m0nkey_ | Do I want to get Star Trek: Bridge Crew for the Vive? | 00:19 |
m0nkey_ | It's half price right now. | 00:19 |
diddledan | yes, you do. then you want to buy me a vive. and a copy of star trek bridge crew | 00:37 |
diddledan | :-p | 00:37 |
m0nkey_ | lol | 00:38 |
m0nkey_ | But I have to deal with Ubisoft's UPlay | 00:38 |
diddledan | ergh | 00:38 |
m0nkey_ | That is why I'm not jumping on it. | 00:38 |
ali1234 | get gorn | 00:48 |
ali1234 | its great | 00:48 |
m0nkey_ | I see that's on sale.. 10% off. My threshold is typically 25% or more | 00:48 |
ali1234 | i think you can still download the free version | 00:49 |
ali1234 | https://raithza.itch.io/gorn | 00:49 |
m0nkey_ | Worth a look, thanks :) | 00:50 |
m0nkey_ | I did try out Vivecraft. Minecraft in VR is pretty awesome | 00:50 |
ali1234 | that's an old tech demo, the version on steam has more stuff | 00:50 |
m0nkey_ | You don't actually appreciate how big the blocks are until you play Minecraft in VR. | 00:51 |
m0nkey_ | They're frickin huge! | 00:51 |
ali1234 | they are 1m x 1m, are they not? | 00:51 |
m0nkey_ | Yeah, they are. | 00:51 |
ali1234 | trouble with minecraft is its a game that you play for hours and hours | 00:52 |
penguin42 | hmm hang on, isn't this an arbitrary coordinate system? | 00:52 |
m0nkey_ | I need to set-up my room scale again. Not done it since I reinstalled it. Most of what I've been playing is sit down/stand up stuff. | 00:52 |
ali1234 | and wearing the headset for that long gets tiring | 00:52 |
ali1234 | this is also good: http://store.steampowered.com/app/488310/Eleven_Table_Tennis_VR/ | 00:52 |
penguin42 | what headsets ar eyou using? | 00:52 |
m0nkey_ | I can wear it for about an hour before I have to stop | 00:52 |
ali1234 | vive | 00:52 |
m0nkey_ | I don't normally jump on bandwagons, but VR was a particular bandwagon I had to be on :D | 00:53 |
ali1234 | the haptics in the table tennis game are so good | 00:54 |
m0nkey_ | Wow. How expensive is ECC DDR4?! | 00:56 |
ali1234 | its double in price since last year | 00:56 |
m0nkey_ | 32GB for $529 CAD | 00:57 |
ali1234 | its because phones use DDR4 now | 00:57 |
ali1234 | non-ECC that is | 00:57 |
ali1234 | i paid about £114 for 32GB last year, it's £253 not | 00:58 |
ali1234 | crashing pound didn't help either | 00:58 |
m0nkey_ | I think I paid $200 CAD for 16GB ECC 3 years ago | 00:58 |
m0nkey_ | 16GB now is going to cost a minimum of $300 now. | 00:59 |
m0nkey_ | I'm putting together a parts list for my next file server. | 01:00 |
m0nkey_ | I'm up to $900 before I've bought a case, PSU or drives. | 01:00 |
ali1234 | why 16GB RAM for a file server? | 01:00 |
m0nkey_ | FreeNAS | 01:00 |
* m0nkey_ waits for the hate | 01:00 | |
ali1234 | it needs 16GB? | 01:01 |
m0nkey_ | ZFS baby :) | 01:01 |
ali1234 | i wouldn't put more than 4GB in a file server | 01:01 |
m0nkey_ | ZFS eats ram like a motherplunger. | 01:02 |
ali1234 | i would use ext4 | 01:02 |
m0nkey_ | This is the motherboard I'm considering.. https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813183013&ignorebbr=1 | 01:02 |
m0nkey_ | With an Intel G4400 CPU | 01:02 |
ali1234 | how much disk space? | 01:02 |
m0nkey_ | I'm considering buying 8 x 6TB drives | 01:03 |
ali1234 | i would get one of these: https://www.scan.co.uk/products/asrock-j3160tm-itx-quad-core-intel-j3160-16ghz-ddr3-ddr3l-intel-hd-graphics-400-sata3-gbe-usb-30-thi | 01:03 |
ali1234 | 2x 4TB drives and a NVMe for OS | 01:03 |
ali1234 | and 2GB ram | 01:04 |
m0nkey_ | lol | 01:04 |
m0nkey_ | When I do a file server, I do a file server :D | 01:04 |
ali1234 | i can't see the point | 01:04 |
ali1234 | unless it is for business use | 01:05 |
m0nkey_ | Have a little read about ZFS. That's the why for the RAM. | 01:05 |
m0nkey_ | I know. I'm a bit of a storage whore. ZFS all the way. I got too many family photos I don't want to risk losing (and yes, it's all backed up -- including offsite backup) | 01:07 |
m0nkey_ | I'll be quiet now :) | 01:07 |
ali1234 | i'm not looking forward to the day when someone asks me to do data recovery on a ZFS volume | 01:08 |
ali1234 | QNAP's non-standard EXT3-with-large-file-patches was bad enough | 01:09 |
m0nkey_ | If it's maintained correctly. You shouldn't have to on any file system. | 01:09 |
