=== Schnabeltierchen is now known as Guest58620 | ||
cfoch-al1 | hello | 00:36 |
cfoch-al1 | Does Ubuntu install Cheese "by default"? | 00:36 |
[n0mad] | yes | 00:41 |
HeathHayle | hi guys is homebrew safe? | 00:45 |
rofltech | cfoch-al1: depends on the image you grab. The desktop one does yes, the server/minimal no | 00:47 |
oerheks | homebrew is not in our repos, so 'safe' is up 2 you .. such foreign package management without root is questionable | 00:57 |
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
metaljack34 | I want to set Fn + leftarrow combination to behave like home key. Right now, if I press Fn + leftarrow it sends "PNP0C14:01 000000ff 00000000 cd/prev CDPREV 00000080 00000000" | 01:36 |
metaljack34 | is it possible with acpi config? | 01:37 |
NAU | Anyone online? | 01:51 |
tomreyn | no, never | 01:52 |
cmanns | Hi , 17.04. Wireless mouse won't wake from sleep, how fix? | 01:53 |
cmanns | Did guide on Google and keyboard works | 01:53 |
Zabot | IRC: Idle Relay Chat :P | 01:53 |
leftyfb | cmanns: did you try rebooting? | 01:53 |
NAU | So I installed Ubuntu 16 a few months ago on a Dell OptiPlex 620. I've had it running as a Discourse server. It's had no problems booting ... until now. I accidentally disconnected the power chord, I've plugged it back in, and well ... "Drive 0 not found" "Drive 1 not found" etc. F12 to BIOS I just get a beep, the hard drive doesn't sputter ... but I can boot to Ubuntu Live USB. I'm gonna assume my hard drive is dead? Or is there any | 01:56 |
NAU | troubleshooting you can give (I would like to know if I can access my hard drive via Ubuntu Live USB boot). | 01:56 |
Zabot | You should be able to see the hard drive from the live cd @NAU | 01:56 |
leftyfb | NAU: sounds like a hardware/motherboard/bios/drive problem, not ubuntu at all | 01:56 |
leftyfb | NAU: it's possible the battery on your motherboard is dead so the BIOS settings reverted back to factory. You might try going into your bios and seeing if there's a drive configuration set incorrectly. Beyond that, it's a non-ubuntu issue | 01:57 |
NAU | As mentioned, can't get to BIOS. @Zabot: How would I be able to view the hard drive from live cd? | 01:58 |
Zabot | You should be able to `ls /dev/` and it will be sd something. You can boot to the liveusb but you can't get into bios? | 01:59 |
NAU | Nope | 02:00 |
leftyfb | NAU: you need to lookup the documentation for your motherboard/pc and get into your BIOS. You issue is hardware and not software/OS. Nothing you can do from the live cd is going to help you. | 02:00 |
NAU | I figured as much @leftyfb, was worth a shot to ask around here. | 02:02 |
NAU | I'll be out. | 02:02 |
cmanns | No I mean it won't wake the system | 02:09 |
cmanns | https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1968487 | 02:18 |
cmanns | Is there a simpler way for this? | 02:18 |
PlusMinus | hey anyone here familiar with installing ubuntu 17.04 with ryzen and gigabyte board? i am getting an error something like interupt 7 | 02:27 |
arjonny | Good evening | 02:31 |
mmkumr | Is there any 89S51 program burner software for ubuntu. | 02:52 |
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lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:06 |
Zabot | 'Morning | 05:07 |
Bashing-om | Uh Huh . last entry : " 21:52 < mmkumr " .. now 00:07 . | 05:07 |
lotuspsychje | twilight zone | 05:08 |
Zabot | Bashing-om: Why do I recognize your name? | 05:08 |
Bashing-om | Zabot: Hard to say ... I bounce around a lot . | 05:09 |
tsquar3d | Hey all -- so, I am wondering if anyone else is having trouble after upgrading to 17.10 with the new desktop environment not booting. I get stuck in a login-loop when trying out the new gnome desktop. | 05:13 |
tsquar3d | And if there's a simple solution. Otherwise I'll stick with unity for now. | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | tsquar3d: its not really recommended to upgrae to 17.10 yet | 05:14 |
lotuspsychje | tsquar3d: also join #ubuntu+1 for 17.10 issues | 05:14 |
tsquar3d | lotuspsychje: Right, because it's not out yet. :-p | 05:14 |
lotuspsychje | tsquar3d: still in development yes | 05:14 |
tsquar3d | lotuspsychje: Yeah -- just trying it out. :-D | 05:15 |
Bashing-om | tsquar3d: ubuntu+1 but see : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2370233 . Got to select and log out/in for wayland to take effect . | 05:18 |
=== choki_ is now known as choki | ||
nwe | has somone any idea why the ubuntu installer doesnt take this (uefi) https://pastebin.com/LmCT10Ma my disk is total on 1.6 TB, and I got an error message you requested 50GB but it´s to small, require atleast 138GB, if I continue the installation it create 1.5 TB / and 128 GB swap.. | 05:20 |
CountryfiedLinux | howdy | 05:23 |
CountryfiedLinux | Sound not coming from speakers plugged into external monitor. It works when plugged into the laptop, but not the external monitor. In Windows it works fine. Any suggestions? | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | CountryfiedLinux try these steps | 05:24 |
ubottu | CountryfiedLinux try these steps: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 05:24 |
CountryfiedLinux | lotuspsychje, It's just not detected at all. | 05:27 |
e1z0 | !mp8 | 05:29 |
e1z0 | !ubumbu windows | 05:30 |
e1z0 | :O | 05:30 |
joegiampaoli | I know this is more of an UbuntuStudio question, but not necessarily, I am thinking of updating to ubuntustudio 64 bit because I will start using MixBus 32C which only runs in 64 bit OS, can I still run 32 bit VST dll's for some Windows (via wine) and connect them through JACK and have them recognized in the workflow? | 05:51 |
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Witts | 2 | 06:52 |
Witts | soz | 06:52 |
CountryfiedLinux | How come in Ubuntu my speakers don't have sound when plugged into my monitor? They have to be plugged into the laptop using Ubuntu. On Windows 10 they work when plugged into the monitor. I could plug them into my laptop but I have only 1 audio jack. | 06:53 |
EriC^^ | CountryfiedLinux: did you try settings > sound? | 06:55 |
CountryfiedLinux | EriC^^, yes | 06:55 |
CountryfiedLinux | And it's Linux in general, not just Ubuntu. it's an AOC monitor. | 06:55 |
alkisg | CountryfiedLinux: is your monitor connected to your pc using hdmi, dvi or vga? | 06:56 |
CountryfiedLinux | alkisg, HDMI | 06:57 |
alkisg | Then you need to go to the sound settings and select hdmi as the output device | 06:57 |
CountryfiedLinux | I did, but no audio. It works fine on Windows. | 06:58 |
CountryfiedLinux | I'll try again later, thanks. | 06:58 |
void07 | PlayOnLinux - Installing Wine 2.15 amd64 stuck on "downloading wine", I was able to install wine 32bit without any problem. Help needed. Running Ubuntu 16.04. | 07:06 |
void07 | Anyone? | 07:08 |
taowuwen | void07: maybe your should check your network connection, or you can download it from the network in mannual. maybe change into another source is a good try. | 07:11 |
taowuwen | void07: once you downloaded it, you may use 'dpkg' to intall your depends, then just continue your installing. | 07:13 |
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darkzek | Is there a specific channel for KDE Neon or is it ok to ask here | 07:46 |
brainwash | darkzek: there is #kde | 07:48 |
brainwash | also, people in #kubuntu should be able to help with KDE related issues | 07:49 |
ducasse | darkzek: try #kdeneon, it's not supported in the ubuntu channels | 07:55 |
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NMCPG | Hey. Where in Ubuntu are Single point of failure ? | 08:05 |
upfy57 | hey, when i connect usb mouse or dongle(checked with 3 devices) directly to netbook it does not work, but when i use usb hub it works, when connecting directly there is no new log in "sudo dmesg", checked in all 3 usb inputs in that netbook, somebody knows whats happening what to google or something? | 08:06 |
NMCPG | When can be Avoid Single point of failure - I am assume there is several on Ubuntu this has been required to provide failsafe options for that falirue | 08:07 |
vlt | NMCPG: To be able to help you better: can you describe something (on Ubuntu) that is NOT a single point of failure? | 08:12 |
ducasse | NMCPG: if you have a support question you are welcome to ask it. | 08:16 |
NMCPG | Hypothetically all - but in practice e.g GSettings "register" has many single point failure if corrupted | 08:18 |
NMCPG | GSettings has not have failsafe when corrupted - some automatic mechanism to prevent default value | 08:19 |
ducasse | NMCPG: as you've been told before, this channel isn't for these kind of discussions. | 08:19 |
NMCPG | Ok - which one is appropriate ? | 08:20 |
ducasse | !alis | NMCPG | 08:20 |
ubottu | NMCPG: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 08:20 |
ollehar | so I got this error: cryptdisks stop/waiting | 08:22 |
ollehar | when trying to encrypt swap. | 08:22 |
ollehar | looks like there's a lot of bug reports about it. | 08:22 |
ollehar | eh, swapon -s returns nothing. meaning I have no swap?? | 08:26 |
Ben64 | yep | 08:27 |
ollehar | ok | 08:28 |
ollehar | so nothing to encrypt, then? still, weird. | 08:28 |
Ben64 | well it means you have no swap mounted | 08:29 |
Ben64 | if you're trying to encrypt swap then that kinda seems like you have swap | 08:30 |
ollehar | ok | 08:30 |
ollehar | rebooting | 08:30 |
vlt | ducasse: Why do you think NMCPG's question isn't appropriate in this channel? I mean, I haven't fully understood what their question actually was :D | 08:40 |
TsakNorris | Hey how i can get login logs? "last -f wtmp.1 john" give me last month, but if i want to get over 6 month old data? | 08:58 |
TsakNorris | can i modify last command somehow to collect at least 6 month old logins? | 08:59 |
tomeaton17 | Is there a solution for changing the dpi scaling of individual monitors? | 09:06 |
Seveas | TsakNorris: tell log to keep more logs by changing 'rotate 1' to 'rotate 6' (for 6 months) in /etc/logrotate.conf | 09:09 |
Seveas | s/tell log/tell logrotate/ | 09:09 |
Seveas | won't help you get back data from 3 months ago now, but in the future data will be kept for longer | 09:10 |
