tgBot | <pooboylinux> Ubuntu 16.04 | 00:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Cool. You should try magic-device-tool. | 00:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> One moment | 00:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> ```sudo snap install magic-device-tool --devmode … magic-device-tool``` | 00:00 |
tgBot | <cibersheep> @per_sonne, It is optional, also with some icon sizes... I have to update the icon packs... | 00:02 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @kz6fittycent, booya! that's what I'm talking about. you shouldn't have encouraged me! | 00:03 |
tgBot | <pooboylinux> @UniversalSuperBox, Stuck at downloading 40% | 00:03 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Sounds like you do not actually have a reliable Internet connectoin | 00:04 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Or you disk is full | 00:04 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> hey... can anyone tell me why The Ubuntu Weekly Update has *absolutely nothing* about UBports in it? There must be a reason. I'm trying to find a reason. Wouldn't you think this little group who is saving all things UT... should get a mention? Maybe no one reads it except me and it doesn't matter? | 00:05 |
tgBot | <pooboylinux> @UniversalSuperBox, Getting 5MB/s | 00:05 |
tgBot | <pooboylinux> Bru | 00:05 |
tgBot | <pooboylinux> Should i try Ethernet | 00:05 |
tgBot | <j2g2rp> FYI, i installed rightnow mdt with your command without any problems in 17.04 | 00:05 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @wayneoutthere, @tsimonq2 please protect us from Wayne's wrath | 00:05 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> :P | 00:05 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> freakin' rights!! | 00:06 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> (Document) | 00:06 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> He's becoming less understandable. That means we're in for it | 00:06 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @wayneoutthere, UWN? | 00:06 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> Is your blog on Planet Ubuntu? | 00:06 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @pooboylinux, Sure. The download servers are definitely fine, so it seems like something on your end | 00:06 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> I'll be happy to include it there | 00:06 |
tgBot | <pooboylinux> Cool | 00:07 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> so what are the steps? @tsimonq2 ? | 00:07 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> 1. make blog … 2. tell you? | 00:07 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> On Planet Ubuntu | 00:07 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> Or you can submit articles to include to - @wayneoutthere | 00:07 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> Just email articles if they don't show up on Planet Ubuntu | 00:07 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> That's if | 00:07 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> oh. ok cool. so basically you are the mailman. And if no one sends you a letter you don't go out looking? | 00:08 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @wayneoutthere, Not if I don't know where to find it :P | 00:08 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> roger that, mr. Q | 00:08 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> that's not Mister Q! | 00:08 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @wayneoutthere But yeah, let me know via email or Planet Ubuntu next time and I'll be happy to include stuff | 00:09 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> Here is my draft: … Dear Simon, … We are saving UT. … Please put this into your weekly mailout. … Thank you … Wayne | 00:09 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @UniversalSuperBox, MIIISSSSSSTTTTEEEERRRR Q | 00:09 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @wayneoutthere, It's terrible | 00:09 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> eat pizza and go | 00:09 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @wayneoutthere, We need links :P | 00:09 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> i'm done with this day. | 00:09 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> you all go and do stuff | 00:09 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Sounds good | 00:09 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> have fun | 00:10 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @exar_kun let's get these guys | 00:10 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> ❤️ | 00:10 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> (that felt so awkward) | 00:10 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @wayneoutthere, ❤️ | 00:11 |
tgBot | <icethecold> ❤️ bro | 00:11 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> ghaghah | 00:11 |
tgBot | <exar_kun> We'll love them to death on the next audiocast | 00:11 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> yeah man | 00:11 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> let there be no end to the lovin' | 00:11 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I sign your paychecks. Mr. Out There. | 00:11 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> @wayneoutthere If you guys have published anything in the past three days? | 00:12 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @tsimonq2, Yes, actually! And we'd love help with QA on our release candidate images! | 00:12 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> OK I'll put it in there | 00:13 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> But yeah, if anyone wants to contribute to UWN, we badly need new people | 00:14 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> tell me what's needed on the side PM style | 00:14 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> I'll see if I can plug this ...somewhere...audibly | 00:14 |
