* linux_user says: Hello everyone! I am looking to temporarily disable my touch screen in Ubuntu Linux (16.04). I tried doing an xinput -list and then "xinput disable DEVICE", and it worked for about 5 minutes and then somehow the device got enabled again. Any ideas of how I could temporarily disable it (absent it coming back on without my telling it too), but not surviving a reboot is fine for me too. | 00:04 | |
sourceslayer | HEyo | 00:21 |
psychoticwarrior | whats up sourceslayer | 00:22 |
sourceslayer | Could someone recommend some good back up software? I'll be using an external harddrive that'll mostly be disconnected. | 00:24 |
sourceslayer | Any recommendation is experienced, I had something in mind like Time Machine on an apple device | 00:25 |
kenrin | I like backula | 00:27 |
bazhang | !info backintime-common | sourceslayer | 00:27 |
ubottu | sourceslayer: backintime-common (source: backintime): simple backup/snapshot system (common files). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.12-1 (zesty), package size 228 kB, installed size 1293 kB | 00:27 |
kenrin | You could just use rsync if one system is all you got | 00:28 |
sourceslayer | Thanks, I'll look into those. | 00:29 |
yao_ziyuan | by default, is zesty-backports enabled in Software and Update? | 00:30 |
kenrin | Pretty sure they are | 00:32 |
* linux_user says: Hello everyone! I am looking to temporarily disable my touch screen in Ubuntu Linux (16.04). I tried doing an xinput -list and then "xinput disable DEVICE", and it worked for about 5 minutes and then somehow the device got enabled again. Any ideas of how I could temporarily disable it (absent it coming back on without my telling it too), but not surviving a reboot is fine for me too. | 00:33 | |
Toba | so I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS | 00:37 |
Toba | I have my launcher running on the left side of the window, always hidden unless I select it | 00:37 |
Toba | I have an alert from Software Updater | 00:37 |
Toba | I click it and nothing happens | 00:37 |
Toba | I right click it and select "Software Updater" from the menu that comes out | 00:37 |
Toba | nothing happens | 00:37 |
Toba | I can `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade` just fine, but the GUI tool appears to be good at | 00:37 |
Toba | a) making a notification | 00:38 |
Toba | b) not letting me act on it | 00:38 |
Toba | Is there any particular log I should post? Is this something I should file a bug for? | 00:38 |
bazhang | Toba, first, dont use enter as punctuation, thats impossible to read | 00:39 |
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kenrin | Need to check if you have a virtual desktop|workspace it is hiding in first. Sounds like it is working normally | 00:39 |
Toba | I have 4 virtual desktops and it does not appear on any of them. | 00:40 |
Toba | It doesn't appear in the alt-tab app switching list either, on any of them | 00:41 |
kenrin | Well I don't have any other ideas but I don't think a bug report will help unless you can reproduce it on a fresh install. Might want to see if it happens on a new user | 00:48 |
TheWild | hello | 00:54 |
TheWild | I switched to tty and stopped lightdm (sudo service lightdm stop) to minimize risk of system hanging. | 00:54 |
TheWild | yeah, but when switching between ttys, I accidentally hit Ctrl+Alt+F7 | 00:55 |
TheWild | now I can't switch to any tty | 00:55 |
TheWild | tty was meant to be an emergency feature, right? | 00:58 |
TheWild | then it's f.ing needed right now! | 00:59 |
JosuG | TheWild: Either your input driver is stuck or your system has crashed. Can you SSH to the stuck system over the network? | 01:17 |
linux_user | TheWild: Are you using Unity? | 01:36 |
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fishcooker | i want to see what files are currently being cached | 02:02 |
Pinkamena_D | When I turn off and on the hardware 'wireless' switch on my laptop, the device shows hard blocked. Using rfkill to enable does not work, the only way I have found is to restart. Obviously I don't care about the feature but sometimes the switch gets hit accidentally. | 02:37 |
Toba | lol | 02:42 |
Pinkamena_D | Another unrelated question: when switching display setups, the settings (resolution, DPI, position) are not remembered. Is there any was to store these settings? | 02:42 |
Toba | if ubuntu only accepts bug reports if they're replicable on a fresh install, it'll end up in a pretty buggy state pretty quick | 02:42 |
number28 | Hi guys. I just installed nvidia driver, however when running lspcii I see i have my intel integrated running kernel driver: i915 and my geforce 770m kernel driver running nvidia. I think this is causing a issue.. can anyone help me solve? | 02:44 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: So the hardware switch will turn disable WiFi ok, but will not work to turn it back on again? Is that what you are saying? | 02:44 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: You can not use the switch to turn it back on again? | 02:45 |
Pinkamena_D | usr13: yes | 02:45 |
Pinkamena_D | usr13: the start in rfkill list stays as 'hard blocked: yes' | 02:46 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: So you can not use the switch to turn it back on again? | 02:46 |
Pinkamena_D | no | 02:47 |
Pinkamena_D | when the switch is back in the 'on' position, it still shows as hard blocked | 02:47 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: Is there also a key on the keboard for WiFi? | 02:47 |
Pinkamena_D | Bluetooth works: becomes hard blocked when switch is 'off' and comes back up properly when switch is 'ono' | 02:48 |
Pinkamena_D | 'on' | 02:48 |
Pinkamena_D | wifi only disables but never resumes | 02:48 |
Pinkamena_D | There is no Fn key combo for wifi, no | 02:48 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: Not sure what to make of it. If it turns it off, it should turn it back on again. Not sure what you could do about it. | 02:49 |
Pinkamena_D | usr13: hopefully something :) I dont want to restart everytime the switch gets hit by accident. | 02:50 |
usr13 | It may be a hardware problem. | 02:50 |
Pinkamena_D | usr13: driver is ath5k but I also tried an iwlwifi mini-pcie card, and same issue persisted. | 02:50 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: What WiFi device is it? (What does lspci say about it?) | 02:51 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: And what is the make and model of the laptop? | 02:52 |
number28 | Hi guys. I just installed nvidia driver, however when running lspcii I see i have my intel integrated running kernel driver: i915 and my geforce 770m kernel driver running nvidia. I think this is causing a issue.. can anyone help me solve? | 02:52 |
Pinkamena_D | usr13: Its a thinkpad t60: card is AR242x / AR542x Qualcomm Atheros currently | 02:53 |
usr13 | Pinkamena_D: https://www.google.com/search?q=AR542x+arch+linux&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 | 02:58 |
usr13 | I have never understood why a laptop would have a switch for WiFi. | 03:00 |
usr13 | ... seems to me that what ever network management software you have would allow you the option to use WiFi or not use it. | 03:01 |
usr13 | And if the switch no longer funcions normally, I'd assume it's a hardware issue. | 03:02 |
Jojero | hi | 03:16 |
Jojero | hows adobe CC 2015 on play on linux? | 03:16 |
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Jojero | Hi? | 03:31 |
Jojero | Hows adobe CC 2015 in play on linux? | 03:32 |
questionmark | hi | 03:36 |
questionmark | i have a netbook without a screen, i don't know how, but was configured to use a secodary screen, today don't recognize the second screen in graphical mode, how can i configurete <x server manually ? | 03:38 |
questionmark | exit | 03:54 |
jayjo | how can I detect what my system thinks a keystroke is inputted as? In inkscape I'm trying to delete something with the delete key, but I don't know how ubuntu is processing my keyboard | 03:57 |
mindofmateo | I followed the advice TJ- gave me and it seemed to work: my desktop stopped freezing when I suspended it, but then it did it again, and then it happened while I was still using the computer and logged in and everything. What would cause my system to just freeze like that? I have no idea what the problem is, let alone how to search for solutions. | 04:00 |
mindofmateo | 16.04 LTS | 04:00 |
mindofmateo | I tried to sign into a website and then, nothing. The mouse, keyboard, network, everything completely unresponsive. The monitors were on this time, because it happened before I it was locked or suspended, but the display was fixed and did not react to anything I tried. | 04:02 |
nbastin | is there an easy way to enable serial console login from a preseed file? | 04:02 |
Jojero | where's the location of amtlib of adobe photoshop on play on linux? | 04:22 |
AlphaOmega | Is there a channel for Lubuntu? | 04:26 |
Flannel | #lubuntu, or here | 04:26 |
AlphaOmega | Ty | 04:27 |
AlphaOmega | My ram overflows frequently, I can't use some applications because of it... Is there a solution possible? | 04:30 |
sary | AlphaOmega: How mcuh RAM is there, how many CPU cores runnin'! and does the system have a swapfile/parition? Also, check the CPU useage ratios. | 05:13 |
AlphaOmega | 4 GB ram.. 2 physical (4 logical) cores. | 05:19 |
AlphaOmega | An 8 GB swap file on HDD | 05:20 |
AlphaOmega | CPU usage usually stays around 40% maxinum | 05:20 |
AlphaOmega | But suddenly, at rare occasions (when everything freezes up) CPU jumps to 80% or higher for about 1-3 seconds | 05:21 |
sary | AlphaOmega: You may adjust swappiness and disk cache. other than that if you have ubuntu with unity or Gnome, you may wish to try ubuntu with a lighter desktop environments, like Xubuntu, lubuntu. | 05:21 |
sary | AlphaOmega: what are the apps that mostly running, and do you happen to have many broswer tabs open and browser extensions!? | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | !info preload | AlphaOmega try this also | 05:23 |
ubottu | AlphaOmega try this also: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (zesty), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB | 05:23 |
