. Had to do a hard-shutdown. :/ [19:55] nicomachus: Ouch ! .. Massaging/migrating a large data base here also . in small steps ... day 3 for me - in between times :) [19:57] it worked ont he second try, but I highlighted the data instead of just the whole sheet. [19:57] :) [19:57] idk why all those empty cells caused problems, but oh well [19:58] does smell a bit like bug potential [19:58] nicomachus: Even empty cells have addressing overhead :) [19:59] it's a third-party librecalc extension, so probably very buggy. === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon