ubports_bot | Project daily-hammerhead build #308: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/308/ | 00:25 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #946: SUCCESS in 1 min 43 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/946/ | 00:27 |
tgBot | <Andreas_Kube> Thank you to the developers of Telegram. THE GIF support is still missing, and the BOT may not be properly supported. The controls for the BOT are missing. | 00:29 |
tgBot | Niter was added by: Niter | 03:03 |
tgBot | <Vijay> @Niter, Welcome | 03:45 |
tgBot | <criztovyl> @delijati, There are some upcoming news from Yunit, just stay tuned :) | 04:22 |
ubports_bot | Project vivid-rootfs-armhf build #113: SUCCESS in 1.5 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/113/ | 04:27 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #947: SUCCESS in 0.48 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/947/ | 04:27 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @delijati, It was removed from Ubuntu Artful Aardvark (to be 17.10) a week or two ago | 04:27 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Andreas_Kube, Agreed. GIF support we got a ticket already, you are invited to make a ticket for bot support | 05:43 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Kévin, No what do you mean specifically? | 07:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @sorcier777, You would be our guy to develop a push notification server right? 😆 | 07:06 |
tgBot | <wagafo> Kudos for the new Telegram update! It is great to see basic apps being maintained and updated, no matter the size of the incremental improvement! | 07:20 |
tgBot | <Flohack> thanks ^^ | 07:22 |
tgBot | <Flohack> We want to release more often | 07:22 |
tgBot | <Flohack> but smaller stuff | 07:22 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I try to give a good example for that ;) | 07:22 |
tgBot | <David_Gamiz_Jimenez> @Flohack, 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😍 | 08:05 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-fp2 build #326: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/326/ | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #948: SUCCESS in 1 min 6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/948/ | 08:24 |
tgBot | <Flohack> E5 Owners! Discuss this with me plz: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/525/bq-e5-vegetahd-change-of-grid-units-scaling | 08:43 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Hey great community | 08:51 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> quick question; when would it be possible to use apps from F-Droid on the ubuntu phone? Is this a thing? Are there any plans for this? Would a conversion from .apk to something else be feasable? … I don't want to use any proprietary applications on my phone, for sure. So, most of the apps on F-droid would be a good alternative for me to expand the scope of my ubuntu phone. I guess those same app developers would be more in tune with our community | 08:54 |
tgBot | than say, the developpers from propapps... | 08:54 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, At least would be easier to support than non-FDroid because no dependency on Google Play Services | 08:55 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Exactly, my thoughts too | 08:55 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Lorxu, No its the same effort. Ubuntu Touch has no dalvik engine at all, plus lots of APIs missing. So the only feasable way will be Anbox https://anbox.io/ but this is only a proof-of-concept. Lots of many unknown problems, like file/media sharing, acces to hardware, no background tasks etc | 08:57 |
tgBot | <Flohack> The 2 systems are basically not compatible, and this is currently not on the list to get there | 08:57 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Flohack, From my knowledge most Android emulators (like the one Sailfish has) only support F-Droid-compatible apps, so it would seem easier. Easier is of course still far from easy, though | 08:58 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Flohack, Yeah sure | 08:59 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Lorxu, Anbox is in fact no emulator, its like libhybris a compat layer. That makes it so promising, since we would run native device speed | 08:59 |
tgBot | <Flohack> emulation you can completly forget, this is too slow ;) | 09:00 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> @Flohack, This. | 09:00 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Here's the deal; the place I work at wants me to use google authenticator to verify my VPN connection. For that, I must use an android phone with google services. I told them nope. | 09:01 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Yeah its a container like the android layer already is now. The same for Apps | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "I don't use android" | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "Oh, you have an iphone, then?" | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "Nope." | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "Windows?" | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "nope." | 09:02 |
tgBot | <Flohack> did you try this? https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.ubuntu-authenticator | 09:02 |
tgBot | <Flohack> works for my google account very neatly ;) | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I didn't know it existed | 09:02 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> let me check | 09:02 |
tgBot | <Flohack> we have lot of good stuff | 09:03 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> when I search "authenticator" in the store, I came up with nothing | 09:03 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> weird... | 09:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> openstore? | 09:03 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> yes | 09:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> or canonical store | 09:03 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> both | 09:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> its always worth trying both | 09:04 |
