MichaelP | Got plasma 5.10.5 installed... Where is Qt 5.9.1 ? | 01:23 |
marcus__ | elky | 01:53 |
marcus__ | so hat was my son soooo sory what did he say | 01:54 |
marcus__ | hinaud | 01:55 |
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marcus__ | awser me | 02:27 |
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marcus__ | and lol | 04:02 |
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zorin-os | how can i make an application run for ever without spiking the cpu to 100% usage instantly even in an empty for loop | 06:41 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:50 |
zorin-os | for a forground process meant to be killed by another process, what method of cpu management would be best for this example 'echo "main() { for(;;); }" > cpu.c ; gcc cpu.c -o cpu ; ./cpu' or an if statement inside a while loop that will exit if the if statement becomes true | 08:07 |
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dogus | hi | 08:31 |
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pythonlover | hi | 08:39 |
zorin-os | for a forground process meant to be killed by another process, what method of cpu management would be best for this example 'echo "main() { for(;;); }" > cpu.c ; gcc cpu.c -o cpu ; ./cpu' or an if statement inside a while loop that will exit if the if statement becomes true, basically it NEEDS to do two things, 1: block all user input from the terminal INCLUDING kill signals like ctrl-C ctrl-Z ctrl-D or ctrl-L (techninally a | 08:44 |
zorin-os | clear signal), 2: print text as soon as a condition returns true, 3: (this it highest priority) assuming both conditions can be met how would i manage them without the cpu being instantly set to 100% usage as soon as the application is started | 08:44 |
lordievader | zorin-os_: For the last one, don't keep the cpu busy. In your program you only want to do something when absolutely necesary. Don't waste cycles. | 08:58 |
lordievader | Running an empty for loop is a prime example of wasting cycles. | 08:59 |
proctrap | ok, so how exactly can a openpgp key be not be usable for encryption ? | 10:32 |
proctrap | I'm still trying to get my mail encryption working (direct encryption via kleopatra works) | 10:32 |
proctrap | I've imported my key to my laptop va --import, trying to rule out all possible mistakes | 10:32 |
delphin | how can i encrypt my documents, i would like a gui software to manage my encrypted documents | 11:00 |
delphin | i tried to use Cryptomator which is open source | 11:00 |
delphin | but cannot get its vault to show up in any of my applications | 11:00 |
delphin | the idea is to have my docs encrypted locally and regularly backed up online | 11:02 |
john85 | hi folks | 11:15 |
proctrap | huh, .cache & .gnupg are next to each other, deleted both ^^ | 11:20 |
john85 | im no expert, but that dont sound good :( | 11:24 |
egypt_ | hello | 12:28 |
egypt_ | i usse kubuntu | 12:28 |
egypt_ | but there are problem with website archive.org | 12:28 |
egypt_ | the previous website , when i insert website in wayback machine in archiv.org , the inserted website cant load | 12:30 |
egypt_ | firefox maybe have an update cause this problem ,but i delete it and install again but nothing occur | 12:32 |
egypt_ | so how to solve this problem? | 12:32 |
delphin | if its a browser issue, try to isolate it by using a different browser | 12:34 |
egypt_ | i try another browser but nothing occur | 12:34 |
delphin | i am using chromium-browser on kubuntu and am able to use the wayback machine on archive.org | 12:34 |
delphin | i think this might require javascript | 12:35 |
egypt_ | the problem sometimes not appear in firefox | 12:35 |
egypt_ | the messaage i recieve secure connection failed in firefox but in another browser another msg | 12:36 |
delphin | which browser did you use? | 12:36 |
egypt_ | firefox | 12:36 |
delphin | give me the output as : <browser> :: <error message> | 12:36 |
egypt_ | wait | 12:37 |
delphin | did you try chromium? | 12:37 |
delphin | its working in chromium for me | 12:37 |
egypt_ | wait i will gave u answer | 12:38 |
delphin | yes | 12:38 |
egypt_ | firefox : secure connection failed | 12:39 |
egypt_ | i download chromium wait | 12:39 |
delphin__ | i have just rejoined | 12:45 |
delphin__ | could you share the info again | 12:45 |
delphin__ | i tried it using a proxy seems to work fine for looking up google.com in wayback machine | 12:46 |