tgBot | <tsimonq2> PM me if you're interested in spending 15-30 mins every weekend writing simple summaries for UWN | 00:14 |
tgBot | <harryyoud> @tsimonq2, If I knew a bit more, I could maybe commit to doing that once a fortnight. Is Gerrit the authorative source of commits? As for a "reference", I've written a few of the LineageOS changelogs ( If you're looking for something like that, I sure can help with that. | 00:19 |
tgBot | <harryyoud> Wait.... | 00:20 |
tgBot | <harryyoud> That's not what I thought it is lol | 00:20 |
tgBot | <harryyoud> Yep | 00:21 |
tgBot | <harryyoud> Probably not my thing | 00:21 |
tgBot | <harryyoud> I assumed you meant weekly summaries for Ubuntu Phone, not UWN | 00:21 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-hammerhead build #313: SUCCESS in 11 min: | 00:25 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #972: SUCCESS in 1 min 42 sec: | 00:27 |
tgBot | <Scott> @wayneoutthere, Thanks. Just fighting with the emulator at the moment.🙃 | 00:51 |
tgBot | FortyW was added by: FortyW | 00:56 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWelcome, @FortyW | 00:57 |
tgBot | <FortyW> thank you! :D | 00:57 |
tgBot | <Scott> Hi I'm new to all this. How would I go about installing touch on a nexus 5. I have both Ubuntu and win7. Thanks in advance. | 01:03 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @Scott, Hi there! You can find install instructions on our "Get Ubuntu Touch" page: WWWWW | 01:05 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> uh | 01:05 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> | 01:05 |
tgBot | <Schyken> xD | 01:05 |
tgBot | <Scott> Been there installed Ubuntu software. Then nothing happened. | 01:06 |
tgBot | <Scott> Also it tried to install the Fairphone2 image. | 01:07 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> So, what have you tried to do so far? | 01:07 |
tgBot | <Scott> Downloaded the CPT software for the Nexus 5. Double clicked it so software manager would install. Also tried dpkg. When I used that I saw it trying to install the fairphone2 image. | 01:10 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Hmm. Were you able to try MDT at all? You said you were on Ubuntu, you should be able to use the snap. | 01:11 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: ```sudo snap install magic-device-tool --devmode … magic-device-tool``` | 01:11 |
tgBot | <Scott> No did not try that. | 01:12 |
tgBot | <Scott> Question: does the phone need to be plugged in when you run CPT? | 01:13 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Like, when you're trying to install? yes. | 01:13 |
tgBot | <Scott> Well there lies the problem. I thought you installed CPT first. Then ran the software. And it would tell you to connect the phone. | 01:15 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Oh, no. That should be fine. | 01:15 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I meant you need to have the phone plugged in to install Ubuntu Touch on it | 01:15 |
tgBot | <Scott> Does CPT handle abd and fastboot or do I have to do that as well? | 01:17 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> It should handle it | 01:17 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> But for maximum sureness, MDT includes everything in the snap. :) | 01:17 |
tgBot | <Scott> Thanks. Will download and play🙃 | 01:18 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> this is android/lineage OS specific, but why would "./get-prebuilts" not be working for me? … I have gone BACK through all the steps to set up building a ROM and everything is as suggested. … (I think this might help me further understand porting UTouch to one of my devices) | 01:33 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Is the phone already running Lineage? | 01:33 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> it's running CM | 01:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Okay. Do you have root adb access? | 01:34 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> .....yes..... | 01:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Okay. Does TheMuppets have your phone in their repositories? | 01:35 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> no it does not | 01:36 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Hmm. Who made the Cyanogen port? Maybe they have it. | 01:36 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I'll reach out to them... | 01:37 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> nm I found them on github | 01:38 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> what am I looking for as far as prebuilts are concerned? | 01:39 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> | 01:40 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> @kz6fittycent, U can extract vendor blobs yourself too | 01:44 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @kz6fittycent, That's the device. You're looking for android_vendor_moto_wingray | 01:46 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> or android_vendor_moto with a wingray folder | 01:46 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> @UniversalSuperBox, *proprietary | 01:46 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> @The_DarkBeast, Yeah I read SOMEWHERE that it can be extracted directly from the device | 01:47 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> Just need to run 2files | 01:48 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> Oh I don't find your vendor in muppets @kz6fittycent | 01:48 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> We've established those parts already. What 2files need to be run? | 01:49 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> GOT IT! | 01:49 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> | 01:49 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> neat | 01:49 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> | 01:49 