ali1234 | sounds like woo | 01:10 |
ali1234 | what if i zero out the first GB of the array? | 01:10 |
diddledan | I can't work out whether this is a genuine inquiry or a spam/phish https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/y6UG5cUD/ | 01:12 |
ali1234 | benson smoke? | 01:13 |
ali1234 | like benson and hedges? | 01:13 |
diddledan | it looks spammy a bit, with the "get back to me with your requested" | 01:15 |
diddledan | I don't know what "my requested" would be | 01:16 |
m0nkey_ | Why would you zero the array? | 01:16 |
ali1234 | m0nkey_: accidents happen | 01:16 |
m0nkey_ | Considering there is nothing in /dev/ for ZFS, pretty hard to do. You could probably zero one drive and it survive :) | 01:18 |
diddledan | that's a good reason to combine the redundancy into the filesystem layer. means you never have the "array" as a single writable block | 01:23 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 06:39 |
CoderEurope | the beat is out ! http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/08/ubuntu-17-10-beta-1-download | 06:44 |
CoderEurope | **beta | 06:44 |
diplo | Morning all | 07:04 |
Gargoyle | Mornin' | 07:22 |
Gargoyle | Anyone got lm-sensors working on a new ryzen 7 chip/mobo? Hitting lots of dead-ends on google | 07:23 |
diplo | Afraid not, looking at buying a ryzen box or i7 soon though | 07:24 |
Gargoyle | I'm very happy with the Ryzen 7 so far. But need to get case fans under control. It's whisper quiet on windows, but sounds like a 747 in Ubuntu | 07:25 |
Gargoyle | I heard rumours of better support for Ryzen in 4.12 kernel, so I pulled the plug and went for 17.10 beta last night. But so far, no sign of anything relating to temps or fan controls. | 07:27 |
diplo | Ah, well I'll be running either Ubuntu or Solus on mine as my main work horse at work - doesn't bode well as I hate having a noisey machine | 07:27 |
diplo | Why I don't run ubuntu on my laptop, couldn't control the fans | 07:27 |
Gargoyle | I have just the 6 of them! :P | 07:28 |
Gargoyle | 7 including GPU | 07:28 |
diplo | hah so very noisey :) | 07:29 |
diplo | https://github.com/groeck/lm-sensors - create a bug maybe ? | 07:30 |
diplo | https://github.com/groeck/lm-sensors/issues/16 | 07:31 |
Gargoyle | Oh well, I suppose there is hope if someone from AMD is participating in the thread. | 07:37 |
Gargoyle | Just a shame that a lot of docs are pointing to lm-sensors.org... which has gone AWOL! | 07:37 |
Gargoyle | Gonna play in the BIOS and slow them down a bit. BBIAB | 07:38 |
foobarry | lovely day yesterday doing this: http://imgur.com/a/FioIv | 08:02 |
diplo | My kids want me to buy them one foobarry, although that looks expensive :) | 08:08 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 08:15 |
foobarry | diplo: the trick is finding land you can detect on | 08:18 |
foobarry | its cheaper than a laptop | 08:18 |
foobarry | its so much fun. | 08:18 |
Gargoyle | Firmware update and recalibrate has reduced min duty cycle from 50% to 20%. | 08:23 |
Gargoyle | Not silent, but a lot better! :-) | 08:23 |
diplo | Firmware update ftw | 08:42 |
diplo | I saw a fair few people on Swanage beach doing it last weekend | 08:55 |
Laney | i'm actually a bit cold this morning :( | 08:59 |
Laney | summerrrrrrrr don't leave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 08:59 |
zmoylan-pi | first day of september, autumn is here... | 09:10 |
* Laney sowed some seeds at the allotment yesterday | 09:13 | |
foobarry | pumpkin? | 09:14 |
foobarry | discontent? | 09:14 |
Laney | spinach, swede, turnip | 09:15 |
Laney | SST | 09:15 |
Laney | too late for autumn squash, for shame | 09:15 |
daftykins | bit nippy here too | 10:23 |
diddledan | ello folks | 12:15 |
penguin42 | hey | 12:18 |
daftykins | \o | 12:33 |
daftykins | oof trainee in the coffee shop, wrong order taken | 12:34 |
penguin42 | what did you ask for and what did you end up with? | 12:35 |
daftykins | just a double shot edition of what i asked for, bit weird | 12:37 |
daftykins | if i have a heart attack in a minute we'll know why :) | 12:37 |
zmoylan-pi | but now you can reach into and fix pcs without a screwdriver :-) | 13:01 |
daftykins | good news here, the house works are making progress so my new windows go in on Monday \o/ | 13:02 |