nbastin | AlphaOmega: when the CPU spikes to 80%, do you know what processes were using CPU? | 05:26 |
AlphaOmega | @sary usually it's a game with Firefox (easily reproducible) | 05:30 |
Jojero_ | are all of the user here are Programmers? | 05:30 |
AlphaOmega | But in exceptional cases, the game itself causes it | 05:30 |
AlphaOmega | nbastin processes like base Lubuntu daemons and steam and dota and maybe evince + pcmanfm | 05:31 |
AlphaOmega | lotuspsychje: what does it do/how to configure it? | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | AlphaOmega: just install and reboot | 05:31 |
AlphaOmega | Hope it works | 05:32 |
hateball | Jojero_: I doubt it, I am not | 05:33 |
hateball | Jojero_: There are language specific channels if you need help with programming, this channel is for Ubuntu support | 05:33 |
Jojero_ | can you give me to that channel? | 05:33 |
Jojero_ | for web development? | 05:33 |
hateball | !alis | Jojero_ | 05:36 |
ubottu | Jojero_: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 05:36 |
Jojero_ | okay let me check it out | 05:39 |
BUSY | hello friends. i am experiencing a crash about 2x per week and unfortunately i am always away when it happens. i can not find anything in particular of interest in /var/log/syslog, is there anything else i should be looking at to determine the cause? | 05:48 |
hateball | BUSY: is it a full system crash, or only X ? | 05:49 |
hateball | BUSY: you can look at ~/.xsession-errors | 05:50 |
BUSY | full crash. all services go down | 05:50 |
BUSY | it does appear to restart automatically, however | 05:51 |
BUSY | but ssh and apache do not start again, which is the real bummer. i may have to configure them to start with the system | 05:52 |
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SteeevO | where are the default python paths set in ubuntu | 05:53 |
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lotuspsychje | steven: whereis python | 06:00 |
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SteeevO | lotuspsychje: in /usr/bin | 06:01 |
SteeevO | for some reason on one machine everything works fine but on another I need to permanently add 2 paths and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 06:02 |
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Johnson1977 | can anyone help me with a networking issue | 06:19 |
Johnson1977 | I have a staticly configured ethernet, that needs to provide the connected device with the internet from the wifi | 06:20 |
Johnson1977 | but as soon as I connect to the ethernet, I lose the internet on my pc | 06:20 |
nbastin | Johnson1977: so the ethernet and wifi are on the same machine, and the wifi gives you access to the internet? | 06:23 |
Johnson1977 | Correct | 06:23 |
nbastin | Johnson1977: what is the configuration of both interfaces (wifi and ethernet) | 06:23 |
Johnson1977 | Wifi has default settings, ethernet is configured to manual/static | 06:24 |
nbastin | it sounds like the ethernet configuration is putting in a competing route or blowing up your wifi subnet, but we'll need your config to see | 06:24 |
nbastin | "default" settings aren't a thing.. :-) | 06:24 |
nbastin | what IPs and subnets do they have? | 06:24 |
Johnson1977 | Sorry im linux beginner | 06:24 |
nbastin | No worries, I presume wifi is on dhcp? | 06:24 |
Johnson1977 | Yes | 06:24 |
Johnson1977 | the ethernet IP is | 06:24 |
nbastin | Can you tell me the IP address of both interfaces? | 06:24 |
Johnson1977 | subnet | 06:24 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
Johnson1977 | Wifi IP is, subnet | 06:25 |
nbastin | so the subnet of your ethernet is not going to work for your remote device, but I think that's not your current problem | 06:25 |
illuminated | how do you reinstall a package and all of its dependencies | 06:25 |
nbastin | (it needs to be at least, but depending on how many devices are on the other side you'll need more) | 06:26 |
nbastin | Johnson1977: can you give me the output of "ip route"? | 06:26 |
Johnson1977 | default via dev wlp4s0 proto static metric 600 | 06:27 |
Johnson1977 | dev enp3s0f1 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 | 06:27 |
Johnson1977 | dev wlp4s0 scope link metric 1000 | 06:27 |
Johnson1977 | dev wlp4s0 proto kernel scope link src metric 600 | 06:27 |
Ben64 | illuminated: you said it's configured statically.... how did you do that? and did you set a default gateway | 06:27 |
nbastin | hrm, I dunno why you are losing your internet given that route table | 06:27 |
Johnson1977 | actually now its working | 06:28 |
Johnson1977 | let me reset to what I had before | 06:28 |
Johnson1977 | right | 06:28 |
Johnson1977 | with this settings, I still have wifi internet | 06:28 |
Johnson1977 | but cannot connect the device thru ethernet | 06:29 |
nbastin | right, that's because your ethernet is misconfigured.. :-) | 06:29 |
Johnson1977 | onlything that i didnt put in is gateways | 06:29 |
nbastin | we can deal with that | 06:29 |
nbastin | you need to change the subnet size | 06:29 |
nbastin | don't put in a gateway | 06:29 |
Johnson1977 | if I put gateway on the ethernet, I can connect to the device | 06:29 |
nbastin | means that the ethernet IP is the *only* IP on that LAN | 06:29 |
Johnson1977 | but will then lose internet | 06:29 |
nbastin | yes but that's sortof a side effect of the route affecting the netmask | 06:30 |
nbastin | you don't need a gateway | 06:30 |
nbastin | what IP does the other device have? | 06:30 |
Johnson1977 | | 06:30 |
nbastin | ok, so you need to make your netmask | 06:31 |
Ben64 | how did you configure the ethernet statically | 06:31 |
nbastin | and the device needs to be its gateway | 06:31 |
Ben64 | nbastin: no | 06:31 |
Ben64 | no gateway | 06:31 |
nbastin | Ben64: his *other* device | 06:32 |
Ben64 | still no | 06:32 |
nbastin | He said he wanted it to access the internet, I thought | 06:32 |
Ben64 | oh, not from how i understood it | 06:32 |
nbastin | you may be right, I may have made that up.. :-) | 06:32 |
Ben64 | it is a bit confusing though | 06:32 |
Ben64 | i'm thinking <internet>--wifi--<pc1>---ethernet---<pc2> | 06:33 |
Johnson1977 | I have the other device at IP and Gateway | 06:33 |
nbastin | Johnson1977: does the other device need to access the internet, or just the PC? | 06:33 |
Ben64 | and pc2 is just there to be accessed local only | 06:33 |
nbastin | that would certainly be easier.. :-) | 06:33 |
Johnson1977 | other device needs internet too | 06:33 |
Ben64 | well then | 06:33 |
Ben64 | !ics | 06:34 |
nbastin | well, ok, so the first thing you need to do though is still change the ethernet netmask on pc1 | 06:34 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing | 06:34 |
Johnson1977 | o wait a second | 06:34 |
Johnson1977 | its working? | 06:34 |
Johnson1977 | i changed subnet | 06:34 |
nbastin | ok | 06:34 |
nbastin | if you already configured NAT, then it might just work | 06:34 |
Johnson1977 | let me just see if it has internet | 06:34 |
Johnson1977 | O IT WORKS! | 06:35 |
Johnson1977 | IM SAVED | 06:35 |
Johnson1977 | MY CARREERR | 06:35 |
Ben64 | protip - just buy a usb wireless adapter next time | 06:35 |
Johnson1977 | Thanks guys | 06:37 |
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Furai | Hey, is there a way to refresh ubuntu without really reinstalling anything? Ever since I've upgraded 16.04 to 17.04 all seems to be significantly slower than it was. I did that when 17.04 was released so quite few months ago. | 08:11 |
MacroMan | I've several warning after upgrading 'linux-firmware'. Are they anything to worry about?: https://paste.ngx.cc/545744018a9ad5c8 | 08:13 |
MacroMan | Namely: W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/ast_dp501_fw.bin for module ast | 08:14 |
brainwash | Furai: create a new user account and see if it's affected also | 08:14 |
Furai | brainwash, and if it is? Is there a way to refresh installation? If not I'll just live with what I have till 18.04 and then do kind of clean install. | 08:15 |
brainwash | Furai: mmh, 17.10 will be released soon | 08:16 |
brainwash | Furai: did you check the system log? also, what exactly is slower? | 08:17 |
Furai | Startup of various programmes. | 08:17 |
brainwash | I guess testing with a new user account is the way to go then | 08:18 |
brainwash | other than that, I think you can do a clean installation while keeping your files in /home | 08:19 |
Furai | Yeah, that's what I meant about "kind of clean" install. | 08:19 |
Furai | Anyway, thanks. | 08:20 |
brainwash | MacroMan: I would ask in #ubuntu-kernel | 08:24 |
MacroMan | brainwash: Thanks | 08:24 |
brainwash | MacroMan: maybe you will have to file a bug report | 08:24 |
MacroMan | It might not be a problem, but I can't find much about it online | 08:24 |
brainwash | right. these messages are "only" warnings | 08:25 |
brainwash | could be more to it | 08:25 |
MacroMan | Why I'm here | 08:25 |
pax_rhos | hello | 08:48 |
pax_rhos | I have python2 and python3 installed, I need python3-dev, can I safely install it without it affecting the currently installed packages? | 08:49 |
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brainwash | you should be able to | 08:50 |
brainwash | or, why do you think it would affect the other packages? | 08:51 |
reza-irdev | hi | 09:02 |
reza-irdev | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1697377 | 09:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1697377 in Ubuntu "Change TextBoxes Direction for RTL languages" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 09:04 |
Jojero | Hi | 09:18 |
Jojero | Im back | 09:18 |
Jojero | How to access the amtlib file in play on linux? | 09:18 |
brainwash | Jojero: I suggest asking in #playonlinux | 09:20 |
Jojero | oh sorry | 09:20 |
ollehar | I can't install libglib-2.0 | 09:26 |
ollehar | The following packages have unmet dependencies: libglib2.0-dev : Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.40.0-2) but 2.40.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed Depends: libglib2.0-bin (= 2.40.0-2)E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.butlibglib2.0-bin is already the newest version.andlibglib2.0-0 is already the newest version | 09:27 |
ollehar | I get this cute error. | 09:27 |
ollehar | anyone has any idea? | 09:27 |