tgBot | <Flohack> ah ok well then | 09:04 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I still have the canonical image on my production phone | 09:04 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I must upgrade to ubports... | 09:04 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Well | 09:04 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I think you just might have fixed my problem | 09:04 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I will love to rub this on my companies nose. | 09:05 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> *pshaw* | 09:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> hahaha | 09:05 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I had a surreal discussion last week | 09:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Thanks to @mzanetti (who is not in this group its sad) | 09:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Give him Kudos ;) | 09:06 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "You must use android! Everybody does!" | 09:06 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "No I don't!" | 09:06 |
tgBot | <Flohack> yeah you MUST.USE.IT. | 09:06 |
tgBot | <Flohack> sounds like kinky psychodrug ad | 09:06 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> OBEY | 09:06 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> CONSUME | 09:06 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> REPRODUCE | 09:06 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> ok, that last part, sure, no problem | 09:07 |
tgBot | <Flohack> 😆 | 09:07 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, AFAIK that's just OTP and any OTP app should work. Unfortunately many people don't know when they are using something standard-compliant that's easily replaced... | 09:07 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I'm quite sure tha IT guys will refuse the Ubuntu app because it's not listed on their compliance standards | 09:07 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Lorxu, Even Facbook uses XMPP in their chat, and it was possible to use normal Jabber clients until recently. But ofc nobody knows that ;) | 09:07 |
tgBot | <Flohack> what? Its a damn authenticator token only, you can get acces or you can´t. The app does not connect to the VPN 😆 | 09:08 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Send them to me, I will explain | 09:08 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> It's a very large, complicated company. | 09:08 |
tgBot | <Flohack> florian@ubports.com | 09:08 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I know mine is, too | 09:08 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, That would honestly be retarded especially because OTP is a standard, you comply with it or you don't, and whitelisting proprietary apps for it?... | 09:09 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> they have a soviet-level paranoia and internal procedures standards | 09:09 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @per_sonne, And then get hacked. Its always the same, people think a bigger thing is better | 09:09 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, And this is why big companies don't get shit done | 09:09 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Yep. | 09:09 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Android is big so it must be safe lol | 09:09 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> @Lorxu, Btw just curious, is there any documentation or library on how this otp apps are constructed? | 09:09 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> They make me use windows on the company's laptop | 09:09 |
tgBot | <Flohack> yeah I also use Windows but its ok. In fact I love Visual Studiox D | 09:10 |
tgBot | <rogieroudshoorn> wut? | 09:10 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Every day, when I get home, I have to scrub thourougly wash out the disgust with myself | 09:10 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @bhushanshah, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_password gives a good introduction, many many libraries around | 09:10 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, My internship wants us to bring our own laptops. So hope they like me using Linux. If not, they'll have to supply me a device :P | 09:11 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> they have like two people who were allowed to use Red Hat because they insisted and are "top dogs" | 09:11 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> everybody else gets windows shoved down their throats | 09:12 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> *shivers* | 09:12 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, https://twitter.com/SylvieLorxu/status/902909820549947393 | 09:12 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Yeah, I also need a good tutorial on how to deal with UEFI; I have two pc's that need to remove crap and I'm still fighting. | 09:13 |