delphin__ | maybe it depends on the address you enter in wayback machine | 12:46 |
egypt_ | chromium : This site can’t be reached | 12:48 |
delphin__ | what line did you enter in the wayback machine if you could tell me? | 12:48 |
egypt_ | the problem appear in multiple website | 12:48 |
delphin__ | i'll try to reproduce the problem | 12:48 |
egypt_ | https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.elshoroukacademy.edu.eg/ | 12:49 |
egypt_ | www.elshoroukacademy.edu.eg | 12:50 |
delphin__ | i am on firefox 55.0.2(64bit) seems to be not a browser issue | 12:50 |
delphin__ | its opening fine | 12:51 |
egypt_ | yes problem sometimes not appear | 12:51 |
delphin__ | https://www.opendns.com/ | 12:51 |
delphin__ | you could try to use a diff dns | 12:51 |
egypt_ | i thin there an update in kubuntu cause this problem | 12:51 |
egypt_ | any way to delete this updates | 12:52 |
egypt_ | ? | 12:52 |
egypt_ | i think | 12:52 |
egypt_ | i think there an update in kubuntu cause this problem so any way to delete them | 12:53 |
egypt_ | ? | 12:53 |
egypt_ | or any way to delete firefox from scratch no just uninstall | 12:54 |
delphin__ | https://askubuntu.com/questions/382019/uninstalling-reverting-thunderbird-updates | 12:54 |
delphin__ | apt-cache <app-name> provides some info about the release candidates | 12:55 |
delphin__ | then you can use "sudo apt-get install <appname>=<version>" | 12:56 |
delphin__ | to install the version you want | 12:56 |
egypt_ | gave me an example of firefox version work with u | 12:56 |
delphin__ | its working as its supposed to i think | 12:57 |
delphin__ | both in chromium and firefox i see the same thing | 12:57 |
egypt_ | seems problem in connection settings | 12:58 |
egypt_ | any way to change dns in firefox | 12:58 |
delphin__ | you can change it in system connection | 12:59 |
delphin__ | i dont know the command line way to do it, wait ill google you a link | 12:59 |
egypt_ | thanks bye | 13:01 |
delphin__ | np | 13:05 |
proctrap_ | ok, I figured out my problem, mey gpg keys are from windows and importing them to lunux doesn't work | 13:39 |
proctrap_ | they are getting imported, but something seems missing, as I can't use them to encrypt emails anymore | 13:39 |
proctrap_ | any ideas ? | 13:39 |
delphin__ | can't you generate new key to use in linux system? | 13:41 |
proctrap_ | ofc | 13:43 |
proctrap_ | but I won't change my pgp keys | 13:43 |
proctrap_ | and even then I still need them to import back to windows | 13:43 |
proctrap_ | and work with enigmail there | 13:43 |
proctrap_ | I don't want to migrate | 13:44 |
proctrap_ | I want to use them on both machines | 13:44 |
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galadas | hello | 15:33 |
galadas | I have a problem with my alfa network card (awsu036nh) I cant connect to my network, someone can help me please? | 15:35 |
BluesKaj | HI folks | 16:00 |
egypt_ | hello | 17:09 |
egypt_ | i have problem with archive.org because when i insert any website on it via wayback machine so it not open | 17:11 |
egypt_ | anyone can help me | 17:11 |
egypt_ | ? | 17:14 |
jcig | Running Kubuntu 16.04.3 on Lenovo X140e netbook. Recently started getting this message when resuming from suspend: "A JavaScript error occurred in the main process" Any ideas? | 17:19 |
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proctrap_ | jcig: you're providing little to no context | 17:50 |
proctrap_ | jcig: because what matters are things like: from where comes this message, can you track down which application left open makes this appear etc | 17:51 |
whathtle | hello, what's the package to enable java from browser in chrome or firefox? | 18:48 |
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proctrap_ | whathtle: you don't enable java in browsers ? | 19:19 |
proctrap_ | I think it's even blocked now in both | 19:20 |
jcig | proctrap_: Ok, I'll try to find out. Right now, all I can say is that this message come up in a pop up window after reopening the lid on the netbook. This part: A JavaScript error occurred in the main process" is the title of the message. Here's a link to the pop up image: http://pc.cd/nPl7 | 19:26 |
IrcsomeBot | <DGUERRERO> @proctrap_, Too late but well..: java for Firefox maybe they're referring to the icedtea java plug-in, who isn't installed by default | 23:49 |
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