
atulyI need help to understand that juju relation ship model betwen cinder-volume and cinder01:29
atulycurrently we have deployment through juju and in one of the container cinder-volume state is down but service is still up and running. So i am not figure out what could be the possible reason for the same. When i check the logs it state volume is down.01:30
ybaumyrick_h: too bad that there is no support for it. its a really nice tool which supports puppet chef ansible and so on08:43
erik_lonrothI'm trying to connect to my ceph object storage from python but can't figure out how exactly. Anyone that can point me to how you would normally do that? python etc.11:50
erik_lonrothOh, the context is that I have a ceph, ceph-radosgw, keystone, openstack-dashboard which bdx helped me with last night. Its running OK, but I need to understand how to connect to it and try it out.11:52
ybaumyanyone experience with terraform?15:20

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