ducasse | vlt: he's been here repeatedly the last few days with similar 'issues', and this just sounded like more of the same :) | 09:18 |
vlt | Ah ok :) | 09:19 |
ducasse | tomeaton17: the hidpi article on the arch wiki might help you | 09:19 |
ollehar | hi | 09:20 |
tomeaton17 | ducasse: Yeah I have tried that, but the solution they give only works when I use nouveau drivers and it causes mouse flickering on my laptop screen. | 09:20 |
ollehar | I've encrypted the home folder for user A, but when A is logged in, a root user can see the files for user A. it's not possible when user A is not logged in. | 09:21 |
ollehar | is this correct behvaiour? | 09:21 |
ducasse | ollehar: yes | 09:21 |
ollehar | ah | 09:21 |
ollehar | so the files are only protected against root when logged out, then. | 09:22 |
ollehar | good to know! | 09:22 |
TsakNorris | Seveas: Thanks man :) i change inside the wtmp function that rotate to 6 :D Lets see if that helps. Maybe 6 months is enough :). | 09:22 |
ducasse | tomeaton17: afaik xrandr doesn't work with the prop. nvidia drivers, and i don't know what works with them - sorry | 09:24 |
upfy57 | saw3p3saw3p3 | 09:24 |
TsakNorris | Seveas: my plan B would have been just use crontab to append last commands output to file :). | 09:25 |
tomeaton17 | ducasse: Ok thanks, I need to try and get the nouveau drivers working then. They just freeze the computer as soon as I login | 09:26 |
ducasse | tomeaton17: which release is this? | 09:26 |
tomeaton17 | ducasse: For ubuntu or nouveau? Its zesty for ubuntu and not sure for nouveau | 09:30 |
akik | ducasse: which xrandr feature doesn't work with the nvidia drivers? i've changed the dpi with xrandr on nvidia | 09:31 |
akik | ducasse: i run it through /etc/X11/Xsession.d | 09:32 |
ducasse | vlt: really? then i guess it depends on the nvidia version, as i'm pretty sure it wasn't supported before | 09:32 |
ducasse | tomeaton17: you might want to try a mainline kernel, see if there are nouveau updates there that help | 09:33 |
tomeaton17 | ducasse: Ok, is there an easy way to downgrade or do I need to reinstall | 09:36 |
ducasse | tomeaton17: you don't need to downgrade, you download the newer kernel packages and install them. remove them if they don't help, as they are only intended for testing and not supported. | 09:37 |
ducasse | !mainline | tomeaton17 | 09:37 |
ubottu | tomeaton17: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 09:37 |
tomeaton17_ | My computer keeps freezing when trying to boot up using nouveau drivers | 10:28 |
tomeaton17_ | How do I troubleshoot this? | 10:28 |
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slima | Hello, I deleted like to resize lvm vol, and Do: fdisk /dev/sda, delete partition '/dev/sda2 1001470 33552383 32550914 15.5G 5 Extended', create it again from the same point, write. After that i do reboot, after reboot I have: ALERT /dev/mapper/vg00-root does not exist dropping to a shell! | 10:51 |
deepesh | I accidentally started the download of 17.10 and cancelled in between but my sudo apt-get upgrade shows still shows to upgrade something | 10:52 |
slima | there is a way to recover filesystem? | 10:53 |
ducasse | deepesh: i told you in #ubuntu+1 what to try, didn't that work? | 10:57 |
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass | ||
vlt | slima: For me it was hard to follow the description of what you’ve done. Can you try to rephrase? | 11:28 |
choki | how do i encrypt a whole folder with gpg? i would prefer a solution without tar, so i can just throw files in there whenever i want and if i put this folder on an usb stick it should be encrypted by default without any additional steps required of myself | 11:38 |
ioria | choki, why gpg ? why not encfs ? | 11:39 |
choki | ioria: i like my gpg :) | 11:39 |
ioria | i see | 11:39 |
choki | ioria: how would i decrypt an encfs folder if i move it with an usb stick? | 11:40 |
ioria | choki, you encrypt a small usb partition with luks ... btw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption | 11:42 |
choki | ioria: so i could copy that whole folder to an usb stick and it would be encrypted without any extra steps? | 11:43 |
ducasse | choki: _anything_ you copy to a luks volume is encrypted | 11:44 |
ioria | choki, with luks ? yes... you just encrypt the partition ; open; copy the folder and eject | 11:44 |
choki | too much work to do :/ | 11:44 |
choki | what if i want to move that to an existing usb stick of a friend? i can't format other peoples stuff xD | 11:44 |
ioria | choki, why ? it's automounting | 11:45 |
ioria | choki, oh, i see | 11:45 |
choki | i wish i could just copy any stuff anywhere encrpted all the time :D | 11:45 |
ioria | choki, well, with gpg i think you only have the .tar option | 11:45 |
choki | ok | 11:46 |
ioria | choki, check truecript , but it's not in the ubuntu repos | 11:47 |
leftyfb | ioria: truecrypt is gone | 11:48 |
ioria | leftyfb, i suspected that ... tx | 11:49 |
ai101 | ducasse: Hello again! | 11:49 |
choki | why does encryption has to be so hard :/ | 11:49 |
leftyfb | choki: think about that for a moment | 11:49 |
ducasse | ai101: \o | 11:50 |
ai101 | ducasse: wut? | 11:50 |
ai101 | wait | 11:50 |
ai101 | ima try installing ubuntu | 11:50 |
ai101 | this better work | 11:50 |
ai101 | hopefully | 11:50 |
ai101 | idk | 11:50 |
choki | thank you ioria, you're very kind! | 11:59 |
ioria | choki, no problem | 11:59 |
choki | ioria: why do you help people on irc? :D | 12:00 |
choki | you help a lot in here! | 12:00 |
ioria | choki, free software ideology | 12:00 |
ioria | choki, hw and sw will overcome our lives ... better have a free alternative, is wit | 12:01 |
choki | where can i read about the "help part"? | 12:01 |
ducasse | choki: iirc, there is a modern replacement for truecrypt that also supports linux called veracrypt. | 12:02 |
adac | Hi there! Question: When will the commands in /etc/rc.local be executed? After all daemons have come up/have been started? | 12:06 |
choki | ioria: do you think it is safe to store my gpg secret key on my android device? i could also need it there to encrypt/decrypt stuff | 12:07 |
choki | it is rooted btw | 12:07 |
ioria | choki, nope | 12:08 |
choki | ioria: i use pass to manage my passwords :/ | 12:08 |
ioria | choki, sorry, not and android fan :þ | 12:08 |
choki | :D | 12:08 |
luc4 | Hello! Anyone who had the chance to test the new wayland session on nvidia quadro by any chance? | 12:10 |
leftyfb | luc4: you want #ubuntu+1 | 12:11 |
brainwash | adac: after the network is up | 12:11 |
luc4 | leftyfb: ah thanks | 12:11 |
ducasse | choki: this is off-topic here, but you might want to consider something like a yubikey or nitrokey. | 12:12 |
ai101_ | wait | 12:14 |
ai101 | wait | 12:14 |
ai101 | same people | 12:14 |
ai101 | wtf | 12:14 |
ioria | adac, "This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel" | 12:15 |
adac | brainwash, ioria thanks! | 12:15 |
brainwash | ioria: one has to check how systemd executes it | 12:16 |
ioria | brainwash, i tried some commands on zesty ... behave as usual afaik | 12:17 |
brainwash | "usual" | 12:18 |
ioria | brainwash, yeah, systemd understands the /etc/init.d/ syntax (more or less) | 12:22 |
brainwash | ioria: check the initial question again | 12:24 |
ioria | brainwash, rc.local now gets pulled automatically into multi-user.target, so 'yes' ... is that what you mean ? | 12:28 |
brainwash | I mean systemd will try to execute rc.local as soon as the specific target has been reached | 12:29 |
brainwash | so, there may be no strict ordering | 12:30 |
ioria | brainwash, oh, yes | 12:30 |
brainwash | but I guess adac has a more specific question | 12:31 |
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ioria | brainwash, if you want more control over it, you need a .service unit.. | 12:31 |
brainwash | indeed | 12:31 |
ioria | brainwash, okok | 12:32 |
adac | brainwash, It was a docker issue. It does not restart the containers when something with a mounted volume "fails" | 12:32 |
adac | So now in rc.local as a hack i just restart the containers additionally after a time frame of 10 seconds | 12:33 |
adac | then it works | 12:33 |
brainwash | aha | 12:34 |
ioria | adac, how can you know for sure the time frame ? | 12:34 |
adac | ioria, actually I just gave it 10 seconds for now. Cannot be sure. I do not know why the volume (which I mount as well in rc.local since there is no other way currently for this cifs docker volumes) stuff fails in first place | 12:36 |
adac | and why docker is designed not to try to restart the container when there is a volume problem | 12:36 |
ioria | adac, aye | 12:36 |
ioria | adac, well, gl, but if it fails again i post this: https://gist.github.com/maxivak/859c5b01a81a150082838b4ef1b9b789 | 12:39 |
adac | ioria, what exactly is your issue? | 12:39 |
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PlusMinus | hey anyone familar with getting ryzen/gigabyte board to boot with ubuntu 17.04? | 13:49 |
Pinkamena_D | Is it very common for anyone else that the newish nautilus progress indacator thing is always getting stuck at 100% and staying there forever on the icon? | 13:51 |
Pinkamena_D | ITs driving my OCD crazy | 13:51 |
cloudbud | i have this command : node /srv/hotels/src/scripts/bookingStatusUpdate.js would like to schedule this in cron for every10 minutes and out put should be send on email how to do that | 13:56 |
ollehar | E: Unable to locate package xserver-xorg-legacy | 14:01 |
ollehar | anyone knows why the above package is not available for me on xubuntu? | 14:01 |
brainwash | ollehar: which xubuntu release is that? | 14:04 |
ollehar_ | sorry, reboot | 14:04 |
brainwash | ollehar: which xubuntu release is that? | 14:05 |
DWWAGNER | Hey all, where's the best place to ask if anyone has had a particular issue with the current development version. I already checked the bug tracker and I just want to see if it is something others have experienced before I make a big deal out of it. | 14:19 |
glitsj16 | DWWAGNER: #ubuntu+1 | 14:26 |
DWWAGNER | glitsj16: Thank you! | 14:28 |
