
studio-user369uty tyuyt u tyu ytu gj15:14
studio-user369 ghjh15:14
studio-user369 jg hjvg15:14
studio-user369 gjgh  y15:14
studio-user369 15:14
studio-user369 15:14
studio-user369 15:14
studio-user369 15:15
studio-user369 15:15
studio-user369 15:15
studio-user369 15:15
studio-user369 15:15
studio-user369 15:15
studio-user369 15:15
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
studio-user299I erased some file in the /tmp directory18:44
studio-user299and can't seem to re-find my session18:45
studio-user299should I reformat the whole drive? (all the info is safe)18:47
JackWinter2you don't have to erase the drive for deleting stuff in /tmp20:39

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