
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
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smoserthnee, thats a fair point.  for your info, though, you should be hesitant of anything that asks you for a private key.13:18
larsksback from a week of vacation...does https://code.launchpad.net/~larsks/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/329661 need anything more, or is it good to go?13:29
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
smoserhey all, just a reminder, we have a status/discussion meeting in ~ 2 hours (Tue, 05 Sep 2017 16:30:00 +0000).14:35
smoserwe will discuss14:35
smosersome of the things listed at https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00094.html14:35
smoserblackboxsw, cloudinit/net/dhcp.py15:42
smoseri think dhcp_discovery should take the interface back down if it brought it up15:42
smosershouldnt it ?15:42
smoserie, it has a side affect of leaving the 'ip link set dev <interface> up'15:43
smoserand EphemeralIPv4Network may have that too ?15:44
blackboxswlarsks: hi there welcome back, I had forgotten about the vacation, I'll back my branch donw16:09
blackboxswlarsks: hi there welcome back, I had forgotten about the vacation, I'll back my branch down16:09
smoserthis is time for meeting now.16:32
smoseranyone else here for this ?16:34
smoserlarsks,  no ajorgens, robjo ?16:34
robjosorry chasing an urgent issue, not really here16:35
smoserno worries.16:35
smoserfor this meeting, i'll just run through16:37
smoser https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/cloud-init-meeting16:37
smoser# Recent Changes / Highlights16:38
smoser *     integration of robjo's opensuse items16:38
smoser *     summit results posted to mailing list https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00094.html16:38
smoser#     In Progress Development / Highlights16:38
smoser    Trello Board: [https://trello.com/b/hFtWKUn3/daily-cloud-init-curtin]16:39
smoser    Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init16:39
smoser    Opensuse builds: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Cloud:Tools:Next/cloud-init16:39
smoserthat pasted poorly16:39
blackboxsw#startmeeting cloud-init status update16:39
smoserwe also have a SRU in progress. information at https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html16:39
smoser... blackboxsw  do we have the both ere now ?16:39
blackboxswyeah meetingology is here now :)16:40
larskssmoser: sorry, lunch, here now :)16:40
smoserok. well, for next time i guess blackboxsw16:40
smoserput some info on bot meetingology at https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/cloud-init-meeting ?16:40
smoser# topic: open Discussion16:41
smoserThe biggest followup item really was to discuss release items such as frequency and version numbers.  'Proposal: Roll over to 1.0.0' in the post is generally accepted by myself and others.  So I think that we will probably move to 1.0.016:41
blackboxswsure will do16:41
blackboxswstrange that it's not here anymore. will get that up for next meeting16:41
smoseri think that targetting 3 month release cycles seems sane.16:41
larsks+1 on that.16:42
powersjsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/327646 can that get a review? ;)16:43
powersjpretty please16:43
smoserthe 3 month ish release cycles im' more sold on. as semantic versioning is kind of hard for me to find a obvious mapping.16:43
blackboxswheh, yep powersj smoser and I both said it'd be on our radar for today16:44
smosera.) we generally try to be backwards compatible always16:44
smoserb.) we don't really offer/support python api (but rather just config module input and such)16:44
smoserc.) "major feature" on one platform is not necessarily anything to another platform (datasource)16:44
larskssmoser: I'm certainly not a stickler for semantic versioning, just for rational versioning that communicates somehow that magnitude of changes between releases.16:44
smoser   even the addition of a new datasource... which is clearly a big deal (we added Scaleway) means nothing for others.16:45
smoserlarsks, it is still hard...16:45
rharpersmoser: generally discussing the roadmap, what we expect to land in the upcoming release should I think bring about any discussion needed about "major" version bumps and what not16:45
larsksSure.  I guess an alternative, with a regular release cadence, is ubuntu-style month/year based versioning.16:46
smoserit certainly seems to me that unless you intend to service the right-most digit of X.Y.Z (or X.Y) then it has no value.16:47
rharpersome downstreams may be interested in just that16:47
larsksI guess.  I mean, I would argue that if a release consistents pretty much exclusively of bug fixes, that's a .Z release, and if a release introduces new data sources or major internal changes, that's a .Y, and if the behavior changes significantly, that's a .X.16:48
smoserie, at this point i do not have intention of upstream maintaining a 1.0 branch to 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 ... (or ... )16:48
blackboxswso a major.minor bump then based on release cadence ++ an eye to major changes might be of interest16:48