ollehar | using xubuntu | 09:27 |
hateball | ollehar: sounds like you are using PPAs with conflicting depends | 09:30 |
ollehar | yeah | 09:30 |
ollehar | hateball: question is how to solve it | 09:30 |
ollehar | tried autoremove, clean, dist-upgrade, update/upgrade, -f install | 09:30 |
hateball | ollehar: apt cache <package> to see which repo it tries to pull from | 09:31 |
hateball | err.. apt policy <package> | 09:31 |
hateball | and then you can adjust your PPAs accordingly, if possible | 09:31 |
ollehar | invalid operation? | 09:31 |
ollehar | maybe run full-upgrade... | 09:32 |
hateball | apt full-upgrade is the same as apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:33 |
ollehar | ah | 09:33 |
iticus | hello! how can I create a bootable USB drive with Ubuntu desktop that I can boot on an old iMac? | 09:34 |
iticus | all tutorials I found online are for creating a drive from Mac OS X but I don't have access to a running Mac OS X at the moment | 09:35 |
adac | Where do I set global ENV variables that survive a system reboot? | 09:54 |
EriC^^ | adac: /etc/environment i guess? | 09:54 |
g105b | I performed apt full-upgrade this morning and suddenly mysql will not start. Here's the logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25477217/ I've purged mysql* and reinstalled and still the same issue. Please can someone help me troubleshoot the issue? | 09:55 |
adac | EriC^^, k will have a look at it thanks | 09:56 |
Ben64 | g105b: have you rebooted | 09:58 |
corentin | ghostcube: https://askubuntu.com/questions/175704/unable-to-start-mysql-server-after-update | 09:58 |
g105b | Ben64: do I need to? | 09:58 |
ghostcube | it wasnt me :D | 09:59 |
g105b | Ben64: joke. obviously rebooted. | 09:59 |
ghostcube | but thx | 09:59 |
corentin | ghostcube: woops sorry | 09:59 |
corentin | g105b: https://askubuntu.com/questions/175704/unable-to-start-mysql-server-after-update | 09:59 |
ghostcube | :D | 09:59 |
g105b | corentin: I've been on that thread already ( I tend to reboot and Google for issues before asking in IRC ) but I couldn't see any answer that was specific to my question. Could you enlighten me which answer is relevant? | 10:00 |
corentin | g105b: first try to reboot the whole box, then try the only answer marked as solving the problem | 10:01 |
g105b | corentin: rebooted ✓ I'm not using a custom mysql mount point, so marked answer is not appropriate. After purging mysql, no file at /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld. After installing again, file seems ok at first glance: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25477304/ | 10:03 |
g105b | No sign of anything overlapping, but there shouldn't be because this is a fresh install of mysql. | 10:03 |
corentin | g105b: right about mount point, I missed taht fact | 10:04 |
corentin | g105b: no errors during install of mysql-server? | 10:05 |
corentin | as in https://askubuntu.com/questions/900064/mysql-not-starting-due-to-errors | 10:05 |
corentin | g105b: could you pastebing output of this command please: sudo journalctl -xe -u mysql | 10:07 |
g105b | corentin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25477485/ | 10:09 |
g105b | corentin: no errors apart from post-install when the service tries to start again. | 10:10 |
ollehar | hateball: don't I know you from #limesurvey? | 10:11 |
corentin | g105b: what about: sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.mysqld | 10:12 |
corentin | and then reinstall mysql-server | 10:12 |
hateball | ollehar: I lurk here and there :) | 10:13 |
hateball | ollehar: did you get the problem sorted? | 10:13 |
Jojero | Hi can anyone help me :( | 10:16 |
hateball | !ask | Jojero | 10:16 |
ubottu | Jojero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 10:16 |
Jojero | where can I find the directory of adobe illustrator? :( | 10:16 |
hateball | Uh... there's no Adobe Illustrator for Linux | 10:16 |
Jojero | I just use play on linux :( | 10:17 |
corentin | Jojero: prolly in your windows drive in ~/.wine/ | 10:17 |
Jojero | I ask in different channel but they ask for payment before they tell me :/ | 10:17 |
EriC^^ | Jojero: try find ~/ -iname "*adobe*" | 10:17 |
g105b | Jojero: It'll be in ~/PlayOnLinux | 10:17 |
Jojero | thanks so much :) | 10:18 |
Jojero | you guys are the best <3 | 10:18 |
hateball | OT: Asking for payment on IRC is pretty... shady | 10:18 |
Jojero | yea :/ | 10:18 |
Jojero | he's username is rindolf | 10:18 |
Jojero | gtg guys, thanks so much <3 ^_^ | 10:19 |
Ben64 | hateball: i've had people voluntarily ask for my paypal and send me money for helping ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 10:19 |
EriC^^ | you guys are doing it for free? what? j/k | 10:20 |
corentin | Ben64: neat! | 10:20 |
g105b | corentin: well I still have no mysql, only solution is install Windows. | 10:20 |
Ben64 | well that isn't a solution | 10:20 |
Jojero | what? | 10:20 |
Jojero | mysql wont work in linux?? | 10:20 |
g105b | Not on my linux. | 10:20 |
Jojero | I was gonna go to linux so I can do web dev | 10:20 |
hateball | Ben64: Yes, but that's a rather opposite thing :p | 10:20 |
Jojero | :( sad | 10:20 |
Jojero | so I cant do wordpress :/ | 10:21 |
Ben64 | g105b: service apparmor stop ? | 10:21 |
corentin | g105b: good luck then! | 10:21 |
ducasse | Jojero: of course mysql works on linux | 10:21 |
Jojero | is it good to move to linux? Im taking a backend career path :) | 10:21 |
Ben64 | Jojero: up to you | 10:21 |
Jojero | oh :) I hope I do the right thing .. | 10:22 |
Jojero | I can move back anytime since I have the digital entitlement.. :D | 10:22 |
Jojero | :/ I did vagrant but Im not comfortable with it though | 10:24 |
Jojero | I want to have a native linux machine. | 10:25 |
Ben64 | go for it | 10:25 |
Jojero | :) i hope photoshop works great .. | 10:25 |
Jojero | later guys :) | 10:26 |
hateball | Jojero: Moving to Linux to run Windows applications is perhaps not the greatest thing you can do | 10:30 |
corentin | Jojero: hateball is right, you would probably get a terrible user experience from doing that | 10:31 |
corentin | unless you can run your windows soft in a VM maybe | 10:31 |
Jojero | thanks guys :) | 10:37 |
g105b_ | corentin: I can't figure this out, I've ended up running mysql inside docker to get me going... might have a look at the problem again one day but for now I'm up and running, albeit through a virtualisation service. | 10:39 |
c06 | anyone have experience with maas in vbox | 10:54 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 11:02 |
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Anticom | Hi all. I'm looking for a decent cross-OS password manager. Does anybody have any experience with https://www.enpass.io/apps/linux/ yet and can share their oppinion about it? | 11:34 |
Ool | Anticom: keepassX ? | 11:35 |
ollehar | hateball: nope, no solution yet. I need it to compile rofi, but any other launcher (that works with openbox) will do, if you happen to know one. | 11:35 |
nuked0ne | Hi | 11:35 |
Anticom | For example enpass is advertising 256Bit AES encryption... However i thought that one was broken already, wasn't it? | 11:35 |
nuked0ne | How can I add Eclipse to appear in my Development section? | 11:35 |
Anticom | nuked0ne: Development section? | 11:36 |
nuked0ne | http://i.imgur.com/qfapRYg.png | 11:36 |
nuked0ne | here | 11:36 |
nuked0ne | along with other IDEs | 11:36 |
hateball | ollehar: Sorry cant help you there, I am Plasma exclusive :p | 11:36 |
Anticom | What flavor of Ubuntu is that nuked0ne ? | 11:37 |
nuked0ne | Anticom: it's ubuntu xfce | 11:37 |
ollehar | hateball: ok, thanks anyway | 11:37 |
Anticom | nuked0ne: Just guessing that this might help maybe? : http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.de/2013/03/how-to-add-application-launcher-to.html | 11:38 |
Anticom | Oh no nvm | 11:38 |
c06 | anyone have maas experience.? | 11:38 |
Anticom | nuked0ne: i meant this one: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.de/2011/12/add-items-to-xfce-applications-menu.html | 11:39 |
hateball | !maas | 11:39 |
ubottu | Metal as a Service is a dynamic server provisioning service for scalability. See more about it at https://maas.ubuntu.com. | 11:39 |
Whir | Hi, I try to run ipython on Ubuntu 16.04 with python 3, and I get these gtk* import errors | 11:39 |
Whir | I traced it to "ImportError: No module named 'gobject' " | 11:39 |
hateball | hmmm, could have sworn there was an IRC channel for it | 11:39 |
Whir | but I installed python3-gi | 11:39 |
Whir | what works is "from gi.repository import GObject as gobject " | 11:39 |
c06 | hateball: its there but its not active | 11:39 |
Whir | but matplotlib still complains | 11:39 |
nuked0ne | Anticom: what should the command be? I tried 'eclipse' but it's not | 11:41 |
nuked0ne | I mean Exec=Command | 11:41 |
Anticom | nuked0ne: depends on how you 'installed' eclipse | 11:41 |
nuked0ne | Anticom: I downloaded it from the website | 11:41 |
Anticom | if it's in your PATH, you can find its location using 'which eclipse' | 11:41 |
nuked0ne | Anticom: not apt-get | 11:41 |
Anticom | nuked0ne: well then you should know where you've placed it | 11:41 |
nuked0ne | yes I know where it is | 11:42 |
Anticom | use a full path | 11:42 |
Anticom | instead of just 'eclipse' | 11:42 |
Anticom | or in your .bashrc, .profile etc. put export PATH=/path/to/eclipse/:$PATH | 11:42 |
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nuked0ne | hey it worked | 11:47 |
nuked0ne | thanks a lot Anticom! | 11:47 |
techsynt | hi guys have issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/928997/gnome-unable-to-install-extention , i did what they told but it didn't help me | 11:47 |
blueboy | anyone here running a distro with the dell xps 13 9360 ? | 11:59 |
swensson | Anyone know how to make alias myAlias=sudo last reboot? | 12:12 |
brainwash | swensson: add it to ~/.bashrc | 12:13 |
brainwash | blueboy: what do you want to know exactly? | 12:13 |
swensson | brainwash ah thanks=) | 12:14 |
blueboy | I believe the issue to be a bios related issue or IPM issue with the USB ports on the xps 13 | 12:15 |
blueboy | basically | 12:15 |
blueboy | I put the bios in legacy, put the storage controller in AHCI mode | 12:16 |