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> Here | 01:49 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I love random blobs from random places on the internet. | 01:49 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> :P | 01:50 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> So, just DL and extract to the ~/android/system/vendor/cm ?? | 01:50 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> @UniversalSuperBox, From the device tree we need to run … and | 01:50 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> yes~ and I love that you guys are willing to help | 01:50 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> @kz6fittycent, Not vendor cm | 01:50 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @kz6fittycent, Well, it'd be better to put them in your manifest if you know how to do that | 01:50 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I don't | 01:50 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Are you porting Halium? | 01:50 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> yourandroiddir/vendor/moto/wingray | 01:51 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> Is where u wanna put it | 01:51 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> no, I am starting with plain old Lineage so I can get a better grip on the syntax and references in Halium | 01:51 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> oh | 01:51 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> Maybe the wrong way of doing it, but as I read Halium stuff, I realize, once again, there are SEVERAL assumptions | 01:51 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> Yeah its good to start with lineage but your trees are pretty old | 01:52 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> Last updated about a year ago | 01:52 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> okay, the extraction and plopping technique didn't work, lol | 01:57 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Where did you plop | 01:59 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> ~/android/system/vendor/cm | 01:59 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> That isn't the location | 01:59 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> They go in vendor/moto/wingray | 01:59 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> LOL no doubt | 01:59 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> @The_DarkBeast, . | 02:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> :) | 02:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Like it says in the repo name | 02:00 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) | 02:00 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> how I feel right now | 02:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Nah | 02:01 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> We've all been there | 02:01 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I tend to stay there | 02:01 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I AM from Tennessee and all | 02:02 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> (Sticker, 512x512) | 02:04 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> See if u see a repo name and don't know where to place it … Just turn the _ to / so android_vendor_moto_wingray becomes android(yoursourcedir)/vendor/moto/wingray | 02:05 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> Device wringray not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github … Repository for wringray not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml. | 02:05 |
tgBot | <The_DarkBeast> @kz6fittycent, Your device tree isn't in a proper location maybe | 02:06 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, you should have android_device_moto_wingray at device/moto/wingray | 02:06 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> also you spelled wingray wrong | 02:06 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) | 02:08 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> lol | 02:08 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I am such a friggin moron!!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:08 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> okay that got me a little further... | 02:10 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> Use the ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES environment variable to specify a list of fallback branches. … build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_wingray". Stop. | 02:10 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> @mariogrip Great work on oxide!!! Starts again. Will try via slimport later... | 02:31 |
tgBot | <blendergeek0> @Vijay Kumar, Why I still say GNU/Linux. | 02:48 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> @blendergeek0, I say Linux and Linux kernel. | 03:20 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
tgBot | aayushgupta219 was added by: aayushgupta219 | 03:37 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> Hi everyone! | 03:37 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> @aayushgupta219, Hey. | 03:37 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> How to build this OS fo4 my device? Same like droid?🤔 | 03:38 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> grouper | 03:53 |
nfsprodriver[m] | Also in slimport mode new oxide version works great now!!! Good night! | 04:17 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> (Photo, 720x1280) | 04:21 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @blendergeek0, ^^ | 04:23 |
ubports_bot | Project vivid-rootfs-armhf build #119: SUCCESS in 2.1 sec: | 04:27 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #973: SUCCESS in 1.2 sec: | 04:27 |
nfsprodriver[m] | But one thing: In the Browser top bars of websites are hidden behind the tab bar. | 04:30 |
