floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> Well me and Keith are going since it's at my house lol | 01:16 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Oh, any chance I can come, too? | 01:38 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> Of course! That should not even be a question tbh | 01:39 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> and the Play Store is actiong u | 02:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> *acting up | 02:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> :( | 02:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> No issues here | 02:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> can't install any app | 02:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> downloads it but does not install | 02:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> Does it error out or just hang? | 02:35 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> just hangs | 02:36 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> I've cleared the cache and such | 02:36 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> Just give it some time. It does that on a few of my devices from time to time. I normally just set my phone down and do something else for a bit | 02:37 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> Clearing the cache may make it worse. | 02:37 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> Mine errored on a Chrome update. But it fixed itself | 04:51 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> https://i.imgur.com/SqGfRZl.jpg | 11:34 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> @KMyers | 11:34 |
maxolasersquad | Man, most of those arguments in the anti-Linux article are quite specious. Bugs? Really. Linux has more developers on it that Windows by far. Installing Linux Is Hard? Maybe, but far easier than Windows. | 13:19 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Why did I click on that article? Now I'm getting triggered | 14:19 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> That guy apparently have used a Linux distro in 15 years | 14:20 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Wireless issues? I haven't had a problem with any internal cards since before unity! | 14:21 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> I think points 1,2,6, and 8 are valid. | 14:22 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> Joel, buy a new laptop and stick Ubuntu on it. Chances are that something major isn't supported. That happened to me 3 years ago on an HP laptop and on my Surface Pro. | 14:23 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> @KMyers, Tagging the post for reference. | 14:24 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> I personally haven't had any major issues with an Asus laptop I bought about 3 years ago | 14:25 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> The keyword is new. Like within months of the hardware platform release. | 14:26 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Even then | 14:26 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> The only issue was eufi | 14:26 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> As in you likely won't have good luck if you purchase something built to support an i9 processor right now. | 14:26 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Because so many people are going to buy a $1000 processor right now | 14:27 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> I'm sure there's plenty of @KMyers and @me's out there who are interested but waiting for the greenlight on support and bugs. | 14:28 |
maxolasersquad | 7 is the only one I'm seeing that is obviously correct. | 14:30 |
maxolasersquad | 7-zip, Microsoft Office, Outlook, Dreamweaver? Really. Nobody uses Linux and misses any of those. | 14:31 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> #2 has a incorrect title | 14:32 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> Market share does not equal updates | 14:32 |
maxolasersquad | Software updates are on of the biggest headaches of using Windows. It's too hard. | 14:33 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> Linux supported PowerPC long after Apple dropped it I think | 14:33 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> @maxolasersquad, Yeppppp | 14:33 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> @KMyers any good feelings about litecoin? | 14:44 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> BTW, what time should I get there tomorrow? | 14:44 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> Starts at 2pm, Keith and I are getting pizza | 14:46 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> @ahoneybun remember when Linus Torvalds said "Nvidia, F u"? The same thing applies to all of the other MFGs. Look for something like a hardware macro device for Linux. They aren't supported. I gave up several hardware devices that didn't support Linux when I switched over several years ago. | 14:46 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> Oh I know | 14:47 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> The Nvidia is only a small part. Look at the keyboard and mouse support. | 14:47 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> @maxolasersquad that's partially true. However due to my ties with outlook word, and excel macros, I can't primarily use Linux on several of my machines. So I have to give him that one | 14:49 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Should I try to get to a train station by around 1 then? | 14:57 |
maxolasersquad | There are definitely people in professional positions that need certain software. Photoshop, Office, and Final Cut Pro are all software the specific people may not be able to do without for professional reasons. | 15:00 |
maxolasersquad | However, to use those as examples as to why people in general shouldn't bother trying Linux is not being realistic. | 15:01 |
maxolasersquad | I'm sure if someone asked you their opinion about switching to Linux you wouldn't say, "You are going to miss your Office macros." Those are for niche users. | 15:02 |
maxolasersquad | Just like an average person using Linux wouldn't miss apt if they switched to Windows. | 15:02 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> Dual booting.... Having a work computer | 15:02 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> A virtual machine | 15:05 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> So unless someone can't really use a VM for what they need to do, or want to dual boot, or can't afford another computer. Their is still someway to do what they need to do for work and still use Linux as their primary os | 15:10 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> @maxolasersquad I'm not saying people shouldn't try Ubuntu, but if those softwares are a deal killer, then they should be mentioned as a deal killer. Realistically a computer is a tool. You wouldn't take a 4x4 to a drag race, and you wouldn't use a wrench as a drill. When you set up a computer to use Linux instead of Windows, you have way more granular control and less creature comforts. If 90% of what | 15:32 |
floridagram-bot7 | you need is taken care of but 10% isn't, that's something you need to know. Again, I'm not saying the article is correct, but I am saying there are exactly 4 valid points made out of 10. | 15:32 |
maxolasersquad | I agree. Practicality should always win. No OS is for everyone, and I think that's a very good thing. | 15:33 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/09/01/deal-alert-googles-daydream-view-vr-headset-just-39-99-50-off-verizon/ | 15:38 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> For all Pixel Owners | 15:38 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> Doh, is only I had waited a month | 15:52 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> If** | 15:53 |
maxolasersquad | I've been running Ubuntu 17.10 on my Dell 1420n, a ten-year old laptop. Considering the age of this machine it is running fantastic. I think the move to Gnome is a huge part of it running so well. | 15:57 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> Gnome, really? Probably not the de I'd have gone with if hardware was a factor. | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> Awesome to hear | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> I'm lucky that I'm in a place career wise where it doesn't matter what os I use. It's Windows where I work, mostly. But I don't need Windows for the core of my work. :) | 16:01 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> That said, my workstations at work are Windows but I remote into Linux machines. And when I get home and want to lab it out, it's certainly doable on Linux. | 16:05 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Abrerr> Blessed art thou home laptop | 16:06 |
maxolasersquad | Gnome is very responsive on this old thing. It runs about as good as it did the day I purchased it, except the number pad on the keyboard is broken. | 16:25 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze, Yea sure | 16:29 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Okay, Hollywood? | 18:44 |
floridagram-bot7 | <ahoneybun> yep yep, do you get there at 1pm? | 18:44 |
floridagram-bot7 | <KMyers> Actually @Ivoriesablaze - let me work out some details. I may be up in Boynton Beach tomorrow to go to Dean Anthony's and if so, I would not mind bringing you down with me | 18:45 |
floridagram-bot7 | <Ivoriesablaze> Okay | 19:04 |
floridagram-bot7 | <RazPi> @Abrerr What kind of work? | 20:10 |
floridagram-bot7 | <RazPi> @AdamOutler I'm more or less stuck on windows but I keep an msys dev environment | 20:11 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> Dogefox | 20:35 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> Firedoge | 20:36 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> @RazPi I generally use Cygwin when I can't use Windows Subsystem for Linux. WSL removes the need for Cygwin in what I do. | 20:49 |
floridagram-bot7 | <AdamOutler> When is the next Ubuntu hour? | 22:00 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> Whenever it is might depend on Irma | 23:40 |
floridagram-bot7 | <SivaMachina> https://youtu.be/duhUjTHaNWo | 23:41 |
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