
thumperaxw: morning, how well do you know x509?01:52
axwthumper: morning. not intimately, why?01:53
thumperaxw: we have a bug in the controller package with go 1.9 because upstream fixed a bug in x509 package01:53
thumperI'm after someone who understands what we are doing a bit more01:53
thumperpossibly our test is a bit (or a lot) wrong01:53
axwthumper: ah right. where is it?01:54
thumpercontroller package01:54
thumperthe fix is outlined here: https://golang.org/doc/go1.9#minor_library_changes01:54
thumperIf any SAN extension, including with no DNS names, is present in the certificate, then the Common Name from Subject is ignored. In previous releases, the code tested only whether DNS-name SANs were present in a certificate.01:54
thumperand our cert package Verify function01:55
thumperwe specify: opts := x509.VerifyOptions{DNSName: "anyServer", Roots: pool, CurrentTime: when}01:55
thumperit is the DNSName that dies in the test01:56
thumper    c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)01:56
thumper... value x509.HostnameError = x509.HostnameError{Certificate:(*x509.Certificate)(0xc4201d5900), Host:"anyServer"} ("x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match anyServer")01:56
thumperI don't feel I understand our cert usage enough to work out what to do01:58
thumperhoping someone else on the team does01:58
axwthumper: looking01:58
axwthumper: so it's failing on the second test case, because it has IP SANs specified. our certs are generated with a common name of "*", which was previously matching the "anyServer" we specify in Verify02:04
axwthumper: seems that we can just drop the DNSName from Verify, and not check that... seems pointless anyway02:05
thumperaxw: hmm...02:06
* thumper jumps in yet another call02:06
babbageclunkaxw: Gah, gopkg.in/amz.v3 doesn't expose DeleteTags. Rather than trying to add it to the package, I'm just going to use CreateTags to set juju-controller-uuid to "" - sound reasonable to you?04:41
axwbabbageclunk: ounds fine to me04:41
wallyworldaxw: maybe at some point you could look at this PR to change how relation status is modelled - no longer a field on the relation doc but a status entry. i have to do the juju.description change and update dependencies.tsv before landing https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/783107:29
axwwallyworld: will try for today, but may have to be tomorrow. just getting into some vsphere stuff07:31
wallyworldno worries07:33
wallyworldit can wait07:33
axwwallyworld: code looks fine, but I'll take another look in the morning with a fresh mind, to relook at the watcher bits08:16
wallyworldaxw: no worries, i'll do the juju/description stuff in the meantime. with the watcher, the existing tests all pass so hopefully things are ok08:39
thumperwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/783421:53
wallyworldthumper: yeah, that should be all that's needed hopefully21:54
thumperI do recall that there was another problem before where the secondaries were not connecting to localhost...21:54
thumperbut were going to the primary21:55
thumperbut that was a different bug and also fixed21:55
thumperso perhaps this was just another symptom of that?21:55
thumperI wish I had the bug reference for that bug21:55
babbageclunkthumper: I think I've sorted the openstack tag upgrading. ec2 is a lot harder, because the security groups need renaming (which really means recreating with the new name, associating with the instances and deleting the old one).22:23
thumperbabbageclunk: don't worry about ec222:23
babbageclunkthumper: So I'm thinking I'll leave that for now, not merge my partial22:23
thumperright now we only care about maas22:23
babbageclunkmaas is fine - doesn't use tagging on maas 1.922:24
thumperveebers: probably worthwhile getting the tests run over 2.2 before I forward port the fixes to devel22:34
thumperjust to be sure22:34
thumperveebers: did you work out how to add artful to the tool gen?22:34
veebersthumper: artful will happen for any release happening now (1.25.13 got artful) will need to do something extra to get it for previous releases22:36
thumperveebers: I think we'll be ok as long as we get artful when we get the 2.2.3 release22:36
veebersthumper: ack re: tests, is there something blocking that? (it will just happen once you land that branch)22:36
veebersthumper: we will get it for that release22:37
thumperveebers: both branches have landed for 2.222:37
thumperI was just wanting to make sure that the fixes worked before forward porting22:37
thumperso testing should be underway22:37
veebersthumper: ack, awesome22:38
veebersI'll keep an eye out, try minimise infra noise in the results22:38
veebers*sigh* I need to work out why unit tests are taking an age on this machine: "ok   github.com/juju/juju/agent/agentbootstrap 612.908s"22:48
veebersthat's with GOMAXPROCS=8, this machine has 32 CPUs and 252GB ram :-\ could be IO bottleneck?22:49
thumperveebers: the tests for any package are run in serial22:50
thumperveebers: could be i/o with DB access22:50
veebersthumper: ack, looking into possible io bottlenecks etc.22:55
veebersthumper: hah yeah, it's IO: "DSK |          sda | busy    101% | ..."23:03

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