floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> @KMyers how often do you recalibrate the bed of your printers? I ask because I just had to do it. | 00:32 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> I actually needed to do it yesterday. I'm not sure if I messed with a setting or not though. I've been hacking around with it. | 00:32 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @AdamOutler, Not often, only when I move it around it make a big change | 00:32 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> software change? | 00:33 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> or is it strictly physical changes? | 00:33 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> @KMyers https://github.com/pjf/rickastley | 01:13 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Both @AdamOutler | 01:14 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/09/06/oneplus-3-closed-beta-group-receives-8-0-oreo-update-3t-5-builds-coming-soon-public-beta-slated-end-september/ | 02:27 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> Anyone want a new Google Pixel 2 for review and to keep? 760-706-7425 | 02:57 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> 😆 | 02:57 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> http://nypost.com/2017/09/06/hurricane-irma-wipes-tiny-caribbean-island-off-the-map/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPFacebook&utm_medium=SocialFlow&sr_share=facebook | 03:46 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Is everyone prepared to face it? | 03:47 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> I hope. Might some flashlights | 03:50 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Go to harbor freight | 03:51 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Calling it a super storm is a little bit excessive | 03:59 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, It helps with media ratings | 03:59 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> I mean Sandy combined with other weather systems so calling it a super storm was more appropriate | 04:00 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> True, and it's the NY post | 04:00 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Kinda glossed over the sensationlised bits. Kinda focused more on what it has done | 04:02 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/timesnews/free-internet-in-florida-comcast-makes-xfinity-wifi-hotspots-free-to-all/2336508 | 11:33 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> Brought to you by your own electrical bill. | 11:33 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> Found a useful flood zone map http://maps.co.palm-beach.fl.us/cwgis/mygeonav.html?app=floodzones | 13:01 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Hurricane Watch issued for Broward and Miami-Dade | 14:56 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Maximum sustained winds has gone down to 175 | 16:00 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Hopefully it keeps dropping | 16:00 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Palm Beach, now | 16:37 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> ? | 16:37 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Watch | 16:37 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Palm Beach is also now under a watch | 16:37 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> ahh | 16:37 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Both of my driver side tires just blew | 18:06 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> And @SivaMachina that's very accurate | 18:06 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> how the heck @Ivoriesablaze | 18:06 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Idk, but I'm just very frustrated right now, I need to pay another damn $200 for tires, my knee hurts, I couldn't really help put up shutters ... | 18:08 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> http://www.wptv.com/news/region-c-palm-beach-county/west-palm-beach/renters-told-theyre-not-allowed-to-board-up-windows | 18:20 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/6ynx2g/meanwhile_in_florida/ | 18:27 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Well in one month I start work at System76 | 22:27 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> Cool, doing what? Will you be moving? | 22:29 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Support and yep I'll be moving | 22:30 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> sadface :( | 22:30 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Congratulations @ahoneybun | 22:30 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> Yes congratulations | 22:30 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> \o/ | 22:31 |
maxolasersquad | Wooooooot! | 22:34 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> @KMyers going to need more tech knowledge from you | 22:34 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> CONGRATS!!!!! | 22:38 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Thanks @Ivoriesablaze | 22:38 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> @ahoneybun will be sending us stickers every month, right? | 22:40 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> 😂 | 22:40 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> XD | 22:40 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> You don't use stickers lol | 22:40 |
floridagram-bot | <Abrerr> @ahoneybun, Right on! Been considering one for a while. Now I know who to call for any questions | 23:56 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> 😆 | 23:56 |
floridagram-bot | <Hector Arista> @ahoneybun congratulations Aaron!! | 23:57 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> thanks Hector and @Abrerr | 23:57 |
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