blueboy | the live install for ubuntu boots and then it gives me an error after the initial splash that it cant find the live media | 12:16 |
blueboy | "unable to find medium containing live file system" | 12:17 |
blueboy | I have verified the usb boots into a live environment on another system as well | 12:17 |
brainwash | which ubuntu release is that? | 12:17 |
anchnk | hey, how can I determinate if a daemon is either start by systemd or sysinit ? I am running ubuntu 16.04 | 12:18 |
BluesKaj | blueboy, how did you create the live image ? | 12:18 |
blueboy | i have attempted 16.04 and 17.04. I also attempted this with Fedora and had the same issue. | 12:18 |
blueboy | I used rufus | 12:18 |
brainwash | anchnk: 16.04 uses systemd by default | 12:18 |
blueboy | attempted with the standard windows ISO method and dd method, both give the same error | 12:18 |
brainwash | anchnk: maybe you want to read this https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-sysv-generator.html | 12:19 |
blueboy | Could it possibly be a TPM issue not allowing 3rd party OS boot even with legacy boot and secureboot turned off ? | 12:19 |
BluesKaj | did you unmount the device before running dd or rufus | 12:19 |
BluesKaj | blueboy,^ | 12:19 |
blueboy | Blue, yes. I have also teste the usb on another system and it boots successfully | 12:20 |
anchnk | brainwash thank you, I am trying to figure it out if my mysql service is either start before or after supervisor | 12:21 |
blueboy | from the research I have done this is acommon issue with the laptop and some users. | 12:21 |
anchnk | but yeah I need to dive deeper into the doc | 12:21 |
blueboy | I see some others having zero issue and others cant figure their way around it. | 12:21 |
BluesKaj | another system has different settings, in it's BIOS/UEFI, check those and do the same for the problematic one | 12:22 |
brainwash | anchnk: if you have systemd specific questions, I suggest asking in #systemd | 12:22 |
anchnk | oh great thankx brainwash | 12:22 |
blueboy | I have matched accordingly, secureboot disabled, legacy boot, moved from raid to ahci for support | 12:23 |
blueboy | I think the issue is the usb controller, it doesnt support legacy mode, only 3.0 | 12:23 |
blueboy | I have also seen in the logs the controller is being added and removed, spamming | 12:23 |
blueboy | From what I can tell it might be intels power management screwing me | 12:24 |
brainwash | you could give ubuntu 17.10 Beta a try | 12:24 |
blueboy | That was pretty much my next step | 12:24 |
brainwash | also, maybe it's worth to contact the Dell support channels | 12:24 |
blueboy | There is an actual ubuntu 14.04 recovery meda for the xps 13 as well, dell has a recover media for it (a dev version of the laptop) Im tryin to get my hands on that as well. | 12:25 |
blueboy | Its service tag depedent for access to it | 12:26 |
blueboy | I believe I might complelte nuke the table on the nvme storage | 12:29 |
blueboy | I still kinda suspect the issue to be something related to a TPM issue | 12:29 |
blueboy | also its skylake, ive read issue with legacy usb booting issues | 12:29 |
blueboy | kaby lake * derp | 12:30 |
Doc-Saintly | Is there a quick way to initialize a new drive? I'd like to quickly format it to ext3/4, the whole disk, and mount it somewhere. | 12:32 |
corentin | Doc-Saintly: fdisk && mkfs.ext4 | 12:34 |
Doc-Saintly | corentin: yea, but it there a one line :) It seems this is a very common operation | 12:35 |
Doc-Saintly | "format the whole drive as X and mount at Y" | 12:35 |
corentin | Doc-Saintly: same answer | 12:37 |
Doc-Saintly | ok. thanks | 12:39 |
BluesKaj | or use gparted | 12:45 |
frostschutz | Doc-Saintly, don't use raw drive, always have a partition table, even if it's only one large partition. | 12:48 |
fub | Hi. I installed (l)ubuntu a few months back with disk encryption (just my home folder). a) How do I know which encryption software is used b) how do I change the password? | 12:48 |
ollehar | follow up question: is the home folder encrypted when the screensaver is locked? or must I log out? | 12:49 |
frostschutz | fub, if lsblk shows a crypt device, it's probably LUKS, and then you can add / change passwords with cryptsetup luksAddKey / luksChangeKey (better to add first, and remove the old when you are sure you remember the new one) | 12:49 |
vlt | fub: If it's "just the home folder" it might not be disk encryption at all but an encrypted file system. | 12:50 |
brainwash | fub: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ecryptfs.html | 12:51 |
fub | frostschutz: this is my output: https://dpaste.de/xjR7 | 12:51 |
fub | vlt: I am assuming its only the home folder because I can see something under "mount" with ecryptfs | 12:51 |
fub | like /home/.ecryptfs/myuser/.Private on /home/myuser type ecryptfs | 12:52 |
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swensson | Is it possible to run a virtual environment for only photoshop? I don't want to run a complete virtual system, just one app. | 12:52 |
vlt | fub: Yeah, I wouldn't call that disk encryption. So nothing LUKS related applies. | 12:52 |
corentin | swensson: see wine | 12:52 |
fub | vlt: okay | 12:52 |
cfhowlett | possible yes, but do not expect virtualbox to fully utilize your GPU | 12:53 |
frostschutz | fub, your output shows you have luks, and swap is even encrypted twice, so if you also have ecryptfs, you have everything in one big encryption mashup | 12:53 |
fub | vlt: but in the output I posted, why does it say sda5_crypt? | 12:53 |
fub | ew, so its .. double encrypted? | 12:53 |
swensson | corentin Yeah, I've used wine a few times. But that get's access to my systems files? :P | 12:53 |
frostschutz | fub, changing the password for sda5 would be 'sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda5' | 12:53 |
frostschutz | fub, yes, kinda ewww. | 12:53 |
fub | frostschutz: the lubuntu installer did this | 12:54 |
fub | I did not setup any additional encryption stuff | 12:54 |
fub | so when booting my system, I need to type the pw for sda5 I think | 12:55 |
fub | how is the home folder (ecryptfs) decrypted then? | 12:55 |
frostschutz | yea, so if you want to change it, add a new one... see if it works... and a few days later remove the old one. you can read about cryptsetup in any wiki I guess | 12:55 |
frostschutz | ecryptfs uses your regular user login | 12:56 |
fub | interesting, so its decrypted when logging in | 12:56 |
vlt | fub: Yes. | 12:56 |
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fub | all right, thanks for the info | 12:57 |
vlt | fub: This setup might make sense in certain environments where you want both full disk encryption (and a few different people know the passphrase) but addidionally need to protect your home folder. | 12:58 |
vlt | fub: But yes, it needs to be double de- and encrypted everytime :-D | 12:59 |
fub | ok, so next time I'll install, I will be careful not to do this | 13:00 |
fub | because I am the only person working on my computers | 13:00 |
OneM_Industries | So, my main HDD (/dev/sda) just went read-only. How can worried should I be, and how can I fix this? | 13:01 |
frostschutz | OneM_Industries, dmesg? smartctl -a /dev/sda? | 13:02 |
OneM_Industries | https://pastebin.com/zBmt8v1m | 13:05 |
OneM_Industries | Just remembered, main hdd is actually /dev/sdb. | 13:05 |
OneM_Industries | https://pastebin.com/dQ8cMnsD <--dmesg output | 13:06 |
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nikola_i | hi, i am trying to use nvidia drivers on my optimus laptop. do i need nvidia-prime? | 13:15 |
frostschutz | OneM_Industries, it has pending (unreadable) sectors. according to the self test log, those were found over 2000 power-on-hours ago. (extended offline, read failure at 24628 lifetime hours, current 27094) | 13:23 |
frostschutz | OneM_Industries, if you don't have a backup, get a new drive, ddrescue. | 13:23 |
* linux_user says: Hello everyone! I am looking to temporarily disable my touch screen in Ubuntu Linux (16.04). I tried doing an xinput -list and then "xinput disable DEVICE", and it worked for about 5 minutes and then somehow the device got enabled again. Any ideas of how I could temporarily disable it (absent it coming back on without my telling it too), but not surviving a reboot is fine for me too. | 13:24 | |
mmanso | I had to register myseld in nickserv and I'm not sure if my question was received by the cannel... | 13:55 |
mmanso | I'm using ubuntu 17.04 and I've connected a USB display to it. It works fine but the USB display is treated as an "extension" of my main display. | 13:55 |
bumbar | is there any hope to recover (even partially) files deleted with "rm -rf"? | 13:55 |
mmanso | Can't I make it a separate screen? | 13:55 |
EriC^^ | !recover | bumbar look into photorec | 13:56 |
ubottu | bumbar look into photorec: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery | 13:56 |
GivenToCode | anyone familiar with the fuse package? I upgraded to 2.9.7 and now /etc/fuse.conf is owned by the utempter group and no longer the fuse group. Does this make sense? | 14:00 |
SuperLag | Anyone run into issues upgrading to the latest msyql lately? | 14:17 |
yeeve | What's the best PPA for ffmpeg? I've seen a few listed in random posts and just wonder which is the "up-to-date" one. I'm using 17.04 for what it's worth | 14:17 |
SuperLag | http://paste.ubuntu.com/25478468/ | 14:18 |
loganrun | I am trying the following command "apt-get install --reinstall libdrm-amdgpu1", but get the error pkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libdrm-common_2.4.83+git20170905.d55d0804-0ubuntu0ricotz~16.04.1_all.deb (--unpack):trying to overwrite '/usr/share/libdrm/amdgpu.ids', which is also in package libdrm-amdgpu1:amd64 2.4.82+git20170725.3876bc24-0ubuntu0ricotz~16.04.1 | 14:21 |
loganrun | basically I want to upgrade the package libdrm which wants to install libdrm-common, but there seems to be this circular reference to the file amdgpu.ids. not sure what to do | 14:21 |
Nexiu | Hello. I have bought cloud server with ubuntu, now I login as su and do apt-get install gnome - how can I connect to gui when it install it? | 14:23 |
vlt | SuperLag: There were other users a few hours ago with similar problems. | 14:24 |