yeeve | Anyone know if it's possible to get Win 7 window tiling for Gnome Shell? I tried shelltile and it's bugged so I can't get quarter-tiled windows and gtile doesn't seem to work at all for me :s | 14:40 |
konrados | Hi! I must be missing something. When I mount a pendrive using GUI (kde -> mount device) where is it available on the file system? I expected it to see in /mnt but it's not there | 14:46 |
yeeve | konrados, on ubuntu it can be under /media | 14:47 |
konrados | sec... | 14:47 |
konrados | yeeve, yes, it is, thank you! | 14:47 |
yeeve | :) | 14:47 |
amd_0x51 | ,v libgcrypt11 | 14:54 |
amd_0x51 | ,v libgcrypt20 | 14:55 |
amd_0x51 | hmm is there commands to see most recent packages in here? | 14:55 |
leftyfb | amd_0x51: apt-cache policy <package name> | 14:56 |
amd_0x51 | I know but I am on debian | 14:56 |
amd_0x51 | I need to know what the latest version is for ubuntu | 14:56 |
brainwash | !info | 14:56 |
genii | !info libgcrypt | 14:56 |
ubottu | Package libgcrypt does not exist in zesty | 14:56 |
=== Schnabeltierchen is now known as Guest49589 | ||
genii | !info libgcrypt11 | 14:56 |
ubottu | Package libgcrypt11 does not exist in zesty | 14:56 |
amd_0x51 | !info libgcrypt11 | 14:56 |
genii | !info libgcrypt2 | 14:57 |
ubottu | Package libgcrypt2 does not exist in zesty | 14:57 |
amd_0x51 | !info libgcrypt20 | 14:57 |
ubottu | libgcrypt20 (source: libgcrypt20): LGPL Crypto library - runtime library. In component main, is required. Version 1.7.6-1ubuntu0.1 (zesty), package size 364 kB, installed size 895 kB | 14:57 |
amd_0x51 | excellent thanks!! | 14:57 |
genii | amd_0x51: You can also add dist name | 14:57 |
leftyfb | https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libgcrypt20 | 14:57 |
amd_0x51 | I am not familiar with ubuntus dist names | 14:57 |
leftyfb | oops | 14:57 |
leftyfb | https://packages.ubuntu.com/zesty/libgcrypt20 | 14:57 |
amd_0x51 | is that the latest? | 14:57 |
leftyfb | amd_0x51: found on google | 14:57 |
genii | !info packagename distname | 14:57 |
ubottu | 'distname' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, ya | 14:57 |
amd_0x51 | I know what I am looking for leftyfb, I just need a small amount of quick info from ubuntu users | 14:58 |
amd_0x51 | but thank you | 14:58 |
ioria | amd_0x51, yes , but artful (17.10) is 1.7.8-2 (not yet released) | 14:59 |
amd_0x51 | roger that | 14:59 |
amd_0x51 | thanks a lot guys | 14:59 |
zamanf | I don't understand why firefox freezes after few hours of use | 15:06 |
zamanf | and it causes a system freeze too | 15:06 |
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tomeaton17 | Can somebody tell me how to setup ssh-agent for Konsole? | 15:14 |
tomreyn | tomeaton17: this should be terminal agnostic, you just need to ensure that the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable points to your ssh agent's unix domain socket | 15:24 |
tomeaton17 | tomreyn: Ok, please can you explain that? | 15:27 |
tomreyn | tomeaton17: usually you just add something like this to your ~/.bashrc or similar file which is executed on login: eval `ssh-agent -s`; ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa | 15:33 |
tomreyn | tomeaton17: you could also make the latter command contain a wildcard if you wanted to load multiple keys | 15:34 |
tomreyn | a more complex approach is discussed here http://mah.everybody.org/docs/ssh | 15:35 |
tomreyn | summarized here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18880024/start-ssh-agent-on-login | 15:35 |
tomeaton17 | Cool thanks for the info! I will give that a go when I finish work. | 15:36 |
tomreyn | welcome | 15:40 |
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LoveCat | how can i copy folder including file? | 16:30 |
nfkglirr | hi | 16:31 |
nfkglirr | where is the ubuntu security notices list with past packages issues. | 16:31 |
nfkglirr | is there on for debian too? | 16:31 |
leftyfb | LoveCat: cp -R # man cp to learn how to use cp | 16:33 |
LoveCat | thanks leftyfb lowercase r or uppercase R? | 16:33 |
leftyfb | LoveCat: man cp shows that you can use either | 16:34 |
LoveCat | leftyfb: :) thanks | 16:34 |
tsglove | Any suggested program for ripping a DVD to avi? | 16:38 |
jbase | hello. | 16:39 |
genii | !rip | 16:40 |
ubottu | For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar | 16:40 |
genii | Hm | 16:40 |
tsglove | yeah | 16:40 |
jbase | I am running Ubuntu server on a 4 GPU setup (mining). I have some problems with AMD drivers, so I need to see the boot log. However, text output randomly changes from GPU to GPU. It boots to one GPU, but when screen mode changes from 80 lines to high-res, output is randomly redirected between GPUs. Is there a way to fix video output to one GPU only? | 16:41 |
tsglove | searching for "dvd rip linx" is a cesspool of crap | 16:41 |
[n0mad] | i think dvdrip will do to avi | 16:41 |
[n0mad] | i just use handbrake to mkv personally | 16:41 |
tsglove | [n0mad], dvdrip, although I just tried it, it just doesn't show the "start" button. It's greyed out. | 16:41 |
genii | tsglove: I use K3B, generally | 16:41 |
tsglove | The gui automatically came up... so I could't even do it via command line | 16:41 |
tsglove | k3b? | 16:41 |
genii | Yes. | 16:42 |
genii | !info k3b | 16:42 |
ubottu | k3b (source: k3b): Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application. In component universe, is optional. Version 17.04.0-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 678 kB, installed size 2769 kB | 16:42 |
tsglove | genii, installing k3b now | 16:42 |
genii | tsglove: https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/burning-cds.html | 16:43 |
tsglove | genii, jesus... even k3b tells me to insert a "video dvd medium" | 16:44 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all | 16:47 |
empedokles78 | I have following problem: If I copy and paste songs from a playlist under rhythmbox on my sony walkman, it won't recognize the playlist. | 16:59 |
nicomachus | empedokles78: what format is the playlist? .m3u? | 17:05 |
nicomachus | empedokles78: and what's the model of the walkman? | 17:06 |
empedokles78 | nicomachus, I posted my question also here a bit more in detail: https://askubuntu.com/questions/947820/sony-walkman-nw-ws413-and-rythmebox-playlists-and-songorder | 17:09 |
genii | Presumably it's a DiscMan, and not an actual WalkMan, which used cassettes | 17:10 |
empedokles78 | It's a Sony Walkman NW-WS413. | 17:11 |
empedokles78 | An mp3 player. | 17:11 |
nicomachus | genii: Sony revived the Walkman name for a line of mp3 players | 17:12 |
empedokles78 | Not sure what kind of playlists it demands, the device only supports mac/win normally, but I don't have either available. | 17:12 |
donalsd | Cryptswap passphrase forgot | 17:12 |
donalsd | I need the swap | 17:14 |
donalsd | On an SSD | 17:14 |
donalsd | How do I fix this? | 17:14 |
jbase | hello again :) | 17:14 |
jbase | is it possible to force amdgpu driver to use a specific graphics card for output while booting? | 17:15 |
jbase | amdgpu when intializes chooses gpu voluntarily, so i cant see the boot log | 17:15 |
empedokles78 | nicomachus, https://esupport.sony.com/US/p/model-home.pl?mdl=NWWS413&template_id=1®ion_id=1&tab=manuals#/manualsTab | 17:15 |
genii | nicomachus: Thanks for the clarification :) | 17:16 |
nicomachus | empedokles78: looks like the AskUbuntu thread covers any solution I can think of. | 17:18 |
empedokles78 | nicomachus, is there another player than rhythmbox that might work? But the problem seems, we don't know the format of playlists. | 17:19 |
empedokles78 | Actually I don't even know if a playlist was saved on the player with rhythmebox. | 17:20 |
Hexal | Hi | 17:22 |
Hexal | I have issue with my Ubuntu 16.4 since yesterday after automatically update won't boot | 17:22 |
ioria | empedokles78, this old article claims that a given 'gnomd' app can do that : http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34210; now the pkg is in the ubuntu repos as 'gnomad2' | 17:23 |
Hexal | I tried many things but still nothing | 17:23 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: what happens when you try booting? | 17:23 |
Hexal | sucking on booting page | 17:23 |
nicomachus | empedokles78: you could try Clementine | 17:23 |
ioria | !info Gnomad2 | 17:23 |
ubottu | gnomad2 (source: gnomad2): Manage a Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.6-5 (zesty), package size 140 kB, installed size 448 kB | 17:23 |
Hexal | stucking* | 17:24 |
nicomachus | !info clementine | empedokles78 | 17:24 |
ubottu | empedokles78: clementine (source: clementine): modern music player and library organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1+git276-g3485bbe43+dfsg-1 (zesty), package size 4301 kB, installed size 16179 kB | 17:24 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: any errors at the end? | 17:24 |
Hexal | wait I'll trying to show you | 17:24 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: ok, did you try booting an older kernel? | 17:25 |
empedokles78 | nicomachus, thank you, I'll try. | 17:25 |
[n0mad] | empedokles78: maybe see if m3u playlist works better? | 17:25 |
ChunkzZ | is there a way I can see when Ubuntu was installed? | 17:26 |
Gallomimia | probably the file creation dates? | 17:26 |
EriC^^ | ChunkzZ: see /var/log/installer | 17:26 |
Hexal | EriC^^, yes but didn't boot that either | 17:26 |
Gallomimia | ah that's nice | 17:27 |
lordl | sudo grep ubiquity /var/log/installer/syslog | less | 17:27 |
Gallomimia | here's hoping the clock was set right when you installed it | 17:27 |
lordl | Try this, I found it on https://askubuntu.com/ a few seconds ago. | 17:27 |
lordl | I will try to. | 17:27 |
lordl | too* | 17:27 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: ok | 17:28 |
lordl | Okay, it didn't work for me. | 17:28 |
Hexal | EriC^^, https://i.imgur.com/JWbWD6v.jpg | 17:28 |
lordl | Try this. | 17:29 |
lordl | sudo ls -alct /|tail -1|awk '{print $6, $7, $8}' | 17:29 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: if you press ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 does something happen? | 17:29 |