nfsprodriver[m] | We may fix some related anchors between webview and UI. | 04:30 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @ubports_bot | 04:42 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> @aayushgupta219, It's a bot | 04:42 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> Pinging it does abolutly nothing. | 04:42 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @jcjordyn120, I need help on building this OS for my device | 04:43 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> @aayushgupta219, I know nothing about bulding oses. (I stick to binary android or binary whatever) | 04:43 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @jcjordyn120, How to run it on my device?🤔 | 04:45 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> Idk | 04:45 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> Someone else here does. (Probably) | 04:45 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @jcjordyn120, Why there are no one else active here? | 04:46 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> I mean developers? | 04:46 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> @aayushgupta219, Because it's probably sleep time or work time in most places | 04:46 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> I know where I am it's midnight. | 04:46 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> Oh! No problem then. I eill go back to my classes the. | 04:46 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> Bye | 04:47 |
tgBot | <jcjordyn120> @aayushgupta219, Bye | 04:47 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @aayushgupta219 Which device is it? | 05:28 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Vijay Kumar, Zenfone 2 Laser aka Z00L | 06:32 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Okay so for that one the Ubuntu touch is not available yet. | 06:38 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> What you will have to do is that .. first make a port of halium | 06:39 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Vijay Kumar, Halium? | 06:39 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> | 06:39 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Vijay Kumar, I want to help to make it available | 06:40 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> And after you get halium working for your device then you can make a port of ubuntu for your device | 06:40 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Join that group | 06:40 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> and ask there if someone is having already working port for your device or not | 06:41 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> some one was working on some asus device i do remember. | 06:41 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> but not sure if it was exact your device. | 06:42 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> but before you start | 06:42 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Vijay Kumar, Done | 06:42 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> you need to make sure if lineageOS is available for your device. porting will be only possibe if there is a LineageOS port available for your device based on Android 7.1 | 06:43 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Vijay Kumar, I got OFFICAL Lineage 14.1 and Unofficaly Lineage 15. | 06:44 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> | 06:44 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @aayushgupta219, thats good | 06:44 |
=== ecloud_wfh is now known as ecloud | ||
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> You can read the doc i shared above. about how to port Halium. | 06:46 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Vijay Kumar, Thanks | 06:47 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Welcome :) | 06:47 |
=== LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel | ||
=== LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel | ||
ubports_bot | Project daily-fp2 build #331: SUCCESS in 13 min: | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #974: SUCCESS in 1 min 9 sec: | 08:24 |
tgBot | hawk_is_here was added by: hawk_is_here | 08:41 |
tgBot | sbjabire was added by: sbjabire | 09:24 |
tgBot | leon28 was added by: leon28 | 09:27 |
tgBot | <mymike00> welcome all !!! | 09:29 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Welcome all, This is where dreams are realized | 09:30 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @wayneoutthere, 🤣 | 09:30 |
tgBot | <Flohack> OMG hyped! we are reaching 700 | 09:32 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest49554 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
tgBot | <geminis65> I have a nexus 5 I am in devel and I have changed to the rc channel, I get available update but it does not install it.some problem with the channel | 10:07 |
tgBot | <Flohack> If you change the channel you should be on latest, no further update necessary | 10:08 |
tgBot | <Flohack> How did you switch channels? | 10:09 |
tgBot | <geminis65> (Photo, 1080x1920) | 10:09 |
tgBot | <geminis65> (Photo, 1080x1920) | 10:12 |
tgBot | <geminis65> (Photo, 1080x1920) | 10:12 |
tgBot | <Jaume Al habla desde el zapatofóno> How about battery life with Ubuntu Touch? | 10:12 |
tgBot | <geminis65> I have the installed version | 10:13 |
tgBot | <geminis65> When rebooting the mobile connects automatically to the development channel | 10:18 |
tgBot | <geminis65> Do not download rc | 10:23 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @geminis65, Wer still have a bug in this dialog yes ;) | 10:31 |
tgBot | <mymike00> hey, I was looking at and I saw they've features not actually present in UT. I don't know if they are only mockups but If they aren't we should include them in this os: … - for example screenshots from the clock app ( have a third section with a timer … - or the Spinner – loading here | 10:39 |
tgBot | is very cool … - the contact app with link to Telegram, the screenshot under 'Items in a form' or the Settings app with new design ( under 'Chevron (optional)') … and lots of other features... | 10:39 |