tgBot | <rogieroudshoorn> i count myself lucky for "only" being forced to use win7 | 09:13 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, I ended up going with Fedora's auto formatting which actually worked fine it seems | 09:14 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> hmmmm | 09:14 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Lorxu, I had to re-install win10 the other day on work laptop and that darn cortana thing started talking to me to guide me through the install. Like wtf! | 09:14 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @DanChapman, I played the old Halo game at a friend who had Windows 10 for a bit, the game set Cortana off and made her Google for fish hats or so (even though that was not what was said) | 09:15 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> @Lorxu, Oh... You use KDE plasma... ☺️ | 09:16 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I... really prefer my life without that crap. Always listening devices are scary | 09:16 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> totally agree | 09:16 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, and in most cases useless... | 09:16 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @bhushanshah, Yeah, used i3 for a long while, decided to try Plasma 5 again on this new device, runs so awesomely | 09:16 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I was really into trying Cortana but I just couldn't find a proper use case for it | 09:17 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> It's basically a route to Bing | 09:17 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I don't even want to think of what those always-listening things know of me by now >.> | 09:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Forget all this voice control. It does not really save any time or brings comfort | 09:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Its just big pile of BS | 09:18 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, It's simpler and easier to just type the entry in DDG and get the same result | 09:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> yep | 09:18 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @vanyasem, If someone else has it enabled and you're voice chatting with them, you can just say "Cortana, shut down the computer" | 09:18 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Flohack, But, but.... it can tell you loads of facts about halo! | 09:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @vanyasem, The moment when Bing brings better results than Bing where billions get invested 😆 | 09:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> sry ddg | 09:19 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, if someone else has it enabled I refuse to voice chat with them 🙈 | 09:19 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Flohack, Well, better than Google | 09:19 |
tgBot | <Flohack> 😆 Im not sure about that but ok ^^ | 09:20 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I searched "Linux cp show progress" on Google recently (new device, didn't switch search engine yet) and it came up with a "child pornogrophy is wrong" warning. Like, thanks, Google, now I'm on another watchlist? | 09:20 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> 😳 | 09:21 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> It's rather scary to think that people want to use algorithms to figure out everything yet Google calls me a pedophile just because I look up something Linux related? Lol... | 09:21 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I don't use google services expect YouTube, so I'm not that much concerned | 09:22 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/Oqz9a001/file_334.jpg Oh not new device, but yeah... | 09:22 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, Is that thing gapps-free? | 09:23 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @vanyasem, Yup, proudly so | 09:23 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> could you pm me a list of apps you use (maybe screenshot of f-droid installed or home screen)? | 09:24 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> i'm having a hard time with it | 09:24 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> @Lorxu, Pedophiles can use Linux too. It's meant for everyone. | 09:31 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @per_sonne, Heh, yeah, but there's no relationship between the two (that I'm aware of) :P | 09:32 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Correlation is not causation. | 09:32 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @per_sonne, Big Data is also big headache about what is the right theory. Human mankind starts trusting in statistics more than intuition | 09:38 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Big Data is literally throwing (incomplete) data on a heap and trying to find something. Like, no, driving bicycles doesn't mean you like chocolate ice cream. I just can't even. Why do people think this is the right way to go when science has proven to work the way it does and not this way so often... | 09:41 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Every time someone hypes "big data" I want to punch them in the face | 09:42 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I reach for my pistol. | 09:49 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Lorxu, Do it! | 10:40 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Good news: i just got an dev environment working on my Debian and now I will back up my oneplus and flash ubports ☺️ | 11:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> ^^ | 11:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> cool | 11:03 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> One thing worries me. Why do I need an account for notifications? | 11:04 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Andre Büsgen, They go through a central server and that way it knows what are your notifications. Also that server is probably offline by now | 11:08 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Okay so it isn't just a wakeup call | 11:10 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Do you use notifications? Or do you open every app to see whether someone sent you a message? | 11:14 |
tgBot | <Marcos> Florian. I'm a E5 user and selecting smaller icons would be great! | 11:14 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Andre Büsgen, Basically we have a push server until end of year running | 11:15 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Telegram cloud server send notifications there, and they are queued until your device fetches them | 11:15 |
tgBot | <Flohack> this works by sending a hash to telegram under which they can be retrieved (together with the OAuth from Ubuntu one) | 11:16 |
tgBot | <Flohack> But unfortunately Telegram sends it as clear text | 11:16 |