ducasse | !vnc | Nexiu | 14:26 |
ubottu | Nexiu: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 14:26 |
ducasse | Nexiu: ...but that is really not the way to use a cloud server, the common thing is to use ssh | 14:27 |
Nexiu | ducasse: but I have bought access for few hours to check that I can run 8 android emulator on it | 14:27 |
Nexiu | on my pc I can run only 4 emulators | 14:28 |
SuperLag | vlt: was anyone able to get it resolved? | 14:29 |
metaphysician | Hello, can I make NetworkManager's embedded dnsmasq cache DNS results? | 14:47 |
bumbar | how can i delete all non text files in directory in terminal? | 14:59 |
TJ- | bumbar: do you mean all files with names not ending in ".txt", or by their actual content (as reported by 'file' for example) ? | 15:03 |
bumbar | reported by file | 15:03 |
corentin | bumbar: find path/to/your/directory -type f -not -iname '*.txt' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -- | 15:04 |
corentin | oh | 15:04 |
corentin | bumbar: then I would write a tiny script which calls command 'file' on $1 (first param), and rm the file if not text, and call that script with find | 15:05 |
AlphaOmega | What daemon is it that auto fetches pages that might be asked for? | 15:07 |
AlphaOmega | Some software called preload is it? | 15:07 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: you mean memory pages? | 15:07 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: prefetch | 15:07 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: i think that's what it is on RH | 15:08 |
AlphaOmega | Prefetch is it? | 15:08 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: why do you ask? | 15:08 |
AlphaOmega | corentin: yes | 15:08 |
AlphaOmega | Earlier today I mentioned about the issue with my RAM being overflowed on Lubuntu | 15:09 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: I'm not 100% sure, but I would tend to think the kernel is handling this | 15:10 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: you want your RAM to be full | 15:10 |
AlphaOmega | No | 15:10 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: so I'm not sure what your issue is, can you summarize? | 15:10 |
AlphaOmega | Because when it almost reaches full (83%) and some new action/activity starts, the system freezes for 2-15 seconds | 15:11 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: that sounds like you are swapping | 15:11 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: and have a slow hdd | 15:11 |
AlphaOmega | During this time, the CPU (usually at around 20-40% utilization) jumps to above 85% and the system freezes | 15:11 |
AlphaOmega | Yes.. I'm swapping with a slow hdd | 15:11 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: ok, prefetch/preload won't really help with swap | 15:12 |
AlphaOmega | Swap space is 2x of Ram but still, the process is slow | 15:12 |
nacc | it will *add* load to your disk | 15:12 |
AlphaOmega | Ew | 15:12 |
AlphaOmega | Nope.. that won't help at all | 15:12 |
AlphaOmega | So, is there a way to reduce this thrashing? | 15:12 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: you can reduce the swappiness of the kernel, but there are consequences | 15:13 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: add more ram or consume less ram hehe | 15:13 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: or optimize the program running to consume less | 15:13 |
AlphaOmega | I can't consume less, unless I know how to limit an application from over using the ram | 15:14 |
AlphaOmega | Can one do that? | 15:14 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: ulimit | 15:14 |
AlphaOmega | nacc: I've tried reducing the swappiness, it stays on longer, but when the freeze hits, it's in minutes... | 15:14 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: what are you actually doing? | 15:15 |
AlphaOmega | Checking out ulimit | 15:15 |
AlphaOmega | corentin: running a game with maybe a few PDFs open and a file manager open? (Evince and pcmanfm) | 15:15 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: how much ram do you have? | 15:15 |
corentin | and which game? maybe it has memory leaks or so | 15:16 |
AlphaOmega | DotA 2 (process name is dota, with maybe 2 steam and 3 steamwebhelper processes) | 15:17 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: you could try to profile your system with a memory profiler to see why all the ram is consumed. Alternatively you could setup some monitoring like munin, and make it graph memory consumption of your main programs | 15:18 |
AlphaOmega | How should I do that? | 15:18 |
nacc | AlphaOmega: how much ram? | 15:18 |
AlphaOmega | I've never used profilers before | 15:18 |
AlphaOmega | nacc: 4 GB | 15:18 |
AlphaOmega | Goes away in 2 matches -> 1h 50m | 15:19 |
AlphaOmega | Or maybe before, since it starts lagging and freezing after | 15:19 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: guess it's easier to setup munin | 15:20 |
AlphaOmega | Wow.. munin looks great! | 15:21 |
corentin | AlphaOmega: there's a plugin called multimemory, not sure it is shipped by default | 15:26 |
TuTizz | hi there, I have got an unsolved question on my ubuntu server. My "/var/log/upstart/" folder size is really huge, I can't even access to it with a cd or ls it. "logrotate -d -v /etc/logrotate.conf" stop at "reading config file upstart". The output of "cat /var/lib/logrotate/status" https://pastebin.com/un4fdhX7 | 15:27 |
TuTizz | Is anyone got an idea? | 15:28 |
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TJ- | TuTizz: the device is generating lots of virtual ethernet devices? | 15:30 |
TJ- | TuTizz: could be thousands/millions of logs in the directory | 15:31 |
TuTizz | TJ-, it could be an issue link to docker | 15:32 |
TuTizz | ? | 15:32 |
TuTizz | dmesg output : EXT4-fs warning (device md2): ext4_dx_add_entry:2217: inode #2097338: comm logrotate: Directory index full! | 15:35 |
TJ- | TuTizz: sounds like it. is it permissable to blindly delete all files in that directory, so as to regain some control? | 15:38 |
TuTizz | I tried to rm -rf but as everything is freezing, I can't be sure if the operation succeeded, I will try it again | 15:40 |
TJ- | TuTizz: that's expected due to rm causing the btree of the directory to be rebalanced after every call. There's a useful alternative using rsync. See the 1st answer here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/37329/efficiently-delete-large-directory-containing-thousands-of-files | 15:53 |
tomeaton17 | How can I get the pid of a running command which I know the name of for use in a bash script? | 15:55 |
TuTizz | TJ-, ok thanks | 15:55 |
corentin | tomeaton17: pidof <command> | 15:56 |
TJ- | tomeaton17: "pidof" | 15:56 |
corentin | tomeaton17: alternatively: ps ax | grep <command> | 15:56 |
brainwash | pgrep | 15:56 |
jojero | anyone know how to fix nvidia x server? | 16:03 |
jojero | I already install intel-microcode and nvidia through "additional drivers: | 16:03 |
jelly | how do I figure out who wrote https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu and thank them | 16:12 |
brainwash | jelly: https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/blob/master/tutorials/desktop/how-to-verify-ubuntu/how-to-verify-ubuntu.md | 16:15 |
tomeaton17 | Sorry about that my server died. Thanks for the help with those commands. | 16:22 |
brunch | guys I want to start another session on openbox on a different tty for performance reasons | 16:33 |
brunch | but the internet says a thousand different ways; none seem to work | 16:34 |
brunch | maybe they're old | 16:34 |
brunch | so... how would I do it? startx, xinit...? | 16:34 |
usr13 | brunch https://askubuntu.com/questions/443418/start-another-gui-on-different-tty | 16:37 |
akik | brunch: you can run "startx desktop_startup -- :1" is a virtual terminal as your user | 16:38 |
brunch | hmmmm... if I'm doing it right then ubuntu is doing it wrong | 16:39 |
brunch | I better ask around ubuntu+1 | 16:39 |
akik | desktop_startup is for example mate-session | 16:39 |
brunch | openbox should do, right? | 16:39 |
brunch | it's what's displayed in login as an option | 16:40 |
akik | you'll know when you find the right script/binary | 16:40 |
akik | for kde, it's startkde | 16:40 |
brunch | right now the screen goes black, and monitor says "no signal" | 16:41 |
brunch | so it might be yet another nvidia issue | 16:41 |
akik | :( | 16:41 |
brunch | akik, if I recall correctly I can use xterm instead of desktop_startup, right? | 16:42 |
akik | brunch: i'll test on my machine | 16:44 |
brunch | thank you :) | 16:44 |
akik | brunch: yes :) it opened *just* xterm | 16:45 |
brunch | nice thanks a lot | 16:45 |
brunch | might have something to do with the multiple monitors, I'll fiddle around a bit | 16:45 |
akik | with no window manager | 16:45 |
_Trullo | hello | 16:45 |
brunch | welcome, _Trullo | 16:46 |
_Trullo | anyone got a guide how to set static dns on lubuntu 17.04? | 16:46 |
akik | brunch: does you xorg crash when you try that? | 16:46 |
_Trullo | I'm scratching my head here | 16:46 |
TJ- | _Trullo: depends on which network management tool is being used | 16:46 |
TJ- | _Trullo: is it desktop, with Network Manager? | 16:46 |
akik | _Trullo: /etc/network/interfaces ? sorry i can't test | 16:46 |
brunch | akik, it doesn't seem like it. But the screen doesn't get any feed | 16:46 |
_Trullo | the dns I have now is and some search thing | 16:46 |
_Trullo | this is in resolv.conf | 16:46 |
akik | _Trullo: use dns-nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces | 16:47 |
brunch | it's fine when I change back to tty2, which has the gnome session | 16:47 |
_Trullo | my main dns given out by the dhcp is behind a vpn.. | 16:47 |
brunch | also, I have to use :2 instead of :1 since that's taken already | 16:47 |
TJ- | _Trullo: well that is just pointint to an instance of the resolver, but that might be managed by Network Manager | 16:47 |
TJ- | _Trullo: is it desktop or server? | 16:47 |
_Trullo | desktop | 16:47 |
TJ- | _Trullo: so there's an applet in the system tray to configure networks and report what is in use? | 16:47 |
_Trullo | I did sudo rm -f /etc/resolv.conf to remove the symlink, and edited the file to nameserver | 16:48 |