lordl | ChunkzZ, are you still there? | 17:29 |
Hexal | EriC^^, let me check please | 17:30 |
Hexal | EriC^^, nothing | 17:30 |
ChunkzZ | lordl: yeah and thanks. | 17:30 |
lordl | No problem. | 17:30 |
lordl | I didn't know how to do it, I just searched on Google. | 17:31 |
Hexal | it doesn't work ctrl +alt +f1 | 17:31 |
empedokles78 | ioria, I only find "Gnomad 2" under ubuntu software. It's fro "Creative" players, is it the same as mentioned? | 17:31 |
ioria | Hexal, have you tried Recovery Mode ? | 17:31 |
ioria | empedokles78, guess so (never used) | 17:31 |
Hexal | ioria, let restart it again | 17:31 |
Hexal | me* | 17:31 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: press ctrl+alt+del to reboot, then in grub press 'e' over ubuntu and go to the line that says linux vmlinuz.... quiet splash and remove the quiet splash and put instead "debug ignore_loglevel" and press f10 | 17:32 |
empedokles78 | [n0mad], how to create a m3u playlist? What is it? | 17:32 |
[n0mad] | it's just a playlist with a m3u file type | 17:32 |
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[n0mad] | clementine will allow you to save as either, as well as a few more | 17:34 |
Hexal | EriC^^, Ok i'm in grub now | 17:34 |
de-facto | hmm what does this mean "EXT4-fs error (device sda3): ext4_find_extent:900: inode #6690213: comm tar: pblk 26784179 bad header/extent: invalid magic - magic 0, entries 0, max 0(0), depth 0(0)"? SSD defect already? Can i remount and copy all i still can get from it? | 17:36 |
Hexal | EriC^^, https://i.imgur.com/zwo8TDW.jpg | 17:36 |
Hexal | EriC^^, I didn't get what should I do actually | 17:37 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: press esc, press 'e' over ubuntu | 17:37 |
Hexal | I pressed 'e' on grub | 17:37 |
Hexal | sorry I'll do again | 17:38 |
cmanns | Hi, how do I get sleep working with wifi mouse? Apparently system hung over night too (not suspended, how can diagnose?) | 17:40 |
Hexal | EriC^^, check this please https://i.imgur.com/PlNruLn.jpg | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: try booting with "nomodeset" instead of quiet splash | 17:44 |
Hexal | EriC^^, Sorry I new on ubuntu, how can I do this? | 17:45 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: same as before, press 'e' on ubuntu and ... | 17:46 |
empedokles78 | What's the process of saving a playlist and songs to an mp3 player in Clementine? | 17:49 |
empedokles78 | (I have the Walkman under Devices on the left side and the playlist with a few songs on the right side.) | 17:50 |
jayjo | I can't get inkscape to kern a character on ubuntu 16.04... how can I look to see if I'm using the correct key setting? Or can I change it to somethig else? | 17:52 |
cmanns | Also does anybody know if AMDGPU PRO supports HD6950 gpu? | 17:53 |
brainwash | cmanns: doesn't look like it | 17:56 |
Hexal | EriC^^, I did that I then I pressed ctrl + x and ubuntu start booking and after logs now black screen | 17:56 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: try seeing if it boots without gdm first, instead of quiet splash put "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" | 17:57 |
Hexal | ok EriC^^ | 17:58 |
cmanns | Ah ok. | 18:01 |
cmanns | So does ubuntu have no gui method of wake from usb settings? | 18:01 |
brainwash | cmanns: wake from usb settings? | 18:04 |
cmanns | System won't wake from keyboard or wireless mouse. Worked fine on windows | 18:05 |
brainwash | I'd think this is configured in the BIOS | 18:05 |
brainwash | wake up from USB | 18:05 |
Gallomimia | should have been on if he had it working in windows you'd think? | 18:06 |
brainwash | obviously | 18:06 |
Hexal | EriC^^, I did what you said and now this https://i.imgur.com/CgxHYgP.jpg | 18:06 |
cmanns | It's ubuntu putting usb ports to sleep. | 18:07 |
warri0rr | <3 | 18:07 |
brainwash | cmanns: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/74-ubuntu/220-ubuntu-resume-usb-hid | 18:08 |
brainwash | cmanns: this site has instructions for a DIY gui solution | 18:08 |
cmanns | I just wish it wasn't so hacky. | 18:10 |
hosas | hello- please, how do I list, only hidden files, in a directory? thanks | 18:13 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: were you able to login? | 18:13 |
cmanns | Put ubtuntu on non techie friends PC and their complaints mostly it won't wake without hitting power. | 18:13 |
Hexal | EriC^^, not just stuck in boot page not to login page | 18:14 |
EriC^^ | hosas: "ls -d .*" gets you close, it also shows . and .. | 18:14 |
Hexal | EriC^^, yes ctrl + alt +f1 works now | 18:15 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: aha, try to login | 18:15 |
EriC^^ | hosas: is that enough for you? | 18:15 |
Hexal | EriC^^, I did now | 18:15 |
hosas | EriC^^: that would include hidden folders [I think ]but let me check | 18:16 |
hosas | EriC^^: I need only hidden files | 18:17 |
hosas | or let me just grep | 18:17 |
EriC^^ | hosas: use this "ls -d .[^.]*" | 18:19 |
hosas | EriC^^: thanks | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: try sudo systemctl start graphical.target | 18:19 |
Hexal | EriC^^, ok | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | hosas: np | 18:20 |
hosas | EriC^^: I'm so sorry still showing also hidden folders | 18:21 |
hosas | :-D | 18:21 |
Sna4x8 | I've been using CrashPlan for offsite backups for a while now, but now CrashPlan is retiring their home plan. Anyone had success with a good off-site backup solution with a reasonable cost? I have about 4TB of data. | 18:21 |
Sna4x8 | hosas: Can you use `find` instead? Something like (untested) `find . -type f -name ".*"` ? | 18:21 |
hosas | Sna4x8: is not good it might go deeper but let me try | 18:22 |
EriC^^ | hosas: didn't you say you wanted only hidden dirs? | 18:22 |
Sna4x8 | You can limit the depth. | 18:22 |
hosas | Sna4x8: I forgot how ...lol | 18:22 |
Sna4x8 | `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '.*'` | 18:23 |
EriC^^ | hosas: use this one instead, scratch the previous one "ls -d .!(|.)" | 18:23 |
Hexal | EriC^^, not workign just https://i.imgur.com/eXA9EG4.jpg | 18:23 |
hosas | Sna4x8: that looks good | 18:23 |
EriC^^ | hosas: oh, you mean you want only files not dirs | 18:24 |
cmanns | Am literally shocked ubuntu has no gui for usb power | 18:24 |
hosas | EriC^^: yes ...lol | 18:24 |
hosas | only didden files | 18:24 |
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hosas | only hidden files | 18:24 |
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pavlos | cmanns: what do you mean? | 18:26 |
cmanns | (brainwash) cmanns: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/74-ubuntu/220-ubuntu-resume-usb-hid | 18:26 |
hosas | Sna4x8: it worked but with preceding "./" e.g "./.mandelbulber_log.txt" | 18:26 |
cmanns | This is closest to gui and no pkg | 18:26 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: anything in ctrl+alt+f7 ? | 18:26 |
hosas | Sna4x8: but thanks man | 18:26 |
Hexal | EriC^^, let me check please | 18:27 |
Sna4x8 | hosas: Do you just want the "./" removed? | 18:27 |
hosas | Sna4x8: yes-that would be nice. thanks again | 18:28 |
Ingvix | Hey, I installed windows 7 after ubuntu to another partition and did grub-install with livecd. It boots straight to ubuntu now. How do I get it to let me choose between windows and ubuntu? | 18:29 |
EriC^^ | Ingvix: sudo update-grub | 18:29 |
Hexal | EriC^^, didn't worked this too https://i.imgur.com/ijoMtTh.jpg | 18:30 |
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Sna4x8 | hosas: `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '.*' -exec basename {} \;` | 18:30 |
Ingvix | thanks EriC^^, that did it | 18:30 |
hosas | Sna4x8: that looks good let me try it | 18:31 |
EriC^^ | Ingvix: no problem | 18:31 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: why dont you copy the data that you need off the computer, and reinstall ubuntu 17.10 or 16.04 ? just a thought | 18:31 |
EriC^^ | *17.04 | 18:32 |
hosas | Sna4x8: perfect - But I still have one question for you | 18:32 |
Hexal | How can access to my data for copying them? | 18:32 |
Hexal | I* | 18:32 |
Sna4x8 | hosas: What's that? | 18:32 |
hosas | Sna4x8: what the best [and if possible easy] to learn Batch? | 18:33 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: copy them using the terminal, or boot a live usb and copy them | 18:33 |
Sna4x8 | Batch? You mean bash? | 18:33 |
Hexal | OK thanks EriC^^ | 18:33 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: no problem | 18:34 |
Hexal | I'll do that | 18:34 |
hosas | Sna4x8: yes bash book | 18:34 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: you can also copy the list of applications you have right now and have them automatically reinstalled after you install the new ubuntu | 18:34 |
EriC^^ | interested? | 18:34 |
Sna4x8 | hosas: Sorry, don't know man. IMO, just dive in and try to solve real-world problems. Before long you'll be good with bash/awk/sed/grep/etc. | 18:36 |
EriC^^ | hosas: check out #bash and the link in the topic | 18:36 |
Bashing-om | hosas: I can recommned : http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide . | 18:37 |
Sna4x8 | I still use tldp.org a lot. | 18:37 |
Hexal | EriC^^, you thinking if I upgrade Ubuntu from terminal getting ok after new installing or I have to install totally fresh? | 18:37 |
hosas | Sna4x8: thanks a lot | 18:38 |
Sna4x8 | No problem. | 18:38 |
hosas | EriC^^: will do. thanks | 18:38 |
EriC^^ | Sna4x8: i like tldp a lot, i've heard that the bash tutorials there aren't so good and teach bad habits *shrug* | 18:38 |
hosas | Bashing-om: thks | 18:39 |
Sna4x8 | EriC^^: Yeah, maybe so, but it's good enough for the girls I go with. | 18:39 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: i'd fresh install if possible | 18:39 |
Sna4x8 | My question got buried above: I've been using CrashPlan for off-site backups for a while now, but now CrashPlan is retiring their home plan. Anyone had success with a good off-site backup solution with a reasonable cost? I have about 4TB of data. | 18:40 |
Bashing-om | hosas: :) enjoy . | 18:40 |