dpb1smoser: then perhaps a YY.MM scheme might be better16:49
dpb1since it more closely matches the release scheme16:49
rharperI think the majority of our "major" features are known within a 6 months timeframe (even 3 months)16:49
rharperso, whatever the numbers are, discussing the features/roadmap here will make folks interested in the numbers aware of what they mean16:50
smoseri think that i like the idea of time based release numbers16:52
smoserand documenting what changes/features/function are in each16:52
larsksThat seems fair.16:52
* smoser just can't bring himself to type high version numbers16:54
rharper17.09 is just around the corner16:55
rharper0.7.9 -> 17.09?  mostly the same numbers, just reordered16:55
smoseryeah.. i noticed that too.16:55
larsksHa :)16:55
dpb1numerology, fantastic16:55
smoserand arguably so is 7.916:55
rharperthe stars are alined16:55
smoser(dropping 2010 years)16:55
dpb1all hail the 17.0916:55
rharperyeah, 17.9 would work16:56
rharper17.9 -> 17.12 -> 18.3 -> 18.6 etc ?  or do we want the extra zero for comfort ?16:56
smoserwell, the other option is openstack based.16:57
smoserthey dont mark months16:57
smoserjust releases in that year16:57
smoser17.1 and 17.216:57
dpb1I like that16:58
larsksYes, but then you'll endup with people spawning cloud-init sub-projects with names like "Zarkon" and "Farfnagle".16:58
smoserlarsks, this is a good point.16:58
blackboxsw(can we call that a "feature" :) )16:58
dpb1larsks: may it never be!16:58
dpb1smoser: so16:58
* larsks has the branch name for his next patch.16:58
smoserit feels to me like i'd keep 17.XX including the zero16:58
rharperlarsks: those are great names!16:58
dpb1one thing we had in previous projects16:58
dpb1is the month would change out while qualling the release16:58
larsksdpb1: "qualling"?16:59
dpb1then we were like "should we keep it .06 or .07"16:59
dpb1or quailing16:59
smoserbecause Ubuntu 17.10 having cloud-init 17.1 (which was released in the 9th month of 2017) is confusing.16:59
dpb1doing QA/bug fixing16:59
larsksAh, got it.16:59
powersjsmoser: does that mean SRUs to xenial will have 16.04 and a 17.09 in the version?16:59
rharperpowersj: yeah it would16:59
smoserpowersj, numbers mean nothing17:00
powersjthen use 1.0.0 ;)17:00
rharperexcept to those who think they do17:00
dpb1I thought we just established they mean everything and we should hail them17:00
rharperhowever, only for 18.04;  16.04 will forever have 0.7.X.16.04.  ... even if it's cloud-init 17.12 or whatever17:00
smoserrharper, no17:01
smoserif we new-upstream-snapshot back to 16.04 it will get a new upstream version17:01
smoserand that is perfectly fine17:01
rharperok, so it'll look strange no matter what17:01
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smoserdpb1, you mentioned concern that "qualing" could change the month17:02
rharpersmoser: so on new-upstream release in say xenial, would we ever have a ~16.04.x value?17:02
dpb1just that it happened often for us17:02
smoserrharper, well it gets a 16.04.1 value, but that is only to make it < the package version in another ubuntu release.17:02
dpb1we would start mid september, name the release 17.09, then come october, we would be done and go "oops, now we need to rename to 17.10"17:02
smoser(that is the only reason those exist... to account for upgrades xenial -> yakkety -> zesty -> aa ... )17:03
rharperwe wouldn't rename a release17:03
dpb1in the end it didn't matter, as you mentioned, but it bugged us17:03
dpb1I think in our case, we don't name it till we ship it, that's fine17:03
smoserit does kind of get named.17:04
smoserat some point you change cloudinit/version.py17:04
dpb1smoser: it's why I said I liked the "17.1, 17.2" scheme17:04
smoseri dont know.17:04
dpb1but, it's minor17:04
dpb1and in the end it didn't really matter17:04
dpb1was more of a programmer brain thing17:04
smoserdpb1, my only issue with that is confusion with ubuntu17:05
smosersimilar but different17:05
dpb1well, making it different helps17:05
dpb1with powersj's concern17:05
rharperbut not different enough (for ubuntu folks)17:06
rharperbut maybe that's just our problem17:06
dpb1you get used to it, but ya, it can be slightly confusing.17:06
smoserok.. .so ignoring that17:07
dpb1openstack has the same issue, so it's at least not crazy17:07
smoserlets target a release say on 21 of Sept17:07
smoseras a stick in the mud17:07
smoserand that would be called either 17.9 or 17.117:08
dpb1week before rally17:08
smoserthat seem sane ?17:08
rharperthough not sure how we resolve the .9 or .1 part17:08
dpb1wise sage once told me if there truly is no best choice, coin flip17:08
larsksrharper: flip a coin + documentation, I guess.17:09
blackboxswrelease sounds good , we can get heads together at the rally if we need to work out SRU issues17:09
rharperlarsks: hehe17:09
dpb1actually, there is a better one17:09
dpb1you coin flip17:09
dpb1then, if you are dissapointed, you choose the opposite17:09
smoserother htan ubuntu tie in... i really prefer using only the year.17:10
smoserie... 17.1 -> 17.2 independent of the month17:10
dpb1it's my preference still17:10
powersjI like without the month as well17:11