_Trullo | but it still changes | 16:48 |
TJ- | _Trullo: yes, it will, because *Network Manager* is managing it! | 16:48 |
_Trullo | TJ-, yeah, I can change in there, but it doesn't work anyway.. | 16:48 |
TJ- | _Trullo: you need to configure the Connection in network-manager's applet, set the IPv4 (or IPv6) DNS server settings | 16:49 |
_Trullo | can I use space between dns's? | 16:49 |
_Trullo | it's only one line I think, computer at work so I can see it now | 16:49 |
TJ- | _Trullo: I seem to recall yes, or a comman. The thing is, if you've got the Method set to DHCP and you want to set DNS servers manually, you need to select the Method "DHCP (Addresses only)" and set both the DNS and default gateway | 16:50 |
ssarah | does ubuntu get newer packages than debian? | 16:50 |
ssarah | if yes, how? | 16:50 |
TJ- | _Trullo: in NM connections you can also set it to automatically activate a VPN connection when the interface comes up | 16:51 |
TJ- | ssarah: most releases start by syncing from the Debian archive and then adding Ubuntu patches, but sometimes Ubuntu will carry a different version of a package | 16:51 |
_Trullo | I'll play with it tomorrow again, been having alot of trouble getting citrix reciever to work, and I think it has to do with the dns.. | 16:52 |
_Trullo | I almost bought a couple of win10 licenses today.. | 16:52 |
_Trullo | TJ-, thanks | 16:52 |
TJ- | _Trullo: if you can't configure it via Network Manager, you may need to configure it manually. In which case, you need to tell NM *not* to manage the particular interface in its' config file | 16:53 |
TJ- | _Trullo: that's why you were seeing /etc/resolv.conf change, because that's a symlink to a network-manager controlled file | 16:53 |
_Trullo | yeah, but if you remove the symlink it shouldn't update.. I don't understand that.. | 16:54 |
_Trullo | I also installed dnsmasq | 16:54 |
TJ- | it's a symlink, the system is actually using the file the symlink pointed to | 16:55 |
TJ- | NM uses a private copy of dnsmasq itself | 16:55 |
oerheks | _Trullo, just stop the networkmanager service, and do it manually, or use networkmanager. not both.. | 16:56 |
TJ- | _Trullo: if you do "ps -efly | grep resolv" you'll see the private instance of dnsmasq and its command-line, so you can configure what NM tells that via advanced NM config values in the Connections' config file under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ | 16:57 |
TJ- | _Trullo: see "man nm-settings" for keys and values | 16:57 |
_Trullo | the funny thing is I got it to work in ubuntu, then I reinstalled lubuntu, didn't get it to work.. | 16:58 |
_Trullo | but I changed in so many places so I guess I missed one.. | 16:58 |
_Trullo | supersede domain-name-servers in some configfile.. remove dnsmasq in another etc etc,, | 16:58 |
oost | ssarah: and debian works with rolling releases, which ubuntu does not. | 16:59 |
ssarah | rolling releases? what you mean? ubuntu has versions too. | 17:01 |
ssarah | i was wondering because these days a lot of stuff doesn't get a package. | 17:02 |
ssarah | i was trying to install slap, and the normal installation through is not working | 17:02 |
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oerheks | slap = OpenLDAP server? | 17:04 |
nacc | ssarah: please be more specific | 17:04 |
nacc | ssarah: slapd is packaged | 17:04 |
oerheks | slapd indeed | 17:04 |
oost | ssarah: it's rolling release vs. point release. (ubuntu is the latter) | 17:05 |
nacc | in my experience, the use of phrases like "these days" in describing an issue is FUD/PEBKAC | 17:05 |
akik | ssarah: ubuntu also has 389-ds | 17:05 |
ssarah | I duno what that means, I understand rolling release as: there's only one tree of software be updated. There's no unsupported version. | 17:14 |
ssarah | But slap is this: https://github.com/slap-editor/slap | 17:14 |
ssarah | it looks nice so i was trying to try i tout | 17:14 |
ducasse | ssarah: you can't reasonably expect every little thing on github to be in the repos | 17:16 |
oost | no ssarah, debian keeps updating a release to what they believe is "experimental", "unstable" or "stable". Ubuntu releases a release and that's it. | 17:16 |
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ssarah | ducasse, I understand, but I see lots of popular stuff that is not in debian repositories these days. And if it is it's quite old. | 17:18 |
ssarah | They are becoming useless, other than for os specific stuff. | 17:18 |
ssarah | So i was thinking if there was a way to fast track stuff. | 17:18 |
ssarah | I duno. | 17:18 |
nacc | lol | 17:18 |
* nacc cites the above comment about FUD | 17:19 | |
nacc | ssarah: has there been any attempt by any interested party in packaging (.deb or snap) this slap program? | 17:19 |
nacc | ssarah: it's not up to a distribution to go find stuff to package | 17:19 |
ssarah | I see. | 17:20 |
TJ- | ssarah: if you want it in Debian/Ubuntu, how about doing it yourself, starting with the Debian Mentors programme? | 17:20 |
ducasse | ssarah: if you really want a packaged slap, build a snap of it and offer it on the ubuntu store | 17:20 |
brainwash | you can easily install it with the npm package manager | 17:20 |
brainwash | what is your issue exactly? | 17:21 |
aariz | My terminal isn't starting :( | 17:22 |
aariz | WHYYYYYYYYY | 17:22 |
ssarah | It's just that.. kindly open this page here: https://github.com/blackarch/blackarch/issues See that? On black arch you point to a repo and a way to install the thing, that you get that added to the main repository. | 17:22 |
ssarah | *and you get | 17:22 |
aariz | I have to go get xterm > terminal because each time I press CTRL + T or search the searchbar for Terminal, it doesn't open | 17:23 |
brainwash | maybe ubuntu isn't for you then ssarah | 17:23 |
nacc | ssarah: so use blackarch | 17:23 |
aariz | any suggestions on what to do? | 17:23 |
nacc | ssarah: not sure why this is an ubuntu support topic? | 17:23 |
ssarah | Just trying to understand stuff. If ubuntu releases newer versions of things and how/if possible to speed that cycle of release up. | 17:24 |
ssarah | That's all :) | 17:24 |
ssarah | I don't remember why I thought arch sucked. I did go back to ubuntu tho XD | 17:24 |
nacc | ssarah: a released version of ubuntu will generally never get a new version of a software package | 17:25 |
nacc | ssarah: the best counterexample of that is the hwe stack for the kernel and X; but it's generally still true | 17:25 |
ducasse | ssarah: do you really _need_ the latest version of everything? | 17:25 |
nacc | ssarah: if you want to help get newer versions in the latest release, you can a) file a bug or b) learn to contribute the changes necessary. You can also look into backports for released versions. | 17:26 |
brainwash | everyone of you is ignoring this https://github.com/slap-editor/slap#installation | 17:26 |
ssarah | ducasse, for example, I submitted a bug fix request for workrave.. 5 years ago? Still waiting for that bug fix to reach ubuntu. I'm not sure if 17.04 has it but 16.04 doesn't. And it's a pretty annoying bug. | 17:27 |
Amm0n | ssarah, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=workrave | 17:29 |
nacc | brainwash: not ignoring it, ssarah asked why it wasn't packaged. | 17:30 |
ssarah | brainwash, i tried installing both ways, it's broken somehow, already looking into it. :) | 17:31 |
brainwash | nacc: if something can be installed this easily, maybe the desire to package is much lower | 17:32 |
brandon76 | k someone help me install winff. marcoceppi.com/p/winff | 17:32 |
brainwash | in the end, one would have to bug Debian to actually package it | 17:33 |
nacc | brainwash: agreed, which is why i asked if upstream had tried | 17:33 |
ssarah | nacc: b) learn to contribute the changes necessary. <- how can i do this? | 17:34 |
ssarah | brainwash, i dont like doing curl X | sudo :/ or using two package managers on the same machine (pip npm etc) | 17:34 |
ssarah | or that weird perl one | 17:35 |
nacc | ssarah: someone pointed you to debian mentors earlier | 17:35 |
ducasse | brandon76: 'sudo apt install winff' | 17:36 |
brainwash | I guess snap wouldn't be an option either then | 17:36 |
ssarah | debian mentors? | 17:36 |
ssarah | ok, ill google that | 17:36 |
ssarah | snap? interesting, never heard of it. | 17:38 |
jelly | brainwash: thanks! | 17:41 |
brandon76 | ducasse, i did that | 17:42 |
nacc | brainwash: did it work? | 17:44 |
nacc | brainwash: sorry, brandon76 --^ | 17:44 |
brandon76 | what? | 17:44 |
brandon76 | https://screenshots.debian.net/package/winff | 17:44 |
brandon76 | it installed but it's not showing up in Dash | 17:44 |
ssarah | These snaps... they are containers? | 17:46 |
nacc | ssarah: squashfs images | 17:46 |
nacc | ssarah: the snap itself is -- and then there are various snapd things that restrict the execution | 17:47 |
nacc | ssarah: #snappy is a good resource, or their forum | 17:47 |
ssarah | ty ty | 17:47 |
Glamdesk | Hey ducasse, did you hear my update re: Xephyr and such? | 17:49 |
Glamdesk | I remember somebody was curious what would happen if I tinkered. | 17:50 |
alt0id | hey | 17:51 |
Richard_Cavell | Hi everyone. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 running on an 11 year old iMac, on the metal. I'm running from command line and get this output: https://ideone.com/kGreEj It still hasn't exited. Any ideas? | 17:51 |
alt0id | can i migrate from debian to ubuntu EZ PZ? | 17:51 |
Richard_Cavell | I'm trying to run Steam (from Valve) | 17:51 |
DJones | alt0id: Backup your /home folder and install ubuntu. Copy your backed up home folder and it might well work, you can't migrate directly without reinstalling | 17:52 |
nacc | Richard_Cavell: are you using the one in the multiverse component or actually the one from valve? | 17:53 |
Richard_Cavell | nacc: multiverse | 17:53 |
alt0id | DJones: is there a way i can make a particion without deleting anything on the drive? | 17:53 |
lotuspsychje | hey EriC^^ | 17:55 |
EriC^^ | hey lotuspsychje | 17:55 |
ducasse | Glamdesk: yep, i saw it. any progress? | 17:56 |
Glamdesk | ducasse: Not precisely. Another program *not* in Wine has the same blank blackness, though, so I think I should try a benchmark. | 17:57 |
