
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
=== nolsen is now known as GabeN
=== GabeN is now known as nolsen
CrystalMareI've got an odd problem with my Ubuntu GNOME installation. I just booted it up this morning and the login screen looks like regular Ubuntu12:41
CrystalMareUpon entering my password, it goes to a black screen, and then returns to the login screen.12:41
CrystalMareI've just deleted ~/.gconf and ~/.gnome and ran: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-shell12:51
CrystalMareI am able to log in again, but the login screen itself doesn't look like the Ubuntu GNOME login (gray), but instead looks more like the regular Ubuntu login12:52
jbichaCrystalMare: what version of Ubuntu are you using?14:19
m0j0dj0dj0do anyone got issue with enabling gnome extension ?14:41

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