floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/3Dratchet_wrench/ | 01:08 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> First thing to be 3-d printed in space. Is apperantly a wrench. | 01:09 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> LTE on T-Mobile | 03:05 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> It's a Cat 5 http://wsvn.com/news/us-world/category-4-hurricane-irma-heads-for-leeward-islands/ | 12:05 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Oh damn | 12:09 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Station-Desktop-Experience-Warranty/dp/B06XR9M1ZP/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1504625367&sr=8-1&keywords=dex+dock&linkCode=ll1&tag=lz0d6-20&linkId=2bce42b6dfa4c7dcbfa355b6539f64b9 | 15:29 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> @KMyers you don't happen to have firmware laying around for this printer, do you? Someone decided to take down 1/2 of the firmware last month, so people couldn't flash, and I'm having a bad time trying to find it. They took down the stuff I need. | 15:56 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> I would not switch out the firmware unless you have a reason. You would need to get it from Monoprice directly (the printer is still under warranty) | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> They don't support flashing. | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> What are you trying to do un the firmware? | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> *in | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> I was having an issue which I eventually traced back to Cura placing a bunch of "U"s in the gcode. I tried flashing. Now I need to flash back. | 15:59 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> I didn't trace the problem before I flashed it. Now I can only get a few things working. | 15:59 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> No, I did not have the firmware for that specific printer (I had on the Gen 1 but dont have it for the Gen 2) | 15:59 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> ok. | 16:00 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> https://www.mpselectmini.com/firmware/motion_controller | 16:00 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> yeah, but if you follow the links, they go to some dude's Google Drive which he removed the firmware. | 16:01 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> but only the firmware for the V2... | 16:01 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> https://mpselectmini.com/_media/wiki/firmware/motion/mpsm_v2_-_motion_v40_-_20170814_-_firmware.zip | 16:02 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> I got that one. I need the UI update | 16:03 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> http://firmware.mpselectmini.com/ | 16:04 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Try asking here - https://www.reddit.com/r/MPSelectMiniOwners | 16:04 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> https://m.facebook.com/7weather/photos/a.95277738448.78960.95270518448/10155522836248449/?type=3&source=48 | 16:07 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> And Irma is now at 180mph | 16:08 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> no way jose | 16:08 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> @AdamOutler, My first reaction | 16:08 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> 180???? | 17:14 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Anybody have a suggestion for a sub $40 solar charger? | 17:25 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Best to get a Solar Panel with USB | 17:26 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> So the anker one | 17:26 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> http://amzn.to/2wCAV5L | 17:27 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> I cannot recommend a panel on a battery pack directly. I have one and it would take almost 2 weeks to charge. A panel like that would charge it almost as fast as plugging the battery into a wall wart | 17:28 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> @Ivoriesablaze, Yes Irma currently is at 180mph | 17:28 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Correction 185mph | 18:05 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Jeez | 18:05 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> I just added a new hurricane supply to my cart on Amazon | 18:06 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> http://amzn.to/2eBFvas | 18:06 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> I may need a pair if will be anywhere close to the speed it is now. By the time it hits us. | 18:09 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> .. xD | 19:41 |
maxolasersquad | I have one of those cheap cell phone battery packs with a solar panel on it. The solar part is absolutely useless, and the battery, fully charged, only gives me about 20 - 30 percent charge. | 20:28 |
maxolasersquad | I have a decent solar panel wtih USB ports on it that works great. | 20:28 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> @KMyers https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/oceanhorn-monster-of-uncharted-seas/cid=UP0760-PCSE01097_00-OCEANHORN0000001 | 23:47 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> might as well get ready lol | 23:47 |
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