EriC^^ | Sna4x8: the girls you date require linux shell scripting abilities? | 18:40 |
Hexal | EriC^^, OK then, thanks again Eric | 18:41 |
koomen | Hi there. Do some of you also have trouble on ubuntu with thunderbird + enigmail? When I want to send a signed message it wants to prompt me for my password, but doesn't... it says: missing passphrase | 18:41 |
EriC^^ | Hexal: no problem | 18:41 |
Sna4x8 | After they meet me, they run back to Window$. | 18:41 |
ducasse | Sna4x8: you might want to check out rsync.net | 18:41 |
koomen | I googled already a lot and have seen a lot of people having conflicts with gpg-agent? dunno | 18:41 |
Sna4x8 | ducasse: That looks great, but man that's expensive. | 18:43 |
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Sna4x8 | 4TB is $240 / month!!? | 18:43 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: that doesn't seem that expensive | 18:46 |
Sna4x8 | tgm4883: CrashPlan was $5/month for unlimited. Their business plan is like $49/month for unlimited. | 18:46 |
hosas | Sna4x8: I tried creating an alias for that command but when I execute the alias, I was met with: find: paths must precede expression: .. | 18:47 |
Sna4x8 | tgm4883,ducasse: Plus, rsync isn't always a great solution for off-site backups in my opinion. Doing something like renaming a large folder generally means that the whole folder gets resent. block-level backups can (might) be a better solution. | 18:48 |
hosas | Sna4x8: please don't be tired can you wrap it in an alias for me? this what I did : alias ff='find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '.*' -exec basename {} \;' | 18:48 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: looks like crashplan and rsync.net are targeting different markets | 18:49 |
Sna4x8 | Indeed. I just want some sort of off-site backup in case my house burns down (I have great on-site backups, and redundancy). I want the data encrypted off site, and I want the keys (no keys on the server). | 18:50 |
luclis | hosas : you got 2 simple quote, try this alias ff='find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name ".*" -exec basenae {} \;' | 18:51 |
ducasse | Sna4x8: crashplan is increasing the price of the business plan to $120/month aiui | 18:51 |
hosas | luclis: thanks | 18:52 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: There's a multitude of different ways to do that. Honestly, I'd just buy some sort of storage that I could rsync to that lived at a relatives house | 18:52 |
hosas | luclis: it worked | 18:53 |
hosas | :) | 18:53 |
Sna4x8 | tgm4883: Yeah, that's an option, but then the relative 1) has to have some computer running 24-7; 2) has to put up with me pushing gigs of data ever day, probably over an asymmetrical connection. | 18:54 |
luclis | hosas ;) | 18:55 |
Sna4x8 | I mean, isn't there something like Carbonite for Linux? I'm looking at idrive right now, but I've never heard of it... | 18:55 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: The first part is easily fixable. You buy a NAS device with enough storage for your stuff, plus storage for them. Secondly, you've got new gigs of data every day? | 18:56 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: none of this really seems like a ubuntu issue, so we should move it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:56 |
Sna4x8 | tgm4883: I don't think that's an option for me. Yes, I have gigs every day. Videos are large these days. | 18:57 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: you're producing gigs of videos every day? | 18:57 |
Sna4x8 | Not every day, but many days, yes. | 18:58 |
Sna4x8 | I mean... a few videos on a low-quality camera, like a GoPro, takes up a gig. A few gigs a day really isn't much. Anyway, we digress. I'm just looking for a pre-packaged off-site solution for Ubuntu. | 18:59 |
tgm4883 | Sna4x8: Back it up to glacier then | 18:59 |
Sna4x8 | tgm4883: Hmm, that's like $16/month, and I'm already using AWS. I'll check it out, thanks. | 19:01 |
empedokles78 | How can I send a playlist and songs to an mp3 player? | 19:22 |
oerheks | empedokles78, depends what mp3 player, there are several mediaplayers with plugins https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices | 19:24 |
oerheks | about playlists i don't know | 19:25 |
Sna4x8 | I think playlists are just a list of the song names in a text file... at least that's what I send with VLC. | 19:26 |
oerheks | maybe they are player-dependant .. | 19:26 |
Sna4x8 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U That's what I send with VLC. | 19:27 |
minimec | empedokles78: If it is recognized as 'mass storage device' with USB, then you can create a '.is_audio_player' file in the default (folder that pops up, when you plug the device' directory of the player, and use it with rhytmbox afterwards for example. https://almost-a-technocrat.blogspot.ch/2010/11/isaudioplayer.html | 19:27 |
empedokles78 | Sorry, I forgot to mention: With Audicious. | 19:28 |
oerheks | to what device is more helpfull :-) | 19:29 |
empedokles78 | sony walkman (mp3) | 19:31 |
nicomachus | empedokles78: did you try Clementine? Sorry, been AFK for a bit | 19:34 |
empedokles78 | nicomachus, yeah, but I've found it very confusing and it didn't put the songs inside the Music-Folder. | 19:36 |
empedokles78 | In Audacious: Do I just have to drag and drop songs from a playlist (audicious gui) onto my walkman (nautilus)? | 19:42 |
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nicomachus | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 19:51 |
Duckle | Hey there. I'm having some issues with bluetooth audio (surprise) I've usually been able to fix it by loading the pulseaudio bluetooth module, but now it's just "failing to load module" | 19:53 |
minimec | empedokles78: You find the audacious playlists in .config/audacious/playlists. So maybe just make a link to that folder in you /home directory. You should then be able to drag and drop directly form your /home directory to the mp3 player. | 19:53 |
Duckle | I've found some workarounds, but they want to edit a config file that I don't have | 19:54 |
Duckle | namely, /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 | 19:54 |
empedokles78 | minemec: There is a way to export playlists directly to a location. But they look like this for m3u: file:///home/nuc/Musik/Alice%20Cooper%20-%20Poison.mp3 | 19:55 |
empedokles78 | Seems a link to my pc. | 19:55 |
Duckle | HaHaa, now we have your real name mr NUC | 19:56 |
minimec | empedokles78: I see. I uses an absolute path. So you would have to write a script that changes the path for all files in the playlist. | 19:56 |
jayjo | is there a way to use css to make letters with depth? If I create a shadow it almost accomplishes this but the shadow and the text don't appear to be connected to it just looks like 2 separate objects, I'd like them to be connected so it looks like it has depth | 19:57 |
Duckle | jayjo: I don't think this is the right place for css questions :) | 19:57 |
jayjo | Duckle: sorry wrong place. Thanks | 19:58 |
Duckle | Figured :) | 19:58 |
empedokles78 | minimec, is there a player which doesn't create absolute paths? | 19:58 |
empedokles78 | Seems pretty pointless :) | 19:58 |
rdz | hey all, i recommended a friend to buy an intel NUC with Intel HD 500 graphics, thinking that intel stuff will be well supported by linux. now it turns out that the max resolution it provides - not matter what display - is 1024x768. the spec of the hardware says it supports 4K@60Hz. how to fix that? | 20:00 |
minimec | empedokles78: I have no idea, but have a look here for absolute/relative path change... https://stackoverflow.com/a/38294931 | 20:02 |
nicomachus | rdz: use xrandr to manually set the resolution | 20:03 |
rdz | nicomachus, ok.. does that imply that just EDID is not working properly? | 20:04 |
nicomachus | most likely. | 20:05 |
nicomachus | seems to be common. | 20:05 |
rdz | nicomachus, or what is the reason i cannot set it in unity-control-center? | 20:05 |
rdz | nicomachus, seems to be common among what? | 20:05 |
rdz | nicomachus, intel hd 500? | 20:05 |
nicomachus | rdz: because the machine doesn't know what the max res is. You have to tell it that it can do better than it thinks it can. | 20:05 |
nicomachus | see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 20:06 |
rdz | nicomachus, ok... i'll try to figure it out with my friend.. thanks | 20:06 |
rdz | nicomachus, cool. thanks a lot | 20:06 |
akik | rdz: do you get a list of resolutions with "xrandr --verbose" ? | 20:07 |
nicomachus | rdz: most likely cause is a driver bug that doesn't detect the correct available resolutions. no biggie. | 20:08 |
yasonTR | Hi! I want to make a daily snapshot backup of my /home directory and store it on an external HDD. Which program should I use? | 20:11 |
yasonTR | I am experimenting with https://github.com/rsnapshot/rsnapshot, but I don't know if something else is advised. | 20:12 |
Sna4x8 | yasonTR: I use rsync with archives for that. | 20:13 |
yasonTR | Sna4x8: I thought about rsync, but I want to have a tarball/zip/... for each day, so I can go back in time. | 20:14 |
Sna4x8 | yasonTR: Here's what I do: https://pastebin.com/mrYVyN0Z | 20:14 |
yasonTR | and ideally, old backups are rotated after some time. | 20:14 |
Sna4x8 | tasonTR: That's what archives are for. | 20:14 |
Sna4x8 | Basically, if a file changes, rsync makes a copy of the old version. | 20:14 |
Sna4x8 | If you want to roll back to last week's copy, then you have it. | 20:15 |
yasonTR | Oh, I did not know.. I will check it out. | 20:15 |
yasonTR | that's the -a parameter I suppose? | 20:15 |
Sna4x8 | I mean, there's no reason to keep a copy of every single file. If a file doesn't change, no reason to make a second copy of it. | 20:15 |
yasonTR | Yup, good point. | 20:16 |
Sna4x8 | yasonTR: No, not the -a, it's the --backup-dir and --backup switches. | 20:16 |
yasonTR | so if file abc.xyz is the same today and yesterday, a symlink will be created from /archivce/today to /archive/yesterday? | 20:17 |
yasonTR | or how will that work? | 20:17 |