tgBot | <mymike00> here there are very cool radio button, new styled buttons, ... | 10:42 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> Got some doubts. Anyone here to clear them? | 10:47 |
tgBot | <geminis65> (Sticker, 512x512) | 10:47 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> Which version of Ubuntu does phone OS runs? | 10:48 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @aayushgupta219, 15.04 | 10:53 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Flohack, Shouldn't this would be have reached end of life?🤔 | 10:54 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @aayushgupta219, It is indeed, but we are really struggling to update to 16.04 | 10:55 |
tgBot | <Flohack> You are welcome to help :) | 10:55 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> I am trying to make it support for my device. Just started learning things siince last month. | 10:55 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @aayushgupta219, Good Luck! | 11:00 |
tgBot | <Flohack> the 16.04 rootfs is existing but it does not boot well and no apps work | 11:00 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> First I need to port my device | 11:07 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> Yu yureka AO5510 | 11:07 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> Once it's up then I may try further | 11:07 |
tgBot | <OhYash> @hawk_is_here, Go with it Hawk! | 11:08 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> I think it is not supported | 11:09 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> That's why it's taking time | 11:09 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> May be lacking in some documentation | 11:09 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> As I see here that cyanogenmod is not supported | 11:11 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> You know what I mean | 11:11 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @OhYash, Thank you pal | 11:11 |
tgBot | <OhYash> CyanogenMod is not supported? … YU started with cyanogenmod. Should be well supported | 11:12 |
tgBot | <OhYash> @hawk_is_here, Or are you looking for non AOSP porting guide? | 11:13 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> Hi! has somebody managed to configure protonVPN on UT? | 11:37 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Flohack, Thank you | 11:57 |
tgBot | <Kévin> @LarreaMikel, Yes | 11:57 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> the free version? | 11:58 |
tgBot | <Kévin> Ah no, | 12:00 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> well, but you have done it via the terminal? or in the settings menu? | 12:01 |
tgBot | <Kévin> 95% by the menu + updating manually the conf file for the password bug. See in the list of bug in github ubport. | 12:04 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> thanks! | 12:08 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-mako build #106: SUCCESS in 12 min: | 12:55 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #975: SUCCESS in 49 sec: | 12:56 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
tgBot | <Kévin> @LarreaMikel, | 13:40 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Vijay Kumar, This is where lives change one device at a time | 14:20 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> :D this is good too | 14:23 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> im just warming up... wait till we hit 700.... | 14:41 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Hey, does anyone know a good DAV calendar and contacts sync for ubports? | 14:45 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Is someone working on this? If not I'm willing to try after turning in my thesis. | 14:46 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> If yes, I'd love to help :) | 14:47 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Andre Büsgen, Most people are successful with nextcloud... | 14:48 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> I only found an owncloud app on openstore | 14:49 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> It'll still work | 14:49 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Okay I will try it. Thanks👍 | 14:50 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @wayneoutthere, 4 more to "come" | 15:00 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
tgBot | <thepeter> @Vijay Kumar, I don't know guys, maybe I've just had too british grammar formation in school but realizing something is to me connected with having full awareness, not really happening the thing :D like, when the I see "dream are realized", it means for me that I will achieve full awareness of my dreams here :D :D :D … but that's just for meantime chat :D :D | 16:16 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @thepeter, That should be the tagline for the DreamWorks :D but there too the dreams are not realized but just played out. On screen .though not your dreams but writers dreams. Also @wayneoutthere needs to clarify that. Quote was his creation. | 16:34 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Translators! Thanks so much for you effort. Here are the top 10 contributors: | 16:37 |
tgBot | <Flohack> (Document) | 16:38 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Andre Büsgen, from my recollection... you can use nextcloud.. | 16:38 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Flohack, How to contribute to translation? | 16:39 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @aayushgupta219, | 16:39 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Andre Büsgen, this one is super important to me and anyone else in business... | 16:39 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> @Flohack, Thank you. | 16:39 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> @wayneoutthere, To me it's an absolute must have. Without my calendar sync I would've missed meetings often | 16:41 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Andre Büsgen, amen. i'm reliant on calendar sync, but I have a suitecrm with all my contacts which I could access if my phone doesn't have it but the calendar is kind of a deal killer for me.... but I am running old N4 (barely) and not at all missing fake robots so... we suffer how we must | 17:12 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @Andre Büsgen, Try the infos in the UBport wiki. | 17:16 |