tgBot | <Flohack> so theoretically if you compromise the push server you can read a lot of stuff ^^ | 11:16 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> So my messages get stored at the server? Would it be possible to have this server running as local instance on your phone? | 11:17 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Even if it drains battery | 11:17 |
tgBot | <Flohack> would yes, but telegram is not talking with us. When the server dies first of all the notifications are gone. | 11:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> The next thing is to spin up a periodic login to Telegram, to manually poll it | 11:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> But it consumes a lot of battery since you need to follow the API protocol which involves connections to up to 5 datacenters | 11:18 |
tgBot | <Flohack> some crypto stuff and then finally we can retrieve unread message count | 11:19 |
tgBot | <Flohack> doing this every 5 minutes is a problem | 11:19 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Doesn't seem very efficient😂 | 11:19 |
tgBot | <Flohack> there is a reason why google & apple made very very very efficient push protocols | 11:20 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Damn backup takes years | 11:20 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> I should consider deleting some stuff | 11:21 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> How is it possible that copying files to and from android is still so bad? | 11:35 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Adb is the only way to get these files transferred fast | 11:36 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I am using rsync over ssh if you do the server method in mdt? | 11:43 |
tgBot | <Flohack> or you are still on Android? | 11:43 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> I'm still on android | 11:48 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> I'm preparing for flashing | 11:49 |
tgBot | <Flohack> oki | 11:49 |
tgBot | <harishsays> (Photo, 960x890) https://irc.ubports.com/lGNumVaS/file_336.jpg | 11:56 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Maybe tomorrow the backup will be complete 😂 | 11:57 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Its time to pray I start flashing now | 12:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> hehe good luck | 12:06 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-mako build #101: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/101/ | 12:55 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #949: SUCCESS in 49 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/949/ | 12:56 |
tgBot | <Field10pg> @Flohack, Good job, thanks | 12:58 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> flashing was successful (after 2nd attempt) | 13:14 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> doesn't telegram for ubports support supergroups yet? | 13:14 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> nope, it was discussed earlier today | 13:17 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @bastos777, . | 13:17 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Supergroups: I just started to compile API-36, one before supergroup support will become real | 13:20 |
tgBot | <Flohack> New branch for that: https://github.com/ubports/libqtelegram-aseman-edition/tree/ubports-API36 | 13:21 |
tgBot | <David_Gamiz_Jimenez> 👏 👏👏 | 13:36 |
tgBot | <Eranuzan> @Flohack, Yay! 🎉 | 13:37 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Hi, how can I use and install chrome or chromium in Meizu Pro 5 | 13:44 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Or select web desktop in browser? | 13:44 |
tgBot | mo7am96 was added by: mo7am96 | 14:03 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @mo7am96, Welcome Mohammad! | 14:13 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Jaume, Default browser uses Chromium engine, so you're using it already | 14:14 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Useragent is a problem, but webapps with it modified usually work as expected | 14:14 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Ok. How can I change? | 14:22 |
tgBot | <Jaume> And why can I get the group in Meizu 's telegram? | 14:26 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> For a short term fix you could edit the UA in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Web/UserAgent02.qml | 14:28 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Jaume, Because supergroups aren't supported yet but work is in progress. You need to use the web telegram client for now | 14:30 |
tgBot | <Jaume> 👍 | 14:31 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Wow pressure is rising everyday for that supergroups ;) | 14:31 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Why don't I have access to SD Card? | 14:36 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Flohack, Is there any way we could charge a dollar for every message? | 14:38 |
tgBot | <blendergeek0> @vanyasem, That is a great idea. (Though I would be down a dollar, honestly if the money goes to UBports development that isn't a bad thing) | 14:41 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @blendergeek0, You can always support UBports at Patreon | 14:42 |
tgBot | <blendergeek0> Already done. | 14:42 |
tgBot | <samzn> is the station dock still powered by a RPi | 14:43 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Have I to install anything to recieve your updates? | 14:43 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @samzn, I believe so. And I've been thinking about that cursed device this morning. Specifically whether enough phones support high quality hardware video encode that we could take the load off the CPU. | 14:46 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> But I know nothing about the current software, so that tells you a lot | 14:46 |
