
valorieI don't see my mail -- who was the sender?02:15
* valorie is back from the cabin exhausted but now at least clean and fed!02:15
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @IrcsomeBot, :D02:16
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, Clivey02:16
ahoneybunI got the email02:17
valorieI might have too; I just want to know the sender so I can search for it02:28
valorieor the subject line02:44
valoriejust checked spam -- not there02:44
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Forwarded it to you valorie02:47
valoriethank you, ahoneybun!02:54
valoriefound mine, thanks!02:57
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Np02:58
valorieand voted02:58
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> https://blogs.kde.org/2017/09/05/konversation-2x-2018-new-user-interface-matrix-support-mobile-version07:53
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> They've done A LOT of research on that11:04
clivejolooks a lot like Google's UI design11:34
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> Irma looks nasty!15:48
IrcsomeBot1<acheronuk> @ahoneybun You are in the path of that?15:53
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yep I am19:36
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> @acheronuk19:36
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @ahoneybun, Stay safe19:37
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> As much as we can anyway19:37
valoriedamn, Irma picked up steam during the night? boo20:31
valoriedo you have all the supplies you need, ahoneybun?20:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Probably20:32
valorieI love a good windstorm, but a hurricane - NO20:33
valorieI would love a version of konvi I could use on my phone20:34
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Mm mobile will not work good with IRC20:35
valorieso happy about the discussion about the future of KDE communication20:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Matrix sure20:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Ah no work Thurs and Fri20:35
valoriebut that's the point -- being able to switch without pain20:35
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, What's the discussion about?20:38
valorieRiddell wrote to the community list saying let's ditch IRC and all move to RocketChat20:39
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> That was a CRAZY list20:39
valoriesince then, much discussion about a better way forward20:39
valorievery productive20:39
valoriehe was just trying to wake everyone up20:39
valorienot crazy20:40
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> The scale of the thread20:40
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Not the topic20:40
valorieI slept 'till 11, and feel almost caught up20:41
valoriewell, KDE people are crazy20:41
valoriegood crazy usually20:41
valoriealthough of course not always20:41
* valorie is included in that20:41
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> KDE folks are crazy20:42
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I might be moving to GNOME20:42
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> that HDMI audio issue was just soooo bad20:42
valorieto be fair, all FOSS folks are crazy20:49
valorieif you did move to the GNOME community you would find the same20:49
valorieface it: people are crazy20:49
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I could not find the audio for my hdmi20:49
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I'm talking about the software20:49
valorieinteresting, the last few things I said here never got here, I guess21:56
valorieor at least were not replayed when I "got back" from having to reset my flipping cable modem21:56
tsimonq2valorie: see convo in #k-d?21:57
clivejovalorie: do you know davmor2 ?21:57
valorietsimonq2: which conversation?22:00
acheronukclivejo: he's go 4 emails on LP22:00
valorieI followed the channel before getting disconnected22:00
tsimonq2valorie: dropping kdesudo22:00
valoriewhat's his realname?22:00
valorieoh, not read that yet22:00
clivejoyeah, found that and tried his gmail account22:01
valorieDave Morley22:01
valoriesounds familiar but I'm not sure22:01
clivejohe's got Canonical email listed22:01
valorieif he works on snaps then Riddell and Sitter probably know him22:02
clivejohis website is very informative http://davmor2.co.uk/22:03
acheronukmore so that mine22:05
* clivejo looks at rikmills.com22:06
clivejobit blank looking to be honest22:06
acheronukshort and to the point :P22:06
clivejo15/41 voted so far22:07
acheronukhow many did last year?22:07
tsimonq2acheronuk: Can I buy it and fill it with pics of Red Bull? :P22:07
tsimonq2clivejo: Am I winning? :P22:07
clivejoof course Simon22:07
clivejofree stickers are vote winners22:08
clivejoI don't know who is winning, doesn't say until I End the poll22:09
* acheronuk suggests clive does a plot of votes/day22:09
clivejoso you are all winners until the 11th22:09
clivejoacheronuk: you plot it22:09
clivejowas 11 last night, and is 15 tonight22:10
acheronukclive: going to send reminders towards the end?22:10