blackboxswI'm all for either, I'd like to avoid where the month ends up being incorrect because of release slip due to testing etc17:11
rharperI like the month, feels like a forcing function since the version is fixed but I don't care that much, and it would make the version different than the ubuntu numbers17:11
smoserok. so i'm ready to be done with this. so heres what i propose17:12
blackboxsw... though I realize this discussion walking fairly close to bikeshed territory. I'm up for whatever folks think is sane17:12
smoser * i pretend that i flipped a coin and it came up in favor of my preference (no minor version linked to month)17:13
smoser * i write to mailing list with that as the plan and suggesting the target release date of 17.1 on the 21.17:13
smoser * ask for anyone who would *strongly* oppose to say so17:13
smoserobjections ?17:13
larsksSounds good to me.17:14
smoserso i'm gonna call this meeting "done" for now. and office hours for the next 30 minutes or so.17:15
smoser(although i'm going to step out for 5)17:15
smoserobjections before i step out ?17:15
rharper+1 smoser17:15
blackboxswnone here17:15
blackboxswlarsks: I just landed your move tests/unittests/helpers -> cloudinit/tests branch. thank you for the attention there https://code.launchpad.net/~larsks/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32966117:16
larsksblackboxsw: awesome, thanks!17:16
larsksOn a completely different topic: is there somewhere in launchpad a link to https://launchpad.net/cloud-init/+activereviews? I can never find it when I want it and end up googling the answer.17:16
blackboxswlarsks: https://code.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+activereviews17:16
blackboxswis what I review daily.17:17
larsksThat...is the same thing I just pasted. I mean, is there a link somewhere ("show all active reviews") that goes there?17:17
powersjhere: https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/master click on "20 branches"17:18
blackboxswheh. oops17:18
larskspowersj: Ah, thanks!17:18
powersjit includes work in progress, but gets you that same list17:18
powersjlarsks: also sent you mail last week, if you wouldn't mind looking for it sometime after catching up would be much appreciated17:19
larskspowersj: yah, catching up on oodles of email today :)17:19
powersjI'm sure :)17:19
powersjno rush17:19
blackboxswharlowja: I noticed your irc client joined mid meeting, figured I'd touch base on this in case you were watching.  I was touching cc_resizefs and saw something that appears to us like vestigial config option "resize_rootfs_tmp"  the only thing the module does with this is ensure_dir to create the directory "/run" if it doesn't exist.17:20
harlowjawill look in a sec blackboxsw (in standup)17:20
blackboxsw+1: hiya harlowja.  I was going to drop the resize_rootfs_tmp if you didn't think it had any meaning anymore17:20
blackboxswa review point  for smoser I think. I'm good w/ sankar's https://code.launchpad.net/~sankaraditya/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/319866 for OVF.  I *think* it's in state to land but wanted to make sure you were good w/ the rewriting of the broken /etc/network/interfaces which adds back the "include /etc/network/interfaces.d" that he's doing there.17:24
smoserblackboxsw, also see topic17:25
smoser http://bit.ly/ci-reviews17:25
blackboxswmeh, I keep using the bzr review url without realizing it. force of habit17:26
blackboxswfor shame17:26
blackboxswsmoser: I pinged in #meetingology channel to try to get that bot added again for us. it dropped out on Aug15th I think looking at IRC logs17:30
* blackboxsw has to run an errand, back in ~20 mins17:35
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powersjsmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1715095 another good bug report worth a comment17:57
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1715095 in cloud-init "network is only configured on first boot" [Undecided,New]17:57
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blackboxsw#startmeeting  cloud-init status meeting21:56
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep  5 21:56:34 2017 UTC.  The chair is blackboxsw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.21:56
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick21:56
blackboxsw#subtopic valuable subthread21:57
blackboxsw#link https://cloud-init.io21:57
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep  5 21:57:47 2017 UTC.21:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/cloud-init/2017/cloud-init.2017-09-05-21.56.moin.txt21:57
blackboxswthis concludes a test broadcast21:57
dpb1hi meetingology!21:58
blackboxswI wasn't sure why it left us. but wanted to make sure we queued up one meeting so it didn't detach due to idle time or something21:58
dpb1blackboxsw: how did you get it back in?22:02
blackboxswI talked to jose in #meetingology channel on freenode22:02
dpb1blackboxsw: did he say why it left?22:03
dpb1does he just not like us?22:03
blackboxswit just involved him (as admin) running       meetingology: join #cloud-init22:03
dpb1two separate "he"s there22:03
blackboxswno but I'll ask to be sure22:03

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