Sna4x8 | Anyway, I run that on a schedule via cron. I have verbose output, so it spits out all the backed-up files. I have mail configured on that machine, so I get a nice email after every backup with all the files. If I need to restore something on a particular day, I can just search my email. I find that handy. | 20:17 |
yasonTR | Oh, I see | 20:18 |
Sna4x8 | Not quite, no. You have file abc.xyz. When your backups run the first time, you get a direct copy of the file. Then you change abc.xyz and the backup runs again. | 20:18 |
Sna4x8 | rsync sees the file change, first makes a copy of the original file and puts it in --backup-dir, then copies the new file to the backup destination. | 20:19 |
yasonTR | Ok, got it. | 20:19 |
empedokles78 | This xml is found on my walkman: https://pastebin.com/zKSEXj0e , hence I believe the format of playlists is m3u. Does Rhythmbox support it? | 20:19 |
Sna4x8 | If you keep a daily log (in a log file or, as I do, in email) it's really easy to search and see when a file was last backed up and/or archived. | 20:19 |
yasonTR | Yeah, makes sense. Good method, I will apply it for my backups as well! | 20:20 |
Sna4x8 | yasonTR: The only downside is doing something like renaming a large folder. | 20:21 |
luclis | yasonTR at work, I use Veeam B&R, I see they made an "Backup for Linux" ; it's pretty easy to use & works fine | 20:21 |
Sna4x8 | rsync doesn't know that a folder was simply renamed, and sees it as a whole new folder, making a full-blown copy. If that's a common scenario for you, you might want to consider block-level backups instead. | 20:21 |
yasonTR | Sna4x8: I can also imagine that a scenario in which you have to repair a lot of files will be difficult, because you have to check the logs (mails) manually? | 20:22 |
yasonTR | luclis: thanks for idea, I will check that out as well. | 20:23 |
luclis | yasonTR : https://www.veeam.com/fr/veeam_agent_linux_free_1_0_datasheet_ds.pdf | 20:23 |
Sna4x8 | yasonTR: Maybe so. That's not a use-case in my backups, which are mainly code and a bunch of videos. But if you keep a log file ,then it would probably be a simple grep-and-loop type restore. | 20:23 |
yasonTR | luclis: thanks again :) | 20:24 |
akik | what does "static" mean when it's the output for "systemctl is-enabled rc-local" ? i tried to run "systemctl enable rc-local" but it didn't change the output for "systemctl is-enabled rc-local" | 20:24 |
yasonTR | Sna4x8: Yup, true. | 20:24 |
brainwash | akik: the unit file does not have a [Install] section | 20:25 |
akik | brainwash: should i modify the rc-local.service or how do i enable it? | 20:26 |
brainwash | akik: uhm no. it's part of the systemd package | 20:27 |
brainwash | akik: changes will be overwritten | 20:27 |
brainwash | the file contains this info: | 20:28 |
brainwash | # This unit gets pulled automatically into multi-user.target by | 20:28 |
brainwash | # systemd-rc-local-generator if /etc/rc.local is executable. | 20:28 |
akik | oh magic glue | 20:28 |
akik | thanks | 20:28 |
rdz | akik, sorry for not responding earlier...... i can't test, the problem is with hardware i recommended a friend.. he's running ubuntu 16.04 on it | 20:32 |
rdz | akik, but i will check, when i will have access | 20:33 |
akik | rdz: was just wondering what kind of resolution list you'd get | 20:33 |
rdz | akik, the display setting panel from unity-control-center only lists: 640x480 and 1024x768 | 20:34 |
akik | rdz: you're right that the kernel includes the drivers for intel graphics | 20:35 |
rdz | akik, but he tried with two different screens, one is a UHD tv which is supposed to have 3840x2160.. the hw specs of the intel hd 500 chip says it would support that at 60Hz | 20:35 |
akik | rdz: i have a samsung 40" tv which reports its physical screen size as 160mm x 90mm to the computer | 20:36 |
rdz | akik, wow... that is some high DPI then :-) | 20:37 |
akik | rdz: yes it was really bad and i had to override the edid dpi value | 20:37 |
yasonTR | Sna4x8: what would happen if you would rsync without the --backup-dir ? | 20:38 |
yasonTR | we would just have at most one 'previous' .old file? | 20:39 |
Sna4x8 | Yes, I believe so. | 20:39 |
yasonTR | or ~ suffix, sorry | 20:39 |
Sna4x8 | ^^ Yes, ~ is the default suffix. | 20:39 |
yasonTR | okay, then it makes sense to have an archive directory based on current date ... smart | 20:40 |
Sna4x8 | Easy enough to test it, though. I mean, one of the things I really like about rsync is that there's really no magic going on. It's easy to locate backed-up files, and the "archiving" (or --backup) is simple to test and understand. | 20:41 |
yasonTR | Yup, doing as we speak :). | 20:41 |
Sna4x8 | My backups are pretty simple though. I take a bunch of videos and put them on a raided drive. That raided drive is backed up every night. I then use video editing software to combine videos with audio and such, and that takes me multiple days. Sometimes I need to restore a video editing project to a prior version (at most 3 days in my script). | 20:43 |
Sna4x8 | I also backup all my code (I'm a software deveopler by trade). But all my code is in git or svn, anyway, so I'm not so worried about code as I am about videos. | 20:43 |
DavidJOwens | Sna4x8, I backup git repos anyway | 20:44 |
DavidJOwens | You never know what might happen | 20:45 |
yasonTR | Which is the base idea of backups :). | 20:45 |
Sna4x8 | As do I, and my svn repositories. I just haven't had a case arise where github or bitbucket goes down (yet) and I lose a full repo. | 20:45 |
FLeiXiuS | Any software for viewing my desktop over an HTTP client? | 20:57 |
blkadder | Why an HTTP client? | 20:58 |
blkadder | I use: https://www.nomachine.com/download | 20:59 |
leftyfb | FLeiXiuS: yes, teamviewer | 20:59 |
blkadder | Works great. | 20:59 |
pavlos | vnc | 20:59 |
Kake_Fisk | When installing ubuntu. Do I have to create a /boot partition? What is a /boot partition? | 20:59 |
aariz | Kake_Fisk, no, you do not. | 21:00 |
pavlos | Kake_Fisk: you dont have to ... let everything be under / | 21:00 |
Kake_Fisk | Sounds like a good idea | 21:00 |
Kake_Fisk | I just have some problems with grub failing to install | 21:00 |
aariz | Uh, what is the issue? | 21:00 |
aariz | Are you setting up the kernel or the OS itself? | 21:00 |
Kake_Fisk | The os | 21:00 |
aariz | Well, when you install it, it asks you if you want to install in a partition, or create one, etc. | 21:01 |
aariz | Reality is, Ubuntu does EVERYTHING for you, lol | 21:01 |
Kake_Fisk | "grub installation failed grub-efi-amd64-signed" to be specific | 21:01 |
genii | !info novnc | FLeiXiuS | 21:01 |
ubottu | FLeiXiuS: novnc (source: novnc): HTML5 VNC client - daemon and programs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.4+dfsg+1+20131010+gitf68af8af3d-6 (zesty), package size 109 kB, installed size 389 kB | 21:01 |
aariz | Are you dualbooting Kake_Fisk ? | 21:02 |
Kake_Fisk | Yepp :) | 21:02 |
Kake_Fisk | I did disable fast boot and secure boot | 21:02 |
aariz | Did you check out boot repair | 21:03 |
Kake_Fisk | No, I did not | 21:03 |
CaptainQuirk | Hi there ! | 21:04 |
Kake_Fisk | I do not have to have an EFI FAT32 partition? | 21:04 |
CaptainQuirk | When I click on my network icon in the top bar, I get "No network devices are available" | 21:05 |
CaptainQuirk | I can't connect to a wired connection or to a wi-fi network | 21:05 |
CaptainQuirk | I'm on an hp laptop | 21:05 |
Kake_Fisk | I'm not 100% certain which partition to choose as my grub partition | 21:06 |
Bashing-om | Kake_Fisk: EFI machine, and booting up in legacy mode for the installer. where th existence of a /EFi partition is confusing the installer, maybe ? | 21:06 |
Kake_Fisk | Bashing-om: I did not completely understand what you said there, but as of now, I do not have an efi partition :) | 21:06 |
CaptainQuirk | when doing ifconfig, I don't even get a local ip address | 21:06 |
CaptainQuirk | ;-( | 21:07 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: if you boot in uefi mode, use the efi system partition for grub | 21:07 |
tgm4883 | CaptainQuirk: well why would you, you have "No network devices are available" | 21:07 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: 16.04? how come the wired connection does not work? does the router offer DHCP? | 21:08 |
CaptainQuirk | yes it does | 21:08 |
Kake_Fisk | akik: So I should create a new efi partition and install grub on that? | 21:09 |
CaptainQuirk | it suddenly stopped working after I shared my mobile phone connection | 21:09 |
Bashing-om | Kake_Fisk: Be good to see what there is to work with . From the liveUSB -> try ubuntu mode; pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' . We see then what is . | 21:09 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: lspci | grep Ethernet ... should be one line | 21:09 |
CaptainQuirk | Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 07) | 21:10 |
CaptainQuirk | line copied by hand | 21:10 |
CaptainQuirk | if you have a tip to get on this computer the output of terminal commands on the other computer (the one without connection), I would be glad to hear it ! | 21:11 |
Kake_Fisk | Bashing-om: http://pastebin.com/x6rjLDyj | 21:11 |
CaptainQuirk | running ifconfig only prints a lo entry | 21:12 |
CaptainQuirk | no eth0 | 21:12 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: you can append "| nc termbin.com 9999" this will give you a url you can paste here. Example ls | nc termbin.com 9999 will give a link | 21:13 |
CaptainQuirk | on a computer without network ? | 21:13 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: no network is an issue. dont know why the wired conn does not activate | 21:15 |
luclis | CaptainQuirk you got a laptop right ? iwconfig show something ? | 21:16 |
CaptainQuirk | found that : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2360330 | 21:16 |
CaptainQuirk | I'm trying a previous kernel | 21:16 |
CaptainQuirk | it worked damn it | 21:17 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: you can sudo modprobe r8169 and then restart network | 21:17 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: ifconfig now shows a wired conn ? | 21:17 |