tgBot | <samzn> I think the pi is good enough for a prototype | 14:48 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Indeed. And the little compute module makes a lot of sense for lower-cost but same-performing devices. | 14:48 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Also means that people will be able to hack theirs to get more things done with it, which is exciting. | 14:48 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> i must say that i like ubports already very much :) | 14:50 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Jaume, What updates? | 15:09 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Updates for Meizu PRO 5 | 15:10 |
tgBot | <Jaume> won't it be? From UBPorts | 15:11 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Did you flash our channel? | 15:11 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Flash? No. I just get today the phone | 15:12 |
tgBot | <Flohack> erm. From where? | 15:12 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Ok. I will have to get your rom | 15:12 |
tgBot | <Jaume> I have bough used phone from a guy. | 15:13 |
tgBot | <Flohack> If it has still Canonical image you need to reflash it | 15:14 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Here in Barcelona was a boy that sold the Meizu and I bought today. | 15:14 |
tgBot | <Flohack> cool | 15:14 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Open updates and look for the number | 15:15 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Ok. Do I need a pc or linux? Or can I do only with the phone | 15:15 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Need linux at the moment. Guys here can explain, I am offline now | 15:16 |
tgBot | <Flohack> offline;) | 15:16 |
tgBot | <Flohack> lol damn web app bug | 15:17 |
tgBot | <Jaume> blob:https://web.telegram.org/4bd13638-a4a1-4b74-a978-10cd667a902b | 15:19 |
tgBot | <Jaume> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/nke17KFg/file_338.jpg | 15:21 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> ota 15. that means that you still have canonical version | 15:22 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> i think that you can use magic device tool (linux) to flash it if you want | 15:23 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Jaume, https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/How-to-install-UBports-on-your-deviceI | 15:30 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> use this guide to flash the image | 15:31 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Jaume, If you want to test something fun, check out github.com/ubports/ubports-installer . It's still in beta, but it works on all platforms. | 15:32 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Gnu/Linux, macOS and windows that is | 15:33 |
tgBot | <Jaume> I'm sorry. I can test a lot of things because the Meizu will be my main phone. | 15:40 |
tgBot | <Jaume> Ok thanks, I will flash this weekend. | 15:40 |
tgBot | <PhoenixLandPirate> You excited all the BSD users. | 15:41 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> why is there no SSL certeficate for ci.ubports.com? | 15:42 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I can't access it from my main PC with enforced https | 15:42 |
tgBot | <neothethird> huh, that's odd | 15:44 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @vanyasem, pinging @Flohack | 15:44 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> both stats.ubports.com and ubports.com are working fine though | 15:45 |
tgBot | <Sconio> Hi | 16:11 |
tgBot | <neothethird> hey | 16:11 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> hey | 16:13 |
tgBot | <Sconio> I would like to introduce you to someone who might be useful to you to work for UBports, he / she knows the C / C ++ programming language and other, what interests you? | 16:13 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Sconio, Basically, any help is appreciated, so if you have someone interested in the project who is willing to help, go ahead | 16:14 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @vanyasem, this | 16:15 |
tgBot | <Sconio> ok.. | 16:15 |
tgBot | <Sconio> I ask him, and I come back with him | 16:16 |
tgBot | <neothethird> cool | 16:16 |
tgBot | <Sconio> his pseudo is: z3nnY H0lp2 | 16:27 |
tgBot | <Sconio> https://pastebin.com/WaBaQLkP | 16:28 |
tgBot | <Sconio> it create MOD on the quake engine 3 | 16:28 |
tgBot | <Sconio> compiling C / C++ | 16:28 |
tgBot | <Sconio> etc | 16:28 |
tgBot | <Sconio> he has some experiences | 16:29 |
tgBot | <JeffiG> @Flohack, If Possible to add Albanian Lang. I woud Translate :) | 17:26 |
tgBot | kz6fittycent was added by: kz6fittycent | 17:42 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @JeffiG, If you log in you can add any language that's not there yet yourself, it's in one of the menus but only when logged in (forgot which menu) | 17:44 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I think it's called "add new translation" | 17:44 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @JeffiG, I think i need to add that to the repo manually. I don't think weblate will do it for .ts files. … What's the albanian locale code? "sq_AL"? | 17:49 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @DanChapman, It does it fine for Pext and AsteroidOS which both use ts | 17:54 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> If it doesn't it's probably a configuration issue with the repo and I could share my config for Pext which works | 17:56 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Oh right, https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-2.4/formats.html#qt-linguist-ts says otherwise but if it works then yay! | 17:56 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> That's odd, guess that piece of documentation may be outdated because I've always had it work | 17:57 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I do know that you need to have at least one language set up before it works so that may be it | 17:58 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> ah yeah, could be that. anyway thanks! 😊 | 18:03 |
