
elacheche3arfi nizarus Happy 3id :D10:53
elachecheHappy 3id Bader davlefou pavlushka theShirbiny :) :)10:53
pavlushkaEid Mubarak elacheche :)10:54
pavlushkaand Everyone, Eid Mubarak10:54
elachecheThx pavlushka :)10:54
pavlushkayou too :)10:55
nizarushello @ all10:58
nizaruset 3idkom mabrouk10:58
pavlushkaelacheche: How can I setup a public ftp site using vsftpd? Sorry If it is very workoholic of me or if it made you a bit workoholic :p10:58
pavlushkaEid Mubarak nizarus :)10:58
elachechepavlushka: by "site" you mean a website?11:00
davlefouBonjour les gars!!!11:01
theShirbinyHappy eid elacheche  :)11:01
elachecheHappy happy theShirbiny :D11:01
pavlushkaelacheche: does that make the site http+ftp then if I say yes?11:01
elachecheBonjour davlefou!11:01
elachechepavlushka: nop :p11:02
elachecheftp is just to transfert files to a remote machine..11:02
pavlushkaelacheche: ok then, yes :)11:02
davlefouvsftpd est permet de faire un server ftp efficace selon mes souvenirs!11:02
elachecheyes davlefou you'"re right11:02
davlefoumême pour des branc de developpeur sous mac!11:02
pavlushkaEid Mubarak davlefou theShirbiny :)11:03
elachechepavlushka: To host a website you need to setup a webserver (apache OR nginx) and to put some files under it, for this task you can use ftp, rsync or sftp.. it depends on what you want..11:03
elachechepavlushka: So, what is your goal..11:03
davlefouou ssh, voir sshfs, c'est mieux!11:04
theShirbinyHappy Eid pavlushka :D11:04
davlefouBonne Aid a tous.11:04
pavlushkaelacheche: for instance ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/, I want to make a site like this, my local ISP asked for this fi it's possible for me11:04
theShirbinypavlushka: static or dynamic?11:04
elachechedavlefou: non, sshfs pas bon, sftp sera mieux.. ;)11:04
elachecheOh! Youwant to host a public FTP server11:05
pavlushkatheShirbiny: is ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/ static, I am not sure11:07
theShirbinyyes, that's static11:07
pavlushkaelacheche: yes11:07
pavlushkatheShirbiny: then static11:07
theShirbinydoes it have to be ftp? or https is fine?11:08
pavlushkaelacheche: I am doing it on a RPI, and I want to make only a specific directory accessible11:09
theShirbinyOh, just locally xD11:10
theShirbinyI was going to suggest S311:10
pavlushkatheShirbiny: is it feasible to host media and other downloadable contents on http?11:10
pavlushkatheShirbiny: no, I will make it accessible to a WAN(for a district)  network, later11:11
pavlushkaI am just testing it on my home network11:12
pavlushkaso far I am able to use vsftpd with username and password and the whole root directory is accessible, for me its ok but not for everyone :)11:13
pavlushkaon RPI11:13
* elacheche is sroory, Internet is not stable :/ can't read in real time :/11:13
pavlushkaelacheche: np, check logs later :)11:14
elachechepavlushka: there is an anonymous access option in the vsftpd cfg file under /etc, try to enable it then restart it then try11:14
elachechepavlushka: https://askubuntu.com/questions/555660/create-a-vsftpd-server-with-anonymous-access11:23
u-la-la[ 14.04 - Create a VSFTPD server with anonymous access - Ask Ubuntu ] - https://askubuntu.com11:24
theShirbinyor man vsftpd.conf :p11:32
pavlushkaok, I dont want to pose serious work threat today for me or anyone, So, some other day may be :D11:33
pavlushkathanks theShirbiny and elacheche :)11:33

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