tgBot | <jacobmdekker> Owncliud sync doesn't sync anymore after update to OTA-2. Do you have the same experience? | 17:17 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @jacobmdekker, i don't know because i can't put UBports on my N4 yet :( I would love to test... it used to work awesome on my N4 with Cannon-Nickels | 17:19 |
tgBot | <bastos777> I have caldav sync wich sogo and IT sync. | 17:22 |
tgBot | <aayushgupta219> what is halium exactly and what it does? | 17:28 |
tgBot | <bastos777> But I had same problems with ota1. It has been with the script. | 17:31 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @Flohack, oh I just opened weblate lately just to see how bug delay I have 😱 but that situation will hopefully change soon 😅 | 17:31 |
tgBot | <Flohack> We should add gamification to translate, to encourage all people earn points, stars etc ;) | 17:32 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @Flohack, hehehe that sport is not for me :) I prefer voleyball 😃😂 | 17:33 |
tgBot | SoulFreezer was added by: SoulFreezer | 17:36 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @SoulFreezer, Welcome | 17:47 |
tgBot | <SoulFreezer> Hi | 17:48 |
tgBot | <Flohack> 3 to go! | 17:48 |
tgBot | <thepeter> oh should I stay or should I go??? 😁😁😁 | 17:54 |
tgBot | <Flohack> YOU STAY! | 17:54 |
tgBot | <Flohack> this is a message from UBports: YOU STAY 😆 | 17:55 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @thepeter, I was tinking about leaving too. just not enough love here | 17:55 |
tgBot | <Flohack> (Sticker, 512x512) | 17:56 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> alright. fine. | 17:56 |
tgBot | <thepeter> hehehehehe 😂😂👍 literary LOL 😂😂 | 17:56 |
tgBot | <thepeter> now that we found love what are we gona do .... with it? | 17:58 |
tgBot | <thepeter> (Sticker, 339x512) | 17:58 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @thepeter, need to share it | 17:59 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @Flohack, aye aye sir :) (going for those translations then) | 18:03 |
tgBot | <thepeter> (Photo, 579x576) | 19:23 |
tgBot | <Flohack> niceeeee | 19:24 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Hvala | 19:24 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @thepeter gets 500 Translation Points (TP) | 19:27 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @Flohack, you are welcome 😀 although hvala is in slovenian and not slovak, still effort is great 😀 | 19:28 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> You may spend these on: … (1) Gratitude | 19:28 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @UniversalSuperBox, hahaha thank you 👍😃 | 19:28 |
tgBot | <thepeter> up for dekko now ... that will be much more difficult 😅 | 19:30 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @thepeter ping me if you find any strings your not sure about. 😊 | 19:31 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @DanChapman, ok for instance when do you use "success" ? it depends on situation how to translate it | 19:33 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> That's shown in the last step of the email account wizard. So it's kind of like "Success" the account was created and synced | 19:34 |
tgBot | <thepeter> okay | 19:35 |
tgBot | <thepeter> PLAIN means auth method? | 19:36 |
tgBot | <thepeter> oh .. will go for PMs probably | 19:36 |
tgBot | Txaume was added by: Txaume | 19:49 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @Txaume, Welcome | 19:51 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @wayneoutthere, 😝😝 | 19:58 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @thepeter, you have killer pop references! high five | 20:09 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @wayneoutthere, 🖐 | 20:10 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> 🤛 | 20:10 |
tgBot | <thepeter> 🖖 | 20:20 |
tgBot | <jsalatas> FYI: Seems that new android devices should have 4.4 kernel … | 20:20 |
tgBot | <thepeter> @Flohack, now in the middle of translations I've realised that slovenians uses exactly same wrtting for description of thier language as slovaks ... man aren't the slavic language all as difficult as possible? 😅 | 20:45 |
tgBot | <Flohack> ^^ | 20:46 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-bacon build #262: SUCCESS in 11 min: | 21:02 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #976: SUCCESS in 58 sec: | 21:03 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> 2 hours without a post??? Don't worry everyone, I've got your back(s) … I don't have anything to say (of course) … so... how about this: 698!!!!!!!?????? … I'm going to call my mom and force her to sign up. You wouldn't let me do it last time... | 23:04 |
tgBot | <Walid> @wayneoutthere, would you help me to resolve this error when apply backport patch … | 23:19 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> mmmyep, I have no idea what's going on there | 23:19 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Or what tool that is | 23:19 |
tgBot | <Walid> | 23:25 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Walid, yeah... I also don't have any idea what's going on there (lol) | 23:30 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> how long would it take me to learn? That's been on my list for... years | 23:30 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> Just finished new translations, hope I will keep my 2. position. The guy from Slovakia @thepeter is quite quick!!! 🙂, Time to sleep. 😴 | 23:59 |
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