daftykins | buuuut the A-frame beam up in the roof is properly nasty looking, so a structural engineer has had to be contacted to judge the condition, but that's on the insurance companies' dime so it's alright :D | 13:03 |
zmoylan-pi | so.... their report arriving just as the rest of the work is completed will declare the house unfit and it all starts over again... | 13:04 |
daftykins | yep! if he says the roof has to come down, all that bedroom insulation will be wasted :P | 13:05 |
zmoylan-pi | get an rv and live on the open road... :-P | 13:06 |
daftykins | nah i like living driving license and vehicle free | 13:07 |
zmoylan-pi | do you need a licence for a horse drawn caravan... | 13:08 |
diddledan | I've lost track of how many times I've re-run the build for gimp the past couple of days | 13:10 |
diddledan | my ISP must love the bandwidth I've been consuming by keeping on redownloading | 13:10 |
daftykins | is it not using some kinda tools where you can keep reusing, or was it due to updating? | 13:11 |
diddledan | the snapcraft build that allows for caching isn't working for me (SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1) | 13:12 |
diddledan | so it redownloads everything from scratch each time I attempt it | 13:13 |
daftykins | sounds pants | 13:14 |
diddledan | perhaps I should set up an http cache | 13:16 |
daftykins | yep with your army of hardware :) | 13:16 |
daftykins | i'm reading through my clients' building spec for his London apartment, started looking at Cat6a vs 6 haha, decided it's not worth it though | 13:17 |
diddledan | cat6 should be plenty for an apartment. 6a only doubles the potential cable length limit | 13:19 |
daftykins | yep, well a bit more | 13:19 |
daftykins | my main concern was that it'd be more of a pain to work with, though | 13:19 |
diddledan | you don't really need it unless you're going 10GigE | 13:19 |
daftykins | bend radius and all that | 13:19 |
diddledan | either* | 13:19 |
daftykins | yip, and can't really justify it for future proofing either because lul 10GigE in the home within the lifetime of that build... nope | 13:20 |
daftykins | at first he was trying to suggest we went wireless everywhere, i shot that down with extreme prejudice immediately :> | 13:20 |
zmoylan-pi | but wireless is the future!! | 13:21 |
daftykins | i sold it to him with just one line "how much do you want to sit and sort out wireless woes?" | 13:21 |
diddledan | IT WORKED FINALLY! I have a build that finished | 13:30 |
diddledan | that was a real flubber to get working | 13:31 |
daftykins | zmoylan-pi: ooh i sold the client on the new nokia 3310 for a spare in Spain at last :D so i get to play with one XD | 13:32 |
zmoylan-pi | i was so tempted to get one but have managed to avoid them so far. that it can't run java apps is the thing that persuaded me not to get one | 13:32 |
zmoylan-pi | with java i can add ereader, ssh client, google maps _WITH_ streetview | 13:33 |
daftykins | yawn :P | 13:34 |
* penguin42 pats an aardvark | 13:34 | |
zmoylan-pi | and it already is running java as it's using opera mini as it's browser, they just decided not to let any other apps run | 13:35 |
daftykins | ah har | 13:35 |
daftykins | can't imagine what level of browsing you'd attempt to do on that one | 13:35 |
zmoylan-pi | opera mini is fairly decent. compresses data server side so also saves data. | 13:36 |
zmoylan-pi | you end up avoiding the latest all bells and whistles pages but you get the web | 13:36 |
zmoylan-pi | plus it does rss nicely | 13:37 |
=== tpe is now known as Guest48533 | ||
* davmor2 watches as the aardvark rolls up into a ball and targets penguin42 repeatedly | 14:50 | |
* zmoylan-pi wonders wether to dial rspca or rspcp... | 14:51 | |
penguin42 | it seems a reasonably happy aardvark | 15:02 |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: how else do you play catch with an aardvark? | 15:22 |
zmoylan-pi | carefully? :-) | 15:33 |
daftykins | do you want ants? because that's how you get them | 15:34 |
daftykins | *and* get rid of them :D | 15:34 |
penguin42 | only problem is that the initrd's are slowly getting bigger (zz had a big jump for no apparent reason) - and that means my /boot is now almost always full on updates | 20:15 |
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