clivejodunno if I can22:10
clivejodon't want to spam people22:10
clivejoif they don't want to vote I can't make them!22:10
clivejoI should have turned on detailed tracking22:11
clivejoname and shame the non-voters22:11
acheronukin the end, the people who care are those who will vote, which seems fine to me22:12
tsimonq2Pressure Riddell and Haruld :P22:13
clivejothey might have voted already22:13
valorieit will be fine22:13
valoriethose who care will vote, and that's who we want to vote22:14
clivejowell 15 votes in 24hours is pretty good going22:14
* tsimonq2 was joking, I know Haruld wants some free stickers :P22:14
acheronukprobably wants his name spelt correctly as well22:15
tsimonq2acheronuk: salty :P22:15
clivejothought Haruld was more free alcohol kinda guy22:15
valorienope, I offered him free drinks and he was suspicious22:16
* tsimonq2 goes on a tangent, wondering if it would be worth it to apply for KD22:16
tsimonq2valorie: lol22:16
valorie"What will you ask of me if I accept?"22:16
tsimonq2valorie: devel22:16
tsimonq2valorie: (Kubuntu Developer)22:17
clivejoare you collecting LP badges or something?22:17
tsimonq2clivejo: no :P22:17
clivejoyou have MOTU, why you want KD?22:18
valorietsimonq2: Peruse?22:18
tsimonq2clivejo: Because there's Kubuntu packages in Main I want upload access to22:18
clivejosuch as?22:18
tsimonq2clivejo: A week ago I could tell you that... I don't remember now :P22:19
clivejoI don't think we have much in main, do we?22:19
tsimonq2We have a couple of things in there22:19
tsimonq2clivejo: Plus most of Qt that's in main22:19
* clivejo raises eyebrow22:20
clivejothat's the real reason22:20
acheronuktsimonq2: is there any team you don't want to be on?22:20
acheronukoh. clive already mentioned badges22:21
acheronuksame Q22:21
tsimonq2acheronuk: My interest in team membership only lies within the teams I can actively contribute to22:21
clivejodo keep up Rik!22:22
tsimonq2i.e. you won't see me around Xubuntu22:22
tsimonq2acheronuk: For example I'm in the Ubuntu MATE Developers team because I've gotten $large_sum_of_money from flexiondotorg to do $a_couple_of_tasks (that will be public info soon)22:23
tsimonq2etc. etc. etc.22:23
tsimonq2But notice that I'm only in the teams I contribute to22:23
tsimonq2But I do contribute to a lot of things22:23
clivejowith Unity gone, won't Qt be demoted to universe?22:25
tsimonq2clivejo: Besides my LoCo (I remain in there because I want to be a member of the team but I don't have the time to organize things in person), I don't see anything on this list that I'm directly a member of that I haven't contributed to in the past month: https://launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/+participation22:25
tsimonq2clivejo: That's yet to be decided :P22:26
tsimonq2If you can name one team that I'm a member of that I haven't recently contributed to, let me know so I can leave it :P22:26
tsimonq2valorie: ack on Peruse fwiw, if you give me an ack with your Kubuntu Release Manager hat on that it's OK to upload, I'll happily do it22:27
clivejoUbuntu Cyclists22:27
clivejoHarald Sitter's Groupies22:28
clivejoDaniel Holbach Huggers22:28
tsimonq2clivejo: That's one of those teams like "Daniel Holbach Huggers" that I'm in for symbolic reasons :P22:28
tsimonq2<3 dholbach22:28
tsimonq2<3 Haruld22:28
clivejobadge collecter more like!22:28
tsimonq2And I do <3 my bike22:28
tsimonq2Whenever I say Haruld or Timmus, imagine me saying it with an Irish accent :P22:30
ahoneybunHarald and Timmis22:30
tsimonq2ahoneybun: And you think I correct people a lot! :P22:30
ahoneybunbut your doing it on purpose22:31
ahoneybunI just spell somethings wrong22:31
clivejotsimonq2: stop making fun of my accent!22:31
tsimonq2clivejo: I'm not making fun of it, I'm embracing my Irish roots :P22:31
clivejowhat roots?22:32
tsimonq2I have ancestors that lived in Ireland22:32
clivejowhere when?22:32
tsimonq2Like 5 generations ago22:32
tsimonq2Somewhere in Ireland22:32
clivejotsimonq2: would you take on preparing and uploading other KDE tools like the sddm-kcm package?22:35
valorietsimonq2: if clivejo and acheronuk say that Peruse is in good shape, then please upload22:36
valorieI've not been able to test it for various reasons22:36
tsimonq2valorie: I can get it in good shape myself, copyright is just b0rked22:37
* clivejo doesn't think its in good shape22:37
tsimonq2Me neither22:37
tsimonq2I have to fix it :P22:37
clivejodon't like the idea of patching a copyright statement22:38
acheronukreleased one is still kirigami v122:38
acheronukand kirigami2 one is recent WIP22:38
clivejoif 5.37 goes in, then a git snapshot might be possible?22:38
tsimonq2clivejo, acheronuk: When you need things uploaded could you please dput it somewhere and just email me the link or Telegram it to me?22:39
tsimonq2clivejo: ...you mean 5.38? 5.37 has been in the archive for a while22:39
clivejosorry 5.3822:40
valoriehmmm, Eike's recent blogpost about Konvi sort of referred to peruse as ready-to-use software22:40
valorieI didn't know about issues22:40
clivejothere are conflicting copyright statements22:40
tsimonq2clivejo: Let me ping slangasek and ask him about patching copyrights22:40