CaptainQuirk | well I get an enps2s0 connection from ifconfig | 21:18 |
CaptainQuirk | don't know what that is though | 21:18 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: that disk uses the mbr/bios layout, not gpt | 21:19 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: it is like eth0 ... now try lsusb | grep Wireless | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:19 |
CaptainQuirk | I don't care, I'm back online ;-) | 21:19 |
Kake_Fisk | akik: Is that a problem? :| | 21:19 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: absolutely no :) | 21:19 |
Kake_Fisk | :D | 21:20 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: just install in non-uefi mode | 21:20 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: then use mbr of the disk for grub | 21:20 |
Kake_Fisk | ohh, I'm not really sure how to do that? | 21:20 |
CaptainQuirk | ma | 21:20 |
CaptainQuirk | la | 21:20 |
Kake_Fisk | That was not supposed to be a question | 21:20 |
CaptainQuirk | sorry | 21:20 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, nc is netcat right ? | 21:20 |
pavlos | yes | 21:20 |
Kake_Fisk | akik: Am I supposed to just start the live usb in non uefi mode, if that makes sense? | 21:21 |
CaptainQuirk | ok | 21:21 |
CaptainQuirk | I have no wireless entry from lsusb | 21:21 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: yes | 21:21 |
Kake_Fisk | Okay, I'll try that. Thanks :) | 21:21 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: maybe I typed wrong ... lsusb | nc termbin.com 9999 | 21:21 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: do you have a windows installation on sda1 and sda2 | 21:22 |
Kake_Fisk | Yeah | 21:22 |
CaptainQuirk | but that's another issue that I already had but decided to ignore cause I seldom use wi-fi | 21:22 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: ok grub can handle that | 21:22 |
Kake_Fisk | I assume I should install grub on sda1 | 21:22 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: no, on /dev/sda | 21:22 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: trying to find the wifi chip you have | 21:22 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: /dev/sda in the installer = mbr of the hard disk | 21:22 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: and there may be drivers for it so wifi can activate | 21:23 |
CaptainQuirk | yes I guess | 21:23 |
CaptainQuirk | it used to work though | 21:23 |
CaptainQuirk | at first | 21:23 |
genii | akik: You normally install GRUB onto the hd device itself, like sda or sdb etc, and not on a partition of the device | 21:23 |
akik | genii: yes that's what i just said | 21:23 |
CaptainQuirk | http://termbin.com/ngwv | 21:23 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: what's the model of the laptop? | 21:24 |
luclis | akik Kake_Fisk don't install Ubuntu on non-UEFI mode if you got a Windows on UEFI mode | 21:25 |
Kake_Fisk | hmm | 21:25 |
akik | luclis: i think his windows is not in uefi mode as the disk is not gpt partitioned | 21:25 |
Kake_Fisk | Ohh, I think you are right akik. I never found the uefi firmware settings, so that is probably why | 21:26 |
Kake_Fisk | (In Windows) | 21:26 |
CaptainQuirk | that's an hp pavilion | 21:26 |
CaptainQuirk | 17 inches | 21:26 |
CaptainQuirk | got the box somewhere in the basement | 21:27 |
CaptainQuirk | 30s | 21:27 |
Kake_Fisk | Should I check that to be sure or is mbr good enough indicator? :p | 21:27 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: model# should on the front/back of laptop, the url does not tell me which wifi chip | 21:27 |
luclis | akik wtf, who did this :'( | 21:27 |
luclis | akik allright, i'll just stfu, you may have right | 21:28 |
jayjo | what's the easiest way to share my screen with someone on ubuntu 1604? I don't mind using a service if it doesn't require the other person to be on the service. can I use gmail or somethign? is there some open source software? | 21:29 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: go for it | 21:29 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: gpt doesn't have primary/extended/logical | 21:30 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, I got it from lshw : RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter | 21:31 |
CaptainQuirk | from Realtek | 21:31 |
FLeiXiuS | genii, thank you. | 21:31 |
genii | FLeiXiuS: Glad to assist | 21:32 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: https://askubuntu.com/questions/635625/how-do-i-get-a-realtek-rtl8723be-wireless-card-to-work | 21:32 |
CaptainQuirk | lots of gibberish on the flip side | 21:32 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos | 21:34 |
CaptainQuirk | trying that now | 21:34 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: there are a few steps, add a ppa, install packages, reboot, etc | 21:35 |
CaptainQuirk | well unfortunately the package doesn't seem to exist | 21:36 |
pavlos | jayjo: both can install teamviewer and connect ... | 21:36 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: there is a github link | 21:37 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, so I'll have to build it right | 21:38 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: I would read all the instructions first to understand what it will do ... | 21:38 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: there seems ot be issues with HP Pavilion and this wifi on ubuntu | 21:39 |
CaptainQuirk | too bad for me | 21:41 |
Kake_Fisk | I also had problems with Ubuntu on my HP Pavilion earlier | 21:43 |
CaptainQuirk | I'm trying to upgrade with apt first to download a newer kernel | 21:43 |
CaptainQuirk | to see if I can get my wired connection back | 21:43 |
Kake_Fisk | Adding a partition for Ubuntu took a really long time | 21:44 |
aariz | Kake did it work tho | 21:55 |
akik | Kake_Fisk: did you manage to do the installation? | 21:55 |
jackhum | i was trying to install "search on google functionality on my ubuntu" using this https://askubuntu.com/questions/417620/how-to-make-search-on-google-available-in-selected-texts-context-menu-in-gnom , and i cant open my terminal now , can anyone tell me how to fix this | 21:56 |
Kake | It took suspiciously long time to create the partition. So I turned off my computer and I am going to try again now | 21:56 |
Jordan_U | Kake: Wait. First, do you have any important data on this drive that is not already backed up? | 21:56 |
Kake | Everything is backed up, but would be nice if I didn't have to reinstall windows :) | 21:57 |
Jordan_U | Kake: Good :) I would recommend checking the S.M.A.R.T. status of the drive using Gnome Disks before you do more partitioning. | 21:58 |
Kake | Yeah, it did hang last time. Now it literally took 1 second | 21:58 |
jackhum | anyone ? i am unable to open my gnome-terminal after doing what this user says in this tutorial https://askubuntu.com/questions/417620/how-to-make-search-on-google-available-in-selected-texts-context-menu-in-gnom | 21:58 |
jackhum | please help me , my lords | 21:58 |
Jordan_U | jackhum: Please wait longer between repeats of a question. 10 minutes is about reasonable for a first repeat, then longer between repeats after that. | 21:59 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, despite an upgrade, the last kernel I have seems to be unable to give me wired connection | 21:59 |
Kake | Jordan_U: I could do that, but do you think it is necessary? | 21:59 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: uname -r | 21:59 |
jackhum | Jordan_U, thanks , i knew i messed up by asking again . :/ | 21:59 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: lsb_release -a | 21:59 |
CaptainQuirk | 4.4.0-83-generic | 21:59 |
CaptainQuirk | that's the one not working | 21:59 |
CaptainQuirk | I'm on 79 now | 21:59 |
CaptainQuirk | there are much more newer versions in the repos, right ? | 22:00 |
aariz | yes | 22:00 |
aariz | 4.13 afaik | 22:00 |
aariz | Or, at the least 4.12 | 22:00 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: I got -93 on my 16.04 | 22:00 |
Jordan_U | Kake: I think something went wrong last time, and the possibilities I can think of are bad hardware (including possibly RAM, or the hard drive), bad install media (which would be good to know if you're still using the same media), a flakey USB cable, etc. All things that would probably be good to know about. | 22:01 |
CaptainQuirk | there is a 4.8.0 | 22:01 |
Kake | Jordan_U: Okay, thanks for the suggestion. I will try that | 22:01 |
nacc | CaptainQuirk: the current supported 16.04 kernels are 4.4 and 4.10 | 22:01 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: so you're not on 16.04 | 22:01 |
nacc | CaptainQuirk: the former is the base kernel; the latter is the current hwe kernel | 22:01 |
CaptainQuirk | can I install the 4.10 ? | 22:01 |
jackhum | fixed it myself , thanks for not helping , learned on my own :) | 22:01 |
nacc | pavlos: they could be on the 16.04.2 hwe kernel, which is no longer supported | 22:01 |
nacc | CaptainQuirk: yes | 22:02 |
pavlos | nacc: I see ... thx | 22:02 |
nacc | !hwe | CaptainQuirk | 22:02 |
ubottu | CaptainQuirk: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 22:02 |
nacc | pavlos: but only if they installed a specific hwe kernel (aiui) during 16.04.2 and not via the metapackage | 22:02 |
CaptainQuirk | nacc you definitely lost me | 22:03 |
nacc | CaptainQuirk: read the above link and follow the instructions there if you want the 4.10 kernel | 22:03 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: one step at a time ... do update/upgrade to make sure you're current | 22:04 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: check that wired comes up upon reboot | 22:04 |
nacc | pavlos: good idea | 22:04 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: then explore what nacc wrote | 22:04 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, already did update/upgrade | 22:04 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: and upon reboot you get an ip and are online | 22:05 |
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