Glamdesk | I'm also curious if it could be a problem with the card, and/or if Xephyr can be used from another TTY to make a display that's not a window. | 17:57 |
ducasse | Glamdesk: the whole point of xephyr is to run as a nested x session, it can't run outside of an x server | 17:59 |
Glamdesk | And xinit doesn't work. | 18:00 |
Glamdesk | Is there something what presently is supported and does what I want? | 18:00 |
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ducasse | Glamdesk: 'startx lxsession -- :2' should work, but for some reason it seems to kill my already running x session | 18:06 |
Glamdesk | Yeah, same problem. | 18:06 |
Glamdesk | What about openbox? | 18:07 |
Richard_Cavell | nacc: This fixed it https://askubuntu.com/questions/771032/steam-not-opening-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts | 18:07 |
ducasse | Glamdesk: try, i don't want to lose this session ;) | 18:09 |
Richard_Cavell | By the way, has anyone tried running Windows Steam under WINE? Does it work okay? | 18:09 |
Glamdesk | ducasse, That's fair, it's my hill to die on anyway. | 18:10 |
lotuspsychje | Richard_Cavell: i doubt that would work | 18:10 |
lotuspsychje | Richard_Cavell: best stick to ubuntu's steam from repos and play linux steam games | 18:10 |
tgm4883 | windows steam under wine works mostluy | 18:11 |
lotuspsychje | tgm4883: perhaps smaller, not high end games? | 18:12 |
holgerdanske | I am unable to use my Sabrent SATA to USB adapter in Ubuntu 17.04. When I plug it in nothing happens and when I tried gdisk it gave me a "123" error and said it was unable to connect | 18:12 |
ducasse | Glamdesk: i suspect x dying might be a driver bug, as that should not happen | 18:12 |
tgm4883 | lotuspsychje: plenty of high end games work | 18:13 |
Glamdesk | ducasse: Clarify? | 18:13 |
tgm4883 | lotuspsychje: I've got a decently modified skyrim that I use it for as well as AC4. | 18:14 |
lotuspsychje | tgm4883: under windows steam? | 18:14 |
lotuspsychje | via wine? | 18:14 |
tgm4883 | lotuspsychje: well yes, those don't run on Linux ;) | 18:15 |
lotuspsychje | tgm4883: nice one | 18:16 |
ducasse | Glamdesk: i mean it might not happen to you. i'm not even running lxde in my main session, so something must have happened to the x server itself. | 18:16 |
lotuspsychje | Richard_Cavell: so seems, like it does work to answer your previous question | 18:17 |
tgm4883 | lotuspsychje: Richard_Cavell https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=19444 | 18:18 |
tgm4883 | Always check the AppDB :) | 18:18 |
lotuspsychje | kk | 18:18 |
Glamdesk | ducasse: I kinda suspect it will, but I'll be happy to give it a shot. | 18:18 |
lotuspsychje | tgm4883: tnx for the clarify and workaround | 18:18 |
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Fenster | hey guys, I have a new, larger drive coming tomorrow for my linux box, and I am thinking about using clonezilla to clone the drive... but being that I need to resize the partitions, I would do an option that says create the partition table proportionally in the target disk.... is it common for the partitions to increase proportionally or just the main storage partition? | 18:33 |
lotuspsychje | !partition | Fenster | 18:34 |
ubottu | Fenster: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap | 18:34 |
Fenster | erm | 18:35 |
holgerdanske | Would anyone possibly be able to help me get my SATA to USB adapter to work? | 18:35 |
holgerdanske | Trying to get some stuff off my old (Windows) hdd | 18:36 |
leftyfb | holgerdanske: plug it in. Then it should work. type "dmesg" in a terminal to see if it's detected and any possible error messages | 18:38 |
holgerdanske | yeah its not starting and I cant find it in all of this https://pastebin.com/r1VvM96e | 18:40 |
leftyfb | holgerdanske: Prouct: XT1609 is a smart phone | 18:41 |
holgerdanske | Yeah thats my phone thats charging. Do any of those other ones look like the culprit? | 18:45 |
leftyfb | holgerdanske: leave the machine running. Unplug the external drive and plug it back in | 18:47 |
holgerdanske | the adapter or the drive? | 18:47 |
leftyfb | holdsworth: also, what sort of drive is this? laptop or desktop? SSD or spinner? Does it have an external power supply? | 18:47 |
leftyfb | holgerdanske: unplug the adapter from the computer and plug it back in | 18:47 |
holgerdanske | spinner, desktop drive, the adapter has external power | 18:48 |
leftyfb | holgerdanske: pastebin dmesg after unplugging it and plugging it back in. If we're not getting anything, I would check your power source and/or the drive or adapter being possibly defective. | 18:48 |
holgerdanske | it worked. i just had to use the other usb plug. it has two for some reason | 18:49 |
holgerdanske | thank you very much | 18:49 |
Nexiu | what should I do when glxinfo give me Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig. I use ubuntu on cloud machine, lspci give: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Cirrus Logic GD 5446 | 18:52 |
Nexiu | Ive installed xf86-video-cirrus package | 18:52 |
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Nexiu | When I try start Genymotion app it give me also error could not initialize GLX | 18:55 |
leftyfb | Nexiu: your virtual video driver doesn't support GLX | 18:58 |
psychoticwarrior | whats up | 19:10 |
ssarah | is it cool to format my machine now and install 17.04 or should i wait for 17.10. or is it super clean to do release upgrade from one to the other? | 19:19 |
psychoticwarrior | i have updated my machine to 17.04. If you get an upgrade for 17.10 update it if you want | 19:20 |
psychoticwarrior | it works for me :) | 19:20 |
psychoticwarrior | go ahead and try it out | 19:20 |
psychoticwarrior | dont run any programs in the background | 19:20 |
psychoticwarrior | run software updater or apt update && apt upgrade | 19:21 |
brainwash | ssarah: you could install 17.10 Beta also | 19:24 |
Nexiu | I try use rdp not vnc - now genymotion launch but I get error that my openGL version (1.3) is too old and they advice to update video drivers... so is no way to bypass it, or I can update openGL? | 19:26 |
brainwash | Nexiu: I would ask in ##aws | 19:33 |
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cloudbud | My prometheus is consuming so much memory how can I pin it up to a core CPU core | 19:58 |
un2him | Still love ubuntu-mate...not getting into the Solus hype | 20:02 |
hamzalatif7 | Hi I am contacting this support venu because fail2ban refuses to start I am using ubuntu 14.04 | 20:04 |
hamzalatif7 | its on a vps | 20:04 |
litchi | vps? cool | 20:04 |
leftyfb | hamzalatif7: what is the error you are getting? | 20:08 |
hamzalatif7 | I suppose it would help if i posted the error hear as well | 20:08 |
hamzalatif7 | hears on what i get when i type sudo service fail2ban restart | 20:08 |
hamzalatif7 | * Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban ERROR Failed during configuration: File contains no section headers. | 20:09 |
hamzalatif7 | file: /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf, line: 1 | 20:09 |
hamzalatif7 | '\xef\xbb\xbf\r\n' | 20:09 |
hamzalatif7 | [fail] | 20:09 |
oerheks | !paste | 20:09 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:09 |
tgm4883 | hamzalatif7: looks like your jail.conf is malformed | 20:10 |
geirha | that's a utf-8 byte order mark | 20:11 |
TJ- | hamzalatif7: that looks as if the file is using UTF encoding, maybe the text editor you used did that? you can use "iconv" to convert it | 20:11 |
geirha | (which is a useless, pointless set of three bytes) | 20:11 |
TJ- | hamzalatif7: did you edit the file on a Windows PC ? | 20:11 |
hamzalatif7 | yeah i was editing it with windows notepad and then sending it back to the server | 20:11 |
geirha | never edit anything in windows notepad ... ever | 20:12 |
TJ- | hamzalatif7: that'd do it, it's written with UTF-8 encoding and putting in CR/LF characters (the /r/n) | 20:12 |
tgm4883 | hamzalatif7: grab a proper editor for windows like notepad++, sublime or really anything else | 20:12 |
hamzalatif7 | and that also explains on why i see nothing when i hear the thing threw notepad | 20:12 |
hamzalatif7 | I say hear since i use a screen reader sure in future I will use notepad 2 | 20:12 |
hamzalatif7 | ok so will the editers like notepad++ or notepad 2 save it in the propper format so that linux can read it?\ | 20:13 |
TJ- | hamzalatif7: try this: "iconv -t ASCII//IGNORE /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf" and if it looks correct you can save that output and replace the existing file | 20:13 |
leftyfb | hamzalatif7: you're better off using editors on your server (nano, vim, emacs, whatever) | 20:14 |
TJ- | hamzalatif7: you can SSH to the server and do: "iconv -t ASCII//IGNORE /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf | sudo tee /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.ascii" | 20:15 |
TJ- | hamzalatif7: if the /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.ascii looks correct you can then move the existing config file to another name, then rename this ASCII file to jail.conf | 20:16 |
kneeki | I need some help understanding group write permissions. If my user is in the www-data group, why is it that user cannot write to /var/www if 'chmod g+w /var/www' is set? | 20:21 |
kneeki | /var/www is owned by www-data in the www-data group. | 20:22 |
TJ- | kneeki: because maybe the user is writing to a sub-dir or /var/www/, or there are additional ACLs set | 20:22 |
kneeki | Yeah, I am writing to a sub dir... Oh... I forgot -R. | 20:22 |
TJ- | s/or/of/ | 20:22 |
TJ- | kneeki: :: you got it | 20:23 |
kneeki | lol that's it! | 20:23 |
kneeki | xD | 20:23 |
kneeki | Thanks TJ- | 20:23 |
TJ- | kneeki: could also have been a sub-mount that was read-only | 20:23 |
Glamdesk | ducasse: How would I format a command from TTY1 to use openbox or lxsession there? | 20:24 |
Glamdesk | Well, actually, that question to anyone. | 20:24 |
hamzalatif7 | just asking what files can linux read | 20:27 |
hamzalatif7 | if its not utf8 | 20:28 |
leftyfb | hamzalatif7: linux can "read" all files. The problem is, windows notepad adds Windows-specific garbage to the plain text files. When you've got garbage added to a text config file, the application needing that config file isn't going to be happy about the garbage | 20:29 |