tgBot | <Vijay> Live?? | 18:03 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, I am alive | 18:03 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> you guys might laugh, but I am gonna try "porting" utouch to grouper...anyone ever attempt it? If so, any gotchas? | 18:04 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Lorxu, No it throws an error and tells me I have to turn off new languages for it | 18:05 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> http://youtu.be/MGvo5sGEHmU | 18:05 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Give me a shout out plzz | 18:06 |
tgBot | <Ben> Hey :) | 18:10 |
tgBot | <Flohack> https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/xnynimnyc5hd7hlwqumohqcxeue | 18:12 |
tgBot | <Flohack> You can ask questions for the Q&A also here ;) | 18:12 |
tgBot | <Ben> Okay :) | 18:12 |
tgBot | <PhoenixLandPirate> Can you please tell everyone that they're looking supurb today; | 18:12 |
tgBot | <Flohack> sure ;) | 18:13 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Flohack, Do you have a "Base file for new translations" set under Settings -> Files? | 18:13 |
tgBot | <Vijay> Congratulations on 2nd OTA.. | 18:13 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Lorxu, Yes but then I cant save the config ^^ | 18:14 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Letz me test after Q&A again | 18:15 |
tgBot | <Ben> And I want to thank everybody here, who make Ubuntu Touch possible with their work 👍 | 18:15 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Flohack, What error? | 18:15 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Flohack, Sure, have fun! | 18:15 |
tgBot | <Vijay> OTA 3?? | 18:18 |
tgBot | Mathias Bochet was added by: Sconio | 18:20 |
tgBot | <Mathias Bochet> Hey guys | 18:21 |
tgBot | <Ben> Hey | 18:21 |
tgBot | <mymike00> Will i receive a notification fot OTA 2 when it will be ready? Can I upload to it without wifi? | 18:22 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> Have you seen the message of alan pope about the core apps jenkins system ( on the openstore telegram group) | 18:22 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @mymike00, Sorry currently no push notification is made, so you will have to check manually in the system settings/updates. You can do it either by GSM/UMTS, WiFi or if necessary push it with the install howto from your linux machine via adb/fastboot | 18:24 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/526/ota-3-suggestions-your-wanted-features | 18:25 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @Flohack, 👍 | 18:26 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> We should really make a telegram channel for project updates with links to community updates, blog posts and audiocasts | 18:31 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> And also update announcements | 18:31 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Would be really handy | 18:31 |
tgBot | <neothethird> not a bad idea | 18:31 |
tgBot | <mymike00> But channels aren't visible in the UT telegram app... | 18:32 |
tgBot | <neothethird> in webtelegram they are | 18:32 |
tgBot | <neothethird> and i'm sure @Flohack will fix them at some point :D | 18:32 |
tgBot | <mymike00> Yep but I won't be notified | 18:33 |
tgBot | <mymike00> 😘 | 18:33 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @mymike00, They are visible in Telegram Desktop thought | 18:33 |
tgBot | <mymike00> You're right | 18:35 |
tgBot | <Flohack> give me some more time please for supergroups. Today I think there were already 5 questions about when they come 😆 | 18:37 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Or, Ivan brings in some Russian hackers ;) | 18:37 |
tgBot | <mymike00> we're talking about channels, now... | 18:38 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Ok same problem probably ;) | 18:38 |
tgBot | <mymike00> Ah didn't know... | 18:39 |
tgBot | <Flohack> uh that means maybe I messed up 2 API layers. OMG have to check. Channel and Supergroup 😆 | 18:39 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @mariogrip any updates on any new devices? | 18:39 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I hate them for no documentation | 18:40 |
tgBot | <mymike00> News from the foundation? | 18:46 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @Flohack thanks 😊 | 18:46 |
tgBot | <Flohack> welcome ^^ | 18:47 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> I bought op5 | 18:47 |
tgBot | <Flohack> shiny ;) | 18:48 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> I wish I could do some dev with it but got issues with my laptop... It does not let me install recovery ... Which is first step so I am just waiting for the Mario to get a port working .. if I cannot help Port maybe I will help on some other development stuff. | 18:49 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @Flohack, Yup it's no nice. I am enjoying this device a lot but I do want a Ubuntu Port for it asap 😊 | 18:50 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Its 7 or 7.1 right? | 18:51 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> 7.1 it is | 18:51 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> it runs Halium-7.1 | 18:51 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Ok yes as Marius said, needs Halium to work perfectly for it, then it looks promising | 18:51 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> I am using Android on it as long as I can | 18:51 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> wifi, celluar, vibrator and graphics works so far | 18:52 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> 🤗 @mariogrip I m waiting patiently for it. | 18:52 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Wow | 18:53 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> Question: how far is halium 7 port of ubports? | 18:54 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> (not watching stream, if possible reply here) | 18:54 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Wait we progressed to scopes, we had this topic 5mins ago ^^ | 18:54 |