CaptainQuirk | no, not if I boot on the 4.4.0-83 kernel | 22:05 |
CaptainQuirk | I have to dial down to -79 | 22:06 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: lsb_release -a | 22:06 |
Kake | Seems like the disk reported OK :) | 22:06 |
Kake | Was not able to test usb | 22:06 |
CaptainQuirk | 16.04.3 LTS | 22:07 |
Jordan_U | Kake: You can do an integrity check of the install media at the grub menu when you first boot. It won't tell you for sure that the USB drive isn't failing, but it will tell you if the install files are all being read without any corruption. | 22:08 |
Jordan_U | Kake: Flakey USB cables are harder to test. RAM can be testing with memtester (memtest86+ is BIOS only, though its proprietary fork does support UEFI). | 22:08 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: now that you have net, sudo apt install pastebinit ... this will make easier to paste | 22:09 |
Kake | I started the installation now anyways ^^ | 22:10 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, right | 22:12 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: you can use it as, cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit | 22:13 |
CaptainQuirk | guessed I would | 22:14 |
CaptainQuirk | booted on the 4.10 kernel | 22:14 |
CaptainQuirk | and my wi-fi chip is active | 22:15 |
CaptainQuirk | tada | 22:15 |
Kake | akik: Thanks that worked! I now have Ubuntu installed :) | 22:15 |
CaptainQuirk | pavlos, nacc, thanks for you help | 22:15 |
pavlos | CaptainQuirk: great thanks nacc ! | 22:15 |
akik | Kake: nice. can you also boot your windows? | 22:16 |
Kake | I didn't try, but the option was there in grub, so I assume so :D | 22:16 |
CaptainQuirk | bye bye | 22:16 |
nacc | CaptainQuirk: yw, gl with ubuntu :) | 22:19 |
CaptainQuirk | I've been lucky so far, almost 10 years now | 22:20 |
Kake | Is it normal that fan speed is proportional to cpu use percentage? | 22:20 |
nacc | Kake: yes, the higher your cpu usage, the hotter your cpu runs (roughly) which correlates to your fans spinning up | 22:21 |
karstensrage | when you reboot does sshd shutdown and remove its .pid from /var/run? | 22:21 |
nacc | karstensrage: when you shutdown/reboot, all processes are stopped | 22:22 |
Kake | Then I hate Windows for idling at 50% | 22:22 |
nacc | karstensrage: /var/run is a symlink to /run which is a tmpfs on stock Ubuntu | 22:22 |
karstensrage | nacc, so the pid file should get cleaned up right? | 22:23 |
nacc | karstensrage: well, /var/run itself isn't preserved over reboots | 22:23 |
nacc | karstensrage: so yes | 22:23 |
karstensrage | hmm ok | 22:23 |
nacc | karstensrage: that might or might not be true on older ubuntu | 22:23 |
karstensrage | this is 16.04 i was testing on | 22:23 |
karstensrage | really slow downloading a recovery iso | 22:24 |
nacc | karstensrage: i have a fresh installed VM of 16.04 and /var/run -> /run and /run is a tmpfs | 22:24 |
karstensrage | ok thanks, will keep debugging | 22:24 |
nacc | karstensrage: you could check that the above is true on your system as well | 22:27 |
karstensrage | nacc, i will. I need a recovery disk to boot it up though | 22:38 |
josh-debian-test | Cannot get grub to launch. Fresh install 17.04, can boot system using chainloader and external USB with grub. Ubuntu 17.04 is listed in efibootmgr | 22:43 |
karstensrage | nacc, confirmed, thanks | 22:46 |
josh-debian-test | Cannot get grub to launch. Fresh install, can boot system using chainloader and external USB with grub. Listing is active in efibootmgr | 23:05 |
courrier | My Ubuntu 16.04 freezes when it's being plugged to its dockstation while running (no problem if it's already plugged at boot time though), any advice on how to diagnose the issue? | 23:08 |
arahael | courrier: just passing through here, but check if it is just the ui that is freezing or the os itself. inspect your logs for any events after the freeze, or run sshd and log in that way to see if it responds. | 23:10 |
Plasticbox | courrier, right an error log a voltage change probably gives causes an error | 23:10 |
arahael | does that dock also include graphics? | 23:11 |
courrier | arahael: the dock includes graphics indeed, and the freezing is not immediate, like it's "loading" the dockstation devices for a few seconds, then the mouse pointer freezes, then the screen going black; and I can't switch to another tty, system is fully crashed | 23:13 |
nacc | courrier: be on the console already and see if you get a panic | 23:13 |
courrier | nacc: Ha yeah, should I close the UI or just switch to a console? | 23:15 |
courrier | Anything else I could check before connecting my dockstation NOW? :P | 23:15 |
nacc | courrier: i would just switch to the console, tbh | 23:15 |
nacc | courrier: if it's a really bad trace, that may not be enough and you'd need to set up other logging (e.g., netconsole, serial console) | 23:15 |
nacc | courrier: but even just seeing any messages may give a clue | 23:16 |
courrier | yeah, ok nacc | 23:16 |
courrier | I'm rebooting, brb | 23:16 |
courrier | nacc, arahael: Only the UI freezes, no problem in console | 23:26 |
courrier | My desktop is MAte 1.12.1 | 23:26 |
nacc | courrier: hrm, strange | 23:27 |
courrier | switching back to the UI after the dock being plugged has the same behavior | 23:27 |
courrier | Is there a log for Mate? | 23:28 |
nacc | courrier: well, if your system freezes, there's a good chance the log isn't saved | 23:28 |
courrier | nacc: the thing I didn't mention: by pressing all keyboard keys it sometimes go back to life after 20-30 seconds, sometimes does not, or sometimes the desktop it broken like my wallpaper is on the laptop screen, the external monitor has the desktop icons but black wall paper ... | 23:31 |
courrier | It's not always full freezing | 23:31 |
courrier | but when it actually freezes nothing can be done | 23:31 |
nacc | courrier: sorry, i don't know | 23:32 |
courrier | nacc: np :) | 23:33 |
courrier | Actually Mate 1.12 is from 2015 ... :O | 23:34 |
courrier | How can it be in system repos for Ubuntu 16.04? | 23:34 |
nacc | courrier: 1.12 is what is in 16.04 | 23:37 |
nacc | courrier: 2015 and 2016 are pretty close in age | 23:37 |
nacc | !latest | courrier: might be a relevant FAQ | 23:39 |
ubottu | courrier: might be a relevant FAQ: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 23:39 |
nacc | also that mate is in universe | 23:39 |
courrier | true... | 23:40 |
tgm4883 | courrier: it released in Nov 2015. 1.14 wasn't out until April 2016. | 23:40 |
tgm4883 | Releasing in April 2016 doesn't give enough time for testing prior to the 16.04 releas | 23:42 |
courrier | If Mate 1.12 hasn't been upgraded to 1.14 ... When are software versions upgraded by apt? Does it upgrade a package only to new revisions but keeps the same minor version? | 23:42 |
nacc | courrier: not sure what you mean "by apt"? | 23:42 |
nacc | courrier: apt is just a tool for reading data from a repository | 23:43 |
nacc | well, "just a tool" | 23:43 |
nacc | courrier: 16.04 will never get an update to mate | 23:43 |
nacc | courrier: re-read the FAQ :) | 23:43 |
tgm4883 | courrier: once a distro version is release, it won't receive major version upgrades to a packag | 23:43 |
courrier | nacc: I mean, when I run apt upgrade, some packages are being upgraded, what are the conditions for the packages to be upgraded or held to a specific version? | 23:45 |
nacc | courrier: new versions are available from what is installed | 23:45 |
tgm4883 | courrier: "only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit" | 23:45 |
nacc | courrier: i don't understand what you are asking, really | 23:45 |
nacc | courrier: apt just compares versions and upgrades them, accounting for local configuration (pinning, etc.) | 23:46 |
nacc | courrier: it doesn't, afaik, really know what major, minor, revision, etc. are | 23:46 |
nacc | courrier: that's semantic interpretation of versioning | 23:46 |
tgm4883 | courrier: apt upgrades packages that have upgrades available in the repo. Are you asking what the criteria is to get an upgraded package in the repo? | 23:46 |
courrier | tgm4883: yes :) | 23:47 |
tgm4883 | courrier: "Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit" | 23:47 |
courrier | But I guess you partially answered the question | 23:47 |
courrier | Yeah | 23:47 |
tgm4883 | courrier: I'm not sure what's difficult to understand about that, but that could be because I've been around it for so long. What part of that isn't clear? | 23:48 |
courrier | It isn't difficult, I'm only asking how it works, but I didn't know how to formulate the question | 23:49 |
courrier | You answered it though | 23:49 |
tgm4883 | ah ok | 23:49 |
courrier | Only vulnerabilities are meant to be fixed, but no new version will be installed | 23:50 |
tgm4883 | more or less, that is correct | 23:50 |
courrier | what suprises me, is that apparently there is no generic rule for that | 23:50 |
courrier | something like: | 23:50 |
nacc | courrier: stability is more important than anything to an LTS | 23:50 |
tgm4883 | there is the HWE, but that wouldn't cover things like Mate | 23:50 |
courrier | 1.4.7 will be updated to the latest 1.4.8 but 1.12.9 will not being upgraded to 1.13.1 | 23:51 |
courrier | won't be* | 23:52 |
courrier | I guess that's a manual choice for each packet | 23:52 |
courrier | Am I correct? | 23:52 |
tgm4883 | courrier: version numbering is up to the developer, that is correct | 23:53 |
nacc | courrier: there's no guarantee of either of those things | 23:54 |
nacc | courrier: things arent' automatically updated | 23:54 |
nacc | courrier: everything is up to a developer to do some work (in debian or ubuntu) | 23:54 |
nacc | courrier: and none of that has to with apt :) | 23:55 |
courrier | nacc: I talked about apt cause as a user the things that tells me there are new upgrades being installed is apt but yeah my question was more about software versions in repositories | 23:56 |
nacc | courrier: right | 23:56 |
courrier | but my question is not yet fully answered :/ | 23:59 |
courrier | :P | 23:59 |
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