hamzalatif7 | nods ok so il do a search of that garbij that windows has just added since the error is telling me and getrid of it | 20:30 |
Vach0n | #ubuntu-unregged | 20:34 |
Vach0n | Woops | 20:34 |
Vach0n | krytarik - SASL worked. Thanks :) | 20:35 |
krytarik | Vach0n: I see, cool! | 20:36 |
hamzalatif7 | a question is it possible to completely remove fail2ban and then reinstall it with the config file newly genorated | 20:41 |
Mathisen | hamzalatif7, purge it | 20:47 |
hamzalatif7 | thanks | 20:47 |
ParkerR | Is there a mirror/torrent for the daily artful image? I'm getting about 400KB/s on the main link (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/artful-desktop-amd64.iso) | 20:50 |
ParkerR | Found one for MATE http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/artful/alpha-2/artful-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent but I was wanting to test te new Gnome changes | 20:52 |
ParkerR | *the | 20:52 |
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tgm4883 | ParkerR: not for dailies | 20:57 |
ParkerR | tgm4883, Ahh thanks | 21:00 |
ParkerR | tgm4883, The metalink references a .torrent which is why I was a little confused | 21:00 |
tgm4883 | There would be little reason to do it for dailies | 21:00 |
ParkerR | Well at the current speed it's taking over an hour to download. That's reason enough I would think :) | 21:00 |
ParkerR | tgm4883, Since I was wanting to try on a flash drive anyways, I decided to go a bit different route :) "debootstrap --arch amd64 artful /mnt/usb" | 21:18 |
tgm4883 | ParkerR: You'd need to get enough users to seed the dailies enough to get the benefits of a fast download, and you'd need to do that every day | 21:19 |
ParkerR | Yeah I figured | 21:19 |
tgm4883 | it's really not feasible. Better off to just download the daily and then use zsync | 21:19 |
genii | <3 zsync | 21:23 |
Snaffle | i have a question. I am running ubuntu mate 17.10 and I keep receiving internal errors. | 21:30 |
Snaffle | everthing is up to date as well | 21:31 |
psychoticwarrior | sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 | 21:31 |
psychoticwarrior | sudo apt-get update | 21:31 |
psychoticwarrior | sudo apt-get upgrade | 21:31 |
psychoticwarrior | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:31 |
psychoticwarrior | reboot | 21:31 |
psychoticwarrior | try that ^^^ | 21:31 |
Snaffle | ok | 21:31 |
Snaffle | even if i am running 64bit? | 21:32 |
psychoticwarrior | hello | 21:32 |
psychoticwarrior | yea try it out | 21:32 |
Snaffle | ok | 21:32 |
psychoticwarrior | see if it works for you | 21:32 |
tgm4883 | Snaffle: don't do that | 21:33 |
Snaffle | lol | 21:33 |
tgm4883 | Snaffle: for starters, for 17.10 you should be in #ubuntu+1 | 21:34 |
Snaffle | thanks | 21:35 |
* Snaffle slaps psychoticwarrior with a large trout | 21:36 | |
nacc | psychoticwarrior: you may react poorly to this again, but please stop giving seemingly random advice. | 21:36 |
nacc | psychoticwarrior: i have no earthly idea why you'd think adding i386 as a dpkg-architecture would fix totally undescribed internal errors. | 21:37 |
ParkerR | tgm4883, On a whim I tried changing the zeisty netobot URL to Artfula nd it worked... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ Kinda wish that was advertised ;P | 21:40 |
ParkerR | *netboot | 21:40 |
ParkerR | *Artful I cannot type today | 21:40 |
oost | psychowarrior what here yesterday at the same time. And also just giving random wrong advise... | 21:43 |
oost | psychoticwarrior: ... can you leave? | 21:45 |
psychoticwarrior | why? | 21:46 |
oost | because you don't make sense. | 21:46 |
psychoticwarrior | how so? | 21:47 |
psychoticwarrior | my advice works man | 21:47 |
psychoticwarrior | it worked on my machine | 21:47 |
psychoticwarrior | your just pissed you dont get any girls | 21:47 |
Glamdesk | You realize you could get paid to do this, right psychoticwarrior? | 21:47 |
psychoticwarrior | how so? | 21:48 |
Glamdesk | Well, the obvious entry level sorts are the 50 Cent Party, Operation Earnest Voice, etc. | 21:48 |
genii | psychoticwarrior: Don't be derogatory or abusive to others in the channel. | 21:48 |
psychoticwarrior | ok | 21:49 |
nacc | genii: which psychoticwarrior was just told yesterday as well...just fyi | 21:49 |
genii | nacc: Noted, thanks | 21:50 |
psychoticwarrior | this channel is very tight | 21:50 |
Glamdesk | I mean, being abusive and unhelpful is good money nowadays. You shouldn't do it free. | 21:51 |
psychoticwarrior | you guys are so hyper sensitive | 21:51 |
Glamdesk | He thinks I'm joking. | 21:53 |
Glamdesk | Anyway. | 21:53 |
nacc | psychoticwarrior: this is a support channel. People come here for help, not random advice. Please respect that. | 21:54 |
psychoticwarrior | it's not random advice. that advice works to fix that problem | 21:54 |
psychoticwarrior | it worked on my machine | 21:54 |
nacc | psychoticwarrior: *what* problem? | 21:55 |
psychoticwarrior | previous comment above | 21:55 |
nacc | psychoticwarrior: which you now can't describe? | 21:55 |
kenrin | All the problems are fixed by adding i386? | 21:55 |
nacc | psychoticwarrior: you were on ubuntu mate 17.10 and had 'internal errors'? | 21:55 |
Glamdesk | That would be more believable if you didn't back up your confidence with bluster about sex. It's probably good technique, though, so read up and go get paid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-sponsored_Internet_propaganda | 21:55 |
psychoticwarrior | i got it from a forum | 21:55 |
Snaffle | lol im laughing | 21:55 |
ikonia | ok - enough now please | 21:55 |
ikonia | focus on the support/problems, | 21:56 |
psychoticwarrior | agreed | 21:56 |
psychoticwarrior | enough focusing on e | 21:56 |
psychoticwarrior | ,e | 21:56 |
Glamdesk | No problem. | 21:56 |
psychoticwarrior | me | 21:56 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
Guy1524 | I deleted my swap partition and filled it with my root partition which caused errors on boot, is there a way I can remove any swap configuration from my computer so that it doesn't expect a swap partition to exist | 22:33 |
genii | Guy1524: Comment out the line in your /etc/fstab which mounts the swap | 22:35 |
Guy1524 | k thx | 22:36 |
Guy1524 | thank you that worked, my new question is what is happening in this 6 second gap in systemd(I have an SSD and my boot time is noticeabley slower) http://paste.ubuntu.com/25480832/ | 22:39 |
Amm0n | Guy1524, try sudo systemd-analyse blame | 22:42 |
Amm0n | sry, i mean sudo systemd-analyze blame | 22:44 |
Guy1524_ | I tried a solution on the internet but that did not help | 22:45 |
adrian_1908 | I have a secondary SSD that I want to use for both Linux containers and a Windows 10 VM guest (image). The recommended filesystem for Linux containers is ZFS. I'm thinking about just using the whole disk as a single ZFS partition, as I don't know yet how much space each item will take up. Any reason to assume this is a problem? | 22:51 |
oerheks | pool of 1 disk, no problem. | 22:54 |
oerheks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/ZFS | 22:54 |
* adrian_1908 reading, thanks! | 22:55 | |
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon | ||
craigbass76 | Is there a drum machine simpler than Hydrogen? I'm looking for something my kids can practice with where they just dial up "rock beat" or "jazz ride" and not necessarily dork with the individual drums/beats | 23:10 |
asynec | Hi Ubuntu team, quick question for you. I want the install the best version of Ubuntu for updating into 17.10 Gnome at a later date. | 23:11 |
asynec | What should I install if I'm installing today | 23:11 |
asynec | 17.04 Gnome? 17.10 Beta? | 23:11 |
adrian_1908 | asynec: I'm not the best person to answer, so take in more opinions, but I would choose 17.10 Beta in this case, because I think a lot of changes are going to happen in this jump, and I don't think 17.10 will be based on "Ubuntu Gnome". | 23:14 |
asynec | Thanks, Adrian! | 23:15 |
[itchyjunk] | Hello, I am trying to make a live usb of ubuntu and use that to install ubunttu on a laptop. | 23:21 |
[itchyjunk] | i googled for live usb iso ubuntu and got this | 23:22 |
[itchyjunk] | https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?country=US&version=16.04.3&architecture=amd64 | 23:22 |
[itchyjunk] | is this the correct one? thanks :) | 23:22 |
oerheks | any ubuntu version has a live mode, except the mini and server iso | 23:24 |
[itchyjunk] | ahh i see | 23:24 |
jojero | Good day guys, how to switch to openbox? | 23:24 |
adrian_1908 | [itchyjunk]: That one is definitely a good choice for a laptop though :) | 23:25 |
jojero | will my driver functions great? | 23:25 |
[itchyjunk] | ahh nice, tyvm. would you know if it comes with non free wifi drivers? i tried debian but i didnt realize it didnt have any drivers so couldnt get wifi going | 23:25 |
jojero | I wanna ditch gnome and do openbox | 23:26 |
jojero | use* | 23:26 |
adrian_1908 | [itchyjunk]: Yes, should come with non-free drivers afaik. It should ask during installation (checkbox). | 23:26 |
jojero | so it is safe to remove gnome after installing openbox? | 23:27 |
[itchyjunk] | adrian_1908: excellent. tyvm. o/ | 23:27 |
jojero | teach me pls :/ | 23:28 |
adrian_1908 | [itchyjunk]: "Install third-party software" the checkbox is called I believe. np. | 23:28 |
[itchyjunk] | ahh, noted | 23:28 |
jojero | anyone here using openbox? | 23:29 |
[itchyjunk] | Not me | 23:30 |
oerheks | so do like to build a minimal desktop with open,box, sudo apt install openbox obconf, logout and login | 23:30 |
[itchyjunk] | this is what google suggested : openbox.org/wiki/Help:Using_Openbox_in_GNOME | 23:30 |
oerheks | c/some | 23:30 |
oerheks | there is no openbox ubuntu iso AFAIK | 23:31 |
bazhang | there is lubuntu | 23:32 |
bazhang | thats lxde/openbox | 23:32 |
jojero | oerheks sorry for the late respond, can I run openbox without gnome | 23:52 |
jojero | ? | 23:52 |
bazhang | jojero, sure, use lxde | 23:53 |
bazhang | !lubuntu | jojero | 23:54 |
ubottu | jojero: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 23:54 |
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