tgBot | <Flohack> we go back ofc | 18:54 |
tgBot | <Flohack> just for you =) | 18:54 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> @bhushanshah, mir needs android 7 support, else then that it shoud work | 18:55 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> +1 for a today indicator. Like that idea | 18:55 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @DanChapman, 😊 | 19:00 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> @mariogrip, Thanks for replying, I would love if someone can work on it, as there are already various halium 7 port and people want to try ubports | 19:02 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Not something important but @Flohack what are those folders behind your back in BG seems like a lot of them... What are those .. | 19:02 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Just curious | 19:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> :P | 19:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> This is my collected stuff for household, old magazines, Manuals from university etc | 19:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Nothing I ever use | 19:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> got more a decorative touch now | 19:03 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I maybe pull one of the files each month maximum ^^ | 19:04 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Aaaaand a set of Lord of the Rings books ^^ | 19:04 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Hmmm 😄😄 i do have that kind of things too but not in folders.. most of it is in Google doc | 19:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> ^^ | 19:06 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Im old style | 19:06 |
tgBot | <Flohack> did you read my blog post | 19:06 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> I prefer soft copies ... | 19:06 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @Flohack, Where is it? I would like to. | 19:06 |
tgBot | <Flohack> https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/flohack-we-are-all-dreamers-65 | 19:07 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Look at the photo :P | 19:08 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Yup visiting .. as soon as the qa gets over | 19:08 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> But before that I missed first 30 min of qa so I am going to watch it first | 19:09 |
tgBot | <advocatux> Great community update 👍 | 19:09 |
tgBot | <Ben> Yes :) | 19:10 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Thx ! | 19:11 |
tgBot | <mariogrip> Thx! | 19:11 |
tgBot | <Flohack> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/qZbPYr8K/file_340.mp4 | 19:12 |
tgBot | <neothethird> developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers | 19:13 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> AAAAAAAAAAAAAH | 19:13 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> WAAAAAAAh | 19:13 |
tgBot | <Mathias Bochet> developers developers developers developers | 19:13 |
tgBot | <Flohack> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/opItGsEr/file_342.mp4 | 19:15 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/r0FJbWDK/file_343.mp4 | 19:18 |
tgBot | DIVYANSH747 was added by: DIVYANSH747 | 19:18 |
tgBot | <Ben> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRm0NDo1CiY | 19:21 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Marius, thank you a lot for the shout out | 19:24 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Awesome stream, one of the most exciting ones | 19:25 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> @Flohack, Interesting.. KDE is coming to your city next year for akademy. :D | 19:25 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> Oh wait | 19:25 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> s/city/country | 19:25 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> https://youtu.be/1gI_HGDgG7c … Lol | 19:27 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> On Scopes 'Today' is okay as a "check in" summary, once a day. Some kind of super-notification summary would be better than a Scope. Nearby Scope the only other but 99% of stuff is there for years, so an updated map function delivers that well. Osmand I love for that, as works offline | 19:27 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> "You guys... are something special." … -@mariogrip, 2017 | 19:31 |
tgBot | <Ben> ^^ | 19:31 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> Fwd from neothethird: developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers | 19:31 |
tgBot | <bhushanshah> 😝 | 19:31 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @UniversalSuperBox, Special 😳😳 special.. 🤣🤣 | 19:32 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Yes we are | 19:32 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Of course, I'm special. I have limited edition glasses from a russian rapper | 19:37 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> There were only 25 sold | 19:37 |
tgBot | <JeffiG> @DanChapman, yes | 19:49 |
tgBot | <JeffiG> @DanChapman, yes it is | 19:49 |
J^3 | I have been struggling most of the weekend with adb unauthorised. Non of the usual tricks work. Like revoking authorisation in adb. Deleting my ~/.android directory. Any other suggestions. I am trying to root and install lineageOS on my N5. to test the screen issue | 20:01 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @JeffiG, Ok great, thanks! I will get that added in a little while then. | 20:11 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @JeffiG I've added the translation so it should sync up to weblate some time soon 😊 | 20:17 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> "I need more monster" - @mariogrip 😁😁 | 20:21 |