clivejoleinir made the changes to fix it in git, but won't release a fixed tarball22:41
acheronukdoesn't seem very ready to go, unless he meant the 8 month old 1.2 kirigami1 based release22:41
tsimonq2Oh, well then I can do a Git snapshot22:41
tsimonq2acheronuk: What's he waiting on?22:41
clivejotsimonq2: the latest git requires a fix to frameworks22:42
tsimonq2clivejo: What fix?22:42
tsimonq2clivejo: Because if it's bugfix, I can upload the patch from upstream then fix up peruse and upload22:43
tsimonq2Otherwise it can go in the Frameworks SRU22:43
tsimonq2s/SRU/FFE bug report/22:43
valorieor you could ask leinir directly, as the maintainer22:43
valoriefixing the copyrights upstream would be best, yes?22:44
acheronukclivejo: we already have 5.37 in the archive22:44
clivejohe bumped the required KF5Kirigami2 to 5.37.022:44
tsimonq2valorie: That's already done, it's in upstream git master22:44
valorieok, gotta deal with the next round of laundry22:45
tsimonq2valorie: We're going to get Peruse in for you :P22:45
valorieno rest for the wicked22:45
valorieI can finally read my doctor who comics!22:45
tsimonq2valorie: :D22:45
valorierest is a unix command, silly!22:46
clivejoI can't keep up22:46
valorieas is sleep22:46
tsimonq2valorie: I don't know enough about Doctor Who to be excited with you, but you should be able to do that under Kubuntu :P22:46
clivejothen what about a git snapshot of peruse?22:48
tsimonq2clivejo: I plan on that ;)22:48
clivejojust tried it, and it;s working fine22:48
clivejoloads the comic porn great22:49
ahoneybunvalorie: I have a tablet for that22:49
clivejooooo Get hot new books22:49
ahoneybunclivejo: reading hentai?22:50
clivejodunno what it is22:50
clivejoI downloaded a test comic and was shocked!22:50
clivejospoke too soon22:50
clivejoclicking on "Get new books" seems to have crashed it22:51
clivejo"/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/peruse.knsrc"  doesn't contain a KNewStuff3 section.22:54
clivejofile:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/private/ActionButton.qml:350: TypeError: Cannot read property 'level' of null22:54
tsimonq2Once we get a working Peruse, I'll be happy to look at it more.22:59
acheronuksomeone teach pino to wrap-and-sort!23:00
clivejothat is so annoying23:06
tsimonq2Is that in Debian git?23:07
clivejohe never seems to wrap-and-sort his work23:08
tsimonq2What package?23:09
clivejoI assume https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-extras/ktorrent.git/23:13
* clivejo shivers23:13
valorietsimonq2: yes, I read the first few with ocular23:16
tsimonq2valorie: hm?23:17
valoriebut I wanted peruse, as that was made for it!23:17
valorieI bought a bundle of the comics on that site that pays the authors for their work23:18
valoriecan't recall the name23:18
valoriethey usually do games, but occasionally other stuff23:18
ahoneybunhumble bundle?23:18
ahoneybunI know they did a doctor who one23:18
valoriea few of them, actually23:18
valoriewhatever they could license, I imagine23:19
ahoneybunclivejo: I have https https://ahoneybun.net/23:25
tsimonq2ahoneybun: BC?23:26
clivejoyou have mixed content too :P23:26
ahoneybunahh tsimonq223:27
ahoneybunmixed content?23:27
clivejoinsecure content on the page23:27
clivejomakes the browser demote the page23:27
ahoneybunthat's a different server if I remember right23:27
clivejowell its trying to access it over https23:28
ahoneybunnah it's on the same server23:29
ahoneybuntsimonq2: any help on getting it more mobile friendly23:31
tsimonq2ahoneybun: Is it in Git somewhere or is it just WP or something?23:32
ahoneybunit's just html and css on the server right now23:32
ahoneybunthe blog is WP23:32
ahoneybunahoneybun.net is just html and css23:32
tsimonq2ahoneybun: My mobile-friendly stuff is all CSS3: https://gitlab.com/tsimonq2/tsimonq2.gitlab.io23:32
valorieoh damn, our cabin is under much more threat than I thought23:38
tsimonq2valorie: O_O ?23:38
valorieforest fire up there23:38
ahoneybunI'm looking up funny domains23:38
valoriethere is ash falling out of the air here23:38
tsimonq2ahoneybun: rikmills.com :P23:38
valorieand we live 45 mins away23:38
tsimonq2Oh no!23:39
valoriewe just finished the new deck yesterday23:40
valorieand sawed up the old one and stacked it in the woodshed for the winter23:40
valoriecrossing my fingers for luck23:40
tsimonq2Not good :(23:40
valoriethat's the ski area about a half-hour drive up the hill23:41
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> yikes!23:43
clivejotsimonq2: regarding Qt why don't you apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-packages-uploaders ?23:43
tsimonq2clivejo: Good point :P23:43
tsimonq2Or I could just aim for Core Developer...23:44
tsimonq2No, I'd be a Master of the Universe and the Core23:45
clivejowhat are we gonna do tonight Brain?23:45
tsimonq2(MOTU is a subset of Core Developer)23:45
tsimonq2clivejo: put Max in a sheep costume and have him jump over your bed23:45
valoriethat first part seems easier to say than to do23:47
ahoneybunoh boy interview for system76 tomorrow23:59

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