tgBot | <garrogarri> @Flohack, Except if yole use Rust | 20:22 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @garrogarri, 😜 | 20:23 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> So, I have the kernel for the Nexus 7 (2012) — don't laugh, I'm practicing porting Utouch— I am trying to find the how-to's for kernel config's etc and the links are bad...anyone have some links I can use? | 20:27 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> There's an unofficial port of Lineage OS 14.1 for it (it's running it now) and I've got the GIT repo bookmarked. … The phablet dev tools seem to have an entry for Grouper and it builds MINUS the kernel. … Any pointers? | 20:29 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> As I'm reading the logs, this is what stands out to me: … "No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE grouper" … So, my question is, does the script look in a particular directory for any local sources that I've added? Specifically, a KERNEL? | 20:35 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Do you have your manifest anywhere? | 20:35 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> So, @UniversalSuperBox I'm a total newb...so prolly not! LOL | 20:37 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox I am using the guide listed here: … https://docs.ubuntu.com/phone/en/devices/porting-new-device | 20:38 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I'd suggest throwing that one out and starting with the Halium docs. http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/index.html | 20:39 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox, okay. Does the script even work anymore? phablet-dev-tools | 20:39 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I don't think so | 20:40 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-bacon build #257: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/257/ | 21:02 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #950: SUCCESS in 1 min 2 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/950/ | 21:03 |
tgBot | <neothethird> OH NO! I forgot to give @sverzegnassi (Openstore) and @mimecar (Ubuntu touch app dev) a shoutout in the Q&A! They're also attending Ubucon Europe and will talk about their work! | 22:30 |
tgBot | <neothethird> And also @costales ! This is not ending well for me... :D | 22:33 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I gave you like two chances man! | 22:33 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Also you didn't put them in the notes. :P | 22:34 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Yeah | 22:35 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Shame on me | 22:35 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Does UBports have a protocol for WPA2? Lacking in the Canonical version for BQ M10 FHD | 22:48 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @neothethird, Time to flee the country | 22:49 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> What? | 22:49 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @Stereofont, Are you having trouble with 802.1x? | 22:49 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Stereofont, Always worked for me, also with the Canonical image | 22:49 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Only offers WPA | 22:50 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> I can't connect to WPA routers | 22:50 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> WPA2 works | 22:51 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Maybe an FHD thing? | 22:51 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> I never had problems with my BQ phone | 22:52 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Uh | 22:55 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> You said it didn't work under Canonical's image either? | 22:55 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Still working on getting UBports. At the moment it is running Canonical | 22:56 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Didn't work before and now doesn't work following re-install | 22:57 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Uh... Mister_Q, what do we generally check in this situation? | 22:57 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Could be faulty hardware in my example I suppose | 22:58 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Can you connect t oany access point? | 22:59 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> WPA works fine. Some WiFi has extra security of WPA2 | 23:00 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> My favourite cafe is WPA2 only | 23:00 |
tgBot | <mateosalta> I have noticed that it times out on entering in a long password, try pre-typing the password in a notepad then pasteing it into the box | 23:43 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Okay I will try that. In the dialog when you tap on a connection it says WPA, not WPA/WPA2 | 23:49 |
tgBot | <Pete> Hi everyone...any idea when the opo's camera will be functional? | 23:51 |
tgBot | <mateosalta> @Stereofont yep same here, that might be a bug, all the networks ive used are wpa2 and it shows wpa in that box for them | 23:52 |
pat92 | im having a HELL of a time installing Ubuntu Touch on a Kindle Fire gen 1 | 23:53 |
tgBot | <mateosalta> also if the password timeout thing isn't an issue, try visiting a webpage first in the cafe - some of those setup a "accept our terms" webpage redirect before general internet will work after connecting @Stereofont | 23:54 |
pat92 | I have rooted it with SafeRoot and installed fff and twrp but the ubports-installer-0.1.4-beta-x86_64.appimage just Hangs | 23:55 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> You can't install Ubuntu Touch on that device. | 23:56 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Our supproted devices can be found on https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch | 23:56 |
tgBot | <Pete> It says opo? | 23:59 |
pat92 | What is otter?.....https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 23:59 |
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